#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Author: petr.danecek@sanger # use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Vcf; use FaSlice; my $opts = parse_params(); if ( exists($$opts{plot}) ) { plot_stats($opts); } else { compare_vcfs($opts); } exit; #-------------------------------- sub error { my (@msg) = @_; if ( scalar @msg ) { croak @msg; } die "About: Compare bgzipped and tabix indexed VCF files. (E.g. bgzip file.vcf; tabix -p vcf file.vcf.gz)\n", "Usage: vcf-compare [OPTIONS] file1.vcf file2.vcf ...\n", " vcf-compare -p plots chr1.cmp chr2.cmp ...\n", "Options:\n", " -a, --apply-filters Ignore lines where FILTER column is anything else than PASS or '.'\n", " -c, --chromosomes Same as -r, left for backward compatibility. Please do not use as it will be dropped in the future.\n", " -d, --debug Debugging information. Giving the option multiple times increases verbosity\n", " -g, --cmp-genotypes Compare genotypes, not only positions\n", " --ignore-indels Exclude sites containing indels from genotype comparison\n", " -m, --name-mapping Use with -g when comparing files with differing column names. The argument to this options is a\n", " comma-separated list or one mapping per line in a file. The names are colon separated and must\n", " appear in the same order as the files on the command line.\n", " --INFO [] Calculate genotype errors by INFO. Use zero based indecies if field has more than one value. Can be\n", " given multiple times.\n", " -p, --plot Create plots. Multiple files (e.g. per-chromosome outputs from vcf-compare) can be given.\n", " -R, --refseq Compare the actual sequence, not just positions. Use with -w to compare indels.\n", " -r, --regions Process the given regions (comma-separated list or one region per line in a file).\n", " -s, --samples Process only the listed samples. Excluding unwanted samples may increase performance considerably.\n", " -t, --title Title for graphs (see also -p)\n", " -w, --win In repetitive sequences, the same indel can be called at different positions. Consider\n", " records this far apart as matching (be it a SNP or an indel).\n", " -h, -?, --help This help message.\n", "\n"; } sub parse_params { $0 =~ s{^.+/}{}; $0 .= "($Vcf::VERSION)"; my $opts = { args => [$0, @ARGV], positions => 0, INFOgroup => [ ], INFOgroupIdx => { }, }; while (my $arg=shift(@ARGV)) { if ( $arg eq '--all-samples-af' ) { $$opts{all_samples_af}=1; next; } if ( $arg eq '--INFO/AF1-af' ) { $$opts{INFO_AF1_af}=1; next; } if ( $arg eq '--ignore-indels' ) { $$opts{ignore_indels}=1; next; } if ( $arg eq '--high-conf-gls' ) { $$opts{high_confidence_gls}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '--INFO' ) { # --INFO IMP2 1 (calculate errors by second value of INFO/IMP2 my $infoTag = shift(@ARGV); unshift @{$$opts{INFOgroup}}, $infoTag; if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ) { $$opts{INFOgroupIdx}{$infoTag} = shift(@ARGV); } next; } if ( $arg eq '--error-by-gl' ) { $$opts{err_by_gl}=1; next; } if ( $arg eq '-a' || $arg eq '--apply-filters' ) { $$opts{apply_filters}=1; next; } if ( $arg eq '-m' || $arg eq '--name-mapping' ) { $$opts{mappings_list}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-R' || $arg eq '--refseq' ) { $$opts{refseq}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-c' || $arg eq '--chromosomes' ) { $$opts{regions_list}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-r' || $arg eq '--regions' ) { $$opts{regions_list}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-g' || $arg eq '--cmp-genotypes' ) { $$opts{cmp_genotypes}=1; next; } if ( $arg eq '-s' || $arg eq '--samples' ) { my $samples = shift(@ARGV); my @samples = ( -e $samples ) ? read_list($samples) : split(/,/,$samples); $$opts{samples} = \@samples; next; } if ( $arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--debug' ) { $$opts{debug}++; next; } if ( $arg eq '-w' || $arg eq '--win' ) { $$opts{win}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-p' || $arg eq '--plot' ) { $$opts{plot}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( $arg eq '-t' || $arg eq '--title' ) { $$opts{title}=shift(@ARGV); next; } if ( -e $arg ) { push @{$$opts{files}}, $arg; next } if ( $arg eq '-?' || $arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '--help' ) { error(); } error("Unknown parameter or non-existent file \"$arg\". Run -h for help.\n"); } if ( !exists($$opts{files}) ) { error("What files should be compared?\n") } return $opts; } sub read_list { my ($fname) = @_; my @regions; if ( -e $fname ) { open(my $rgs,'<',$fname) or error("$fname: $!"); while (my $line=<$rgs>) { chomp($line); push @regions, $line; } close($rgs); } else { @regions = split(/,/,$fname); } return (@regions); } sub read_mappings_list { my ($fname,$files) = @_; my @maps = read_list($fname); my %mapping; for my $map (@maps) { my @items = split(/:/,$map); if ( scalar @items != scalar @$files ) { error(sprintf "Expected %d column names, found [$map].\n", scalar @$files); } for (my $i=1; $i<@$files; $i++) { $mapping{$$files[$i]}{$items[$i]} = $items[0]; warn("Using column name '$items[0]' for $$files[$i]:$items[$i]\n"); } } return \%mapping; } sub compare_vcfs { my ($opts) = @_; $$opts{match} = {}; $$opts{hapls} = {}; # Open the VCF files and initialize the list of chromosomes my @vcfs; my (@regions,%has_chrom,$mappings); if ( exists($$opts{regions_list}) ) { @regions = read_list($$opts{regions_list}); } if ( exists($$opts{mappings_list}) ) { $mappings = read_mappings_list($$opts{mappings_list},$$opts{files}); } print "# This file was generated by vcf-compare.