Ben Langmead wrote Bowtie 2, which is based partially on Bowtie. Bowtie was written by Ben Langmead and Cole Trapnell. Bowtie & Bowtie 2: A DLL from the pthreads for Win32 library is distributed with the Win32 version of Bowtie 2. The pthreads for Win32 library and the GnuWin32 package have many contributors (see their respective web sites). pthreads for Win32: GnuWin32: The perl module is used in Bowtie 2's random testing framework, and is included as scripts/sim/contrib/ is written by dLux (Szabo, Balazs), with contributions by others. See the perldoc in for the complete list. The file ls.h includes an implementation of the Larsson-Sadakane suffix sorting algorithm. The implementation is by N. Jesper Larsson and was adapted somewhat for use in Bowtie 2. Various users have kindly supplied patches, bug reports and feature requests over the years. Many, many thanks go to them. September 2011