=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor =head1 SYNOPSIS my $registry = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry"; my $archiveStableIdAdaptor = $registry->get_adaptor( 'Human', 'Core', 'ArchiveStableId' ); my $stable_id = 'ENSG00000068990'; my $arch_id = $archiveStableIdAdaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($stable_id); print("Latest incarnation of this stable ID:\n"); printf( " Stable ID: %s.%d\n", $arch_id->stable_id(), $arch_id->version() ); print(" Release: " . $arch_id->release() . " (" . $arch_id->assembly() . ", " . $arch_id->db_name() . ")\n" ); print "\nStable ID history:\n\n"; my $history = $archiveStableIdAdaptor->fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id( $stable_id); foreach my $a ( @{ $history->get_all_ArchiveStableIds } ) { printf( " Stable ID: %s.%d\n", $a->stable_id(), $a->version() ); print(" Release: " . $a->release() . " (" . $a->assembly() . ", " . $a->db_name() . ")\n\n" ); } =head1 DESCRIPTION ArchiveStableIdAdaptor does all SQL to create ArchiveStableIds and works of stable_id_event mapping_session peptite_archive gene_archive tables inside the core database. This whole module has a status of At Risk as it is under development. =head1 METHODS fetch_by_stable_id fetch_by_stable_id_version fetch_by_stable_id_dbname fetch_all_by_archive_id fetch_predecessors_by_archive_id fetch_successors_by_archive_id fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id add_all_current_to_history list_dbnames previous_dbname next_dbname get_peptide get_current_release get_current_assembly =head1 RELATED MODULES Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor; use strict; use warnings; no warnings qw(uninitialized); use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor; our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor); use Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId; use Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent; use Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(deprecate warning throw); use constant MAX_ROWS => 30; use constant NUM_HIGH_SCORERS => 20; =head2 fetch_by_stable_id Arg [1] : string $stable_id Arg [2] : (optional) string $type Example : none Description : Retrives an ArchiveStableId that is the latest incarnation of given stable_id. Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId or undef if not in database Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_by_stable_id { my $self = shift; my $stable_id = shift; my $arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $stable_id, -adaptor => $self ); @_ ? $arch_id->type(shift) : $self->_resolve_type($arch_id); if ($self->lookup_current($arch_id)) { # stable ID is in current release $arch_id->version($arch_id->current_version); $arch_id->db_name($self->dbc->dbname); $arch_id->release($self->get_current_release); $arch_id->assembly($self->get_current_assembly); } else { # look for latest version of this stable id my $extra_sql = defined($arch_id->{'type'}) ? " AND sie.type = '@{[lc($arch_id->{'type'})]}'" : ''; my $r = $self->_fetch_archive_id($stable_id, $extra_sql, $extra_sql); if ($r->{'new_stable_id'} and $r->{'new_stable_id'} eq $stable_id) { # latest event is a self event, use new_* data $arch_id->version($r->{'new_version'}); $arch_id->release($r->{'new_release'}); $arch_id->assembly($r->{'new_assembly'}); $arch_id->db_name($r->{'new_db_name'}); } else { # latest event is a deletion event (or mapping to other ID; this clause # is only used to cope with buggy data where deletion events are # missing), use old_* data $arch_id->version($r->{'old_version'}); $arch_id->release($r->{'old_release'}); $arch_id->assembly($r->{'old_assembly'}); $arch_id->db_name($r->{'old_db_name'}); } $arch_id->type(ucfirst(lc($r->{'type'}))); } if (! defined $arch_id->db_name) { # couldn't find stable ID in archive or current db return undef; } $arch_id->is_latest(1); return $arch_id; } =head2 fetch_by_stable_id_version Arg [1] : string $stable_id Arg [2] : int $version Example : none Description : Retrieve an ArchiveStableId with given version and stable ID. Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_by_stable_id_version { my $self = shift; my $stable_id = shift; my $version = shift; my $arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $stable_id, -version => $version, -adaptor => $self ); @_ ? $arch_id->type(shift) : $self->_resolve_type($arch_id); if ($self->lookup_current($arch_id) && $arch_id->is_current) { # this version is the current one $arch_id->db_name($self->dbc->dbname); $arch_id->release($self->get_current_release); $arch_id->assembly($self->get_current_assembly); } else { # find latest release this stable ID version is found in archive my $extra_sql1 = qq(AND sie.old_version = "$version"); my $extra_sql2 = qq(AND sie.new_version = "$version"); my $r = $self->_fetch_archive_id($stable_id, $extra_sql1, $extra_sql2); if ($r->{'new_stable_id'} and $r->{'new_stable_id'} eq $stable_id and $r->{'new_version'} == $version) { # latest event is a self event, use new_* data $arch_id->release($r->{'new_release'}); $arch_id->assembly($r->{'new_assembly'}); $arch_id->db_name($r->{'new_db_name'}); } else { # latest event is a deletion event (or mapping to other ID; this clause # is only used to cope with buggy data where deletion events are # missing), use old_* data $arch_id->release($r->{'old_release'}); $arch_id->assembly($r->{'old_assembly'}); $arch_id->db_name($r->{'old_db_name'}); } $arch_id->type(ucfirst(lc($r->{'type'}))); } if (! defined $arch_id->db_name) { # couldn't find stable ID version in archive or current release return undef; } return $arch_id; } =head2 fetch_by_stable_id_dbname Arg [1] : string $stable_id Arg [2] : string $db_name Example : none Description : Create an ArchiveStableId from given arguments. Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId or undef if not in database Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_by_stable_id_dbname { my $self = shift; my $stable_id = shift; my $db_name = shift; my $arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $stable_id, -db_name => $db_name, -adaptor => $self ); @_ ? $arch_id->type(shift) : $self->_resolve_type($arch_id); if ($self->lookup_current($arch_id) and $db_name eq $self->dbc->dbname) { # this version is the current one $arch_id->version($arch_id->current_version); $arch_id->release($self->get_current_release); $arch_id->assembly($self->get_current_assembly); } else { # find version for this dbname in the stable ID archive my $extra_sql = defined($arch_id->{'type'}) ? " AND sie.type = '@{[lc($arch_id->{'type'})]}'" : ''; my $extra_sql1 = $extra_sql . qq( AND ms.old_db_name = "$db_name"); my $extra_sql2 = $extra_sql . qq( AND ms.new_db_name = "$db_name"); my $r = $self->_fetch_archive_id($stable_id, $extra_sql1, $extra_sql2); if ($r->{'new_stable_id'} and $r->{'new_stable_id'} eq $stable_id and $r->{'new_db_name'} eq $db_name) { # latest event is a self event, use new_* data $arch_id->release($r->{'new_release'}); $arch_id->assembly($r->{'new_assembly'}); $arch_id->version($r->{'new_version'}); } else { # latest event is a deletion event (or mapping to other ID; this clause # is only used to cope with buggy data where deletion events are # missing), use old_* data $arch_id->release($r->{'old_release'}); $arch_id->assembly($r->{'old_assembly'}); $arch_id->version($r->{'old_version'}); } $arch_id->type(ucfirst(lc($r->{'type'}))); } if (! defined $arch_id->version ) { # couldn't find stable ID version in archive or current release return undef; } return $arch_id; } # # Helper method to do fetch ArchiveStableId from db. # Used by fetch_by_stable_id(), fetch_by_stable_id_version() and # fetch_by_stable_id_dbname(). # Returns hashref as returned by DBI::sth::fetchrow_hashref # sub _fetch_archive_id { my $self = shift; my $stable_id = shift; my $extra_sql1 = shift; my $extra_sql2 = shift; # using a UNION is much faster in this query than somthing like # "... AND (sie.old_stable_id = ? OR sie.new_stable_id = ?)" my $sql = qq( (SELECT * FROM stable_id_event sie, mapping_session ms WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = ms.mapping_session_id AND sie.old_stable_id = ? $extra_sql1) UNION (SELECT * FROM stable_id_event sie, mapping_session ms WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = ms.mapping_session_id AND sie.new_stable_id = ? $extra_sql2) ORDER BY created DESC, score DESC LIMIT 1 ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($stable_id,$stable_id); my $r = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $sth->finish; return $r; } =head2 fetch_all_by_archive_id Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $archive_id Arg [2] : String $return_type - type of ArchiveStableId to fetch Example : my $arch_id = $arch_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id('ENSG0001'); my @archived_transcripts = $arch_adaptor->fetch_all_by_archive_id($arch_id, 'Transcript'); Description : Given a ArchiveStableId it retrieves associated ArchiveStableIds of specified type (e.g. retrieve transcripts for genes or vice versa). See also fetch_associated_archived() for a different approach to retrieve this data. Returntype : listref Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Exceptions : none Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->get_all_gene_archive_ids, get_all_transcript_archive_ids, get_all_translation_archive_ids Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_all_by_archive_id { my $self = shift; my $archive_id = shift; my $return_type = shift; my @result = (); my $lc_self_type = lc($archive_id->type); my $lc_return_type = lc($return_type); my $sql = qq( SELECT ga.