#include #include #include #include #include #include "bwt_lite.h" #include "bwtsw2.h" #include "bwt.h" #include "kvec.h" typedef struct { bwtint_t k, l; } qintv_t; #define qintv_eq(a, b) ((a).k == (b).k && (a).l == (b).l) #define qintv_hash(a) ((a).k>>7^(a).l<<17) #include "khash.h" KHASH_INIT(qintv, qintv_t, uint64_t, 1, qintv_hash, qintv_eq) KHASH_MAP_INIT_INT64(64, uint64_t) #define MINUS_INF -0x3fffffff #define MASK_LEVEL 0.90f struct __mempool_t; static void mp_destroy(struct __mempool_t*); typedef struct { bwtint_t qk, ql; int I, D, G; uint32_t pj:2, qlen:30; int tlen; int ppos, upos; int cpos[4]; } bsw2cell_t; #include "ksort.h" KSORT_INIT_GENERIC(int) #define __hitG_lt(a, b) (((a).G + ((int)(a).n_seeds<<2)) > (b).G + ((int)(b).n_seeds<<2)) KSORT_INIT(hitG, bsw2hit_t, __hitG_lt) static const bsw2cell_t g_default_cell = { 0, 0, MINUS_INF, MINUS_INF, MINUS_INF, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, {-1, -1, -1, -1} }; typedef struct { int n, max; uint32_t tk, tl; // this is fine bsw2cell_t *array; } bsw2entry_t, *bsw2entry_p; /* --- BEGIN: Stack operations --- */ typedef struct { int n_pending; kvec_t(bsw2entry_p) stack0, pending; struct __mempool_t *pool; } bsw2stack_t; #define stack_isempty(s) (kv_size(s->stack0) == 0 && s->n_pending == 0) static void stack_destroy(bsw2stack_t *s) { mp_destroy(s->pool); kv_destroy(s->stack0); kv_destroy(s->pending); free(s); } inline static void stack_push0(bsw2stack_t *s, bsw2entry_p e) { kv_push(bsw2entry_p, s->stack0, e); } inline static bsw2entry_p stack_pop(bsw2stack_t *s) { assert(!(kv_size(s->stack0) == 0 && s->n_pending != 0)); return kv_pop(s->stack0); } /* --- END: Stack operations --- */ /* --- BEGIN: memory pool --- */ typedef struct __mempool_t { int cnt; // if cnt!=0, then there must be memory leak kvec_t(bsw2entry_p) pool; } mempool_t; inline static bsw2entry_p mp_alloc(mempool_t *mp) { ++mp->cnt; if (kv_size(mp->pool) == 0) return (bsw2entry_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(bsw2entry_t)); else return kv_pop(mp->pool); } inline static void mp_free(mempool_t *mp, bsw2entry_p e) { --mp->cnt; e->n = 0; kv_push(bsw2entry_p, mp->pool, e); } static void mp_destroy(struct __mempool_t *mp) { int i; for (i = 0; i != kv_size(mp->pool); ++i) { free(kv_A(mp->pool, i)->array); free(kv_A(mp->pool, i)); } kv_destroy(mp->pool); free(mp); } /* --- END: memory pool --- */ /* --- BEGIN: utilities --- */ static khash_t(64) *bsw2_connectivity(const bwtl_t *b) { khash_t(64) *h; uint32_t k, l, cntk[4], cntl[4]; // this is fine uint64_t x; khiter_t iter; int j, ret; kvec_t(uint64_t) stack; kv_init(stack); h = kh_init(64); kh_resize(64, h, b->seq_len * 4); x = b->seq_len; kv_push(uint64_t, stack, x); while (kv_size(stack)) { x = kv_pop(stack); k = x>>32; l = (uint32_t)x; bwtl_2occ4(b, k-1, l, cntk, cntl); for (j = 0; j != 4; ++j) { k = b->L2[j] + cntk[j] + 1; l = b->L2[j] + cntl[j]; if (k > l) continue; x = (uint64_t)k << 32 | l; iter = kh_put(64, h, x, &ret); if (ret) { // if not present kh_value(h, iter) = 1; kv_push(uint64_t, stack, x); } else ++kh_value(h, iter); } } kv_destroy(stack); //fprintf(stderr, "[bsw2_connectivity] %u nodes in the DAG\n", kh_size(h)); return h; } // pick up top T matches at a node static void cut_tail(bsw2entry_t *u, int T, bsw2entry_t *aux) { int i, *a, n, x; if (u->n <= T) return; if (aux->max < u->n) { aux->max = u->n; aux->array = (bsw2cell_t*)realloc(aux->array, aux->max * sizeof(bsw2cell_t)); } a = (int*)aux->array; for (i = n = 0; i != u->n; ++i) if (u->array[i].ql && u->array[i].G > 0) a[n++] = -u->array[i].G; if (n <= T) return; x = -ks_ksmall(int, n, a, T); n = 0; for (i = 0; i < u->n; ++i) { bsw2cell_t *p = u->array + i; if (p->G == x) ++n; if (p->G < x || (p->G == x && n >= T)) { p->qk = p->ql = 0; p->G = 0; if (p->ppos >= 0) u->array[p->ppos].cpos[p->pj] = -1; } } } // remove duplicated cells static inline void remove_duplicate(bsw2entry_t *u, khash_t(qintv) *hash) { int i, ret, j; khiter_t k; qintv_t key; kh_clear(qintv, hash); for (i = 0; i != u->n; ++i) { bsw2cell_t *p = u->array + i; if (p->ql == 0) continue; key.k = p->qk; key.l = p->ql; k = kh_put(qintv, hash, key, &ret); j = -1; if (ret == 0) { if ((uint32_t)kh_value(hash, k) >= p->G) j = i; else { j = kh_value(hash, k)>>32; kh_value(hash, k) = (uint64_t)i<<32 | p->G; } } else kh_value(hash, k) = (uint64_t)i<<32 | p->G; if (j >= 0) { p = u->array + j; p->qk = p->ql = 0; p->G = 0; if (p->ppos >= 0) u->array[p->ppos].cpos[p->pj] = -3; } } } // merge two entries static void merge_entry(const bsw2opt_t * __restrict opt, bsw2entry_t *u, bsw2entry_t *v, bwtsw2_t *b) { int i; if (u->n + v->n >= u->max) { u->max = u->n + v->n; u->array = (bsw2cell_t*)realloc(u->array, u->max * sizeof(bsw2cell_t)); } for (i = 0; i != v->n; ++i) { bsw2cell_t *p = v->array + i; if (p->ppos >= 0) p->ppos += u->n; if (p->cpos[0] >= 0) p->cpos[0] += u->n; if (p->cpos[1] >= 0) p->cpos[1] += u->n; if (p->cpos[2] >= 0) p->cpos[2] += u->n; if (p->cpos[3] >= 0) p->cpos[3] += u->n; } memcpy(u->array + u->n, v->array, v->n * sizeof(bsw2cell_t)); u->n += v->n; } static inline bsw2cell_t *push_array_p(bsw2entry_t *e) { if (e->n == e->max) { e->max = e->max? e->max<<1 : 256; e->array = (bsw2cell_t*)realloc(e->array, sizeof(bsw2cell_t) * e->max); } return e->array + e->n; } static inline double time_elapse(const struct rusage *curr, const struct rusage *last) { long t1 = (curr->ru_utime.tv_sec - last->ru_utime.tv_sec) + (curr->ru_stime.tv_sec - last->ru_stime.tv_sec); long t2 = (curr->ru_utime.tv_usec - last->ru_utime.tv_usec) + (curr->ru_stime.tv_usec - last->ru_stime.tv_usec); return (double)t1 + t2 * 1e-6; } /* --- END: utilities --- */ /* --- BEGIN: processing partial hits --- */ static void save_hits(const bwtl_t *bwt, int thres, bsw2hit_t *hits, bsw2entry_t *u) { int i; uint32_t k; // this is fine for (i = 0; i < u->n; ++i) { bsw2cell_t *p = u->array + i; if (p->G < thres) continue; for (k = u->tk; k <= u->tl; ++k) { int