=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry - Object representing an external reference (xref) =head1 DESCRIPTION This object holds information about external references (xrefs) to Ensembl objects. =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry; use strict; use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Storable; use Bio::Annotation::DBLink; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(deprecate); our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Storable Bio::Annotation::DBLink); =head2 new Args [...] : list of named parameters Example : my $dbentry = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry( -adaptor => $adaptor, -primary_id => $pid, -version => $version, -dbname => $dbname, -release => $release, -display_id => $did, -description => $description, -priority => $priority, -db_display_name => $db_display_name, -info_type => $info_type, -info_text => $info_text, -type => $type, -secondary_db_name => $secondary_db_name, -secondary_db_table => $secondary_db_table -linkage_annotation => $object_xref_text); Description: Creates a new DBEntry object Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry Exceptions : none Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntryAdaptor Status : At Risk Due to 'PRIORITY', 'INFO_TYPE', 'INFO_TEXT', ''DB_DISPLAY_NAME', 'TYPE', 'SECONDARY_DB_NAME', 'SECONDARY_DB_TABLE' being under development - if you don't use any of these the method can be considered Stable =cut sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = bless {},$class; my ( $adaptor, $dbID, $primary_id, $version, $dbname, $release, $display_id, $description, $priority, $db_display_name, $info_type, $info_text, $type, $secondary_db_name, $secondary_db_table, $link_annotation, $analysis) = rearrange ( ['ADAPTOR','DBID','PRIMARY_ID','VERSION', 'DBNAME','RELEASE','DISPLAY_ID','DESCRIPTION', 'PRIORITY', 'DB_DISPLAY_NAME', 'INFO_TYPE', 'INFO_TEXT', 'TYPE', 'SECONDARY_DB_NAME', 'SECONDARY_DB_TABLE', 'LINKAGE_ANNOTATION', 'ANALYSIS'], @args ); $self->adaptor($adaptor); $self->{'dbID'} = $dbID; if( defined $primary_id ) { $self->primary_id( $primary_id ) } if( defined $version ) { $self->version( $version ) } else { $self->version( 0 ); } if( defined $dbname ) { $self->dbname( $dbname ) } if( defined $release) { $self->release( $release ) } if( defined $display_id) { $self->display_id( $display_id ) } if( defined $description) { $self->description($description) } if( defined $priority) { $self->priority($priority) } if( defined $db_display_name) { $self->db_display_name($db_display_name) } if( defined $info_type) { $self->info_type($info_type) } if( defined $info_text) { $self->info_text($info_text) } if( defined $type) { $self->type($type) } if( defined $secondary_db_name) { $self->secondary_db_name($secondary_db_name) } if( defined $secondary_db_table) { $self->secondary_db_table($secondary_db_table) } $self->linkage_annotation($link_annotation) if defined $link_annotation; $self->analysis($analysis) if defined $analysis; return $self; } =head2 primary_id Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'primary_id'. This is the object's primary id in the external database. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub primary_id { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{primary_id} = $arg; } return $self->{primary_id}; } =head2 display_id Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'display_id'. The object's preferred display name. This can be the same as primary_id or ensembl-specific. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub display_id{ my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{display_id} = $arg; } return $self->{display_id}; } =head2 optional_id Args : none Example : none Description: Additional getter for attribute 'display_id'. The object's preferred display name. Only include for BioPerl interface compliance, please use $self->display_id(). Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub optional_id { my $self = shift; return $self->display_id; } =head2 dbname Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'dbname'. The name of the external database. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub dbname { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{dbname} = $arg; } return $self->{dbname}; } =head2 database Args : none Example : none Description: Additional getter for attribute 'dbname'. The name of the external database. Only include for BioPerl interface compliance, please use $self->dbname(). Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub database { my $self = shift; return $self->dbname(); } =head2 release Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'release'. The external database release name. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub release { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{release} = $arg; } return $self->{release}; } =head2 version Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'version'. The object's version in the external database. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub version { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{version} = $arg; } return $self->{version}; } =head2 description Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'description'. The object's description, from the xref table Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub description { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if ( defined($arg) ) { $self->{'description'} = $arg } return $self->{description}; } =head2 analysis Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis $analysis Example : none Description: get/set for attribute analysis Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub analysis { my $self = shift; $self->{analysis} = shift if( @_ ); return $self->{analysis}; } =head2 comment Args : none Example : none Description: Additional getter for attribute 'description'. The object's description. Only include for BioPerl interface compliance, please use $self->description(). Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub comment { my $self = shift; return $self->description(); } =head2 priority Arg [1] : int $priority Example : none Priority : Getter/setter for attribute 'priority'. Note this is the priority from the external_db table. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : due to it being under development =cut sub priority { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{priority} = $arg; } return $self->{priority}; } =head2 db_display_name Arg [1] : String $db_display_name Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'db_display_name'. The preferred display name for the external database. Has "Projected " prepended if info_type='PROJECTION'. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub db_display_name { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{db_display_name} = $arg; } my $name; if ($self->{info_type} && $self->{info_type} eq "PROJECTION") { $name = "Projected " . $self->{db_display_name}; } else { $name = $self->{db_display_name}; } return $name; } =head2 info_type Arg [1] : String $info_type Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'info_type'. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub info_type { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{info_type} = $arg; } return $self->{info_type}; } =head2 info_text Arg [1] : String $info_text Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'info_text'. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub info_text { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{info_text} = $arg; } return $self->{info_text}; } =head2 linkage_annotation Arg [1] : String $object_xref_text Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'linkage_annotation'. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub linkage_annotation { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; $self->{linkage_annotation} = $arg if defined $arg; return $self->{linkage_annotation}; } =head2 type Arg [1] : String $type Example : none Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'type'. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub type { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{type} = $arg; } return $self->{type}; } =head2 secondary_db_name Arg [1] : String $secondary_db_name Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'secondary_db_name'. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub secondary_db_name { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{secondary_db_name} = $arg; } return $self->{secondary_db_name}; } =head2 secondary_db_table Arg [1] : String $secondary_db_table Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'secondary_db_table'. Returns : String Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub secondary_db_table { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{secondary_db_table} = $arg; } return $self->{secondary_db_table}; } =head2 add_synonym Arg [1] : String $arg - synonym to add Description: Add a synonym for the external object. Returntype : none Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub add_synonym { my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { push( @{$self->{synonyms}}, $arg ); } } =head2 get_all_synonyms Args : none Example : my @synonyms = @{ $db_entry->get_all_synonyms }; Description: Get a list of synonyms known for this object. Synonyms are lazy-loaded if required. Returntype : listref of strings. May be empty. Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub get_all_synonyms { my $self = shift; # lazy-load synonyms if required if (!$self->{synonyms} && $self->adaptor()) { $self->{synonyms} = $self->adaptor()->fetch_all_synonyms($self->dbID()); } return $self->{synonyms}; } =head2 get_all_dependents Args[1] : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene, Transcript or Translation object Example : my @dependents = @{ $db_entry->get_all_dependents }; Description: Get a list of DBEntrys that are depenednet on the DBEntry. if an ensembl gene transcript or translation is given then only the ones on that object will be given Returntype : listref of DBEntrys. May be empty. Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : UnStable =cut sub get_all_dependents { my $self = shift; my $ensembl_object = shift; return $self->adaptor()->get_all_dependents($self->dbID(), $ensembl_object); } =head2 get_all_masters Args[1] : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene, Transcript or Translation object Example : my @masters = @{ $db_entry->get_all_masters }; Description: Get a list of DBEntrys that are the masters of the DBEntry. if an ensembl gene transcript or translation is given then only the ones on that object will be given. Returntype : listref of DBEntrys. May be empty. Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : UnStable =cut sub get_all_masters { my $self = shift; my $ensembl_object = shift; return $self->adaptor()->get_all_masters($self->dbID(), $ensembl_object); } =head2 flush_synonyms Args : none Description: Remove all synonyms from this object. Returntype : none Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub flush_synonyms { my $self = shift; $self->{synonyms} = []; } =head2 status Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'status'. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub status{ my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{status} = $arg; } return $self->{status}; } =head2 ensembl_object_type Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Description: Getter/setter for attribute ensembl_object_type. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub ensembl_object_type{ my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{ensembl_object_type} = $arg; } return $self->{ensembl_object_type}; } =head2 ensembl_id Arg [1] : (optional) String $arg - value to set Description: Getter/setter for attribute ensembl_id. Returntype : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub ensembl_id{ my ( $self, $arg ) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->{ensembl_id} = $arg; } return $self->{ensembl_id}; } =head1 DEPRECATED METHODS =cut =head2 get_synonyms DEPRECATED use get_all_synonyms instead =cut sub get_synonyms { my $self = shift; deprecate("get_synonyms has been renamed get_all_synonyms."); return $self->get_all_synonyms; } 1;