Welcome to VCFtools

Welcome to VCFtools - a program package designed for working with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The aim of VCFtools is to provide methods for working with VCF files: validating, merging, comparing and calculate some basic population genetic statistics.

Supported VCF versions

VCFtools supports the VCF format v4.0. The vcf-validator, Perl API and scripts now support also VCF format v4.1 and maintain backward compatibility with older versions.
For details, please go to the Documentation page.

Mailing List

Anything VCF or VCFtools related may be discussed on the project's mailing list.


The latest stable release can be downloaded from here:


The latest development version can be retrieved by running the following command:

svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/vcftools/code vcftools

The above command is required to be run only once, for any subsequent updates run this command from the vcftools directory:

svn update

How to use

The VCFtools package includes a set of tools for
  • validating
  • comparing
  • merging
  • annotating
  • creating intersections and subsets
  • ...
For details, please go to the Documentation page.