beg, end; bsw2hit_t *q = 0; beg = bwt->sa[k]; end = beg + p->tlen; if (p->G > hits[beg*2].G) { hits[beg*2+1] = hits[beg*2]; q = hits + beg * 2; } else if (p->G > hits[beg*2+1].G) q = hits + beg * 2 + 1; if (q) { q->k = p->qk; q->l = p->ql; q->len = p->qlen; q->G = p->G; q->beg = beg; q->end = end; q->G2 = q->k == q->l? 0 : q->G; q->flag = q->n_seeds = 0; } } } } /* "narrow hits" are node-to-node hits that have a high score and * are not so repetitive (|SA interval|<=IS). */ static void save_narrow_hits(const bwtl_t *bwtl, bsw2entry_t *u, bwtsw2_t *b1, int t, int IS) { int i; for (i = 0; i < u->n; ++i) { bsw2hit_t *q; bsw2cell_t *p = u->array + i; if (p->G >= t && p->ql - p->qk + 1 <= IS) { // good narrow hit if (b1->max == b1->n) { b1->max = b1->max? b1->max<<1 : 4; b1->hits = realloc(b1->hits, b1->max * sizeof(bsw2hit_t)); } q = &b1->hits[b1->n++]; q->k = p->qk; q->l = p->ql; q->len = p->qlen; q->G = p->G; q->G2 = 0; q->beg = bwtl->sa[u->tk]; q->end = q->beg + p->tlen; q->flag = 0; // delete p p->qk = p->ql = 0; p->G = 0; if (p->ppos >= 0) u->array[p->ppos].cpos[p->pj] = -3; } } } /* after this, "narrow SA hits" will be expanded and the coordinates * will be obtained and stored in b->hits[*].k. */ int bsw2_resolve_duphits(const bntseq_t *bns, const bwt_t *bwt, bwtsw2_t *b, int IS) { int i, j, n, is_rev; if (b->n == 0) return 0; if (bwt && bns) { // convert to chromosomal coordinates if requested int old_n = b->n; bsw2hit_t *old_hits = b->hits; for (i = n = 0; i < b->n; ++i) { // compute the memory to allocated bsw2hit_t *p = old_hits + i; if (p->l - p->k + 1 <= IS) n += p->l - p->k + 1; else if (p->G > 0) ++n; } b->n = b->max = n; b->hits = calloc(b->max, sizeof(bsw2hit_t)); for (i = j = 0; i < old_n; ++i) { bsw2hit_t *p = old_hits + i; if (p->l - p->k + 1 <= IS) { // the hit is no so repetitive bwtint_t k; if (p->G == 0 && p->k == 0 && p->l == 0 && p->len == 0) continue; for (k = p->k; k <= p->l; ++k) { b->hits[j] = *p; b->hits[j].k = bns_depos(bns, bwt_sa(bwt, k), &is_rev); b->hits[j].l = 0; b->hits[j].is_rev = is_rev; if (is_rev) b->hits[j].k -= p->len - 1; ++j; } } else if (p->G > 0) { b->hits[j] = *p; b->hits[j].k = bns_depos(bns, bwt_sa(bwt, p->k), &is_rev); b->hits[j].l = 0; b->hits[j].flag |= 1; b->hits[j].is_rev = is_rev; if (is_rev) b->hits[j].k -= p->len - 1; ++j; } } free(old_hits); } for (i = j = 0; i < b->n; ++i) // squeeze out empty elements if (b->hits[i].G) b->hits[j++] = b->hits[i]; b->n = j; ks_introsort(hitG, b->n, b->hits); for (i = 1; i < b->n; ++i) { bsw2hit_t *p = b->hits + i; for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { bsw2hit_t *q = b->hits + j; int compatible = 1; if (p->is_rev != q->is_rev) continue; // hits from opposite strands are not duplicates if (p->l == 0 && q->l == 0) { int qol = (p->end < q->end? p->end : q->end) - (p->beg > q->beg? p->beg : q->beg); // length of query overlap if (qol < 0) qol = 0; if ((float)qol / (p->end - p->beg) > MASK_LEVEL || (float)qol / (q->end - q->beg) > MASK_LEVEL) { int64_t tol = (int64_t)(p->k + p->len < q->k + q->len? p->k + p->len : q->k + q->len) - (int64_t)(p->k > q->k? p->k : q->k); // length of target overlap if ((double)tol / p->len > MASK_LEVEL || (double)tol / q->len > MASK_LEVEL) compatible = 0; } } if (!compatible) { p->G = 0; if (q->G2 < p->G2) q->G2 = p->G2; break; } } } n = i; for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (b->hits[i].G == 0) continue; if (i != j) b->hits[j++] = b->hits[i]; else ++j; } b->n = j; return b->n; } int bsw2_resolve_query_overlaps(bwtsw2_t *b, float mask_level) { int i, j, n; if (b->n == 0) return 0; ks_introsort(hitG, b->n, b->hits); { // choose a random one int G0 = b->hits[0].G; for (i = 1; i < b->n; ++i) if (b->hits[i].G != G0) break; j = (int)(i * drand48()); if (j) { bsw2hit_t tmp; tmp = b->hits[0]; b->hits[0] = b->hits[j]; b->hits[j] = tmp; } } for (i = 1; i < b->n; ++i) { bsw2hit_t *p = b->hits + i; int all_compatible = 1; if (p->G == 0) break; for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { bsw2hit_t *q = b->hits + j; int64_t tol = 0; int qol, compatible = 0; float fol; if (q->G == 0) continue; qol = (p->end < q->end? p->end : q->end) - (p->beg > q->beg? p->beg : q->beg); if (qol < 0) qol = 0; if (p->l == 0 && q->l == 0) { tol = (int64_t)(p->k + p->len < q->k + q->len? p->k + p->len : q->k + q->len) - (p->k > q->k? p->k : q->k); if (tol < 0) tol = 0; } fol = (float)qol / (p->end - p->beg < q->end - q->beg? p->end - p->beg : q->end - q->beg); if (fol < mask_level || (tol > 0 && qol < p->end - p->beg && qol < q->end - q->beg)) compatible = 1; if (!compatible) { if (q->G2 < p->G) q->G2 = p->G; all_compatible = 0; } } if (!all_compatible) p->G = 0; } n = i; for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (b->hits[i].G == 0) continue; if (i != j) b->hits[j++] = b->hits[i]; else ++j; } b->n = j; return j; } /* --- END: processing partial hits --- */ /* --- BEGIN: global mem pool --- */ bsw2global_t *bsw2_global_init() { bsw2global_t *pool; bsw2stack_t *stack; pool = calloc(1, sizeof(bsw2global_t)); stack = calloc(1, sizeof(bsw2stack_t)); stack->pool = (mempool_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(mempool_t)); pool->stack = (void*)stack; return pool; } void bsw2_global_destroy(bsw2global_t *pool) { stack_destroy((bsw2stack_t*)pool->stack); free(pool->aln_mem); free(pool); } /* --- END: global mem pool --- */ static inline int fill_cell(const bsw2opt_t *o, int match_score, bsw2cell_t *c[4]) { int G = c[3]? c[3]->G + match_score : MINUS_INF; if (c[1]) { c[0]->I = c[1]->I > c[1]->G - o->q? c[1]->I - o->r : c[1]->G - o->qr; if (c[0]->I > G) G = c[0]->I; } else c[0]->I = MINUS_INF; if (c[2]) { c[0]->D = c[2]->D > c[2]->G - o->q? c[2]->D - o->r : c[2]->G - o->qr; if (c[0]->D > G) G = c[0]->D; } else c[0]->D = MINUS_INF; return(c[0]->G = G); } static void init_bwtsw2(const bwtl_t *target, const bwt_t *query, bsw2stack_t *s) { bsw2entry_t *u; bsw2cell_t *x; u = mp_alloc(s->pool); u->tk = 0; u->tl = target->seq_len; x = push_array_p(u); *x = g_default_cell; x->G = 0; x->qk = 0; x->ql = query->seq_len; u->n++; stack_push0(s, u); } /* On return, ret[1] keeps not-so-repetitive hits (narrow SA hits); ret[0] keeps all hits (right?) */ bwtsw2_t **bsw2_core(const bntseq_t *bns, const bsw2opt_t *opt, const bwtl_t *target, const bwt_t *query, bsw2global_t *pool) { bsw2stack_t *stack = (bsw2stack_t*)pool->stack; bwtsw2_t *b, *b1, **b_ret; int i, j, score_mat[16], *heap, heap_size, n_tot = 0; struct rusage curr, last; khash_t(qintv) *rhash; khash_t(64) *chash; // initialize connectivity hash (chash) chash = bsw2_connectivity(target); // calculate score matrix for (i = 0; i != 4; ++i) for (j = 0; j != 4; ++j) score_mat[i<<2|j] = (i == j)? opt->a : -opt->b; // initialize other variables rhash = kh_init(qintv); init_bwtsw2(target, query, stack); heap_size = opt->z; heap = calloc(heap_size, sizeof(int)); // initialize the return struct b = (bwtsw2_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(bwtsw2_t)); b->n = b->max = target->seq_len * 2; b->hits = calloc(b->max, sizeof(bsw2hit_t)); b1 = (bwtsw2_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(bwtsw2_t)); b_ret = calloc(2, sizeof(void*)); b_ret[0] = b; b_ret[1] = b1; // initialize timer getrusage(0, &last); // the main loop: traversal of the DAG while (!stack_isempty(stack)) { int old_n, tj; bsw2entry_t *v; uint32_t tcntk[4], tcntl[4]; bwtint_t k, l; v = stack_pop(stack); old_n = v->n; n_tot += v->n; for (i = 0; i < v->n; ++i) { // test max depth and band width bsw2cell_t *p = v->array + i; if (p->ql == 0) continue; if (p->tlen - (int)p->qlen > opt->bw || (int)p->qlen - p->tlen > opt->bw) { p->qk = p->ql = 0; if (p->ppos >= 0) v->array[p->ppos].cpos[p->pj] = -5; } } // get Occ for the DAG bwtl_2occ4(target, v->tk - 1, v->tl, tcntk, tcntl); for (tj = 0; tj != 4; ++tj) { // descend to the children bwtint_t qcntk[4], qcntl[4]; int qj, *curr_score_mat = score_mat + tj * 4; khiter_t iter; bsw2entry_t *u; k = target->L2[tj] + tcntk[tj] + 1; l = target->L2[tj] + tcntl[tj]; if (k > l) continue; // update counter iter = kh_get(64, chash, (uint64_t)k<<32 | l); --kh_value(chash, iter); // initialization u = mp_alloc(stack->pool); u->tk = k; u->tl = l; memset(heap, 0, sizeof(int) * opt->z); // loop through all the nodes in v for (i = 0; i < v->n; ++i) { bsw2cell_t *p = v->array + i, *x, *c[4]; // c[0]=>current, c[1]=>I, c[2]=>D, c[3]=>G int is_added = 0; if (p->ql == 0) continue; // deleted node c[0] = x = push_array_p(u); x->G = MINUS_INF; p->upos = x->upos = -1; if (p->ppos >= 0) { // parent has been visited c[1] = (v->array[p->ppos].upos >= 0)? u->array + v->array[p->ppos].upos : 0; c[3] = v->array + p->ppos; c[2] = p; if (fill_cell(opt, curr_score_mat[p->pj], c) > 0) { // then update topology at p and x x->ppos = v->array[p->ppos].upos; // the parent pos in u p->upos = u->n++; // the current pos in u if (x->ppos >= 0) u->array[x->ppos].cpos[p->pj] = p->upos; // the