# # $Id: Qual.pm 16168 2009-09-25 21:07:32Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::DB::Qual # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::DB::Qual -- Fast indexed access to a directory of quality files =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::DB::Qual; # create database from directory of qual files my $db = Bio::DB::Qual->new('/path/to/qual/files'); my @ids = $db->ids; # simple access (for those without Bioperl) my @qual = @{$db->qual('CHROMOSOME_I',4_000_000 => 4_100_000)}; my @revqual = @{$db->qual('CHROMOSOME_I',4_100_000 => 4_000_000)}; my $length = $db->length('CHROMOSOME_I'); my $header = $db->header('CHROMOSOME_I'); # Bioperl-style access my $obj = $db->get_Qual_by_id('CHROMOSOME_I'); my @qual = @{$obj->qual}; my @subqual = @{$obj->subqual(4_000_000 => 4_100_000)}; my $length = $obj->length; # (etc) # Bio::SeqIO-style access my $stream = $db->get_PrimaryQual_stream; while (my $qual = $stream->next_seq) { # Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual operations } my $fh = Bio::DB::Qual->newFh('/path/to/qual/files'); while (my $qual = <$fh>) { # Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual operations } # tied hash access tie %qualities,'Bio::DB::Qual','/path/to/qual/files'; print $qualities{'CHROMOSOME_I:1,20000'}; =head1 DESCRIPTION Bio::DB::Qual provides indexed access to one or more qual files. It provides random access to each quality score entry without having to read the file from the beginning. Access to subqualities (portions of a quality score) is provided, although contrary to Bio::DB::Fasta, the full quality score has to be brought in memory. When you initialize the module, you point it at a single qual file or a directory of multiple such files. The first time it is run, the module generates an index of the contents of the file or directory using the AnyDBM module (Berkeley DB* preferred, followed by GDBM_File, NDBM_File, and SDBM_File). Thereafter it uses the index file to find the file and offset for any requested quality score. If one of the source qual files is updated, the module reindexes just that one file. (You can also force reindexing manually). For improved performance, the module keeps a cache of open filehandles, closing less-recently used ones when the cache is full. The qual files may contain decimal quality scores. Entries may have any line length up to 65,536 characters, and different line lengths are allowed in the same file. However, within a quality score entry, all lines must be the same length except for the last. An error will be thrown if this is not the case. The module uses /^E(\S+)/ to extract the primary ID of each quality score from the qual header. During indexing, you may pass a callback routine to modify this primary ID. For example, you may wish to extract a portion of the gi|gb|abc|xyz prefixes that are commonly used. The original header line can be recovered later. *Berkeley DB can be obtained free from www.sleepycat.com. After it is installed you will need to install the BerkeleyDB Perl module. =head1 DATABASE CREATION AND INDEXING The two constructors for this class are new() and newFh(). The former creates a Bio::DB::Qual object which is accessed via method calls. The latter creates a tied filehandle which can be used Bio::SeqIO-style to fetch quality score objects in a data stream. There is also a tied hash interface. =over 2 =item $db = Bio::DB::Qual-Enew($qual_path [,%options]) Create a new Bio::DB::Qual object from the Qual file or files indicated by $qual_path. Indexing will be performed automatically if needed. If successful, new() will return the database accessor object. Otherwise it will return undef. $qual_path may be an individual qual file, or may refer to a directory containing one or more of such files. Following the path, you may pass a series of name=Evalue options or a hash with these same name=Evalue pairs. Valid options are: Option Name Description Default ----------- ----------- ------- -glob Glob expression to use *.