package Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::mysqlcmap; =head1 NAME Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::mysqlcmap -- Database adaptor for an integraded CMap/GBrowse mysql schema =head1 SYNOPSIS See L =cut # a simple mysql adaptor use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi; use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange; # for rearrange() use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Binning; use base qw(Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::mysql); require Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::mysql; use constant GETSEQCOORDS =><<<< < select * from cmap_feature where feature_name='sjj_2L52.1'; +--------------+-------------+--------------+ | feature_id | gclass | feature_name | +--------------+-------------+--------------+ | 69736 | PCR_product | sjj_2L52.1 | +--------------+-------------+--------------+ 1 row in set (0.70 sec) mysql> select fref,fstart,fstop from fdata,cmap_feature where gclass='PCR_product' and feature_name = 'sjj_2L52.1' and fdata.feature_id=cmap_feature.feature_id; +---------------+--------+-------+ | fref | fstart | fstop | +---------------+--------+-------+ | CHROMOSOME_II | 1586 | 2355 | +---------------+--------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.03 sec) =item ftype This table contains the feature types, one per row. Columns are: ftypeid the feature type ID (integer) fmethod the feature type method name (string) fsource the feature type source name (string) The ftype.ftypeid field joins with the fdata.ftypeid field. Example: mysql> select fref,fstart,fstop,fmethod,fsource from fdata,cmap_feature,ftype where gclass='PCR_product' and feature_name = 'sjj_2L52.1' and fdata.feature_id=cmap_feature.feature_id and fdata.ftypeid=ftype.ftypeid; +---------------+--------+-------+-------------+-----------+ | fref | fstart | fstop | fmethod | fsource | +---------------+--------+-------+-------------+-----------+ | CHROMOSOME_II | 1586 | 2355 | PCR_product | GenePairs | +---------------+--------+-------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.08 sec) =item fdna This table holds the raw DNA of the reference sequences. It has three columns: fref reference sequence name (string) foffset offset of this sequence fdna the DNA sequence (longblob) To overcome problems loading large blobs, DNA is automatically fragmented into multiple segments when loading, and the position of each segment is stored in foffset. The fragment size is controlled by the -clump_size argument during initialization. =item fattribute_to_feature This table holds "attributes", which are tag/value pairs stuffed into the GFF line. The first tag/value pair is treated as the group, and anything else is treated as an attribute (weird, huh?). CHR_I assembly_tag Finished 2032 2036 . + . Note "Right: cTel33B" CHR_I assembly_tag Polymorphism 668 668 . + . Note "A->C in cTel33B" The columns of this table are: fid feature ID (integer) fattribute_id ID of the attribute (integer) fattribute_value text of the attribute (text) The fdata.fid column joins with fattribute_to_feature.fid. =item fattribute This table holds the normalized names of the attributes. Fields are: fattribute_id ID of the attribute (integer) fattribute_name Name of the attribute (varchar) =back =head2 Data Loading Methods In addition to implementing the abstract SQL-generating methods of Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi, this module also implements the data loading functionality of Bio::DB::GFF. =cut =head2 new Title : new Usage : $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(@args) Function: create a new adaptor Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF object Args : see below Status : Public The new constructor is identical to the "dbi" adaptor's new() method, except that the prefix "dbi:mysql" is added to the database DSN identifier automatically if it is not there already. Argument Description -------- ----------- -dsn the DBI data source, e.g. 'dbi:mysql:ens0040' or "ens0040" -user username for authentication -pass the password for authentication =cut #' #Defined in =head2 get_dna Title : get_dna Usage : $string = $db->get_dna($name,$start,$stop,$class) Function: get DNA string Returns : a string Args : name, class, start and stop of desired segment Status : Public This method performs the low-level fetch of a DNA substring given its name, class and the desired range. This should probably be moved to the parent class. =cut sub make_features_select_part { my $self = shift; my $options = shift || {}; my $s; if (my $b = $options->{bin_width}) { $s = <{attributes} && keys %{$options->{attributes}}>1; $s; } # IMPORTANT NOTE: # WHETHER OR NOT THIS WORKS IS CRITICALLY DEPENDENT ON THE RELATIVE MAGNITUDE OF THE sub