${lc_return_type}_stable_id, ga.${lc_return_type}_version, m.old_db_name, m.old_release, m.old_assembly FROM gene_archive ga, mapping_session m WHERE ga.${lc_self_type}_stable_id = ? AND ga.${lc_self_type}_version = ? AND ga.mapping_session_id = m.mapping_session_id ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->bind_param(1, $archive_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2, $archive_id->version, SQL_SMALLINT); $sth->execute; my ($stable_id, $version, $db_name, $release, $assembly); $sth->bind_columns(\$stable_id, \$version, \$db_name, \$release, \$assembly); while ($sth->fetch) { my $new_arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $stable_id, -version => $version, -db_name => $db_name, -release => $release, -assembly => $assembly, -type => $return_type, -adaptor => $self ); push( @result, $new_arch_id ); } $sth->finish(); return \@result; } =head2 fetch_associated_archived Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $arch_id - the ArchiveStableId to fetch associated archived IDs for Example : my ($arch_gene, $arch_tr, $arch_tl, $pep_seq) = @{ $archive_adaptor->fetch_associated_archived($arch_id) }; Description : Fetches associated archived stable IDs from the db for a given ArchiveStableId (version is taken into account). Return type : Listref of ArchiveStableId archived gene ArchiveStableId archived transcript (optional) ArchiveStableId archived translation (optional) peptide sequence Exceptions : thrown on missing or wrong argument thrown if ArchiveStableID has no type Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->get_all_associated_archived() Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_associated_archived { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; throw("Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId") unless ($arch_id and ref($arch_id) and $arch_id->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId')); my $type = $arch_id->type(); if ( !defined($type) ) { throw("Can't deduce ArchiveStableId type."); } $type = lc($type); my $sql = qq( SELECT ga.gene_stable_id, ga.gene_version, ga.transcript_stable_id, ga.transcript_version, ga.translation_stable_id, ga.translation_version, pa.peptide_seq, ms.old_release, ms.old_assembly, ms.old_db_name FROM (mapping_session ms, gene_archive ga) LEFT JOIN peptide_archive pa ON ga.peptide_archive_id = pa.peptide_archive_id WHERE ga.mapping_session_id = ms.mapping_session_id AND ga.${type}_stable_id = ? AND ga.${type}_version = ? ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->bind_param(1, $arch_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2, $arch_id->version, SQL_SMALLINT); $sth->execute; my @result = (); while (my $r = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my @row = (); # create ArchiveStableIds genes, transcripts and translations push @row, Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $r->{'gene_stable_id'}, -version => $r->{'gene_version'}, -db_name => $r->{'old_db_name'}, -release => $r->{'old_release'}, -assembly => $r->{'old_assembly'}, -type => 'Gene', -adaptor => $self ); push @row, Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $r->{'transcript_stable_id'}, -version => $r->{'transcript_version'}, -db_name => $r->{'old_db_name'}, -release => $r->{'old_release'}, -assembly => $r->{'old_assembly'}, -type => 'Transcript', -adaptor => $self ); if ($r->{'translation_stable_id'}) { push @row, Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $r->{'translation_stable_id'}, -version => $r->{'translation_version'}, -db_name => $r->{'old_db_name'}, -release => $r->{'old_release'}, -assembly => $r->{'old_assembly'}, -type => 'Translation', -adaptor => $self ); # push peptide sequence onto result list push @row, $r->{'peptide_seq'}; } push @result, \@row; } return \@result; } =head2 fetch_predecessors_by_archive_id Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Example : none Description : Retrieve a list of ArchiveStableIds that were mapped to the given one. This method goes back only one level, to retrieve a full predecessor history use fetch_predecessor_history, or ideally fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id for the complete history network. Returntype : listref Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Exceptions : none Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->get_all_predecessors Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_predecessors_by_archive_id { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; my @result; if( ! ( defined $arch_id->stable_id() && defined $arch_id->db_name() )) { throw( "Need db_name for predecessor retrieval" ); } my $sql = qq( SELECT sie.old_stable_id, sie.old_version, sie.type, m.old_db_name, m.old_release, m.old_assembly FROM mapping_session m, stable_id_event sie WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = m.mapping_session_id AND sie.new_stable_id = ? AND m.new_db_name = ? ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->bind_param(1, $arch_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2, $arch_id->db_name, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->execute(); my ($old_stable_id, $old_version, $type, $old_db_name, $old_release, $old_assembly); $sth->bind_columns(\$old_stable_id, \$old_version, \$type, \$old_db_name, \$old_release, \$old_assembly); while ($sth->fetch) { if (defined $old_stable_id) { my $old_arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $old_stable_id, -version => $old_version, -db_name => $old_db_name, -release => $old_release, -assembly => $old_assembly, -type => $type, -adaptor => $self ); push( @result, $old_arch_id ); } } $sth->finish(); # if you didn't find any predecessors, there might be a gap in the # mapping_session history (i.e. databases in mapping_session don't chain). To # bridge the gap, look in the previous mapping_session for identical # stable_id.version unless (@result) { $sql = qq( SELECT sie.new_stable_id, sie.new_version, sie.type, m.new_db_name, m.new_release, m.new_assembly FROM mapping_session m, stable_id_event sie WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = m.mapping_session_id AND sie.new_stable_id = ? AND m.new_db_name = ? ); $sth = $self->prepare($sql); my $curr_dbname = $arch_id->db_name; PREV: while (my $prev_dbname = $self->previous_dbname($curr_dbname)) { $sth->bind_param(1,$arch_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2,$prev_dbname, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->execute(); $sth->bind_columns(\$old_stable_id, \$old_version, \$type, \$old_db_name, \$old_release, \$old_assembly); while( $sth->fetch() ) { if (defined $old_stable_id) { my $old_arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $old_stable_id, -version => $old_version, -db_name => $old_db_name, -release => $old_release, -assembly => $old_assembly, -type => $type, -adaptor => $self ); push( @result, $old_arch_id ); last PREV; } } $curr_dbname = $prev_dbname; } $sth->finish(); } return \@result; } =head2 fetch_successors_by_archive_id Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Example : none Description : Retrieve a list of ArchiveStableIds that the given one was mapped to. This method goes forward only one level, to retrieve a full successor history use fetch_successor_history, or ideally fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id for the complete history network. Returntype : listref Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Exceptions : none Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->get_all_successors Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_successors_by_archive_id { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; my @result; if( ! ( defined $arch_id->stable_id() && defined $arch_id->db_name() )) { throw( "Need db_name for successor retrieval" ); } my $sql = qq( SELECT sie.new_stable_id, sie.new_version, sie.type, m.new_db_name, m.new_release, m.new_assembly FROM mapping_session m, stable_id_event sie WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = m.mapping_session_id AND sie.old_stable_id = ? AND m.old_db_name = ? ); my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql ); $sth->bind_param(1,$arch_id->stable_id,SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2,$arch_id->db_name,SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->execute(); my ($new_stable_id, $new_version, $type, $new_db_name, $new_release, $new_assembly); $sth->bind_columns(\$new_stable_id, \$new_version, \$type, \$new_db_name, \$new_release, \$new_assembly); while( $sth->fetch() ) { if( defined $new_stable_id ) { my $new_arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $new_stable_id, -version => $new_version, -db_name => $new_db_name, -release => $new_release, -assembly => $new_assembly, -type => $type, -adaptor => $self ); push( @result, $new_arch_id ); } } $sth->finish(); # if you didn't find any successors, there might be a gap in the # mapping_session history (i.e. databases in mapping_session don't chain). To # bridge the gap, look in the next mapping_session for identical # stable_id.version unless (@result) { $sql = qq( SELECT sie.old_stable_id, sie.old_version, sie.type, m.old_db_name, m.old_release, m.old_assembly FROM mapping_session m, stable_id_event sie WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = m.mapping_session_id AND sie.old_stable_id = ? AND m.old_db_name = ? ); $sth = $self->prepare($sql); my $curr_dbname = $arch_id->db_name; NEXTDB: while (my $next_dbname = $self->next_dbname($curr_dbname)) { $sth->bind_param(1, $arch_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2, $next_dbname, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->execute(); $sth->bind_columns(\$new_stable_id, \$new_version, \$type, \$new_db_name, \$new_release, \$new_assembly); while( $sth->fetch() ) { if (defined $new_stable_id) { my $new_arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $new_stable_id, -version => $new_version, -db_name => $new_db_name, -release => $new_release, -assembly => $new_assembly, -type => $type, -adaptor => $self ); push( @result, $new_arch_id ); last NEXTDB; } } $curr_dbname = $next_dbname; } $sth->finish(); } return \@result; } =head2 fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id Arg[1] : String $stable_id - the stable ID to fetch the history tree for Arg[2] : (optional) Int $num_high_scorers number of mappings per stable ID allowed when filtering Arg[3] : (optional) Int $max_rows maximum number of stable IDs in history tree (used for filtering) Example : my $history = $archive_adaptor->fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id( 'ENSG00023747897'); Description : Returns the history tree for a given stable ID. This will include a network of all stable IDs it is related to. The method will try to return a minimal (sparse) set of nodes (ArchiveStableIds) and links (StableIdEvents) by removing any redundant entries and consolidating mapping events so that only changes are recorded. Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree Exceptions : thrown on missing argument Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId::get_history_tree, general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id { my ($self, $stable_id, $num_high_scorers, $max_rows) = @_; throw("Expecting a stable ID argument.") unless $stable_id; $num_high_scorers ||= NUM_HIGH_SCORERS; $max_rows ||= MAX_ROWS; # using a UNION is much faster in this query than somthing like # "... AND (sie.old_stable_id = ?) OR (sie.new_stable_id = ?)" my $sql = qq( SELECT sie.old_stable_id, sie.old_version, ms.old_db_name, ms.old_release, ms.old_assembly, sie.new_stable_id, sie.new_version, ms.new_db_name, ms.new_release, ms.new_assembly, sie.type, sie.score FROM stable_id_event sie, mapping_session ms WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = ms.mapping_session_id AND sie.old_stable_id = ? UNION SELECT sie.old_stable_id, sie.old_version, ms.old_db_name, ms.old_release, ms.old_assembly, sie.new_stable_id, sie.new_version, ms.new_db_name, ms.new_release, ms.new_assembly, sie.type, sie.score FROM stable_id_event sie, mapping_session ms WHERE sie.mapping_session_id = ms.mapping_session_id AND sie.new_stable_id = ? ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); my $history = Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree->new( -CURRENT_DBNAME => $self->dbc->dbname, -CURRENT_RELEASE => $self->get_current_release, -CURRENT_ASSEMBLY => $self->get_current_assembly, ); # remember stable IDs you need to do and those that are done. Initialise the # former hash with the focus stable ID my %do = ($stable_id => 1); my %done; # while we got someting to do while (my ($id) = keys(%do)) { # if we already have more than MAX_ROWS stable IDs in this tree, we can't # build the full tree. Return undef. if (scalar(keys(%done)) > $max_rows) { # warning("Too many related stable IDs (".scalar(keys(%done)).") to draw a history tree."); $history->is_incomplete(1); $sth->finish; last; } # mark this stable ID as done delete $do{$id}; $done{$id} = 1; # fetch all stable IDs related to this one from the database $sth->bind_param(1, $id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2, $id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->execute; my @events; while (my $r = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { # # create old and new ArchiveStableIds and a StableIdEvent to link them # add all of these to the history tree # my ($old_id, $new_id); if ($r->{'old_stable_id'}) { $old_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $r->{'old_stable_id'}, -version => $r->{'old_version'}, -db_name => $r->{'old_db_name'}, -release => $r->{'old_release'}, -assembly => $r->{'old_assembly'}, -type => $r->{'type'}, -adaptor => $self ); } if ($r->{'new_stable_id'}) { $new_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $r->{'new_stable_id'}, -version => $r->{'new_version'}, -db_name => $r->{'new_db_name'}, -release => $r->{'new_release'}, -assembly => $r->{'new_assembly'}, -type => $r->{'type'}, -adaptor => $self ); } my $event = Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent->new( -old_id => $old_id, -new_id => $new_id, -score => $r->{'score'} ); push @events, $event; } # filter out low-scoring events; the number of highest scoring events # returned is defined by NUM_HIGH_SCORERS my @others; foreach my $event (@events) { my $old_id = $event->old_ArchiveStableId; my $new_id = $event->new_ArchiveStableId; # creation, deletion and mapping-to-self events are added to the history # tree directly if (!