# Examples of user-defined filters. Edit and run with -f filters.txt. # The examples below are self-explanatory. Notice the use of the predefined # variables ($PASS, $FAIL, $MATCH, $RECORD) and methods (error). # In this example, a minimum value of AF1=0.1 is required { tag => 'INFO/AF1', # The VCF tag to apply this filter on name => 'MinAF', # The filter ID desc => 'Minimum AF1 [0.01]', # Description for the VCF header test => sub { return $MATCH < 0.01 ? $FAIL : $PASS }, }, # Filter all indels (presence of INDEL tag is tested) { tag => 'INFO/INDEL', apply_to => 'indels', # Can be one of SNPs, indels, all. Default: [All] name => 'Indel', desc => 'INDEL tag present', test => sub { return $FAIL }, }, # Only loci with enough reads supporting the variant will pass the filter { tag => 'INFO/DP4', name => 'FewAlts', desc => 'Too few reads supporting the variant', apply_to => 'SNPs', test => sub { if ( !($MATCH =~ /^([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),(.+)$/) ) { error("Could not parse INFO/DP4: $CHROM:$POS [$MATCH]"); } if ( 0.1*($1+$2) > $3+$4 ) { return $PASS; } return $FAIL; }, }, # Example of filtering based on genotype columns and the QUAL column { tag => 'FORMAT/PL', name => 'NoHets', desc => 'Inbred homozygous mouse, no hets expected', apply_to => 'SNPs', test => sub { for my $pl (@$MATCH) { my @pls = split(/,/,$pl); if ( $pls[1]<$pls[0] && $pls[1]<$pls[2] ) { return $FAIL; } } return $PASS; }, }, # This example splits the four PV4 values into four tags names PV0, PV1, PV2 and PV3. # Note the use of the 'header' key, and the $RECORD and $VCF variables. { header => [ qq[key=INFO,ID=PV0,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="P-value for strand bias"], qq[key=INFO,ID=PV1,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="P-value for baseQ bias"], qq[key=INFO,ID=PV2,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="P-value for mapQ bias"], qq[key=INFO,ID=PV3,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="P-value for tail distance bias"] ], tag => 'INFO/PV4', name => 'SplitPV4', desc => 'Split PV4', apply_to => 'all', test => sub { my @vals = split(/,/,$MATCH); $$RECORD[7] = $VCF->add_info_field($$RECORD[7],'PV0'=>$vals[0],'PV1'=>$vals[1],'PV2'=>$vals[2],'PV3'=>$vals[3]); return $PASS; }, }, # Do whatever you want with every record and edit it according to your needs. This silly # example removes the tag SILLY in records where ID is set and depth is bigger than 5. { tag => 'Dummy', test => sub { if ( $$RECORD[2] eq '.' ) { return $PASS; } # Modify only lines with ID my $dp = $vcf->get_info_field($$RECORD[8],'DP'); if ( $dp>5 ) { $$RECORD[7] = $VCF->add_info_field($$RECORD[7],'SILLY'=>undef); } return $PASS; }, } # Annotate INFO field with SINGLETON flag when one and only one sample is different from the reference { header => [ qq[key=INFO,ID=SINGLETON,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Only one non-ref sample"], ], tag => 'FORMAT/GT', name => 'Dummy', desc => 'Dummy', test => sub { my $nalt = 0; for my $gt (@$MATCH) { my @gt = $VCF->split_gt($gt); for my $allele (@gt) { if ( $allele ne 0 && $allele ne '.' ) { $nalt++; last; } } if ( $nalt>1 ) { last; } } if ( $nalt==1 ) { $$RECORD[7] = $VCF->add_info_field($$RECORD[7],'SINGLETON'=>''); } return $PASS; }, }, # Set genotypes to unknown ("." or "./." depending on ploidy) when coverage is low (by Shane McCarthy). { tag => 'FORMAT/DP', name => 'MinSampleDP', desc => 'Genotypes set to . for samples with DP < 2', apply_to => 'all', test => sub { my $i = 8; for my $dp (@$MATCH) { $i++; next unless ($dp<2); my @format = split(/:/,$$RECORD[$i]); $format[0] = $format[0] =~ /\// ? "./." : "."; $$RECORD[$i] = join(":",@format); } return $PASS; }, },