{qa,QA,qual,QUAL} for searching for qual files in directories. -makeid A code subroutine for None transforming qual IDs. -maxopen Maximum size of 32 filehandle cache. -debug Turn on status 0 messages. -reindex Force the index to be 0 rebuilt. -dbmargs Additional arguments none to pass to the DBM routines when tied (scalar or array ref). -dbmargs can be used to control the format of the index. For example, you can pass $DB_BTREE to this argument so as to force the IDs to be sorted and retrieved alphabetically. Note that you must use the same arguments every time you open the index! -reindex can be used to force the index to be recreated from scratch. =item $fh = Bio::DB::Qual-EnewFh($qual_path [,%options]) Create a tied filehandle opened on a Bio::DB::Qual object. Reading from this filehandle with EE will return a stream of quality objects, Bio::SeqIO-style. =back The -makeid option gives you a chance to modify quality score IDs during indexing. The option value should be a code reference that will take a scalar argument and return a scalar result, like this: $db = Bio::DB::Qual->new("file.qual",-makeid=>\&make_my_id); sub make_my_id { my $description_line = shift; # get a different id from the quality header, e.g. $description_line =~ /(\S+)$/; return $1; } make_my_id() will be called with the full qual id line (including the "E" symbol!). For example: >A12345.3 Predicted C. elegans protein egl-2 By default, this module will use the regular expression /^E(\S+)/ to extract "A12345.3" for use as the ID.If you pass a -makeid callback, you can extract any portion of this, such as the "egl-2" symbol. The -makeid option is ignored after the index is constructed. =head1 OBJECT METHODS The following object methods are provided. =over 10 =item $raw_qual = $db-Equal($id [,$start, $stop]) Return a quality score array reference given an ID and optionally a start and stop position (the quality value number) in the quality score. If $stop is less than $start, then the reverse complement of the quality score is returned (this violates Bio::Seq conventions). For your convenience, subqualities can be indicated with any of the following compound IDs: $db->qual("$id:$start,$stop") $db->qual("$id:$start..$stop") $db->qual("$id:$start-$stop") =item $length = $db-Elength($id) Return the length of the indicated quality score, i.e. the number of quality values. =item $header = $db-Eheader($id) Return the header line for the ID, including the initial "E". =item $filename = $db-Efile($id) Return the name of the file in which the indicated quality score can be found. =item $offset = $db-Eoffset($id) Return the offset of the indicated quality score from the beginning of the file in which it is located. The offset points to the beginning of the quality score, not the beginning of the header line. =item $header_length = $db-Eheaderlen($id) Return the length of the header line for the indicated quality score. =item $header_offset = $db-Eheader_offset($id) Return the offset of the header line for the indicated quality score from the beginning of the file in which it is located. =item $index_name = $db-Eindex_name Return the path to the index file. =item $path = $db-Epath Return the path to the Qual file(s). =back For BioPerl-style access, the following methods are provided: =over 4 =item $qual = $db-Eget_Qual_by_id($id) Return a Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual object, which obeys the Bio::PrimarySeqI conventions. To recover the quality score, call $qual-Equal(). Note that get_Qual_by_id() does not bring the entire quality score into memory until requested. Internally, the returned object uses the accessor to generate subqualities as needed. =item $qual = $db-Eget_Qual_by_acc($id) =item $qual = $db-Eget_Qual_by_primary_id($id) These methods all do the same thing as get_Qual_by_id(). =item $stream = $db-Eget_PrimaryQual_stream() Return a Bio::DB::Qual::Stream object, which supports a single method next_seq(). Each call to next_seq() returns a new Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual object, until no more quality scores remain. =back See L and L for methods provided by the quality objects returned from get_Qual_by_id() and get_PrimaryQual_stream(). =head1 TIED INTERFACES This module provides two tied interfaces, one which allows you to treat the quality score database as a hash, and the other which allows you to treat the database as an I/O stream. =head2 Creating a Tied Hash The tied hash interface is very straightforward. =over 1 =item $obj = tie %db,'Bio::DB::Qual','/path/to/qual/files' [,@args] Tie %db to Bio::DB::Qual using the indicated path to the Qual files. The optional @args list is the same set