make_features_from_part { my $self = shift; my $sparse_types = shift; my $options = shift || {}; my $sparse_groups = $options->{sparse_groups}; my $index = $sparse_groups ? ' USE INDEX(feature_id)' : $sparse_types ? ' USE INDEX(ftypeid)' : ''; return $options->{attributes} ? "fdata${index},ftype,cmap_feature,fattribute,fattribute_to_feature\n" : "fdata${index},ftype,cmap_feature\n"; } ################################ loading and initialization ################################## =head2 schema Title : schema Usage : $schema = $db->schema Function: return the CREATE script for the schema Returns : a list of CREATE statemetns Args : none Status : protected This method returns a list containing the various CREATE statements needed to initialize the database tables. =cut sub schema { my %schema = ( fdata =>{ table=> q{ #create table fdata ( # fid int not null auto_increment, # fref varchar(100) not null, # fstart int unsigned not null, # fstop int unsigned not null, # ftypeid int not null, # fscore float, # fstrand enum('+','-'), # fphase enum('0','1','2'), # feature_id int not null, # ftarget_start int unsigned, # ftarget_stop int unsigned, # primary key(fid), # unique index(fref,fstart,fstop,ftypeid,feature_id), # index(ftypeid), # index(feature_id) #) type=MyISAM create table fdata ( fid int not null auto_increment, fref varchar(100) not null, fstart int unsigned not null, fstop int unsigned not null, fbin double(20,6) not null, ftypeid int not null, fscore float, fstrand enum('+','-'), fphase enum('0','1','2'), feature_id int not null, ftarget_start int unsigned, ftarget_stop int unsigned, primary key(fid), unique index(fref,fbin,fstart,fstop,ftypeid,feature_id), index(ftypeid), index(feature_id) ) type=MyISAM } # fdata table }, # fdata ftype => { table=> q{ create table ftype ( ftypeid int not null auto_increment, fmethod varchar(100) not null, fsource varchar(100), primary key(ftypeid), index(fmethod), index(fsource), unique ftype (fmethod,fsource) )type=MyISAM } #ftype table }, #ftype fdna => { table=> q{ create table fdna ( fref varchar(100) not null, foffset int(10) unsigned not null, fdna longblob, primary key(fref,foffset) )type=MyISAM } # fdna table },#fdna fmeta => { table=> q{ create table fmeta ( fname varchar(255) not null, fvalue varchar(255) not null, primary key(fname) )type=MyISAM } # fmeta table },#fmeta fattribute => { table=> q{ create table fattribute ( fattribute_id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment, fattribute_name varchar(255) not null, primary key(fattribute_id) )type=MyISAM } #fattribute table },#fattribute fattribute_to_feature => { table=> q{ create table fattribute_to_feature ( fid int(10) not null, fattribute_id int(10) not null, fattribute_value text, key(fid,fattribute_id), key(fattribute_value(48)), fulltext(fattribute_value) )type=MyISAM } # fattribute_to_feature table }, # fattribute_to_feature cmap_attribute => { table=>q{ create table cmap_attribute ( attribute_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', table_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', object_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', display_order int(11) NOT NULL default '1', is_public tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1', attribute_name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', attribute_value text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (attribute_id), KEY table_name (table_name,object_id,display_order,attribute_name) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_correspondence_evidence => { table=>q{ create table cmap_correspondence_evidence ( correspondence_evidence_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', accession_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', feature_correspondence_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', evidence_type_accession varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', score double(8,2) default NULL, rank int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (correspondence_evidence_id), UNIQUE KEY accession_id (accession_id), KEY feature_correspondence_id (feature_correspondence_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_correspondence_lookup => { table=>q{ create table cmap_correspondence_lookup ( feature_id1 int(11) default NULL, feature_id2 int(11) default NULL, feature_correspondence_id int(11) default NULL, start_position1 double(11,2) default NULL, start_position2 double(11,2) default NULL, stop_position1 double(11,2) default NULL, stop_position2 double(11,2) default NULL, map_id1 int(11) default NULL, map_id2 int(11) default NULL, feature_type_accession1 varchar(20) default NULL, feature_type_accession2 varchar(20) default NULL, KEY feature_id1 (feature_id1), KEY corr_id (feature_correspondence_id), KEY cl_map_id1 (map_id1), KEY