\n"; print "# The command line was: ", join(' ',@{$$opts{args}}), "\n"; print "#\n"; if ( $$opts{debug} ) { print "#SD Site discordance. Use `grep ^SD | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n", "#SD The columns are: \n", "#SD 1 .. chromosome\n", "#SD 2 .. position\n", "#SD 3 .. number of Hom_RR matches\n", "#SD 4 .. number of Het_RA matches\n", "#SD 5 .. number of Hom_AA matches\n", "#SD 6 .. number of Hom_RR mismatches\n", "#SD 7 .. number of Het_RA mismatches\n", "#SD 8 .. number of Hom_AA mismatches\n", "#SD 9 .. site's non-reference discordance rate\n"; print "#AM ALT mismatches. The columns are:\n", "#AM 1 .. chromosome\n", "#AM 2 .. position\n", "#AM 3 .. ALT in the first file\n", "#AM 4 .. differing ALT\n"; print "#RM REF mismatches. The columns are:\n", "#RM 1 .. chromosome\n", "#RM 2 .. position\n", "#RM 3 .. REF in the first file\n", "#RM 4 .. differing REF\n"; } my $ifile = 0; for my $file (@{$$opts{files}}) { my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>$file); $$vcf{vcf_compare_ID} = $ifile++; $vcf->parse_header(); $vcf->close(); $$vcf{nread} = 0; push @vcfs, $vcf; # Update the list of known chromosomes if ( !exists($$opts{regions_list}) ) { my $chrms = $vcf->get_chromosomes(); for my $chr (@$chrms) { if ( exists($has_chrom{$chr}) ) { next; } $has_chrom{$chr} = 1; push @regions, $chr; } } # Check if column names need to be renamed if ( defined $mappings && exists($$mappings{$$vcf{file}}) ) { $$vcf{_col_mapping} = $$mappings{$$vcf{file}}; for my $name (keys %{$$vcf{_col_mapping}}) { if ( !exists($$vcf{has_column}{$name}) ) { error("No such column [$name] in the file $$vcf{file}\n"); } my $new_name = $$vcf{_col_mapping}{$name}; $$vcf{_col_mapping_rev}{$new_name} = $name; } } } # Include only matching samples in haplotype comparison if ( $$opts{cmp_genotypes} ) { my %all_samples; for my $vcf (@vcfs) { if ( exists $$opts{samples} ) { for my $sample (@{$$opts{samples}}) { if ( exists($$vcf{_col_mapping}) && exists($$vcf{_col_mapping}{$sample}) ) { $sample = $$vcf{_col_mapping}{$sample}; } if ( exists($$vcf{has_column}{$sample}) ) { $all_samples{$sample}++ } } } else { my @samples = $vcf->get_samples(); for my $sample (@samples) { if ( exists($$vcf{_col_mapping}) && exists($$vcf{_col_mapping}{$sample}) ) { $sample = $$vcf{_col_mapping}{$sample}; } $all_samples{$sample}++ } } } my @include_samples; while (my ($sample,$count)=each %all_samples) { if ( $count != scalar @vcfs ) { next; } push @include_samples, $sample; } if ( !@include_samples ) { error("Error: There is no overlap between any of the samples, yet haplotype comparison was requested.\n"); } $$opts{gt_samples_compared} = scalar @include_samples; for my $vcf (@vcfs) { my @include; if ( !exists($$vcf{_col_mapping}) ) { @include=@include_samples; } else { for my $sample (@include_samples) { push @include, exists($$vcf{_col_mapping_rev}{$sample}) ? $$vcf{_col_mapping_rev}{$sample} : $sample } } $vcf->set_samples(include=>\@include); } } # Go through all the files simultaneously and get the stats. for my $region (@regions) { # Open files for my $vcf (@vcfs) { delete($$vcf{last_line}); $vcf->open(region=>$region); delete($$vcf{eof}); } do_region_stats($opts,\@vcfs); } report_stats($opts,\@vcfs); for my $vcf (@vcfs) { if ( !$$vcf{nread} ) { warn("Warning: Read 0 lines from $$vcf{file}, the tabix index may be broken.\n"); } } } sub report_stats { my ($opts,$vcfs) = @_; # if ( $$opts{debug} ) # { # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($opts); # } my (@counts,%totals); while (my ($key,$num) = each %{$$opts{match}}) { my @files = split(/'/,$key); for my $file (@files) { $totals{$file} += $num; } push @counts, {count=>$num, files=>[@files]}; } print "#VN 'Venn-Diagram Numbers'. Use `grep ^VN | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n", "#VN The columns are: \n", "#VN 1 .. number of sites unique to this particular combination of files\n", "#VN 2- .. combination of files and space-separated number, a fraction of sites in the file\n"; for my $rec (sort {$$a{count}<=>$$b{count}} @counts) { my $num = $$rec{count}; my $files = $$rec{files}; print "VN\t$num"; for my $file (@$files) { printf "\t$file (%.1f%%)", $num*100.0/$totals{$file}; } print "\n"; } if ( $$opts{refseq} && $$opts{indels} ) { print "#IN Indel Numbers. Use `grep ^IN | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n", "#IN .. todo\n", "#IN Number of matching indel haplotypes shared across:\n"; while (my ($file,$stat) = each %{$$opts{indels}}) { print "IN\t$file\n"; my $match = $$stat{match} ? $$stat{match} : 0; my $mismatch = $$stat{mismatch} ? $$stat{mismatch} : 0; printf "\t\tNumber of matches: %d\n", $match; printf "\t\t mismatches: %d\n", $mismatch; printf "\t\t error rate: %.1f%%\n", 100*$mismatch/($match+$mismatch); } } print "#SN Summary Numbers. Use `grep ^SN | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n"; printf "SN\tNumber of REF matches:\t%d\n", exists($$opts{ref_match}) ? $$opts{ref_match} : 0; printf "SN\tNumber of ALT matches:\t%d\n", exists($$opts{alt_match}) ? $$opts{alt_match} : 0; printf "SN\tNumber of REF mismatches:\t%d\n", exists($$opts{ref_mismatch}) ? $$opts{ref_mismatch} : 0; printf "SN\tNumber of ALT mismatches:\t%d\n", exists($$opts{alt_mismatch}) ? $$opts{alt_mismatch} : 0; printf "SN\tNumber of samples in GT comparison:\t%d\n", $$opts{gt_samples_compared} ? $$opts{gt_samples_compared} : 0; my $out; for my $vcf (@$vcfs) { if ( !exists($totals{$$vcf{file}}) ) { $totals{$$vcf{file}}=0; } if ( $totals{$$vcf{file}} == $$vcf{nread} ) { next; } my $diff = $$vcf{nread}-$totals{$$vcf{file}}; my $reported = $totals{$$vcf{file}}; my $total = $$vcf{nread}; $out .= sprintf "SN\tNumber of lost sites:\t%d\t%.1f%%\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", $diff,$diff*100.0/$total,$total,$reported,$$vcf{file}; } if ( $out ) { print "# Number of sites lost due to grouping (e.g. duplicate sites): lost, %lost, read, reported, file\n"; print $out; } if ( !