of named argument/value pairs used by Bio::DB::Qual-Enew(). If successful, tie() will return the tied object. Otherwise it will return undef. =back Once tied, you can use the hash to retrieve an individual quality score by its ID, like this: my $qual = $db{CHROMOSOME_I}; You may select a subquality by appending the comma-separated range to the quality score ID in the format "$id:$start,$stop". For example, here is the first 1000 quality values of the quality score with ID "CHROMOSOME_I": my $qual = $db{'CHROMOSOME_I:1,1000'}; (The regular expression used to parse this format allows quality score IDs to contain colons.) When selecting subqualities, if $start E stop, then the reverse complement will be returned. The keys() and values() functions will return the IDs and their quality scores, respectively. In addition, each() can be used to iterate over the entire data set: while (my ($id,$quality) = each %db) { print "$id => $quality\n"; } When dealing with very large quality scores, you can avoid bringing them into memory by calling each() in a scalar context. This returns the key only. You can then use tied(%db) to recover the Bio::DB::Qual object and call its methods. while (my $id = each %db) { print "$id => $db{$quality:1,100}\n"; print "$id => ",tied(%db)->length($id),"\n"; } You may, in addition invoke Bio::DB::Qual the FIRSTKEY and NEXTKEY tied hash methods directly. =over 2 =item $id = $db-EFIRSTKEY Return the first ID in the database. =item $id = $db-ENEXTKEY($id) Given an ID, return the next quality score ID. =back This allows you to write the following iterative loop using just the object- oriented interface: my $db = Bio::DB::Qual->new('/path/to/qual/files'); for (my $id=$db->FIRSTKEY; $id; $id=$db->NEXTKEY($id)) { # do something with quality } =head2 Creating a Tied Filehandle The Bio::DB::Qual-EnewFh() method creates a tied filehandle from which you can read Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual quality score objects sequentially. The following bit of code will iterate sequentially over all quality scores in the database: my $fh = Bio::DB::Qual->newFh('/path/to/qual/files'); while (my $qual = <$fh>) { print $qual->id,' => ',$qual->length,"\n"; } When no more quality scores remain to be retrieved, the stream will return undef. =head1 LIMITATIONS When a quality score is deleted from one of the qual files, this deletion is not detected by the module and removed from the index. As a result, a "ghost" entry will remain in the index and will return garbage results if accessed. Currently, the only way to accomodate deletions is to rebuild the entire index, either by deleting it manually, or by passing -reindex=E1 to new() when initializing the module. All quality score lines for a given quality score must have the same length except for the last (not sure why there is this limitation). This is not problematic for sequences but could be annoying for quality scores. A workaround is to make sure the your quality scores fit on no more than 2 lines. Another solution could be to padd them with blank spaces so that each line has the same number of characters (maybe this padding should be implemented in Bio::SeqIO::qual?). =head1 AUTHOR Florent E Angly Eflorent . angly @ gmail-dot-comE. Module largely based on and adapted from Bio::DB::Fasta by Lincoln Stein. Copyright (c) 2007 Florent E Angly. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut package Bio::DB::Qual; BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File) } use strict; use IO::File; use AnyDBM_File; use Fcntl; use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); use base qw(Bio::DB::SeqI Bio::Root::Root); *qual = *quality = \&subqual; *ids = \&get_all_ids; *get_qual_by_primary_id = *get_qual_by_acc = \&get_Qual_by_id; use constant STRUCT =>'NNnna*'; use constant STRUCTBIG =>'QQnna*'; # 64-bit file offset and quality score length use constant DIE_ON_MISSMATCHED_LINES => 1; # you can avoid dying if you want # but you're likely to get bad # results # Bio::DB-like object # providing fast random access to a directory of qual files =head2 new Title : new Usage : my $db = Bio::DB::Qual->new( $path, @options); Function: initialize a new Bio::DB::Qual object Returns : new Bio::DB::Qual object Args : path to dir of qual files or a single qual filename These are optional arguments to pass in as well. -glob Glob expression to use *.