cl_map_id2 (map_id2), KEY cl_map_id1_map_id2 (map_id1,map_id2), KEY cl_map_id2_map_id1 (map_id2,map_id1) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_correspondence_matrix => { table=>q{ create table cmap_correspondence_matrix ( reference_map_aid varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', reference_map_name varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', reference_map_set_aid varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', reference_species_aid varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', link_map_aid varchar(20) default NULL, link_map_name varchar(32) default NULL, link_map_set_aid varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', link_species_aid varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', no_correspondences int(11) NOT NULL default '0' ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_feature => { table=>q{ create table cmap_feature ( feature_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', accession_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', map_id int(11) default NULL, feature_type_accession varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', feature_name varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', is_landmark tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', start_position double(11,2) NOT NULL default '0.00', stop_position double(11,2) default NULL, default_rank int(11) NOT NULL default '1', direction tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1', gclass varchar(100) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (feature_id), UNIQUE KEY gclass (gclass,feature_name), UNIQUE KEY accession_id (accession_id), KEY feature_name (feature_name), KEY feature_id_map_id (feature_id,map_id), KEY feature_id_map_id_start (feature_id,map_id,start_position), KEY map_id (map_id), KEY map_id_feature_id (map_id,feature_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_feature_alias => { table=>q{ create table cmap_feature_alias ( feature_alias_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', feature_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', alias varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (feature_alias_id), UNIQUE KEY feature_id_2 (feature_id,alias), KEY feature_id (feature_id), KEY alias (alias) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_feature_correspondence => { table=>q{ create table cmap_feature_correspondence ( feature_correspondence_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', accession_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', feature_id1 int(11) NOT NULL default '0', feature_id2 int(11) NOT NULL default '0', is_enabled tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (feature_correspondence_id), UNIQUE KEY accession_id (accession_id), KEY feature_id1 (feature_id1), KEY cmap_feature_corresp_idx (is_enabled,feature_correspondence_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_map => { table=>q{ create table cmap_map ( map_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', accession_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', map_set_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', map_name varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', display_order int(11) NOT NULL default '1', start_position double(11,2) default NULL, stop_position double(11,2) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (map_id), UNIQUE KEY accession_id (accession_id), UNIQUE KEY map_id (map_id,map_set_id,map_name,accession_id), KEY map_set_id_index (map_set_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_map_set => { table=>q{ create table cmap_map_set ( map_set_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', accession_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', map_set_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', short_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', map_type_accession varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0', species_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', published_on date default NULL, can_be_reference_map tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1', display_order int(11) NOT NULL default '1', is_enabled tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1', shape varchar(12) default NULL, color varchar(20) default NULL, width int(11) default NULL, map_units varchar(12) NOT NULL default '', is_relational_map tinyint(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (map_set_id), UNIQUE KEY accession_id (accession_id), UNIQUE KEY map_set_id (map_set_id,species_id,short_name,accession_id), KEY cmap_map_set_idx (can_be_reference_map,is_enabled,species_id,display_order,published_on,short_name) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_next_number => { table=>q{ create table cmap_next_number ( table_name varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', next_number int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (table_name) ) TYPE=MyISAM; }, # table insert=>{next_num=>q[ insert into cmap_next_number (table_name,next_number) VALUES ('cmap_feature',82);]} }, cmap_species => { table=>q{ create table cmap_species ( species_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', accession_id varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', common_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', full_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', display_order int(11) NOT NULL default '1', PRIMARY KEY (species_id), KEY acc_id_species_id (accession_id,species_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, cmap_xref => { table=>q{ create table cmap_xref ( xref_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', table_name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', object_id int(11) default NULL, display_order int(11) NOT NULL default '1', xref_name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '', xref_url text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (xref_id), KEY table_name (table_name,object_id,display_order) ) TYPE=MyISAM; } # table }, ); return \%schema; } =head2 make_classes_query Title : make_classes_query Usage : ($query,@args) = $db->make_classes_query Function: return query fragment for generating list of reference classes Returns : a query and args Args : none Status : public =cut sub make_classes_query { my $self = shift; return 'SELECT DISTINCT gclass FROM cmap_feature WHERE NOT ISNULL(gclass)'; } =head2 setup_load Title : setup_load Usage : $db->setup_load Function: called before load_gff_line() Returns : void Args : none Status : protected This method performs schema-specific initialization prior to loading a set of GFF records. It prepares a set of DBI statement handlers to be used in loading the data. =cut sub setup_load { my $self = shift; my $dbh = $self->features_db; if ($self->lock_on_load) { my @tables = map { "$_ WRITE"} $self->tables; my $tables = join ', ',@tables; $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES $tables"); } #xx1 my $lookup_type = $dbh->prepare_delayed('SELECT ftypeid FROM ftype WHERE fmethod=? AND fsource=?'); my $insert_type = $dbh->prepare_delayed('INSERT INTO ftype (fmethod,fsource) VALUES (?,?)'); my $lookup_group = $dbh->prepare_delayed('SELECT feature_id FROM cmap_feature WHERE feature_name=? AND gclass=?'); my $insert_group = $dbh->prepare_delayed(' INSERT into cmap_feature (feature_id, accession_id,feature_name, gclass ) VALUES (?,feature_id,?,?)'); my $aux_insert_group = $dbh->prepare_delayed(' update cmap_next_number set next_number = next_number +1 where table_name=\'cmap_feature\''); my $next_id_group = $dbh->prepare_delayed('select next_number from cmap_next_number where table_name=\'cmap_feature\''); my $lookup_attribute = $dbh->prepare_delayed('SELECT fattribute_id FROM fattribute WHERE fattribute_name=?'); my $insert_attribute = $dbh->prepare_delayed('INSERT INTO fattribute (fattribute_name) VALUES (?)'); my $insert_attribute_value = $dbh->prepare_delayed('INSERT INTO fattribute_to_feature (fid,fattribute_id,fattribute_value) VALUES (?,?,?)'); my $insert_data = $dbh->prepare_delayed(<{load_stuff}{sth}{lookup_ftype} = $lookup_type; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{insert_ftype} = $insert_type; #$self->{load_stuff}{sth}{lookup_fgroup} = $lookup_group; #$self->{load_stuff}{sth}{insert_fgroup} = $insert_group; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{lookup_cmap_feature} = $lookup_group; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{insert_cmap_feature} = $insert_group; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{aux_insert_cmap_feature} = $aux_insert_group; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{next_id_cmap_feature} = $next_id_group; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{insert_fdata} = $insert_data; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{lookup_fattribute} = $lookup_attribute; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{insert_fattribute} = $insert_attribute; $self->{load_stuff}{sth}{insert_fattribute_value} = $insert_attribute_value; $self->{load_stuff}{types} = {}; $self->{load_stuff}{groups} = {}; $self->{load_stuff}{counter} = 0; } =head2 load_gff_line Title : load_gff_line Usage : $db->load_gff_line($fields) Function: called to load one parsed line of GFF Returns : true if successfully inserted Args : hashref containing GFF fields Status : protected This method is called once per line of the GFF and passed a series of parsed data items that are stored into the hashref $fields. The keys are: ref reference sequence source annotation source