$old_id || !$new_id || ($old_id->stable_id eq $new_id->stable_id)) { $history->add_StableIdEvents($event); } else { push @others, $event; } } #if (scalar(@others) > $num_high_scorers) { # warn "Filtering ".(scalar(@others) - $num_high_scorers). # " low-scoring events.\n"; #} my $k = 0; foreach my $event (sort { $b->score <=> $a->score } @others) { $history->add_StableIdEvents($event); # mark stable IDs as todo if appropriate $do{$event->old_ArchiveStableId->stable_id} = 1 unless $done{$event->old_ArchiveStableId->stable_id}; $do{$event->new_ArchiveStableId->stable_id} = 1 unless $done{$event->new_ArchiveStableId->stable_id}; last if (++$k == $num_high_scorers); } } $sth->finish; # try to consolidate the tree (remove redundant nodes, bridge gaps) $history->consolidate_tree; # now add ArchiveStableIds for current Ids not found in the archive $self->add_all_current_to_history($history); # calculate grid coordinates for the sorted tree; this will also try to # untangle the tree $history->calculate_coords; return $history; } =head2 add_all_current_to_history Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree $history - the StableIdHistoryTree object to add the current IDs to Description : This method adds the current versions of all stable IDs found in a StableIdHistoryTree object to the tree, by creating appropriate Events for the stable IDs found in the *_stable_id tables. This is a helper method for fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id(), see there for more documentation. Return type : none (passed-in object is manipulated) Exceptions : thrown on missing or wrong argument Caller : internal Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub add_all_current_to_history { my $self = shift; my $history = shift; unless ($history and $history->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree')) { throw("Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree."); } my @ids = @{ $history->get_unique_stable_ids }; my $id_string = join("', '", @ids); my $tmp_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new(-stable_id => $ids[0]); my $type = lc($self->_resolve_type($tmp_id)); return unless ($type); # get current stable IDs from db my $sql = qq( SELECT stable_id, version FROM ${type} WHERE stable_id IN ('$id_string') ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; while (my ($stable_id, $version) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { my $new_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $stable_id, -version => $version, -current_version => $version, -db_name => $self->dbc->dbname, -release => $self->get_current_release, -assembly => $self->get_current_assembly, -type => $type, -adaptor => $self ); my $event = $history->get_latest_StableIdEvent($new_id); next unless ($event); if ($event->old_ArchiveStableId and $event->old_ArchiveStableId->stable_id eq $stable_id) { # latest event was a self event # update it with current stable ID and add to tree $event->new_ArchiveStableId($new_id); } else { # latest event was a non-self event # create a new event where the old_id is the new_id from latest my $new_event = Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent->new( -old_id => $event->new_ArchiveStableId, -new_id => $new_id, -score => $event->score, ); $history->add_StableIdEvents($new_event); } } # refresh node cache $history->flush_ArchiveStableIds; $history->add_ArchiveStableIds_for_events; } =head2 fetch_successor_history Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $arch_id Example : none Description : Gives back a list of archive stable ids which are successors in the stable_id_event tree of the given stable_id. Might well be empty. This method isn't deprecated, but in most cases you will rather want to use fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id(). Returntype : listref Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Since every ArchiveStableId knows about it's successors, this is a linked tree. Exceptions : none Caller : webcode for archive Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_successor_history { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; my $current_db_name = $self->list_dbnames->[0]; my $dbname = $arch_id->db_name; if ($dbname eq $current_db_name) { return [$arch_id]; } my $old = []; my @result = (); push @$old, $arch_id; while ($dbname ne $current_db_name) { my $new = []; while (my $asi = (shift @$old)) { push @$new, @{ $asi->get_all_successors }; } if (@$new) { $dbname = $new->[0]->db_name; } else { last; } # filter duplicates my %unique = map { join(":", $_->stable_id, $_->version, $_->release) => $_ } @$new; @$new = values %unique; @$old = @$new; push @result, @$new; } return \@result; } =head2 fetch_predecessor_history Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $arch_id