$$opts{cmp_genotypes} ) { return; } my %summary; for my $id (keys %{$$opts{hapls}}) { for my $key (qw(hom_RR_ het_RA_ hom_AA_ het_AA_)) { if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_mismatch'}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_mismatch'}=0; } $$opts{hapls}{$id}{total_gtype_mismatch} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_mismatch'}; if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_match'}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_match'}=0; } $$opts{hapls}{$id}{total_gtype_match} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_match'}; if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_lost'}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_lost'}=0; } $$opts{hapls}{$id}{total_gtype_lost} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_lost'}; if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_gained'}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_gained'}=0; } $$opts{hapls}{$id}{total_gtype_gained} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_gained'}; $summary{$key}{match} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_match'}; $summary{$key}{mismatch} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_mismatch'}; } for my $key (qw(het_RA_ het_AA_)) { if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_match'}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_match'}=0; } $$opts{hapls}{$id}{total_phase_match} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_match'}; if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_mismatch'}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_mismatch'}=0; } $$opts{hapls}{$id}{total_phase_mismatch} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_mismatch'}; if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_lost'}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_lost'}=0; } $$opts{hapls}{$id}{total_phase_lost} += $$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_lost'}; } } print "#GS Genotype Comparison Summary. Use `grep ^GS | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n", "#GS The columns are:\n", "#GS 1 .. variant type\n", "#GS 2 .. number of mismatches\n", "#GS 3 .. number of matches\n", "#GS 4 .. discordance\n"; print_gs($opts,\%summary); print "\n", "#GC Genotype Comparison. Use `grep ^GC | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n", "#GC The columns are:\n", "#GC 1 .. Sample\n", "#GC 2-6 .. Gtype mismatches: total hom_RR hom_AA het_RA het_AA \n", "#GC 7-9 .. Gtype lost: total het_RA het_AA \n", "#GC 10-14 .. Gtype gained: total hom_RR hom_AA het_RA het_AA \n", "#GC 15-17 .. Phase lost: total het_RA het_AA \n", "#GC 18 .. Phase gained\n", "#GC 19-23 .. Matching sites: total hom_RR hom_AA het_RA het_AA \n", "#GC 24 .. Phased matches: het_RA \n", "#GC 25 .. Misphased matches: het_RA \n"; for my $id (keys %{$$opts{hapls}}) { print "GC\t$id"; for my $key (qw(total_ hom_RR_ hom_AA_ het_RA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_mismatch'}; } for my $key (qw(total_ het_RA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_lost'}; } for my $key (qw(total_ hom_RR_ hom_AA_ het_RA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_gained'}; } for my $key (qw(total_ het_RA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_lost'}; } if ( !exists($$opts{hapls}{$id}{phase_gained}) ) { $$opts{hapls}{$id}{phase_gained}=0; } print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{phase_gained}; for my $key (qw(total_ hom_RR_ hom_AA_ het_RA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'gtype_match'}; } for my $key (qw(het_RA_)) { print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_match'}; } for my $key (qw(het_RA_)) { print "\t",$$opts{hapls}{$id}{$key.'phase_mismatch'}; } print "\n"; } print "#AF Number of matching and mismatching genotypes vs non-ref allele frequency. Use `^AF | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n", "#AF The columns are:\n", "#AF 1 .. Non-ref allele count\n", "#AF 2 .. Hom(RR) matches\n", "#AF 3 .. Het(RA) matches\n", "#AF 4 .. Hom(AA) matches\n", "#AF 5 .. Het(AA) matches\n", "#AF 6 .. Hom(RR) mismatches\n", "#AF 7 .. Het(RA) mismatches\n", "#AF 8 .. Hom(AA) mismatches\n", "#AF 9 .. Het(AA) mismatches\n"; for my $ac (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$opts{counts_by_af}}) { print "AF\t$ac"; for my $key (qw(hom_RR_ het_RA_ hom_AA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t", $$opts{counts_by_af}{$ac}{$key}{matches} ? $$opts{counts_by_af}{$ac}{$key}{matches} : 0; } for my $key (qw(hom_RR_ het_RA_ hom_AA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t", $$opts{counts_by_af}{$ac}{$key}{mismatches} ? $$opts{counts_by_af}{$ac}{$key}{mismatches} : 0; } print "\n"; } for my $infoTag ( @{$$opts{INFOgroup}} ) { print "#INFO/".$infoTag." Number of matching and mismatching genotypes vs INFO/". $infoTag. (exists($$opts{INFOgroupIdx}{$infoTag}) ? "[".$$opts{INFOgroupIdx}{$infoTag}."]" : ""). ". Use `^INFO/".$infoTag." | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." The columns are:\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 1 .. INFO/". $infoTag. (exists($$opts{INFOgroupIdx}{$infoTag}) ? "[".$$opts{INFOgroupIdx}{$infoTag}."]\n" : "\n"), "#INFO/".$infoTag." 2 .. Hom(RR) matches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 3 .. Het(RA) matches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 4 .. Hom(AA) matches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 5 .. Het(AA) matches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 6 .. Hom(RR) mismatches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 7 .. Het(RA) mismatches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 8 .. Hom(AA) mismatches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 9 .. Het(AA) mismatches\n", "#INFO/".