method annotation method start annotation start stop annotation stop score annotation score (may be undef) strand annotation strand (may be undef) phase annotation phase (may be undef) group_class class of annotation's group (may be undef) group_name ID of annotation's group (may be undef) target_start start of target of a similarity hit target_stop stop of target of a similarity hit attributes array reference of attributes, each of which is a [tag=>value] array ref =cut sub load_gff_line { my $self = shift; my $gff = shift; my $s = $self->{load_stuff}; my $dbh = $self->features_db; local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; defined(my $typeid = $self->get_table_id('ftype', $gff->{method} => $gff->{source})) or return; defined(my $groupid = $self->get_table_id('cmap_feature',$gff->{gname} => $gff->{gclass})) or return; if ($gff->{stop}-$gff->{start}+1 > $self->max_bin) { warn "$gff->{gclass}:$gff->{gname} is longer than ",$self->maxbin,".\n"; warn "Please set the maxbin value to a larger length than the largest feature you wish to store.\n"; warn "With the command-line tools you do with this with --maxfeature option.\n"; } my $bin = bin($gff->{start},$gff->{stop},$self->min_bin); my $result = $s->{sth}{insert_fdata}->execute($gff->{ref}, $gff->{start},$gff->{stop},$bin, $typeid, $gff->{score},$gff->{strand},$gff->{phase}, $groupid, $gff->{tstart},$gff->{tstop}); warn $dbh->errstr,"\n" && return unless $result; my $fid = $dbh->{mysql_insertid} || $self->get_feature_id($gff->{ref},$gff->{start},$gff->{stop},$typeid,$groupid); # insert attributes foreach (@{$gff->{attributes}}) { defined(my $attribute_id = $self->get_table_id('fattribute',$_->[0])) or return; $s->{sth}{insert_fattribute_value}->execute($fid,$attribute_id,$_->[1]); } if ( (++$s->{counter} % 1000) == 0) { print STDERR "$s->{counter} records loaded..."; print STDERR -t STDOUT && !$ENV{EMACS} ? "\r" : "\n"; } $fid; } =head2 get_feature_id Title : get_feature_id Usage : $integer = $db->get_feature_id($ref,$start,$stop,$typeid,$groupid) Function: get the ID of a feature Returns : an integer ID or undef Args : none Status : private This internal method is called by load_gff_line to look up the integer ID of an existing feature. It is ony needed when replacing a feature with new information. =cut # this method is called when needed to look up a feature's ID sub get_feature_id { my $self = shift; my ($ref,$start,$stop,$typeid,$groupid) = @_; my $s = $self->{load_stuff}; unless ($s->{get_feature_id}) { my $dbh = $self->features_db; $s->{get_feature_id} = $dbh->prepare_delayed('SELECT fid FROM fdata WHERE fref=? AND fstart=? AND fstop=? AND ftypeid=? AND feature_id=?'); } my $sth = $s->{get_feature_id} or return; $sth->execute($ref,$start,$stop,$typeid,$groupid) or return; my ($fid) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return $fid; } =head2 get_table_id Title : get_table_id Usage : $integer = $db->get_table_id($table,@ids) Function: get the ID of a group or type Returns : an integer ID or undef Args : none Status : private This internal method is called by load_gff_line to look up the integer ID of an existing feature type or group. The arguments are the name of the table, and two string identifiers. For feature types, the identifiers are the method and source. For groups, the identifiers are group name and class. This method requires that a statement handler named I, have been created previously by setup_load(). It is here to overcome deficiencies in mysql's INSERT syntax. =cut #' # get the object ID from a named table sub get_table_id { my $self = shift; my $table = shift; my @ids = @_; # irritating warning for null id my $id_key; { local $^W=0; $id_key = join ':',@ids; } my $s = $self->{load_stuff}; my $sth = $s->{sth}; my $dbh = $self->features_db; unless (defined($s->{$table}{$id_key})) { ######################################### # retrieval of the last inserted id is now located at the adaptor and not in caching_handle ####################################### if ( (my $result = $sth->{"lookup_$table"}->execute(@ids)) > 0) { $s->{$table}{$id_key} = ($sth->{"lookup_$table"}->fetchrow_array)[0]; } else { if (defined($sth->{"next_id_$table"})){ $sth->{"insert_$table"}->execute(3,'string1','string2'); # Can't use auto incrementing $sth->{"next_id_$table"}->execute(); $s->{$table}{$id_key} = ($sth->{"next_id_$table"}->fetchrow_array)[0]; if ($s->{$table}{$id_key}){ $sth->{"insert_$table"}->execute($s->{$table}{$id_key},@ids); $sth->{"aux_insert_$table"}->execute() if $sth->{"aux_insert_$table"}; } } else{ $sth->{"insert_$table"}->execute(@ids); $s->{$table}{$id_key} = $self->insertid($sth->{"insert_$table"}) unless $s->{$table}{$id_key}; $sth->{"aux_insert_$table"}->execute() if $sth->{"aux_insert_$table"}; } } } my $id = $s->{$table}{$id_key}; unless (defined $id) { warn "No $table id for $id_key ",$dbh->errstr," Record skipped.