2012-05-02 15:53 petr.danecek@sanger * vcf-consensus * vcf-indel-stats * vcf-compare: handle spaces in file names 2012-02-23 09:45 petr.danecek@sanger * vcf-merge: redundant ALT alleles are no longer removed by default but only with -t. * vcf-annotate: - set the FILTER column, remove and annotate in one go (e.g. ID) - support of genotype columns in user filters - new --fill-type option 2012-01-23 10:41 petr.danecek@sanger * Notable changes since the last release: - fill-fs: new script for annotating VCFs with flanking sequence - fill-ref-md5: new script for annotating VCFs with 'reference' and 'contig' tags recommended by VCFv4.1 - vcf-annotate: now also removes annotations and can apply user-defined filters - vcf-compare: changed output format, more stats reported and plots the results - vcf-fix-newlines: new script for fixing newline representation - vcf-phased-join: new script for joining pre-phased VCFs - vcf-query: significant speed up for some type of queries - vcf-sort: chromosomal ordering (1,2,10,MT,X rather than 1,10,2,MT,X) with new versions of unix sort - Vcf.pm: new set of API methods for faster access - some of the tools now work also with remote files 2011-04-04 14:00 petr.danecek@sanger * VCFtools now support VCFv4.1 * fill-ref-md5: New tool backfilling sequence MD5s into VCF header * Renamed merge-vcf, compare-vcf etc. to consistent naming vcf-merge, vcf-compare * vcf-merge: Now merging also GL and other Number=[AG] tags * vcf-compare: Comparing indel haplotypes 2011-02-21 12:31 petr.danecek@sanger * vcf-stats: new -s option to speed up parsing when stats computed for selected samples only * merge-vcf: allow to merge arbitrary chunks; -c option now deprecated, use -r instead * compare-vcf: change in output format and more detailed comparison 2011-02-17 17:36 petr.danecek@sanger * vcf-stats: allow querying stats of individual samples 2011-02-16 12:07 petr.danecek@sanger * vcf-stats: major revision * vcf-annotate: more filtering options 2011-02-04 14:43 petr * merge-vcf: if possible, calculate AC,AN even for sites without genotypes 2011-02-03 15:04 petr * merge-vcf: fixed a bug introduced by the previous fix. 2011-02-02 21:02 petr * merge-vcf: fixed a bug in merging indel ALTs. Only VCFs without samples were affected. 2011-01-28 15:38 petr * vcf-subset: new option for printing rows with calls private to the subset group 2011-01-24 13:38 petr * Vcf.pm: uppercase floating point number expressions (such as 1.0382033E-6) now pass validation 2011-01-20 08:28 petr * vcf-concat: print header also for empty VCFs with the -s option 2011-01-04 08:59 petr * vcf-isec, vcf-sort, Vcf.pm: replaced "zcat" by "gunzip -c" 2010-12-22 14:18 petr * vcf-annotate: New --SnpCluster option * Vcf.pm: new sub add_filter() 2010-12-15 13:44 petr * vcf-isec: By default output records from all files with unique positions (duplicate records from the same file still should be printed). With the -o switch, only positions from the left-most file will be printed. 2010-12-09 14:48 petr * query-vcf: Output 'True' for Flag tags when present and . when absent * vcf-annotate: Fix: the command line eats quotes when they are not escaped 2010-12-08 12:06 petr * Vcf.pm: throw an error when tabix fails. * query-vcf: enable streaming of files when region is not specified. 2010-12-02 11:53 petr * Vcf.pm: allow ALT alleles which are not present in samples * vcf-isec: Multiple files can be created simultaneously with all possible isec combinations. Suitable for Venn Diagram analysis. * merge-vcf: Do not remove ALT alleles if no samples are present * merge-vcf: Do FILTER merging more intelligently. * merge-vcf: Join the QUAL column: use average value weighted by the number of samples. 2010-11-28 08:34 petr * vcf-concat: Partial sort * vcf-validator: Added -u option * VcfStats.pm: dump_counts 2010-11-27 13:04 petr * vcf-subset: Filter variants by type 2010-11-26 09:08 petr * vcf-annotate: Added possibility to read header descriptions from a file 2010-11-24 13:25 petr * Fix in Vcf.pm:fill_ref_alt_mapping. VCF files processed with merge-vcf were affected when containing IDs in the ALT column. 2010-11-23 13:12 petr * Major revamp of Vcf.pm to allow better inheritance. Problems likely.