/***************************************************************************** genomeFile.cpp (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #include "lineFileUtilities.h" #include "genomeFile.h" GenomeFile::GenomeFile(const string &genomeFile) { _genomeFile = genomeFile; loadGenomeFileIntoMap(); } GenomeFile::GenomeFile(const RefVector &genome) { for (size_t i = 0; i < genome.size(); ++i) { string chrom = genome[i].RefName; int length = genome[i].RefLength; _chromSizes[chrom] = length; _chromList.push_back(chrom); } } // Destructor GenomeFile::~GenomeFile(void) { } void GenomeFile::loadGenomeFileIntoMap() { string genomeLine; int lineNum = 0; vector genomeFields; // vector for a GENOME entry // open the GENOME file for reading ifstream genome(_genomeFile.c_str(), ios::in); if ( !genome ) { cerr << "Error: The requested genome file (" << _genomeFile << ") could not be opened. Exiting!" << endl; exit (1); } while (getline(genome, genomeLine)) { Tokenize(genomeLine,genomeFields); // load the fields into the vector lineNum++; // ignore a blank line if (genomeFields.size() > 0) { if (genomeFields[0].find("#") != 0) { // we need at least 2 columns if (genomeFields.size() >= 2) { char *p2End; long c2; // make sure the second column is numeric. c2 = strtol(genomeFields[1].c_str(), &p2End, 10); // strtol will set p2End to the start of the string if non-integral, base 10 if (p2End != genomeFields[1].c_str()) { string chrom = genomeFields[0]; int size = atoi(genomeFields[1].c_str()); _chromSizes[chrom] = size; _chromList.push_back(chrom); _startOffsets.push_back(_genomeLength); _genomeLength += size; } } else { cerr << "Less than the req'd two fields were encountered in the genome file (" << _genomeFile << ")"; cerr << " at line " << lineNum << ". Exiting." << endl; exit (1); } } } genomeFields.clear(); } } pair GenomeFile::projectOnGenome(uint32_t genome_pos) { // search for the chrom that the position belongs on. // add 1 to genome position b/c of zero-based, half open. vector::const_iterator low = lower_bound(_startOffsets.begin(), _startOffsets.end(), genome_pos + 1); // use the iterator to identify the appropriate index // into the chrom name and start vectors int i = int(low-_startOffsets.begin()); string chrom = _chromList[i - 1]; uint32_t start = genome_pos - _startOffsets[i - 1]; return make_pair(chrom, start); } uint32_t GenomeFile::getChromSize(const string &chrom) { chromToSizes::const_iterator chromIt = _chromSizes.find(chrom); if (chromIt != _chromSizes.end()) return _chromSizes[chrom]; else return -1; // chrom not found. } uint32_t GenomeFile::getGenomeSize(void) { return _genomeLength; } vector GenomeFile::getChromList() { return _chromList; } int GenomeFile::getNumberOfChroms() { return _chromList.size(); } string GenomeFile::getGenomeFileName() { return _genomeFile; }