\n"; return; } $id; } #----------------------------------- =head2 make_features_by_name_where_part Title : make_features_by_name_where_part Usage : $db->make_features_by_name_where_part Function: create the SQL fragment needed to select a feature by its group name & class Returns : a SQL fragment and bind arguments Args : see below Status : Protected =cut sub make_features_by_name_where_part { my $self = shift; my ($class,$name) = @_; if ($name =~ /\*/) { $name =~ tr/*/%/; return ("cmap_feature.gclass=? AND cmap_feature.feature_name LIKE ?",$class,$name); } else { return ("cmap_feature.gclass=? AND cmap_feature.feature_name=?",$class,$name); } } =head2 make_features_join_part Title : make_features_join_part Usage : $string = $db->make_features_join_part() Function: make join part of the features query Returns : a string Args : none Status : protected This method creates the part of the features query that immediately follows the WHERE keyword. =cut sub make_features_join_part { my $self = shift; my $options = shift || {}; return !$options->{attributes} ? <search_notes("full text search string",$limit) Function: Search the notes for a text string, using mysql full-text search Returns : array of results Args : full text search string, and an optional row limit Status : public This is a mysql-specific method. Given a search string, it performs a full-text search of the notes table and returns an array of results. Each row of the returned array is a arrayref containing the following fields: column 1 A Bio::DB::GFF::Featname object, suitable for passing to segment() column 2 The text of the note column 3 A relevance score. =cut sub search_notes { my $self = shift; my ($search_string,$limit) = @_; $search_string =~ tr/*?//d; my @words = $search_string =~ /(\w+)/g; my $regex = join '|',@words; my @searches = map {"fattribute_value LIKE '%${_}%'"} @words; my $search = join(' OR ',@searches); my $query = <dbh->do_query($query); my @results; while (my ($class,$name,$note) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { next unless $class && $name; # sorry, ignore NULL objects my @matches = $note =~ /($regex)/g; my $relevance = 10*@matches; my $featname = Bio::DB::GFF::Featname->new($class=>$name); push @results,[$featname,$note,$relevance]; last if $limit && @results >= $limit; } @results; } # sub search_notes { # my $self = shift; # my ($search_string,$limit) = @_; # my $query = FULLTEXTSEARCH; # $query .= " limit $limit" if defined $limit; # my $sth = $self->dbh->do_query($query,$search_string,$search_string); # my @results; # while (my ($class,$name,$note,$relevance) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { # next unless $class && $name; # sorry, ignore NULL objects # $relevance = sprintf("%.2f",$relevance); # trim long floats # my $featname = Bio::DB::GFF::Featname->new($class=>$name); # push @results,[$featname,$note,$relevance]; # } # @results; # } =head2 make_features_order_by_part Title : make_features_order_by_part Usage : ($query,@args) = $db->make_features_order_by_part() Function: make the ORDER BY part of the features() query Returns : a SQL fragment and bind arguments, if any Args : none Status : protected This method creates the part of the features query that immediately follows the ORDER BY part of the query issued by features() and related methods. =cut sub make_features_order_by_part { my $self = shift; my $options = shift || {}; return "cmap_feature.feature_name"; } =head2 create_cmap_viewer_link Title : create_cmap_viewer_link Usage : $link_str = $db->create_cmap_viewer_link(data_source=>$ds,group_id=>$gid) Function: Returns : Args : Status : =cut sub create_cmap_viewer_link { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $data_source = $args{'data_source'}; my $gid = $args{'group_id'}; my $link_str = undef; my $db = $self->features_db; my $sql_str = qq[ select f.feature_name, f.feature_type_accession feature_type_aid, m.accession_id as map_aid, ms.accession_id as map_set_aid from cmap_feature f, cmap_map m, cmap_map_set ms where f.map_id=m.map_id and ms.map_set_id=m.map_set_id and f.feature_id=$gid ]; my $result_ref = $db->selectrow_hashref($sql_str,{ Columns => {} }); if ( $result_ref ) { $link_str='/cgi-bin/cmap/viewer?ref_map_set_aid=' . $result_ref->{'map_set_aid'} . '&ref_map_aids=' . $result_ref->{'map_aid'} . '&data_source=' . $data_source . '&highlight=' .$result_ref->{'feature_name'} . '&feature_type_' .$result_ref->{'feature_type_aid'} . '=2'; } return $link_str; } 1; __END__ =head1 BUGS none ;-) =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Ben Faga Efaga@cshl.orgE. Modified from by: Lincoln Stein Elstein@cshl.orgE. Copyright (c) 2002 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut