# $Id: AnalysisI.pm 16147 2009-09-22 01:26:32Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::AnalysisI # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Martin Senger # For copyright and disclaimer see below. # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::AnalysisI - An interface to any (local or remote) analysis tool =head1 SYNOPSIS This is an interface module - you do not instantiate it. Use C module: use Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis; my $tool = Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis->new(@args); =head1 DESCRIPTION This interface contains all public methods for accessing and controlling local and remote analysis tools. It is meant to be used on the client side. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR Martin Senger (martin.senger@gmail.com) =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003, Martin Senger and EMBL-EBI. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. =head1 SEE ALSO http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/soaplab/guide =head1 APPENDIX This is actually the main documentation... If you try to call any of these methods directly on this C object you will get a I error message. You need to call them on a C object instead. =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::AnalysisI; use strict; use base qw(Bio::Root::RootI); # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 analysis_name Usage : $tool->analysis_name; Returns : a name of this analysis Args : none =cut sub analysis_name { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 analysis_spec Usage : $tool->analysis_spec; Returns : a hash reference describing this analysis Args : none The returned hash reference uses the following keys (not all of them always present, perhaps others present as well): C, C, C, C, C, C. Here is an example output: Analysis 'edit.seqret': installation => EMBL-EBI description => Reads and writes (returns) sequences supplier => EMBOSS version => 2.6.0 type => edit name => seqret =cut sub analysis_spec { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 describe Usage : $tool->analysis_spec; Returns : an XML detailed description of this analysis Args : none The returned XML string contains metadata describing this analysis service. It includes also metadata returned (and easier used) by method C, C and C. The DTD used for returned metadata is based on the adopted standard (BSA specification for analysis engine): But the DTD may be extended by provider-specific metadata. For example, the EBI experimental SOAP-based service on top of EMBOSS uses DTD explained at C. =cut sub describe { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 input_spec Usage : $tool->input_spec; Returns : an array reference with hashes as elements Args : none The analysis input data are named, and can be also associated with a default value, with allowed values and with few other attributes. The names are important for feeding the service with the input data (the inputs are given to methods C, C, and/or C as name/value pairs). Here is a (slightly shortened) example of an input specification: $input_spec = [ { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'sequence_usa' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'sequence_direct_data' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'allowed_values' => [ 'gcg', 'gcg8', ... 'raw' ], 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'sformat' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'sbegin' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'send' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'sprotein' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'snucleotide' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'sreverse' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'slower' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'supper' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'default' => 'false', 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'firstonly' }, { 'mandatory' => 'false', 'default' => 'fasta', 'allowed_values' => [ 'gcg', 'gcg8', 'embl', ... 'raw' ], 'type' => 'String', 'name' => 'osformat' } ]; =cut sub input_spec { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 result_spec Usage : $tool->result_spec; Returns : a hash reference with result names as keys and result types as values Args : none The analysis results are named and can be retrieved using their names by methods C and C. Here is an example of the result specification (again for the service I): $result_spec = { 'outseq' => 'String', 'report' => 'String', 'detailed_status' => 'String' }; =cut sub result_spec { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 create_job Usage : $tool->create_job ( {'sequence'=>'tatat'} ) Returns : Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis::Job Args : data and parameters for this execution (in various formats) Create an object representing a single execution of this analysis tool. Call this method if you wish to "stage the scene" - to create a job with all input data but without actually running it. This method is called automatically from other methods (C and C) so usually you do not need to call it directly. The input data and prameters for this execution can be specified in various ways: =over =item array reference The array has scalar elements of the form name = [[@]value] where C is the name of an input data or input parameter (see method C for finding what names are recognized by this analysis) and C is a value for this data/parameter. If C is missing a 1 is assumed (which is convenient for the boolean options). If C starts with C<@> it is treated as a local filename, and its contents is used as the data/parameter value. =item hash reference The same as with the array reference but now there is no need to use an equal sign. The hash keys are input names and hash values their data. The values can again start with a C<@> sign indicating a local filename. =item scalar In this case, the parameter represents a job ID obtained in some previous invocation - such job already exists on the server side, and we are just re-creating it here using the same job ID. I =item undef Finally, if the parameter is undefined, ask server to create an empty job. The input data may be added later using C method(s) - see scripts/papplmaker.PLS for details. =back =cut sub create_job { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 run Usage : $tool->run ( ['sequence=@my.seq', 'osformat=embl'] ) Returns : Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis::Job, representing started job (an execution) Args : the same as for create_job Create a job and start it, but do not wait for its completion. =cut sub run { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 wait_for Usage : $tool->wait_for ( { 'sequence' => '@my,file' } ) Returns : Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis::Job, representing finished job Args : the same as for create_job Create a job, start it and wait for its completion. Note that this is a blocking method. It returns only after the executed job finishes, either normally or by an error. Usually, after this call, you ask for results of the finished job: $analysis->wait_for (...)