# $Id: Utilities.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Align::Utilities # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Jason Stajich # # Copyright Jason Stajich # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Align::Utilities - A collection of utilities regarding converting and manipulating alignment objects =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::Align::Utilities qw(:all); # %dnaseqs is a hash of CDS sequences (spliced) # Even if the protein alignments are local make sure the start/end # stored in the LocatableSeq objects are to the full length protein. # The CoDing Sequence that is passed in should still be the full # length CDS as the nt alignment will be generated. # my $dna_aln = &aa_to_dna_aln($aa_aln,\%dnaseqs); # generate bootstraps my $replicates = &bootstrap_replicates($aln,$count); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains utility methods for manipulating sequence alignments ( L) objects. The B utility is essentially the same as the B program by Bill Pearson available at ftp://ftp.virginia.edu/pub/fasta/other/mrtrans.shar. Of course this is a pure-perl implementation, but just to mention that if anything seems odd you can check the alignments generated against Bill's program. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut #' keep my emacs happy # Let the code begin... package Bio::Align::Utilities; use vars qw(@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $GAP $CODONGAP %EXPORT_TAGS); use strict; use Carp; use Bio::Root::Version; require Exporter; use base qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(aa_to_dna_aln bootstrap_replicates cat); %EXPORT_TAGS = (all =>[@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK]); BEGIN { use constant CODONSIZE => 3; $GAP = '-'; $CODONGAP = $GAP x CODONSIZE; } =head2 aa_to_dna_aln Title : aa_to_dna_aln Usage : my $dnaaln = aa_to_dna_aln($aa_aln, \%seqs); Function: Will convert an AA alignment to DNA space given the corresponding DNA sequences. Note that this method expects the DNA sequences to be in frame +1 (GFF frame 0) as it will start to project into coordinates starting at the first base of the DNA sequence, if this alignment represents a different frame for the cDNA you will need to edit the DNA sequences to remove the 1st or 2nd bases (and revcom if things should be). Returns : Bio::Align::AlignI object Args : 2 arguments, the alignment and a hashref. Alignment is a Bio::Align::AlignI of amino acid sequences. The hash reference should have keys which are the display_ids for the aa sequences in the alignment and the values are a Bio::PrimarySeqI object for the corresponding spliced cDNA sequence. See also: L, L, L =cut sub aa_to_dna_aln { my ($aln,$dnaseqs) = @_; unless( defined $aln && ref($aln) && $aln->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI') ) { croak('Must provide a valid Bio::Align::AlignI object as the first argument to aa_to_dna_aln, see the documentation for proper usage and the method signature'); } my $alnlen = $aln->length; my $dnaalign = Bio::SimpleAlign->new(); $aln->map_chars('\.',$GAP); foreach my $seq ( $aln->each_seq ) { my $aa_seqstr = $seq->seq(); my $id = $seq->display_id; my $dnaseq = $dnaseqs->{$id} || $aln->throw("cannot find ". $seq->display_id); my $start_offset = ($seq->start - 1) * CODONSIZE; $dnaseq = $dnaseq->seq(); my $dnalen = $dnaseqs->{$id}->length; my $nt_seqstr; my $j = 0; for( my $i = 0; $i < $alnlen; $i++ ) { my $char = substr($aa_seqstr,$i + $start_offset,1); if ( $char eq $GAP || $j >= $dnalen ) { $nt_seqstr .= $CODONGAP; } else { $nt_seqstr .= substr($dnaseq,$j,CODONSIZE); $j += CODONSIZE; } } $nt_seqstr .= $GAP x (($alnlen * 3) - length($nt_seqstr)); my $newdna = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(-display_id => $id, -alphabet => 'dna', -start => $start_offset+1, -end => ($seq->end * CODONSIZE), -strand => 1, -seq => $nt_seqstr); $dnaalign->add_seq($newdna); } return $dnaalign; } =head2 bootstrap_replicates Title : bootstrap_replicates Usage : my $alns = &bootstrap_replicates($aln,100); Function: Generate a pseudo-replicate of the data by randomly sampling, with replacement, the columns from an alignment for the non-parametric bootstrap. Returns : Arrayref of L objects Args : L object Number of replicates to generate =cut sub bootstrap_replicates { my ($aln,$count) = @_; $count ||= 1; my $alen = $aln->length; my (@seqs,@nm); $aln->set_displayname_flat(1); for my $s ( $aln->each_seq ) { push @seqs, $s->seq(); push @nm, $s->id; } my (@alns,$i); while( $count-- > 0 ) { my @newseqs; for($i =0; $i < $alen; $i++ ) { my $index = int(rand($alen)); my $c = 0; for ( @seqs ) { $newseqs[$c++] .