=head1 NAME Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange - rearrange utility =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange 'rearrange'; my ($arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$others) = rearrange(['ARG1','ARG2','ARG3'],@args); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a different version of the _rearrange() method from Bio::Root::Root. It runs as a function call, rather than as a method call, and it handles unidentified parameters slightly differently. It exports a single function call: =over 4 =item @rearranged_args = rearrange(\@parameter_names,@parameters); The first argument is an array reference containing list of parameter names in the desired order. The second and subsequent arguments are a list of parameters in the format: (-arg1=>$arg1,-arg2=>$arg2,-arg3=>$arg3...) The function calls returns the parameter values in the order in which they were specified in @parameter_names. Any parameters that were not found in @parameter_names are returned in the form of a hash reference in which the keys are the uppercased forms of the parameter names, and the values are the parameter values. =back =head1 BUGS None known yet. =head1 SEE ALSO L, =head1 AUTHOR Lincoln Stein Elstein@cshl.orgE. Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut package Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw(@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); use base qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(rearrange); @EXPORT = qw(rearrange); use Bio::Root::Version; # default export sub rearrange { my($order,@param) = @_; return unless @param; my %param; if (ref $param[0] eq 'HASH') { %param = %{$param[0]}; } else { return @param unless (defined($param[0]) && substr($param[0],0,1) eq '-'); my $i; for ($i=0;$i<@param;$i+=2) { $param[$i]=~s/^\-//; # get rid of initial - if present $param[$i]=~tr/a-z/A-Z/; # parameters are upper case } %param = @param; # convert into associative array } my(@return_array); local($^W) = 0; my($key)=''; foreach $key (@$order) { my($value); if (ref($key) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach (@$key) { last if defined($value); $value = $param{$_}; delete $param{$_}; } } else { $value = $param{$key}; delete $param{$key}; } push(@return_array,$value); } push (@return_array,\%param) if %param; return @return_array; } 1;