{qual,QUAL,qa,QA} for searching for qual files in directories. -makeid A code subroutine for none transforming qual IDs. -maxopen Maximum size of 32 filehandle cache. -debug Turn on status 0 messages. -reindex Force the index to be 0 rebuilt. -dbmargs Additional arguments none to pass to the DBM routines when tied (scalar or array ref). =cut sub new { my ($class, $path) = @_; my %opts = @_; my $self = bless { debug => $opts{-debug}, makeid => $opts{-makeid}, glob => $opts{-glob} || '*.{qual,QUAL,qa,QA}', maxopen => $opts{-maxopen} || 32, dbmargs => $opts{-dbmargs} || undef, fhcache => {}, cacheseq => {}, curopen => 0, openseq => 1, dirname => undef, offsets => undef, }, $class; my ($offsets,$dirname); if (-d $path) { # because Win32 glob() is broken with respect to long file names that # contain whitespace. $path = Win32::GetShortPathName($path) if $^O =~ /^MSWin/i && eval 'use Win32; 1'; $offsets = $self->index_dir($path,$opts{-reindex}); $dirname = $path; } elsif (-f _) { $offsets = $self->index_file($path,$opts{-reindex}); $dirname = dirname($path); } else { $self->throw( "$path: invalid file or dirname"); } @{$self}{qw(dirname offsets)} = ($dirname,$offsets); $self; } =head2 newFh Title : newFh Usage : my $fh = Bio::DB::Qual->newFh('/path/to/qual/files'); Function: gets a new Fh for a file or directory containing several files Returns : filehandle object Args : none =cut sub newFh { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->new(@_); require Symbol; my $fh = Symbol::gensym or return; tie $$fh,'Bio::DB::Qual::Stream',$self or return; $fh; } sub _open_index { my $self = shift; my ($index,$write) = @_; my %offsets; my $flags = $write ? O_CREAT|O_RDWR : O_RDONLY; my @dbmargs = $self->dbmargs; tie %offsets,'AnyDBM_File',$index,$flags,0644,@dbmargs or $self->throw( "Can't open cache file $index: $!"); return \%offsets; } sub _close_index { my ($self, $index) = @_; untie %$index; } =head2 index_dir Title : index_dir Usage : $db->index_dir($dir) Function: set the index dir and load all files in the dir Returns : hashref of qual offsets in each file Args : dirname, boolean to force a reload of all files =cut sub index_dir { my ($self, $dir, $force_reindex) = @_; # find all qual files my @files = glob("$dir/$self->{glob}"); $self->throw("No qual files found in $dir") unless @files; # get name of index my $index = $self->index_name($dir,1); # if caller has requested reindexing, then unlink # the index file. unlink $index if $force_reindex; # get the modification time of the index my $indextime = 0; for my $suffix('','.pag','.dir') { $indextime ||= (stat("${index}${suffix}"))[9]; } $indextime ||= 0; # prevent some uninit variable warnings # get the most recent modification time of any of the contents my $modtime = 0; my %modtime; $self->set_pack_method( @files ); foreach (@files) { my $m = (stat($_))[9]; $modtime{$_} = $m; $modtime = $m if defined $m && $modtime < $m; } my $reindex = $force_reindex || $indextime < $modtime; $self->{offsets} = $self->_open_index($index,$reindex) or return; # no indexing needed return $self->{offsets} unless $reindex; # otherwise reindex contents of changed files $self->{indexing} = $index; foreach (@files) { next if( defined $indextime && $modtime{$_} <= $indextime); $self->calculate_offsets($_,$self->{offsets}); } delete $self->{indexing}; # we've been having troubles with corrupted index files on Windows systems, # so possibly closing and reopening will help $self->_close_index($self->{offsets}); return $self->{offsets} = $self->_open_index($index); } =head2 get_Qual_by_id Title : get_Qual_by_id Usage : my $qual = $db->get_Qual_by_id($id) Function: Bio::DB::RandomAccessI method implemented Returns : Bio::PrimarySeqI object Args : id =cut sub get_Qual_by_id { my ($self, $id) = @_; return unless exists $self->{offsets}{$id}; return Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual::Qual->new($self,$id); } =head2 set_pack_method Title : set_pack_method Usage : $db->set_pack_method( @files ) Function: Determines whether data packing uses 32 or 64 bit integers Returns : 1 for success Args : one or more file paths =cut sub set_pack_method { my $self = shift; # Find the maximum file size: my ($maxsize) = sort { $b <=> $a } map { -s $_ } @_; my $fourGB = (2 ** 32) - 1; if ($maxsize > $fourGB) { # At least one