->results; =cut sub wait_for { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Bio::AnalysisI::JobI # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package Bio::AnalysisI::JobI; =head1 Module Bio::AnalysisI::JobI An interface to the public methods provided by C objects. The C objects represent a created, running, or finished execution of an analysis tool. The factory for these objects is module C where the following methods return an C object: create_job (returning a prepared job) run (returning a running job) wait_for (returning a finished job) =cut use strict; use base qw(Bio::Root::RootI); # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 id Usage : $job->id; Returns : this job ID Args : none Each job (an execution) is identifiable by this unique ID which can be used later to re-create the same job (in other words: to re-connect to the same job). It is useful in cases when a job takes long time to finish and your client program does not want to wait for it within the same session. =cut sub id { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 Bio::AnalysisI::JobI::run Usage : $job->run Returns : itself Args : none It starts previously created job. The job already must have all input data filled-in. This differs from the method of the same name of the C object where the C method creates also a new job allowing to set input data. =cut sub run { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 Bio::AnalysisI::JobI::wait_for Usage : $job->wait_for Returns : itself Args : none It waits until a previously started execution of this job finishes. =cut sub wait_for { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 terminate Usage : $job->terminate Returns : itself Args : none Stop the currently running job (represented by this object). This is a definitive stop, there is no way to resume it later. =cut sub terminate { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 last_event Usage : $job->last_event Returns : an XML string Args : none It returns a short XML document showing what happened last with this job. This is the used DTD: Here is an example what is returned after a job was created and started, but before it finishes (note that the example uses an analysis 'showdb' which does not need any input data): use Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis; print new Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis (-name => 'display.showdb') ->run ->last_event; It prints: Mar 3, 2003 5:14:46 PM (Europe/London) The same example but now after it finishes: use Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis; print new Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis (-name => 'display.showdb') ->wait_for ->last_event; Mar 3, 2003 5:17:14 PM (Europe/London) =cut sub last_event { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 status Usage : $job->status Returns : string describing the job status Args : none It returns one of the following strings (and perhaps more if a server implementation extended possible job states): CREATED RUNNING COMPLETED TERMINATED_BY_REQUEST TERMINATED_BY_ERROR =cut sub status { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 created Usage : $job->created (1) Returns : time when this job was created Args : optional Without any argument it returns a time of creation of this job in seconds, counting from the beginning of the UNIX epoch (1.1.1970). With a true argument it returns a formatted time, using rules described in C. =cut sub created { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 started Usage : $job->started (1) Returns : time when this job was started Args : optional See C. =cut sub started { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 ended Usage : $job->ended (1) Returns : time when this job was terminated Args : optional See C. =cut sub ended { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 elapsed Usage : $job->elapsed Returns : elapsed time of the execution of the given job (in milliseconds), or 0 of job was not yet started Args : none Note that some server implementations cannot count in millisecond - so the returned time may be rounded to seconds. =cut sub elapsed { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 times Usage : $job->times ('formatted') Returns : a hash refrence with all time characteristics Args : optional It is a convenient method returning a hash reference with the folowing keys: created started ended elapsed See C for remarks on time formating. An example - both for unformatted and formatted times: use Data::Dumper; use Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis; my $rh = Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis->new(-name => 'nucleic_cpg_islands.cpgplot') ->wait_for ( { 'sequence_usa' => 'embl:hsu52852' } ) ->times (1); print Data::Dumper->Dump ( [$rh], ['Times']); $rh = Bio::Tools::Run::Analysis->new(-name => 'nucleic_cpg_islands.cpgplot') ->wait_for ( { 'sequence_usa' => 'embl:AL499624' } ) ->times; print Data::Dumper->Dump ( [$rh], ['Times']); $Times = { 'ended' => 'Mon Mar 3 17:52:06 2003', 'started' => 'Mon Mar 3 17:52:05 2003', 'elapsed' => '1000', 'created' => 'Mon Mar 3 17:52:05 2003' }; $Times = { 'ended' => '1046713961', 'started' => '1046713926', 'elapsed' => '35000', 'created' => '1046713926' }; =cut sub times { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 results Usage : $job->results (...) Returns : one or more results created by this job Args : various, see belou This is a complex method trying to make sense for all kinds of results. Especially it tries to help to put binary results (such as images) into local files. Generally it deals with fhe following facts: =over =item * Each analysis tool may produce more results. =item * Some results may contain binary data not suitable for printing into a terminal window. =item * Some results may be split into variable number of parts (this is mainly true for the image results that can consist of more *.png files). =back Note also that results have names to distinguish if there are more of them. The names can be obtained by method C. Here are the rules how the method works: Retrieving NAMED results: ------------------------- results ('name1', ...) => return results as they are, no storing into files results ( { 'name1' => 'filename', ... } ) => store into 'filename', return 'filename' results ( 'name1=filename', ...) => ditto results ( { 'name1' => '-', ... } ) => send result to the STDOUT, do not return anything results ( 'name1=-', ...) => ditto results ( { 'name1' => '@', ... } ) => store into file whose name is invented by this method, perhaps using RESULT_NAME_TEMPLATE env results ( 'name1=@', ...) => ditto results ( { 'name1' => '?', ... } ) => find of what type is this result and then use {'name1'=>'@' for binary files, and a regular return for non-binary files results ( 'name=?', ...) => ditto Retrieving ALL results: ----------------------- results() => return all results as they are, no storing into files results ('@') => return all results, as if each of them given as {'name' => '@'} (see above) results ('?') => return all results, as if each of them given as {'name' => '?'} (see above) Misc: ----- * any result can be returned as a scalar value, or as an array reference (the latter is used for results consisting of more parts, such images); this applies regardless whether the returned result is the result itself or a filename created for the result * look in the documentation of the C script for examples (especially how to use various templates for inventing file names) =cut sub results { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 result Usage : $job->result (...) Returns : the first result Args : see 'results' =cut sub result { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 remove Usage : $job->remove Returns : 1 Args : none The job object is not actually removed in this time but it is marked (setting 1 to C<_destroy_on_exit> attribute) as ready for deletion when the client program ends (including a request to server to forget the job mirror object on the server side). =cut sub remove { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; __END__