child pos of its parent in u is_added = 1; } } else { x->D = p->D > p->G - opt->q? p->D - opt->r : p->G - opt->qr; if (x->D > 0) { x->G = x->D; x->I = MINUS_INF; x->ppos = -1; p->upos = u->n++; is_added = 1; } } if (is_added) { // x has been added to u->array. fill the remaining variables x->cpos[0] = x->cpos[1] = x->cpos[2] = x->cpos[3] = -1; x->pj = p->pj; x->qk = p->qk; x->ql = p->ql; x->qlen = p->qlen; x->tlen = p->tlen + 1; if (x->G > -heap[0]) { heap[0] = -x->G; ks_heapadjust(int, 0, heap_size, heap); } } if ((x->G > opt->qr && x->G >= -heap[0]) || i < old_n) { // good node in u, or in v if (p->cpos[0] == -1 || p->cpos[1] == -1 || p->cpos[2] == -1 || p->cpos[3] == -1) { bwt_2occ4(query, p->qk - 1, p->ql, qcntk, qcntl); for (qj = 0; qj != 4; ++qj) { // descend to the prefix trie if (p->cpos[qj] != -1) continue; // this node will be visited later k = query->L2[qj] + qcntk[qj] + 1; l = query->L2[qj] + qcntl[qj]; if (k > l) { p->cpos[qj] = -2; continue; } x = push_array_p(v); p = v->array + i; // p may not point to the correct position after realloc x->G = x->I = x->D = MINUS_INF; x->qk = k; x->ql = l; x->pj = qj; x->qlen = p->qlen + 1; x->ppos = i; x->tlen = p->tlen; x->cpos[0] = x->cpos[1] = x->cpos[2] = x->cpos[3] = -1; p->cpos[qj] = v->n++; } // ~for(qj) } // ~if(p->cpos[]) } // ~if } // ~for(i) if (u->n) save_hits(target, opt->t, b->hits, u); { // push u to the stack (or to the pending array) uint32_t cnt, pos; cnt = (uint32_t)kh_value(chash, iter); pos = kh_value(chash, iter)>>32; if (pos) { // something in the pending array, then merge bsw2entry_t *w = kv_A(stack->pending, pos-1); if (u->n) { if (w->n < u->n) { // swap w = u; u = kv_A(stack->pending, pos-1); kv_A(stack->pending, pos-1) = w; } merge_entry(opt, w, u, b); } if (cnt == 0) { // move from pending to stack0 remove_duplicate(w, rhash); save_narrow_hits(target, w, b1, opt->t, opt->is); cut_tail(w, opt->z, u); stack_push0(stack, w); kv_A(stack->pending, pos-1) = 0; --stack->n_pending; } mp_free(stack->pool, u); } else if (cnt) { // the first time if (u->n) { // push to the pending queue ++stack->n_pending; kv_push(bsw2entry_p, stack->pending, u); kh_value(chash, iter) = (uint64_t)kv_size(stack->pending)<<32 | cnt; } else mp_free(stack->pool, u); } else { // cnt == 0, then push to the stack bsw2entry_t *w = mp_alloc(stack->pool); save_narrow_hits(target, u, b1, opt->t, opt->is); cut_tail(u, opt->z, w); mp_free(stack->pool, w); stack_push0(stack, u); } } } // ~for(tj) mp_free(stack->pool, v); } // while(top) getrusage(0, &curr); for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) for (j = 0; j < b_ret[i]->n; ++j) b_ret[i]->hits[j].n_seeds = 0; bsw2_resolve_duphits(bns, query, b, opt->is); bsw2_resolve_duphits(bns, query, b1, opt->is); //fprintf(stderr, "stats: %.3lf sec; %d elems\n", time_elapse(&curr, &last), n_tot); // free free(heap); kh_destroy(qintv, rhash); kh_destroy(64, chash); stack->pending.n = stack->stack0.n = 0; return b_ret; }