file exceeds 4Gb - we will need to use 64 bit ints $self->{packmeth} = \&_packBig; $self->{unpackmeth} = \&_unpackBig; } else { $self->{packmeth} = \&_pack; $self->{unpackmeth} = \&_unpack; } return 1; } =head2 index_file Title : index_file Usage : $db->index_file($filename) Function: (re)loads a quality score file and indexes quality score offsets in the file Returns : qual offsets in the file Args : filename, boolean to force reloading a file =cut sub index_file { my ($self, $file, $force_reindex) = @_; $self->set_pack_method( $file ); my $index = $self->index_name($file); # if caller has requested reindexing, then unlink the index unlink $index if $force_reindex; # get the modification time of the index my $indextime = (stat($index))[9] || 0; my $modtime = (stat($file) )[9] || 0; my $reindex = $force_reindex || $indextime < $modtime; my $offsets = $self->_open_index($index,$reindex) or return; $self->{offsets} = $offsets; return $self->{offsets} unless $reindex; $self->{indexing} = $index; $self->calculate_offsets($file,$offsets); delete $self->{indexing}; return $self->{offsets}; } =head2 dbmargs Title : dbmargs Usage : my @args = $db->dbmargs; Function: gets stored dbm arguments Returns : array Args : none =cut sub dbmargs { my $self = shift; my $args = $self->{dbmargs} or return; return ref($args) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$args : $args; } =head2 index_name Title : index_name Usage : my $indexname = $db->index_name($path,$isdir); Function: returns the name of the index for a specific path Returns : string Args : path to check, boolean if it is a dir =cut sub index_name { my $self = shift; my ($path,$isdir) = @_; unless ($path) { my $dir = $self->{dirname} or return; return $self->index_name($dir,-d $dir); } return "$path/directory.index" if $isdir; return "$path.index"; } =head2 calculate_offsets Title : calculate_offsets Usage : $db->calculate_offsets($filename,$offsets); Function: calculates the quality score offsets in a file based on ID Returns : offset hash for each file Args : file to process, $offsets - hashref of id to offset storage =cut sub calculate_offsets { my $self = shift; my ($file,$offsets) = @_; my $base = $self->path2fileno(basename($file)); my $fh = IO::File->new($file) or $self->throw("Can't open $file: $!"); binmode $fh; warn "Indexing $file\n" if $self->{debug}; my ( $offset,$id, $linelength, $firstline, $count, $termination_length, $qual_lines, $last_line, %offsets ); my ( $l3_len, $l2_len, $l_len ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ); while (<$fh>) { # don't try this at home # account for crlf-terminated Windows files $termination_length ||= /\r\n$/ ? 2 : 1; if (/^>(\S+)/) { print STDERR "indexed $count quality scores...\n" if $self->{debug} && (++$count%1000) == 0; my $pos = tell($fh); if ($id) { my $qualstrlength = $pos - $offset - length($_); $qualstrlength -= $termination_length * $qual_lines; $offsets->{$id} = &{$self->{packmeth}}( $offset, $qualstrlength, $linelength, $firstline, $base ); } $id = ref($self->{makeid}) eq 'CODE' ? $self->{makeid}->($_) : $1; ($offset, $firstline, $linelength) = ($pos, length($_), 0); $self->_check_linelength($linelength); ($l3_len, $l2_len, $l_len) = (0, 0, 0); $qual_lines = 0; } else { $l3_len = $l2_len; $l2_len = $l_len; $l_len = length($_); # need to check every line :( if (DIE_ON_MISSMATCHED_LINES && $l3_len > 0 && $l2_len > 0 && $l3_len != $l2_len ) { my $fap = substr($_, 0, 20).".."; $self->throw("Each line of the qual entry must be the same ". "length except the last. Line above #$. '$fap' is $l2_len != ". "$l3_len chars."); } $linelength ||= length($_); $qual_lines++; } $last_line = $_; } $self->_check_linelength($linelength); # deal with last entry if ($id) { my $pos = tell($fh); my $qualstrlength = $pos - $offset; if ($linelength == 0) { $qualstrlength = 0; } else { if ($last_line !~ /\s$/) { $qual_lines--; } $qualstrlength -= $termination_length * $qual_lines; } $offsets->{$id} = &{$self->{packmeth}}( $offset, $qualstrlength, $linelength, $firstline, $base ); } $offsets->{__termination_length} = $termination_length; return \%offsets; } =head2 get_all_ids Title : get_all_ids Usage : my @ids = $db->get_all_ids Function: gets all the stored ids in all indexes Returns : list of ids Args : none =cut sub get_all_ids { grep {!