$infoTag." 10 .. Non-reference Discordance Rate\n"; for my $info (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}}) { print "INFO/".$infoTag."\t$info"; my $nonRefMatches=-$$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{"hom_RR_"}{matches} ? $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{"hom_RR_"}{matches} : 0; my $mismatches=0; for my $key (qw(hom_RR_ het_RA_ hom_AA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t", $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{matches} ? $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{matches} : 0; $nonRefMatches += $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{matches} ? $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{matches} : 0; } for my $key (qw(hom_RR_ het_RA_ hom_AA_ het_AA_)) { print "\t", $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{mismatches} ? $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{mismatches} : 0; $mismatches += $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{mismatches} ? $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$info}{$key}{mismatches} : 0; } printf "\t%.2f\n",$mismatches*100.0/($mismatches+$nonRefMatches); } } print "#DP Counts by depth. Use `grep ^DP | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n"; print "#DP The columns are:\n"; print "#DP 1 .. depth\n"; print "#DP 2 .. RR matches\n"; print "#DP 3 .. RA matches\n"; print "#DP 4 .. AA matches\n"; print "#DP 5 .. RR -> RA mismatches\n"; print "#DP 6 .. RR -> AA mismatches\n"; print "#DP 7 .. RA -> RR mismatches\n"; print "#DP 8 .. RA -> AA mismatches\n"; print "#DP 9 .. AA -> RR mismatches\n"; print "#DP 10 .. AA -> RA mismatches\n"; for my $dp (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$opts{counts_by_dp}}) { print "DP\t$dp"; for my $type (qw(hom_RR_-hom_RR_ het_RA_-het_RA_ hom_AA_-hom_AA_ hom_RR_-het_RA_ hom_RR_-hom_AA_ het_RA_-hom_RR_ het_RA_-hom_AA_ hom_AA_-hom_RR_ hom_AA_-het_RA_)) { printf "\t%d", exists($$opts{counts_by_dp}{$dp}{$type}) ? $$opts{counts_by_dp}{$dp}{$type} : 0; } print "\n"; } if ( exists($$opts{counts_by_gl}) ) { print "#EQ Errors by quality. Use `grep ^EQ | cut -f 2-` to extract this part.\n"; print "#EQ The columns are:\n"; print "#EQ 1 .. GL\n"; print "#EQ 2 .. number of matches\n"; print "#EQ 3 .. number of mismatches\n"; for my $qual (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$opts{counts_by_gl}}) { printf "EQ\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", $qual, $$opts{counts_by_gl}{$qual}{match}?$$opts{counts_by_gl}{$qual}{match}:0, $$opts{counts_by_gl}{$qual}{mismatch}?$$opts{counts_by_gl}{$qual}{mismatch}:0; } } if ( $$opts{debug} ) { print "#MT Mismatch Types\n"; for my $t1 (keys %{$$opts{mismatch_types}}) { for my $t2 (keys %{$$opts{mismatch_types}{$t1}}) { print "MT\t$t1\t$t2\t$$opts{mismatch_types}{$t1}{$t2}\n"; } } } } sub print_gs { my ($opts,$stats) = @_; my ($ndr_ms,$ndr_m,@summary); for my $key (qw(hom_RR het_RA hom_AA het_AA)) { my $m = $$stats{"${key}_"}{match}; my $ms = $$stats{"${key}_"}{mismatch}; if ( !$m ) { $m=0; } if ( !$ms ) { $ms=0; } my $err = $m?$ms*100.0/($m+$ms):0; printf "GS\t$key\t%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n", $ms,$m,$err; $ndr_ms += $ms; $ndr_m += $key eq 'hom_RR' ? 0 : $m; if ( $key eq 'het_AA' ) { next; } if ( $key=~/_(.+)$/ ) { push @summary, sprintf "%s %.2f", $1,$err; } } my $err = $ndr_m+$ndr_ms ? $ndr_ms*100.0/($ndr_m+$ndr_ms) : 0; unshift @summary, sprintf "NDR %.2f", $err; printf "SN\tNon-reference Discordance Rate (NDR):\t%.2f\n", $err; print "SN\tSummary:\t", join(', ', @summary), "\n"; } sub read_stats { my ($stats,$file) = @_; open(my $fh,'<',$file) or error("$file: $!"); while (my $line=<$fh>) { if ( $line=~/^#/ ) { next; } my @items = split(/\t/,$line); chomp($items[-1]); if ( $items[0] eq 'DP' ) { my $dp = $items[1]; $$stats{dp}{ndist}{$dp} += $items[2] + $items[3] + $items[4] + $items[5] + $items[6] + $items[7] + $items[8] + $items[9] + $items[10]; $$stats{dp}{RR}{RR}{$dp} += $items[2]; $$stats{dp}{RA}{RA}{$dp} += $items[3]; $$stats{dp}{AA}{AA}{$dp} += $items[4]; $$stats{dp}{RR}{RA}{$dp} += $items[5]; $$stats{dp}{n}{RR}{RA} += $items[5]; $$stats{dp}{RR}{AA}{$dp} += $items[6]; $$stats{dp}{n}{RR}{AA} += $items[6]; $$stats{dp}{RA}{RR}{$dp} += $items[7]; $$stats{dp}{n}{RA}{RR} += $items[7]; $$stats{dp}{RA}{AA}{$dp} += $items[8]; $$stats{dp}{n}{RA}{AA} += $items[8]; $$stats{dp}{AA}{RR}{$dp} += $items[9]; $$stats{dp}{n}{AA}{RR} += $items[9]; $$stats{dp}{AA}{RA}{$dp} += $items[10]; $$stats{dp}{n}{AA}{RA} += $items[10]; } elsif ( $items[0] eq 'AF' ) { my $af = $items[1]; $$stats{af}{RR}{$af}{matches} += $items[2]; $$stats{af}{RA}{$af}{matches} += $items[3]; $$stats{af}{AA}{$af}{matches} += $items[4]; $$stats{af}{RR}{$af}{mismatches} += $items[6]; $$stats{af}{RA}{$af}{mismatches} += $items[7]; $$stats{af}{AA}{$af}{mismatches} += $items[8]; } elsif ( $items[0] eq 'GS' ) { my $type = $items[1]; $$stats{gs}{$type.'_'}{mismatch} += $items[2]; $$stats{gs}{$type.'_'}{match} += $items[3]; } elsif ( $items[0] eq 'EQ' ) { my $gl = $items[1]; $$stats{counts_by_gl}{$gl}{mismatch} += $items[2]; $$stats{counts_by_gl}{$gl}{match} += $items[3]; } } close($fh); } sub make_dir { my ($prefix) = @_; if ( $prefix=~m{/} ) { # A directory should be created. This will populate dir and prefix, for example # prefix -> dir prefix # ---------------------------- # out out.dump # out/ out/ out/out.dump # out/xxx out/ out/xxx.dump # my $dir = ''; if ( $prefix=~m{/[^/]+$} ) { $dir=$`; } elsif ( $prefix=~m{/([^/]+)/$} ) { $dir = $`.'