#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ cuffmerge.py Created by Cole Trapnell on 2011-03-17. Copyright (c) 2011 Cole Trapnell. All rights reserved. """ import sys import getopt from datetime import datetime, date, time import shutil import subprocess import errno import os import tempfile import warnings import types help_message = ''' cuffmerge takes two or more Cufflinks GTF files and merges them into a single unified transcript catalog. Optionally, you can provide the script with a reference GTF, and the script will use it to attach gene names and other metadata to the merged catalog. Usage: cuffmerge [Options] Options: -h/--help Prints the help message and exits -o Directory where merged assembly will be written [ default: ./merged_asm ] -g/--ref-gtf An optional "reference" annotation GTF. -s/--ref-sequence / Genomic DNA sequences for the reference. --min-isoform-fraction <0-1.0> Discard isoforms with abundance below this [ default: 0.05 ] -p/--num-threads Use this many threads to merge assemblies. [ default: 1 ] --keep-tmp Keep all intermediate files during merge ''' output_dir = "./merged_asm/" logging_dir = output_dir + "logs/" run_log = None run_cmd = None tmp_dir = output_dir + "/meta_asm_tmp/" bin_dir = sys.path[0] + "/" run_meta_assembly = True fail_str = "\t[FAILED]\n" params = None class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class TestParams: class SystemParams: def __init__(self, threads, keep_tmp): self.threads = threads self.keep_tmp = keep_tmp def parse_options(self, opts): for option, value in opts: if option in ("-p", "--num-threads"): self.threads = int(value) if option in ("--keep-tmp"): self.keep_tmp = True def check(self): pass def __init__(self): self.system_params = self.SystemParams(1, # threads False) # keep_tmp self.ref_gtf = None self.fasta = None self.min_isoform_frac = 0.05 def check(self): self.system_params.check() def parse_options(self, argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hvp:o:g:M:s:q:F:", ["version", "help", "ref-sequence=", "ref-gtf=", "output-dir=", "num-threads=", "keep-tmp", "min-isoform-fraction="]) except getopt.error, msg: raise Usage(msg) self.system_params.parse_options(opts) global output_dir global logging_dir global tmp_dir # option processing for option, value in opts: if option in ("-v", "--version"): print "merge_cuff_asms v%s" % (get_version()) exit(0) if option in ("-h", "--help"): raise Usage(help_message) if option in ("-g", "--ref-gtf"): self.ref_gtf = value if option in ("-s", "--ref-sequence"): self.fasta = value if option in ("-F", "--min-isoform-fraction"): self.min_isoform_frac = float(value) if option in ("-o", "--output-dir"): output_dir = value + "/" logging_dir = output_dir + "logs/" tmp_dir = output_dir + "tmp/" return args def right_now(): curr_time = datetime.now() return curr_time.strftime("%c") def prepare_output_dir(): print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Preparing output location %s" % (right_now(), output_dir) if os.path.exists(output_dir): pass else: os.makedirs(output_dir) #print >> sys.stderr, "Checking for %s", logging_dir if os.path.exists(logging_dir): pass else: #print >> sys.stderr, "Creating %s", logging_dir os.makedirs(logging_dir) if os.path.exists(tmp_dir): pass else: os.makedirs(tmp_dir) def formatTD(td): hours = td.seconds // 3600 minutes = (td.seconds % 3600) // 60 seconds = td.seconds % 60 return '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds) def tmp_name(prefix): tmp_root = output_dir + "tmp/" if os.path.exists(tmp_root): pass else: os.mkdir(tmp_root) return tmp_root + prefix + os.tmpnam().split('/')[-1] def cufflinks(out_dir, sam_file, min_isoform_frac, gtf_file=None, extra_opts=["-q", "--overhang-tolerance", "200", "--library-type=transfrags", "-A","0.0", "--min-frags-per-transfrag", "0", "--no-5-extend"], lsf=False, curr_queue=None): if gtf_file != None: print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Quantitating transcripts" % (right_now()) else: print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Assembling transcripts" % (right_now()) cmd = ["cufflinks"] if out_dir != None and out_dir != "": cmd.extend(["-o", out_dir]) cmd.extend(["-F", str(min_isoform_frac)]) if gtf_file != None: cmd.extend(["-g", gtf_file]) if extra_opts != None: cmd.extend(extra_opts) global params # Run Cufflinks with more than one thread? cmd.extend(["-p", str(params.system_params.threads)]) cmd.append(sam_file) try: print >> run_log, " ".join(cmd) ret = subprocess.call(cmd) if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: could not execute cufflinks" exit(1) # cufflinks not found except OSError, o: if o.errno == errno.ENOTDIR or o.errno == errno.ENOENT: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: cufflinks not found on this system. Did you forget to include it in your PATH?" exit(1) def cuffcompare(prefix, ref_gtf, fasta, cuff_gtf): print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Comparing reference %s to assembly %s" % (right_now(), ref_gtf, cuff_gtf) cmd = ["cuffcompare"] if prefix != None: cmd.extend(["-o", prefix]) if ref_gtf != None: cmd.extend(["-r", ref_gtf]) if fasta != None: cmd.extend(["-s", fasta]) if type(cuff_gtf) == types.ListType: for g in cuff_gtf: cmd.extend([g]) else: cmd.extend([cuff_gtf]) try: print >> run_log, " ".join(cmd) ret = subprocess.call(cmd) if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: could not execute cuffcompare" exit(1) # cuffcompare not found except OSError, o: if o.errno == errno.ENOTDIR or o.errno == errno.ENOENT: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: cuffcompare not found on this system. Did you forget to include it in your PATH?" exit(1) def gtf_to_sam(gtf_filename): sam_out = tmp_name("gtf2sam_") cmd = ["gtf_to_sam"] cmd.append("-F") cmd.append(gtf_filename) cmd.append(sam_out) try: print >> run_log, " ".join(cmd) ret = subprocess.call(cmd) if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: could not execute gtf_to_sam" exit(1) # gtf_to_sam not found except OSError, o: if o.errno == errno.ENOTDIR or o.errno == errno.ENOENT: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: gtf_to_sam not found on this system. Did you forget to include it in your PATH?" exit(1) return sam_out def test_input_files(filename_list): """This function takes a file that contains a list of GTF files, tests accessibility of each, and returns the list of filenames""" OK = True input_files = [] for line in filename_list: line = line.strip() # Skip comment line if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue try: g = open(line,"r") input_files.append(line) except OSError, o: if o.errno == errno.ENOTDIR or o.errno == errno.ENOENT: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: could not open %s" % line OK = False if not OK: sys.exit(1) return input_files def convert_gtf_to_sam(gtf_filename_list): """This function takes a list of GTF files, converts them all to temporary SAM files, and returns the list of temporary file names.""" print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Converting GTF files to SAM" % (right_now()) OK = True sam_input_filenames = [] for line in gtf_filename_list: try: sam_out = gtf_to_sam(line) sam_input_filenames.append(sam_out) except OSError, o: if o.errno == errno.ENOTDIR or o.errno == errno.ENOENT: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: could not open %s" % line OK = False if not OK: sys.exit(1) return sam_input_filenames def merge_sam_inputs(sam_input_list, header): sorted_map_name = tmp_name( "mergeSam_") sorted_map = open(sorted_map_name, "w") #print header # The header was built from a dict keyed by chrom, so # the records will be lexicographically ordered and # should match the BAM after the sort below. print >> sorted_map, header, sorted_map.close() sort_cmd =["sort", "-k", "3,3", "-k", "4,4n", "--temporary-directory="+tmp_dir] sort_cmd.extend(sam_input_list) print >> run_log, " ".join(sort_cmd), ">", sorted_map_name subprocess.call(sort_cmd, stdout=open(sorted_map_name, "a")) return sorted_map_name def compare_to_reference(meta_asm_gtf, ref_gtf, fasta): print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Comparing against reference file %s" % (right_now(), ref_gtf) ref_str = "" if ref_gtf != None: ref_str = " -r %s " % ref_gtf if fasta != None: comp_cmd = '''cuffcompare -o tmp_meta_asm -C -G %s -s %s %s''' % (ref_str, fasta, meta_asm_gtf) else: comp_cmd = '''cuffcompare -o tmp_meta_asm -C -G %s %s''' % (ref_str, meta_asm_gtf) #cmd = bsub_cmd(comp_cmd, "/gencode_cmp", True, job_mem=8) cmd = comp_cmd try: print >> run_log, cmd ret = subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True) if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: could not execute cuffcompare" exit(1) #tmap_out = meta_asm_gtf.split("/")[-1] + ".tmap" tfpath, tfname = os.path.split(meta_asm_gtf) if tfpath: tfpath+='/' tmap_out = tfpath+'tmp_meta_asm.'+tfname+".tmap" return tmap_out # cuffcompare not found except OSError, o: if o.errno == errno.ENOTDIR or o.errno == errno.ENOENT: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: cuffcompare not found on this system. Did you forget to include it in your PATH?" exit(1) def select_gtf(gtf_in_filename, ids, gtf_out_filename): f_gtf = open(gtf_in_filename) #print >> sys.stderr, "Select GTF: Ids are: " #print >> sys.stderr, ids #print >> sys.stderr, "reference gtf file name:" #print >> sys.stderr, gtf_in_filename out_gtf = open(gtf_out_filename, "w") for line in f_gtf: line = line.strip() cols = line.split('\t') if len(cols) < 9: continue attrs = cols[8] attr_cols = attrs.split(';') for col in attr_cols: if col.find("transcript_id") != -1: first_quote = col.find('"') last_quote = col.find('"', first_quote + 1) transcript = col[first_quote + 1:last_quote] #print >> sys.stderr, transcript if transcript in ids: print >> out_gtf, line def merge_gtfs(gtf_filenames, merged_gtf, ref_gtf=None): print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Merging linc gtf files with cuffcompare" % (right_now()) cmd = ["cuffcompare"] cmd.extend(["-o", merged_gtf]) if ref_gtf != None: cmd.extend(["-r", ref_gtf]) cmd.extend(gtf_filenames) cmd = " ".join(cmd) #cmd = bsub_cmd(cmd, "/merge_gtf", True, job_mem=8) try: print >> run_log, cmd ret = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) if ret != 0: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: could not execute cuffcompare" exit(1) return merged_gtf + ".combined.gtf" # cuffcompare not found except OSError, o: if o.errno == errno.ENOTDIR or o.errno == errno.ENOENT: print >> sys.stderr, fail_str, "Error: cuffcompare not found on this system. Did you forget to include it in your PATH?" exit(1) def compare_meta_asm_against_ref(ref_gtf, fasta_file, gtf_input_file, class_codes=["c", "i", "r", "p", "e"]): #print >> sys.stderr, "Cuffcmpare all assemblies GTFs" tmap = compare_to_reference(gtf_input_file, ref_gtf, fasta_file) #print >> sys.stderr, "Cuffcmpare all assemblies GTFs : filter %s" % ",".join(class_codes) selected_ids= set([]) f_tmap = open(tmap) #out = open("tmp_meta_asm_selectedIds.txt", "w") for line in f_tmap: line = line.strip() cols = line.split('\t') if len(cols) < 5: continue class_code = cols[2] name = cols[4] if class_code not in class_codes: selected_ids.add(name) global output_dir asm_dir = output_dir if os.path.exists(asm_dir): pass else: os.mkdir(asm_dir) current_asm_gtf = output_dir +"transcripts.gtf" select_gtf(current_asm_gtf, selected_ids, output_dir + "/merged.gtf") mtmap = compare_to_reference(output_dir + "/merged.gtf", ref_gtf, fasta_file) if os.path.exists(mtmap): os.remove(mtmap) if os.path.exists(mtmap.split(".tmap")[0]+".refmap"): os.remove(mtmap.split(".tmap")[0]+".refmap") shutil.move("tmp_meta_asm.combined.gtf", output_dir + "/merged.gtf") # os.remove("tmp_meta_asm.combined.gtf") if os.path.exists("tmp_meta_asm.loci"): os.remove("tmp_meta_asm.loci") if os.path.exists("tmp_meta_asm.tracking"): os.remove("tmp_meta_asm.tracking") if os.path.exists("tmp_meta_asm.stats"): os.remove("tmp_meta_asm.stats") if os.path.exists(tmap): os.remove(tmap) if os.path.exists(tmap.split(".tmap")[0]+".refmap"): os.remove(tmap.split(".tmap")[0]+".refmap") #tmp_dir = asm_dir #tmp_files = os.listdir(tmp_dir) #for t in tmp_files: # os.remove(tmp_dir+t) #os.rmdir(tmp_dir) #os.remove("tmp_meta_asm.tmap") def get_version(): return "1.0.0" def get_gtf_chrom_info(gtf_filename, known_chrom_info=None): gtf_file = open(gtf_filename) if known_chrom_info == None: chroms = {} else: chroms = known_chrom_info for line in gtf_file: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == "#": continue cols = line.split('\t') if len(cols) < 8: continue chrom = cols[0] left = int(cols[3]) right = int(cols[4]) bounds = chroms.setdefault(chrom, [9999999999,-1]) if bounds[0] > left: bounds[0] = left if bounds[1] < right: bounds[1] = right return chroms def header_for_chrom_info(chrom_info): header_strs = ["""@HD\tVN:1.0\tSO:coordinate"""] chrom_list = [(chrom, limits) for chrom, limits in chrom_info.iteritems()] chrom_list.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0],y[0])) #print chrom_list for chrom, limits in chrom_list: line = "@SQ\tSN:%s\tLN:\t%d" % (chrom, limits[1]) header_strs.append(line) header_strs.append("@PG\tID:cuffmerge\tVN:1.0.0\n") header = "\n".join(header_strs) return header def main(argv=None): # Set this so sort is consistent across platforms and python versions # (and always character-lexicographic) os.environ['LC_ALL']='C' warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tmpnam is a potential security risk") global params params = TestParams() try: if argv is None: argv = sys.argv args = params.parse_options(argv) params.check() if len(args) < 1: raise(Usage(help_message)) global run_log global run_cmd print >> sys.stderr print >> sys.stderr, "[%s] Beginning transcriptome assembly merge" % (right_now()) print >> sys.stderr, "-------------------------------------------" print >> sys.stderr start_time = datetime.now() prepare_output_dir() run_log = open(logging_dir + "run.log", "w", 0) run_cmd = " ".join(argv) print >> run_log, run_cmd transfrag_list_file = open(args[0], "r") if params.ref_gtf != None: test_input_files([params.ref_gtf]) else: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: no reference GTF provided!" # Check that all the primary assemblies are accessible before starting the time consuming stuff gtf_input_files = test_input_files(transfrag_list_file) all_gtfs = [] all_gtfs.extend(gtf_input_files) if params.ref_gtf != None: all_gtfs.append(params.ref_gtf) chrom_info = {} for gtf in all_gtfs: chrom_info = get_gtf_chrom_info(gtf, chrom_info) header = header_for_chrom_info(chrom_info) #Meta assembly option: global run_meta_assembly if run_meta_assembly: # Convert the primary assemblies to SAM format sam_input_files = convert_gtf_to_sam(gtf_input_files) # Merge the primary assembly SAMs into a single input SAM file merged_sam_filename = merge_sam_inputs(sam_input_files, header) # Run cufflinks on the primary assembly transfrags to generate a meta-assembly cufflinks(output_dir, merged_sam_filename, params.min_isoform_frac, params.ref_gtf) compare_meta_asm_against_ref(params.ref_gtf, params.fasta, output_dir+"/transcripts.gtf") #Meta Cuffcompare option: else: cuffcompare_all_assemblies(gtf_input_files) #FIXME: where is this function ? if not params.system_params.keep_tmp: tmp_files = os.listdir(tmp_dir) for t in tmp_files: os.remove(tmp_dir+t) os.rmdir(tmp_dir) except Usage, err: print >> sys.stderr, sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1] + ": " + str(err.msg) return 2 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())