/^__/} keys %{shift->{offsets}} } sub offset { my ($self, $id) = @_; my $offset = $self->{offsets}{$id} or return; (&{$self->{unpackmeth}}($offset))[0]; } =head2 length Title : length Usage : $qualdb->length($seqid); Function: gets the number of quality values in a quality score Returns : scalar Args : ID of a quality score =cut sub length { # the NUMBER of quality values my ($self, $id) = @_; my $len = scalar(@{$self->subqual($id)}); return $len; } sub lengthstr { # the length of the quality STRING my ($self, $id) = @_; my $offset = $self->{offsets}{$id} or return; (&{$self->{unpackmeth}}($offset))[1]; } sub linelen { my ($self, $id) = @_; my $offset = $self->{offsets}{$id} or return; (&{$self->{unpackmeth}}($offset))[2]; } sub headerlen { my ($self, $id) = @_; my $offset = $self->{offsets}{$id} or return; (&{$self->{unpackmeth}}($offset))[3]; } sub path { shift->{dirname} } sub header_offset { my ($self, $id) = @_; return unless $self->{offsets}{$id}; return $self->offset($id) - $self->headerlen($id); } sub file { my ($self, $id) = @_; my $offset = $self->{offsets}{$id} or return; $self->fileno2path((&{$self->{unpackmeth}}($offset))[4]); } sub fileno2path { my ($self, $no) = @_; return $self->{offsets}{"__file_$no"}; } sub path2fileno { my ($self, $path) = @_; if ( !defined $self->{offsets}{"__path_$path"} ) { my $fileno = ($self->{offsets}{"__path_$path"} = 0+ $self->{fileno}++); $self->{offsets}{"__file_$fileno"} = $path; } return $self->{offsets}{"__path_$path"} } sub _check_linelength { my ($self, $linelength) = @_; return unless defined $linelength; $self->throw( "Each line of the qual file must be less than 65,536 characters.Line ". "$. is $linelength chars." ) if $linelength > 65535; } =head2 subqual Title : subqual Usage : my @qualarr = @{$qualdb->subqual($id,$start,$stop)}; Function: returns a subqual of a quality score in the database Returns : subquality array reference Args : id of quality score, starting quality value number, ending quality value number =cut sub subqual { my ($self, $id, $start, $stop) = @_; # Quality values in a quality score can have 1 or 2 digits and are separated # by one (or several?) spaces. Thus contrary to Bio::DB::Fasta, here there # is no easy way match the position of a quality value to its position in # the quality string. # As a consequence, if a subqual of the quality is requested, we still need # to grab the full quality string first - performance penalty for big # quality scores :( # I think there is no way around starting at the begining of the quality # score but maybe there is a resource-efficient way of starting at the # begining of the quality score and stopping when the the position of the # last quality value requested is reached?? # position of the quality values if ($id =~ /^(.+):([\d_]+)(?:,|-|\.\.)([\d_]+)$/) { ($id, $start, $stop) = ($1,$2,$3); $start =~ s/_//g; $stop =~ s/_//g; } # position in quality string my $string_start = 1; my $string_stop = $self->lengthstr($id); # fetch full quality string my $fh = $self->fh($id) or return; my $filestart = $self->caloffset($id, $string_start); my $filestop = $self->caloffset($id, $string_stop); seek($fh,$filestart,0); my $data; read($fh, $data, $filestop-$filestart+1); # process quality score $data =~ s/\n//g; $data =~ s/\r//g; my $reverse = 0; if ($stop && $start && $stop < $start) { $reverse = 1; my $tmp = $start; $start = $stop; $stop = $tmp; } my $subqual = 0; $subqual = 1 if ( $start || $stop ); my @data; if ( $subqual || $reverse ) { @data = split / /, $data, $stop+1; my $length = scalar(@data); $start = 1 if $start < 1; $stop = $length if $stop > $length; pop @data if ($stop != $length); splice @data, 0, $start-1; @data = reverse(@data) if $reverse; $data = join ' ', @data; } else { @data = split / /, $data; } return \@data; } sub fh { my ($self, $id) = @_; my $file = $self->file($id) or return; $self->fhcache("$self->{dirname}/$file") || $self->throw("Can't open file $file"); } =head2 header Title : header Usage : $qualdb->header($id); Function: returns the header of a quality score in the database Returns : header string Args : id of quality score =cut sub header { my ($self, $id) = @_; my ($offset,$seqlength,$linelength,$firstline,$file) = &{$self->{unpackmeth}}($self->{offsets}{$id}) or return; $offset -= $firstline; my $data; my $fh = $self->fh($id) or return; seek($fh,$offset,0); read($fh,$data,$firstline); chomp $data; substr($data,0,1) = ''; $data; } sub caloffset { my ($self, $id, $a) = @_; $a--; my ($offset,$seqlength,$linelength,$firstline,$file) = &{$self->{unpackmeth}}($self->{offsets}{$id}); $a = 0 if $a < 0; $a = $seqlength-1 if $a >= $seqlength; my $tl = $self->{offsets}{__termination_length}; $offset + $linelength * int($a/($linelength-$tl)) + $a % ($linelength-$tl); } sub fhcache { my ($self, $path) = @_; if (!