/'.$1; $prefix = $dir.'/'.$1; } elsif ( $prefix=~m{([^/]+)/?$} ) { $dir=$1; $prefix=$dir.'/'.$1; } if ( $dir ) { `mkdir -p $dir`; } } return $prefix; } sub plot_stats { my ($opts) = @_; my $stats = {}; for my $file (@{$$opts{files}}) { read_stats($stats,$file); plot_site_ndr($opts,$file); } make_dir($$opts{plot}); plot_dp($opts,$$stats{dp}); plot_af($opts,$$stats{af}); plot_ndr($opts,$$stats{af}); plot_dp_ndr($opts,$$stats{dp}); plot_eq($opts,$$stats{counts_by_gl}); print_gs($opts,$$stats{gs}); } sub plot { my ($file) = @_; system("GDFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/ gnuplot $file"); } sub plot_site_ndr { my ($opts,$file) = @_; my ($fname,$gp,$start_chr,@counts); my $start_pos = -1; my $count = 0; my $numerator = 0; my $denominator = 0; open(my $fh,'<',$file) or error("$file: $!"); while (my $line=<$fh>) { if ( !($line=~/^SD/) ) { next; } my @items = split(/\t/,$line); my $chr = $items[1]; my $pos = $items[2]; if ( !defined $gp ) { $fname = "$$opts{plot}-ndr-$chr-$pos.gp"; open($gp,'>',$fname) or error("$fname: $!"); print $gp q[ set terminal png size 550,400 truecolor font "DejaVuSansMono,9" set output "] . "$$opts{plot}-ndr-$chr-$pos.png" . q[" set style line 1 linecolor rgb "#ff4400" set style line 2 linecolor rgb "#0084ff" set style increment user set grid back lc rgb "#dddddd" set xlabel "Alternate allele frequency" set ylabel "Non-reference Discordance Rate" set y2label "Number of genotypes" set y2tics set xtic rotate by -45 plot '-' with lines lw 1 title "NDR", \ '-' axes x1y2 with lines lw 1 title "GTs" ]; } if ( $start_pos==-1 ) { $start_pos = $pos; $start_chr = $chr; } $numerator += $items[6] + $items[7] + $items[8]; $denominator += $items[6] + $items[7] + $items[8] + $items[4] + $items[5]; $count += $denominator; if ( $start_pos+50_000 > $pos && $start_chr eq $chr ) { next; } printf $gp "$start_pos\t%.2f\n", $denominator ? $numerator*100.0/$denominator : 0; push @counts, "$start_pos\t$count\n"; $numerator = 0; $denominator = 0; $count = 0; $start_pos = $pos; $start_chr = $chr; } close($fh); # Was the ^SD section found? if ( !@counts ) { return; } push @counts, "$start_pos\t$count\n"; printf $gp "$start_pos\t%.2f\n", $denominator ? $numerator*100.0/$denominator : 0; print $gp "end\n"; print $gp join('',@counts), "end\n"; close($gp); plot("$fname"); } sub plot_dp_ndr { my ($opts,$stats) = @_; my ($numerator,$denominator); for my $agt (keys %$stats) { if ( $agt eq 'n' or $agt eq 'ndist' ) { next; } for my $bgt (keys %{$$stats{$agt}}) { if ( $bgt eq 'n' ) { next; } if ( $agt eq 'RR' && $bgt eq 'RR' ) { next; } for my $dp (keys %{$$stats{$agt}{$bgt}}) { if ( $agt ne $bgt ) { $$numerator{$dp} += $$stats{$agt}{$bgt}{$dp}; $$denominator{$dp} += $$stats{$agt}{$bgt}{$dp}; } else { $$denominator{$dp} += $$stats{$agt}{$bgt}{$dp}; } } } } open(my $fh,'>',"$$opts{plot}-dp-ndr.gp") or error("$$opts{plot}-dp-ndr.gp: $!"); if ( exists($$opts{title}) ) { print $fh qq[set title "$$opts{title}"\n]; } print $fh q[ set terminal png size 600,400 truecolor font "DejaVuSansMono,9" set output "] . "$$opts{plot}-dp-ndr.png" . q[" set style line 1 linecolor rgb "#ff4400" set style line 2 linecolor rgb "#0084ff" set style increment user set grid back lc rgb "#dddddd" set xlabel "Depth" set ylabel "Non-reference Discordance Rate" set y2label "Number of genotypes" set y2tics plot '-' with lines lw 1 title "NDR", \ '-' axes x1y2 with lines lw 1 title "GTs" ]; for my $dp (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$denominator) { printf $fh "%d\t%.2f\n", $dp,$$denominator{$dp} ? $$numerator{$dp}*100.0/$$denominator{$dp} : 0; } print $fh "end\n"; for my $dp (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$denominator) { printf $fh "%d\t%d\n", $dp,$$denominator{$dp}; } print $fh "end\n"; close($fh); plot("$$opts{plot}-dp-ndr.gp"); } sub plot_dp { my ($opts,$stats) = @_; my $out; my @plots; for my $agt (sort keys %$stats) { if ( $agt eq 'n' or $agt eq 'ndist' ) { next; } for my $bgt (sort keys %{$$stats{$agt}}) { if ( $bgt eq 'n' ) { next; } if ( $agt eq $bgt ) { next; } for my $dp (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$stats{$agt}{$bgt}}) { $out .= $dp . "\t" . ($$stats{n}{$agt}{$bgt} ? $$stats{$agt}{$bgt}{$dp}*100.0/$$stats{n}{$agt}{$bgt} : 0) . "\n"; } $out .= "end\n"; push @plots, qq["-" using 1:2 with linespoints pt 12 title "$agt -> $bgt"]; } } open(my $fh,'>',"$$opts{plot}-dp.gp") or error("$$opts{plot}-dp.gp: $!"); print $fh q[ set terminal png size 600,400 truecolor font "DejaVuSansMono,9" set output "] . "$$opts{plot}-dp.png" . q[" set ylabel 'Fraction of GTs [%]' set y2label 'Number of GTs total' set y2tics set ytics nomirror set xlabel 'Depth' set xrange [:20] ]; if ( exists($$opts{title}) ) { print $fh qq[set title "$$opts{title}"\n]; } print $fh "plot ", join(',',@plots), qq[, '-' using 1:2 axes x1y2 with lines lt 0 title "GTs total"\n]; print $fh $out; for my $dp (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$stats{ndist}}) { print $fh "$dp\t$$stats{ndist}{$dp}\n"; } print $fh "end\n"; close($fh); plot("$$opts{plot}-dp.gp"); } sub plot_af { my ($opts,$stats) = @_; open(my $fh,'>',"$$opts{plot}-af.gp") or error("$$opts{plot}-af.gp: $!"); if ( exists($$opts{title}) ) { print $fh qq[set title "$$opts{title}"\n]; } print $fh q[ set terminal png size 550,400 truecolor font "DejaVuSansMono,9" set output "] . "$$opts{plot}-af.png" . q[" set grid back lc rgb "#dddddd" set xlabel "Non-reference allele frequency" set ylabel "Concordance" set y2label "Number of genotypes" set yrange [0.0:1.0] set y2tics set key center plot '-' axes x1y2 with lines lw 1 lc rgb "red" notitle, \ '-' axes x1y2 with lines lw 1 lc rgb "green" notitle, \ '-' axes x1y2 with lines lw 1 lc rgb "blue" notitle, \ '-' with points pt 20 lc rgb "red" title "HomRef", \ '-' with points pt 20 lc rgb "green" title "Het", \ '-' with points pt 20 lc rgb "blue" title "HomAlt" ]; for my $type (qw(RR RA AA)) { for my $af (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$stats{$type}}) { print $fh "$af\t" . ($$stats{$type}{$af}{matches}+$$stats{$type}{$af}{mismatches}) . "\n"; } print $fh "end\n"; } for my $type (qw(RR RA AA)) { for my $af (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$$stats{$type}}) { my $n = $$stats{$type}{$af}{matches}+$$stats{$type}{$af}{mismatches}; print $fh "$af\t" . ($n ? 