= substr($_,$index,1); } } my $newaln = Bio::SimpleAlign->new(); my $i = 0; for my $s ( @newseqs ) { (my $tmp = $s) =~ s{[$Bio::LocatableSeq::GAP_SYMBOLS]+}{}g; $newaln->add_seq( Bio::LocatableSeq->new (-start => 1, -end => length($tmp), -display_id => $nm[$i++], -seq => $s)); } push @alns, $newaln; } return \@alns; } =head2 cat Title : cat Usage : $aln123 = cat($aln1, $aln2, $aln3) Function : Concatenates alignment objects. Sequences are identified by id. An error will be thrown if the sequence ids are not unique in the first alignment. If any ids are not present or not unique in any of the additional alignments then those sequences are omitted from the concatenated alignment, and a warning is issued. An error will be thrown if any of the alignments are not flush, since concatenating such alignments is unlikely to make biological sense. Returns : A new Bio::SimpleAlign object Args : A list of Bio::SimpleAlign objects =cut sub cat { my ($self, @aln) = @_; $self->throw("cat method called with no arguments") unless $self; for ($self,@aln) { $self->throw($_->id. " not a Bio::Align::AlignI object") unless $_->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI'); $self->throw($_->id. " is not flush") unless $_->is_flush; } my $aln = $self->new; $aln->id($self->id); $aln->annotation($self->annotation); my %unique; SEQ: foreach my $seq ( $self->each_seq() ) { throw("ID: ", $seq->id, " is not unique in initial alignment.") if exists $unique{$seq->id}; $unique{$seq->id}=1; # Can be Bio::LocatableSeq, Bio::Seq::Meta or Bio::Seq::Meta::Array my $new_seq = $seq->new(-id=> $seq->id, -strand => $seq->strand, -verbose => $self->verbose); $new_seq->seq($seq->seq); $new_seq->start($seq->start); $new_seq->end($seq->end); if ($new_seq->isa('Bio::Seq::MetaI')) { for my $meta_name ($seq->meta_names) { $new_seq->named_submeta($meta_name, $new_seq->start, $new_seq->end, $seq->named_meta($meta_name)); } } for my $cat_aln (@aln) { my @cat_seq=$cat_aln->each_seq_with_id($seq->id); if (@cat_seq==0) { $self->warn($seq->id. " not found in alignment ". $cat_aln->id. ", skipping this sequence."); next SEQ; } if (@cat_seq>1) { $self->warn($seq->id. " found multiple times in alignment ". $cat_aln->id. ", skipping this sequence."); next SEQ; } my $cat_seq=$cat_seq[0]; my $old_end=$new_seq->end; $new_seq->seq($new_seq->seq.$cat_seq->seq); # Not sure if this is a sensible way to deal with end coordinates $new_seq->end($new_seq->end+$cat_seq->end+1-$cat_seq->start); if ($cat_seq->isa('Bio::Seq::Meta::Array')) { unless ($new_seq->isa('Bio::Seq::Meta::Array')) { my $meta_seq=Bio::Seq::Meta::Array->new; $meta_seq->seq($new_seq->seq); $meta_seq->start($new_seq->start); $meta_seq->end($new_seq->end); if ($new_seq->isa('Bio::Seq::Meta')) { for my $meta_name ($new_seq->meta_names) { $meta_seq->named_submeta($meta_name, $new_seq->start, $old_end, [split(//, $new_seq->named_meta($meta_name))] ); } } $new_seq=$meta_seq; } for my $meta_name ($cat_seq->meta_names) { $new_seq->named_submeta($meta_name, $old_end+1, $new_seq->end, $cat_seq->named_meta($meta_name) ); } } elsif ($cat_seq->isa('Bio::Seq::Meta')) { if ($new_seq->isa('Bio::Seq::Meta::Array')) { for my $meta_name ($cat_seq->meta_names) { $new_seq->named_submeta($meta_name, $old_end+1, $new_seq->end, [split(//,$cat_seq->named_meta($meta_name))] ); } } else { unless ($new_seq->isa('Bio::Seq::Meta')) { my $meta_seq=Bio::Seq::Meta::Array->new; $meta_seq->seq($new_seq->seq); $meta_seq->start($new_seq->start); $meta_seq->end($new_seq->end); $new_seq=$meta_seq; } for my $meta_name ($cat_seq->meta_names) { $new_seq->named_submeta($meta_name, $old_end+1, $new_seq->end, $cat_seq->named_meta($meta_name) ); } } } } $aln->add_seq($new_seq); } my $cons_meta = $self->consensus_meta; my $new_cons_meta; if ($cons_meta) { $new_cons_meta = Bio::Seq::Meta->new(); for my $meta_name ($cons_meta->meta_names) { $new_cons_meta->named_submeta($meta_name, 1, $self->length, $cons_meta->$meta_name); } } my $end=$self->length; for my $cat_aln (@aln) { my $cat_cons_meta=$cat_aln->consensus_meta; if ($cat_cons_meta) { $new_cons_meta = Bio::Seq::Meta->new() if !$new_cons_meta; for my $meta_name ($cat_cons_meta->meta_names) { $new_cons_meta->named_submeta($meta_name, $end+1, $end+$cat_aln->length, $cat_cons_meta->$meta_name); } } $end+=$cat_aln->length; } $aln->consensus_meta($new_cons_meta) if $new_cons_meta; return $aln; } 1;