$self->{fhcache}{$path}) { if ($self->{curopen} >= $self->{maxopen}) { my @lru = sort {$self->{cacheseq}{$a} <=> $self->{cacheseq}{$b};} keys %{$self->{fhcache}}; splice(@lru, $self->{maxopen} / 3); $self->{curopen} -= @lru; for (@lru) { delete $self->{fhcache}{$_}; } } $self->{fhcache}{$path} = IO::File->new($path) || return; binmode $self->{fhcache}{$path}; $self->{curopen}++; } $self->{cacheseq}{$path}++; $self->{fhcache}{$path} } sub _pack { pack STRUCT, @_; } sub _packBig { pack STRUCTBIG, @_; } sub _unpack { unpack STRUCT, shift; } sub _unpackBig { unpack STRUCTBIG, shift; } =head2 get_PrimaryQual_stream Title : get_PrimaryQual_stream Usage : $qualdb->get_PrimaryQual_stream Function: get a SeqIO-like stream of quality scores Returns : stream object Args : none =cut sub get_PrimaryQual_stream { my $self = shift; return Bio::DB::Qual::Stream->new($self); } sub TIEHASH { my $self = shift; return $self->new(@_); } sub FETCH { shift->subqual(@_); } sub STORE { shift->throw("Read-only database"); } sub DELETE { shift->throw("Read-only database"); } sub CLEAR { shift->throw("Read-only database"); } sub EXISTS { defined shift->offset(@_); } sub FIRSTKEY { tied(%{shift->{offsets}})->FIRSTKEY(@_); } sub NEXTKEY { tied(%{shift->{offsets}})->NEXTKEY(@_); } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; if ($self->{indexing}) { # killed prematurely, so index file is no good! warn "indexing was interrupted, so deleting $self->{indexing}"; unlink $self->{indexing}; } } #------------------------------------------------------------- # Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual compatibility # # Usage is the same as in Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual package Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual::Qual; use overload '""' => 'display_id'; use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual); sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my ($db, $id, $start, $stop) = $self->_rearrange( [qw(DATABASE ID START STOP)], @args); $self->{db} = $db; $self->{id} = $id; $self->{start} = $start || 1; $self->{stop} = $stop || $db->length($id); return $self; } sub qual { my $self = shift; my $qual = $self->{db}->qual($self->{id},$self->{start},$self->{stop}); return $qual; } sub subqual { my ($self, $start, $stop) = @_; return $self->trunc($start, $stop)->qual; } sub trunc { my ($self, $start, $stop) = @_; $self->throw( "$stop is smaller than $stop. If you want to truncate and reverse ". "complement, you must call trunc followed by revcom." ) if $start > $stop; my ($left, $right); if ($self->{start} <= $self->{stop}) { $left = $self->{start}+$start-1; $right = $self->{start}+$stop-1; } else { $left = $self->{start}-($start-1); $right = $self->{start}-($stop-1); } my $obj = $self->new( -database => $self->{db}, -id => $self->{id}, -start => $left, -stop => $right ); return $obj; } sub display_id { my $self = shift; return $self->{id}; } sub primary_id { my $self = shift; return overload::StrVal($self); } sub length { # number of quality scores my $self = shift; return scalar(@{$self->qual}); } sub description { my $self = shift; my $header = $self->{'db'}->header($self->{id}); # remove the id from the header $header = (split(/\s+/,$header,2))[2]; return $header; } *desc = \&description; #------------------------------------------------------------- # stream-based access to the database # package Bio::DB::Qual::Stream; use base qw(Tie::Handle Bio::DB::SeqI); sub new { my ($class, $db) = @_; my $key = $db->FIRSTKEY; return bless { db => $db, key => $key }, $class; } sub next_seq { my $self = shift; my ($key, $db) = @{$self}{'key', 'db'}; while ($key =~ /^__/) { $key = $db->NEXTKEY($key); return unless defined $key; } my $value = $db->get_Qual_by_id($key); $self->{key} = $db->NEXTKEY($key); $value; } sub TIEHANDLE { my ($class, $db) = @_; return $class->new($db); } sub READLINE { my $self = shift; $self->next_seq; } 1; __END__