1-$$stats{$type}{$af}{mismatches}/$n : -1) . "\n"; } print $fh "end\n"; } close($fh); plot("$$opts{plot}-af.gp"); } sub plot_ndr { my ($opts,$stats) = @_; open(my $fh,'>',"$$opts{plot}-ndr.gp") or error("$$opts{plot}-ndr.gp: $!"); if ( exists($$opts{title}) ) { print $fh qq[set title "$$opts{title}"\n]; } print $fh q[ set terminal png size 550,400 truecolor font "DejaVuSansMono,9" set output "] . "$$opts{plot}-ndr.png" . q[" set style line 1 linecolor rgb "#ff4400" set style line 2 linecolor rgb "#0084ff" set style increment user set grid back lc rgb "#dddddd" set xlabel "Alternate allele frequency" set ylabel "Non-reference Discordance Rate" set y2label "Number of genotypes" set xrange [0.0:1.0] set y2tics plot '-' with lines lw 1 title "NDR", \ '-' axes x1y2 with lines lw 1 title "GTs" ]; my $afs; for my $type (qw(RA AA)) { for my $af (keys %{$$stats{$type}}) { $$afs{$af}{m} += $$stats{$type}{$af}{matches}; $$afs{$af}{mi} += $$stats{$type}{$af}{mismatches}; } } for my $type (qw(RR)) { for my $af (keys %{$$stats{$type}}) { $$afs{$af}{mi} += $$stats{$type}{$af}{mismatches}; } } my @afs = sort { $a<=>$b } keys %$afs; my $iafs = 0; my $bin_size = 0.02; my @dp; for (my $i=0; $i<=1/$bin_size; $i++) { my $from = $i*$bin_size; my $to = ($i+1)*$bin_size; my ($m,$mi,$af) = (0,0,0); while ( $iafs<@afs && $afs[$iafs]>=$from && $afs[$iafs]<$to ) { $af = $afs[$iafs]; $m += $$afs{$af}{m}; $mi += $$afs{$af}{mi}; $iafs++; } if ( !($m+$mi) ) { next; } printf $fh "$af\t%.2f\n", $m+$mi ? $mi*100.0/($m+$mi) : 0; push @dp, sprintf "$af\t%d",$m+$mi; } print $fh "end\n"; print $fh join("\n",@dp), "\nend\n"; close($fh); plot("$$opts{plot}-ndr.gp"); } sub plot_eq { my ($opts,$stats) = @_; if ( !scalar keys %$stats ) { return; } open(my $fh,'>',"$$opts{plot}-eq.gp") or error("$$opts{plot}-eq.gp: $!"); if ( exists($$opts{title}) ) { print $fh qq[set title "$$opts{title}"\n]; } print $fh q[ set terminal png size 550,400 truecolor font "DejaVuSansMono,9" set output "] . "$$opts{plot}-eq.png" . q[" set style line 1 linecolor rgb "#ff4400" set style line 2 linecolor rgb "#0084ff" set style increment user set grid back lc rgb "#dddddd" set xlabel "GL" set ylabel "Number of matches (log)" set y2label "Number of mismatches (log)" set y2tics set ytics nomirror set log y set log y2 plot '-' with lines lw 1 title "Matches", \ '-' axes x1y2 with lines lw 1 title "Mismatches" ]; for my $gl (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$stats) { print $fh "$gl\t$$stats{$gl}{match}\n"; } print $fh "end\n"; for my $gl (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$stats) { print $fh "$gl\t$$stats{$gl}{mismatch}\n"; } print $fh "end\n"; close($fh); plot("$$opts{plot}-eq.gp"); } sub do_region_stats { my ($opts,$vcfs) = @_; my $refseq; if ( $$opts{refseq} ) { $refseq = FaSlice->new(file=>$$opts{refseq}, size=>1_000_000); } my $nvcfs = scalar @$vcfs; my $debug = $$opts{debug} ? $$opts{debug} : 0; my $match = $$opts{match}; my $win = $$opts{win} ? $$opts{win} : 0; while (1) { my $grp = read_next_group($opts,$vcfs,$win); if ( !$grp || !scalar @$grp ) { last } if ( $debug>1 ) { print "Group:\n"; for my $rec (@$grp) { print "$$rec{chr}\t$$rec{pos}\t$$rec{vcf}{file}\n"; } print "\n"; } my %files; for my $rec (@$grp) { $files{$$rec{vcf}{file}} = 1; } my $key = join(q['],sort(keys %files)); $$match{$key}++; my $npresent = scalar keys %files; if ( $npresent == $nvcfs ) { ref_alt_stats($opts,$grp); } if ( $npresent>1 && defined $refseq ) { cmp_sequence($opts,$grp,$refseq); } if ( $$opts{cmp_genotypes} ) { # Check that in the group there is one record for each file if ( $npresent==$nvcfs && scalar @$grp==$nvcfs ) { cmp_genotypes($opts,$grp); } } } } sub cmp_sequence { my ($opts,$grp,$fa_refseq) = @_; # Detailed comparison will be performed only if there are indels or complex # substitutions, SNPs are interesting only in their presence. There can be # more events from the same file present simultaneously and at multiple # positions. They all are treated as separate variants and if any of them # yields a haplotype present in all files, match is reported. # Note that the original version of the code expected all alternate # variants to be present on a single VCF line and was able to compare # consecutive non-overlapping events as one sequence. However, because the # the major producer of indel calls (Dindel) does report one variant per # line, this idea was abandoned. # Check if there are any interesting events. my %has_indels; my %events_per_file; my $vcf = $$grp[0]{vcf}; for (my $igrp=0; $igrp<@$grp; $igrp++) { my $rec = $$grp[$igrp]; my $ifile = $$rec{vcf}{vcf_compare_ID}; my $ref_len = length($$rec{ref}); my @alts = split(/,/,$$rec{alt}); for my $alt (@alts) { if ( $alt eq '.' ) { next; } if ( $alt=~/^$$rec{pos}, alt=>$alt, ref_len=>$ref_len }; # Do complex checking of event type only if it is still not certain if this is waste of time or not if ( exists($has_indels{$ifile}) ) { next; } if ( $ref_len!=$alt_len ) { $has_indels{$ifile} = $$rec{vcf}{file}; } elsif ( $ref_len>1 ) { my ($type,$len,$ht) = $vcf->event_type($$rec{ref},$alt); if ( $type eq 'o' ) { $has_indels{$ifile} = $$rec{vcf}{file}; } } } } # Return if there is nothing interesting if ( scalar keys %has_indels < 2 ) { return; } for my $ifile (keys %events_per_file) { if ( !exists($has_indels{$ifile}) ) { delete($events_per_file{$ifile}); } } # Cache the reference sequence chunk my $ref_from = $$grp[0]{pos} - $$opts{win}; my $ref_to = $$grp[-1]{pos} + $$opts{win}; my $refseq = $fa_refseq->get_slice($$grp[0]{chr},$ref_from,$ref_to); # For each file get all possible sequences for my $events (values %events_per_file) { for my $variant (@$events) { my $pos = $$variant{pos}; my $len = $pos - $ref_from; my $seq = $len>0 ? substr($refseq,0,$len) : ''; $seq .= $$variant{alt}; $pos += $$variant{ref_len}; if ( $pos<=$ref_to ) { $seq .= substr($refseq,$pos-$ref_from); } $$variant{seq} = $seq; $$variant{length} = length($seq); } } # Now compare the variants: is there a sequence shared across all files? my $match = 1; my @keys = keys %events_per_file; for (my $ikey=0; $ikey<@keys; $ikey++) { my $ivars = $events_per_file{$ikey}; for (my $jkey=0; $jkey<$ikey; $jkey++) { my $jvars = $events_per_file{$jkey}; my $found = 0; for my $ivar (@$ivars) { for my $jvar (@$jvars) { if ( $$ivar{length} != $$jvar{length} ) { next; } if ( $$ivar{seq} ne $$jvar{seq} ) { next; } $found=1; last; } } if ( !$found ) { $match=0; last; } } if ( !$match ) { last; } } my $key = join(q['],sort(values %has_indels)); if ( $match ) { $$opts{indels}{$key}{match}++; } else { $$opts{indels}{$key}{mismatch}++; } } sub ref_alt_stats { my ($opts,$grp) = @_; my $ref = $$grp[0]{ref}; my $alt = join(',',sort split(/,/,$$grp[0]{alt})); my $alt_mismatch; for (my $i=1; $i<@$grp; $i++) { my $rec = $$grp[$i]; if ( $ref ne $$rec{ref} ) { $$opts{ref_mismatch}++; if ( $$opts{debug} ) { print "RM\t$$grp[0]{chr}\t$$grp[0]{pos}\t$$grp[0]{ref}\t$$rec{ref}\n"; } return; } my $tmp = join(',',sort split(/,/,$$rec{alt})); if ( $alt ne $tmp ) { $alt_mismatch = $tmp; } } if ( $alt ne '.' ) { if ( defined $alt_mismatch ) { $$opts{alt_mismatch}++; if ( $$opts{debug} ) { print "AM\t$$grp[0]{chr}\t$$grp[0]{pos}\t$alt\t$alt_mismatch\n"; } } else { $$opts{alt_match}++; } } $$opts{ref_match}++; } sub snp_type { my ($als,$ref) = @_; # Determine SNP type: hom(RR),het(RA),hom(AA) or het(AA) if ( $$als[0] eq $$als[1] ) { if ( $$als[0] eq $ref ) { return 'hom_RR_'; } else { return 'hom_AA_'; } } else { if ( $$als[0] eq $ref or $$als[1] eq $ref ) { return 'het_RA_'; } else { return 'het_AA_'; } } } sub cmp_genotypes { my ($opts,$grp) = @_; my $nrecs = @$grp; my $hapls = $$opts{hapls}; # Break the VCF lines into hashes (required by parse_haplotype) for my $grp_rec (@$grp) { $$grp_rec{rec} = $$grp_rec{vcf}->next_data_hash($$grp_rec{line}); if ( $$opts{ignore_indels} && exists($$grp_rec{rec}{INFO}{INDEL}) ) { return; } if ( exists($$grp_rec{vcf}{_col_mapping}) ) { my %new_cols; while (my ($name_ori,$name_new) = each %{$$grp_rec{vcf}{_col_mapping}}) { $new_cols{$name_new} = $$grp_rec{rec}{gtypes}{$name_ori}; delete($$grp_rec{rec}{gtypes}{$name_ori}); } while (my ($name,$hash) = each %new_cols) { $$grp_rec{rec}{gtypes}{$name} = $hash; } } } if ( $$grp[0]{vcf}{vcf_compare_ID} != 0 ) { error("FIXME: different order than expected: $$grp[0]{vcf}{vcf_compare_ID}\n"); } my $ref = $$grp[0]{rec}{REF}; my %gtype_matches = (); my %gtype_mismatches = (); my $min_dp; my $ndp3 = 0; for my $id (keys %{$$grp[0]{rec}{gtypes}}) { my (@sorted_als1,$nploid,$type,$max_gl); my ($als1,$seps1,$is_phased1,$is_empty1) = $$grp[0]{vcf}->parse_haplotype($$grp[0]{rec},$id); if ( !$is_empty1 ) { @sorted_als1 = sort @$als1; $nploid = scalar @sorted_als1; $type = snp_type($als1,$ref); } if ( exists($$opts{high_confidence_gls}) ) { my @gls = split(/,/,$$grp[1]{rec}{gtypes}{$id}{GL}); if ( @gls!=3 or $gls[0] eq '.' ) { next; } @gls = sort {$b<=>$a} @gls; if ( abs($gls[0]-$gls[1])<$$opts{high_confidence_gls} ) { next; } } if ( exists($$opts{err_by_gl}) && exists($$grp[0]{rec}{gtypes}{$id}{GL}) ) { for my $gl (split(/,/,$$grp[0]{rec}{gtypes}{$id}{GL})) { if ( !defined $max_gl or $gl>$max_gl ) { $max_gl = $gl; } } } # There may be multiple files entering the comparison. Report match only if all are present and all match. # Report mismatch if all are present and they do not match. Otherwise report lost/gained event. my $phase_match = 1; my $phase_mismatch = 0; my $gtype_match = 1; my $gtype_lost = 0; my $gtype_gained = 0; my $phase_lost = 0; my $phase_gained = 0; my $type2; for (my $i=1; $i<$nrecs; $i++) { my ($als2,$seps2,$is_phased2,$is_empty2) = $$grp[$i]{vcf}->parse_haplotype($$grp[$i]{rec},$id); if ( $is_empty1 ) { $gtype_match = 0; if ( !$is_empty2 ) { $gtype_gained = 1; $type = snp_type($als2,$ref); } if ( !$is_phased1 && $is_phased2 ) { $phase_gained = 1; } last; } elsif ( $is_empty2 ) { $gtype_match = 0; $gtype_lost = 1; last; } if ( $is_phased1 ) { if ( !$is_phased2 ) { $phase_lost = 1; $phase_match = 0; } } elsif ( $is_phased2 ) { $phase_gained = 1; $phase_match = 0; } else { $phase_match = 0; } # Consider different number of alleles as mismatch (C vs C/C) if ( scalar @$als1 != scalar @$als2 ) { $gtype_match = 0; if ( $$opts{debug} ) { $$opts{mismatch_types}{$type}{'Allele_Count'}++ } last; } if ( exists($$opts{err_by_gl}) && exists($$grp[$i]{rec}{gtypes}{$id}{GL}) ) { for my $gl (split(/,/,$$grp[$i]{rec}{gtypes}{$id}{GL})) { if ( !defined $max_gl or $gl>$max_gl ) { $max_gl = $gl; } } } my @sorted_als2 = sort @$als2; for (my $ial=0; $ial<$nploid; $ial++) { if ( $sorted_als1[$ial] ne $sorted_als2[$ial] ) { $gtype_match = 0; if ( $$opts{debug} ) { my $type2 = snp_type($als2,$ref); $$opts{mismatch_types}{$type}{$type2}++; } last; } } if ( !$gtype_match ) { if ( !defined $type2 && !$is_empty2 ) { $type2 = snp_type($als2,$ref); } last; } # They match, check also if their phase agrees if ( $phase_match && $is_phased1 && $is_phased2 ) { for (my $ial=0; $ial<$nploid; $ial++) { if ( $$als1[$ial] ne $$als2[$ial] ) { $phase_mismatch=1; last; } } } } if ( $gtype_gained ) { $$hapls{$id}{$type.'gtype_gained'}++; if ( $phase_gained ) { $$hapls{$id}{phased_gtype_gained}++ } next; } if ( $gtype_lost ) { $$hapls{$id}{$type.'gtype_lost'}++; next; } if ( $phase_mismatch ) { $$hapls{$id}{$type.'phase_mismatch'}++; } if ( $phase_gained ) { $$hapls{$id}{phase_gained}++ } elsif ( $phase_lost ) { $$hapls{$id}{$type.'phase_lost'}++ } my $dp = exists($$grp[1]{rec}{gtypes}{$id}{DP}) ? $$grp[1]{rec}{gtypes}{$id}{DP} : -1; if ( $gtype_match ) { $$hapls{$id}{$type.'gtype_match'}++; if ( $phase_match ) { $$hapls{$id}{$type.'phase_match'}++ } $gtype_matches{$type}++; $$opts{counts_by_dp}{$dp}{$type.'-'.$type}++; if ( defined $max_gl ) { my $gl = sprintf "%.2f", $max_gl; $$opts{counts_by_gl}{$gl}{match}++; } } elsif ( defined $type ) { $$hapls{$id}{$type.'gtype_mismatch'}++; $gtype_mismatches{$type}++; $$opts{counts_by_dp}{$dp}{$type.'-'.$type2}++; if ( defined $max_gl ) { my $gl = sprintf "%.2f", $max_gl; $$opts{counts_by_gl}{$gl}{mismatch}++; } } } $$opts{hapls_ncmp}++; my %infoGroup; for my $infoTag ( @{$$opts{INFOgroup}} ) { if ( exists($$grp[1]{rec}{INFO}{$infoTag}) ) { if( exists($$opts{INFOgroupIdx}{$infoTag}) ) { my @arr = split(/,/,$$grp[1]{rec}{INFO}{$infoTag}); $infoGroup{$infoTag} = sprintf "%.2f", $arr[$$opts{INFOgroupIdx}{$infoTag}]; } else { $infoGroup{$infoTag} = sprintf "%.2f", $$grp[1]{rec}{INFO}{$infoTag}; } } } # Store the number of matching types by AC my $af; if ( $$opts{INFO_AF1_af} && exists($$grp[1]{rec}{INFO}{AF1}) ) { $af = sprintf "%.2f", $$grp[1]{rec}{INFO}{AF1}; } elsif ( !$$opts{all_samples_af} ) { my $ac = 0; my $an = 0; if ( exists($gtype_matches{hom_AA_}) ) { $ac += 2*$gtype_matches{hom_AA_}; $an += 2*$gtype_matches{hom_AA_}; } if ( exists($gtype_mismatches{hom_AA_}) ) { $ac += 2*$gtype_mismatches{hom_AA_}; $an += 2*$gtype_mismatches{hom_AA_}; } if ( exists($gtype_matches{het_RA_}) ) { $ac += $gtype_matches{het_RA_}; $an += 2*$gtype_matches{het_RA_}; } if ( exists($gtype_mismatches{het_RA_}) ) { $ac += $gtype_mismatches{het_RA_}; $an += 2*$gtype_mismatches{het_RA_}; } if ( exists($gtype_matches{hom_RR_}) ) { $an += 2*$gtype_matches{hom_RR_}; } if ( exists($gtype_mismatches{hom_RR_}) ) { $an += 2*$gtype_mismatches{hom_RR_}; } $af = sprintf "%.2f", $an>0 ? $ac/$an : 0; } else { my ($an,$ac) = $$grp[0]{vcf}->calc_an_ac($$grp[0]{rec}{gtypes}); $af = sprintf "%.2f", $an>0 ? $ac/$an : 0; } for my $type (keys %gtype_matches) { for my $infoTag ( @{$$opts{INFOgroup}} ) { $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$infoGroup{$infoTag}}{$type}{matches} += $gtype_matches{$type}; } $$opts{counts_by_af}{$af}{$type}{matches} += $gtype_matches{$type}; $$opts{gtypes_cmp_total} += $gtype_matches{$type}; } for my $type (keys %gtype_mismatches) { for my $infoTag ( @{$$opts{INFOgroup}} ) { $$opts{counts_by_INFO}{$infoTag}{$infoGroup{$infoTag}}{$type}{mismatches} += $gtype_mismatches{$type}; } $$opts{counts_by_af}{$af}{$type}{mismatches} += $gtype_mismatches{$type}; $$opts{gtypes_cmp_total} += $gtype_mismatches{$type}; } if ( $$opts{debug} ) { my $hom_rr_mm = $gtype_mismatches{hom_RR_} ? $gtype_mismatches{hom_RR_} : 0; my $het_ra_mm = $gtype_mismatches{het_RA_} ? $gtype_mismatches{het_RA_} : 0; my $hom_aa_mm = $gtype_mismatches{hom_AA_} ? $gtype_mismatches{hom_AA_} : 0; my $hom_rr_m = $gtype_matches{hom_RR_} ? $gtype_matches{hom_RR_} : 0; my $het_ra_m = $gtype_matches{het_RA_} ? $gtype_matches{het_RA_} : 0; my $hom_aa_m = $gtype_matches{hom_AA_} ? $gtype_matches{hom_AA_} : 0; my $denom = $het_ra_m+$hom_aa_m+$hom_rr_mm+$het_ra_mm+$hom_aa_mm; my $ndr = sprintf "%.2f", $denom ? ($hom_rr_mm+$het_ra_mm+$hom_aa_mm)*100.0/$denom : 0; print "SD\t$$grp[0]{rec}{CHROM}\t$$grp[0]{rec}{POS}\t$hom_rr_m\t$het_ra_m\t$hom_aa_m\t$hom_rr_mm\t$het_ra_mm\t$hom_aa_mm\t$ndr\n"; } } sub read_next_group { my ($opts,$vcfs,$win) = @_; my @grp; my $prev_vcf; my $start; while (1) { my $min_vcf = get_min_position($opts,$vcfs); if ( !$min_vcf ) { last; } if ( $prev_vcf && $prev_vcf eq $$min_vcf{buf}[0] ) { last; } $prev_vcf = $$min_vcf{buf}[0]; if ( !$start or $start+$win >= $$min_vcf{buf}[0]{pos} ) { my $rec = shift(@{$$min_vcf{buf}}); push @grp,$rec; $start = $$rec{pos}; next; } } return \@grp; } sub get_min_position { my ($opts,$vcfs) = @_; my ($min_pos,$min_vcf); for my $vcf (@$vcfs) { # Check if there is a line in the buffer, if not, read. If still empty, the file reached eof if ( !$$vcf{buf} or !scalar @{$$vcf{buf}} ) { read_line($opts,$vcf); } if ( !$$vcf{buf} or !scalar @{$$vcf{buf}} ) { next; } my $line = $$vcf{buf}[0]; # Designate this position as the minimum of all the files if: # .. is this the first file? if ( !$min_pos ) { $min_pos = $$line{pos}; $min_vcf = $vcf; next; } # .. has this file lower position? if ( $min_pos>$$line{pos} ) { $min_pos = $$line{pos}; $min_vcf = $vcf; next; } } return $min_vcf; } sub read_line { my ($opts,$vcf) = @_; if ( $$vcf{eof} ) { return; } my @items; my $line; while ( !defined $line ) { $line = $vcf->next_line(); if ( !$line ) { $$vcf{eof} = 1; return; } @items = split(/\t/,$line); if ( $$opts{apply_filters} ) { if ( $items[6] ne 'PASS' && $items[6] ne '.' ) { $line = undef; next; } } } $$vcf{nread}++; my $chr = $items[0]; my $pos = $items[1]; my $ref = uc($items[3]); my $alt = uc($items[4]); if ( $$vcf{buf} && @{$$vcf{buf}} ) { my $prev = $$vcf{buf}[-1]; if ( $$prev{pos} == $pos ) { warn("Position $chr:$pos appeared twice in $$vcf{file}\n"); } } push @{$$vcf{buf}}, { chr=>$chr, pos=>$pos, ref=>$ref, alt=>$alt, line=>$line, vcf=>$vcf }; return; }