Example : none Description : Gives back a list of archive stable ids which are predecessors in the stable_id_event tree of the given stable_id. Might well be empty. This method isn't deprecated, but in most cases you will rather want to use fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id(). Returntype : listref Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId Since every ArchiveStableId knows about it's successors, this is a linked tree. Exceptions : none Caller : webcode for archive Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_predecessor_history { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; my $oldest_db_name = $self->list_dbnames->[-1]; my $dbname = $arch_id->db_name; if ($dbname eq $oldest_db_name) { return [$arch_id]; } my $old = []; my @result = (); push @$old, $arch_id; while ($dbname ne $oldest_db_name) { my $new = []; while (my $asi = (shift @$old)) { push @$new, @{ $asi->get_all_predecessors }; } if( @$new ) { $dbname = $new->[0]->db_name; } else { last; } # filter duplicates my %unique = map { join(":", $_->stable_id, $_->version, $_->release) => $_ } @$new; @$new = values %unique; @$old = @$new; push @result, @$new; } return \@result; } =head2 fetch_stable_id_event Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $arch_id Arg [2] : stable_id Example : my $archive = $archive_stable_id_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($id); my $event = $archive_stable_id_adaptor($archive, $id2); Description : Gives back the event that links an archive stable id to a specific stable id Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent Undef if no event was found Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub fetch_stable_id_event { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; my $stable_id = shift; my $event; my $sql = qq( SELECT sie.old_stable_id, sie.old_version, sie.new_stable_id, sie.new_version, sie.type, sie.score, ms.old_db_name, ms.new_db_name, ms.old_release, ms.new_release, ms.old_assembly, ms.new_assembly FROM stable_id_event sie, mapping_session ms WHERE ms.mapping_session_id = sie.mapping_session_id AND (old_stable_id = ? AND ms.old_db_name = ? AND old_release = ? AND old_assembly = ? AND new_stable_id = ?) OR (new_stable_id = ? AND ms.new_db_name = ? AND new_release = ? AND new_assembly = ? AND old_stable_id = ?) ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->bind_param(1, $arch_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2, $arch_id->db_name, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(3, $arch_id->release, SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(4, $arch_id->assembly, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(5, $stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(6, $arch_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(7, $arch_id->db_name, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(8, $arch_id->release, SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(9, $arch_id->assembly, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(10, $stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->execute(); my ($old_stable_id, $old_version, $new_stable_id, $new_version, $type, $score); my ($old_db_name, $new_db_name, $old_release, $new_release, $old_assembly, $new_assembly); $sth->bind_columns(\$old_stable_id, \$old_version, \$new_stable_id, \$new_version, \$type, \$score, \$old_db_name, \$new_db_name, \$old_release, \$new_release, \$old_assembly, \$new_assembly); while ($sth->fetch) { if ($new_stable_id eq $stable_id) { my $alt_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $new_stable_id, -version => $new_version, -db_name => $new_db_name, -release => $new_release, -assembly => $new_assembly, -type => $type, -adaptor => $self ); $event = Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent->new( -old_id => $arch_id, -new_id => $alt_id, -score => $score ); } elsif ($old_stable_id eq $stable_id) { my $alt_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new( -stable_id => $old_stable_id, -version => $old_version, -db_name => $old_db_name, -release => $old_release, -assembly => $old_assembly, -type => $type, -adaptor => $self ); $event = Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent->new( -old_id => $alt_id, -new_id => $arch_id, -score => $score ); } } $sth->finish(); return $event; } =head2 list_dbnames Args : none Example : none Description : A list of available database names from the latest (current) to the oldest (ordered). Returntype : listref of strings Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub list_dbnames { my $self = shift; if( ! defined $self->{'dbnames'} ) { my $sql = qq( SELECT old_db_name, new_db_name FROM mapping_session ORDER BY created DESC ); my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql ); $sth->execute(); my ( $old_db_name, $new_db_name ); my @dbnames = (); my %seen; $sth->bind_columns( \$old_db_name, \$new_db_name ); while( $sth->fetch() ) { # this code now can deal with non-chaining mapping sessions push(@{ $self->{'dbnames'} }, $new_db_name) unless ($seen{$new_db_name}); $seen{$new_db_name} = 1; push(@{ $self->{'dbnames'} }, $old_db_name) unless ($seen{$old_db_name}); $seen{$old_db_name} = 1; } $sth->finish(); } return $self->{'dbnames'}; } =head2 previous_dbname Arg[1] : String $dbname - focus db name Example : my $prev_db = $self->previous_dbname($curr_db); Description : Returns the name of the next oldest database which has mapping session information. Return type : String (or undef if not available) Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk =cut sub previous_dbname { my $self = shift; my $dbname = shift; my $curr_idx = $self->_dbname_index($dbname); my @dbnames = @{ $self->list_dbnames }; if ($curr_idx == @dbnames) { # this is the oldest dbname, so no previous one available return undef; } else { return $dbnames[$curr_idx+1]; } } =head2 next_dbname Arg[1] : String $dbname - focus db name Example : my $prev_db = $self->next_dbname($curr_db); Description : Returns the name of the next newest database which has mapping session information. Return type : String (or undef if not available) Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk =cut sub next_dbname { my $self = shift; my $dbname = shift; my $curr_idx = $self->_dbname_index($dbname); my @dbnames = @{ $self->list_dbnames }; if ($curr_idx == 0) { # this is the latest dbname, so no next one available return undef; } else { return $dbnames[$curr_idx-1]; } } # # helper method to return the array index of a database in the ordered list of # available databases (as returned by list_dbnames() # sub _dbname_index { my $self = shift; my $dbname = shift; my @dbnames = @{ $self->list_dbnames }; for (my $i = 0; $i < @dbnames; $i++) { if ($dbnames[$i] eq $dbname) { return $i; } } } =head2 get_peptide Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $arch_id Example : none Description : Retrieves the peptide string for given ArchiveStableId. If its not a peptide or not in the database returns undef. Returntype : string or undef Exceptions : none Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->get_peptide, general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub get_peptide { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; if ( lc( $arch_id->type() ) ne 'translation' ) { return undef; } my $sql = qq( SELECT pa.peptide_seq FROM peptide_archive pa, gene_archive ga WHERE ga.translation_stable_id = ? AND ga.translation_version = ? AND ga.peptide_archive_id = pa.peptide_archive_id ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->bind_param( 1, $arch_id->stable_id, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth->bind_param( 2, $arch_id->version, SQL_SMALLINT ); $sth->execute(); my ($peptide_seq) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); return $peptide_seq; } ## end sub get_peptide =head2 get_current_release Example : my $current_release = $archive_adaptor->get_current_release; Description : Returns the current release number (as found in the meta table). Return type : Int Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub get_current_release { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{'current_release'}) { my $mca = $self->db->get_MetaContainer; my ($release) = @{ $mca->list_value_by_key('schema_version') }; $self->{'current_release'} = $release; } return $self->{'current_release'}; } =head2 get_current_assembly Example : my $current_assembly = $archive_adaptor->get_current_assembly; Description : Returns the current assembly version (as found in the meta table). Return type : String Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub get_current_assembly { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{'current_assembly'}) { my $mca = $self->db->get_MetaContainer; my ($assembly) = @{ $mca->list_value_by_key('assembly.default') }; $self->{'current_assembly'} = $assembly; } return $self->{'current_assembly'}; } =head2 lookup_current Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $arch_id - the stalbe ID to find the current version for Example : if ($self->lookup_version($arch_id) { $arch_id->version($arch_id->current_version); $arch_id->db_name($self->dbc->dbname); Description : Look in [gene|transcript|translation]_stable_id if you can find a current version for this stable ID. Set ArchiveStableId->current_version if found. Return type : Boolean (TRUE if current version found, else FALSE) Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub lookup_current { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; my $type = lc( $arch_id->type ); unless ($type) { warning("Can't lookup current version without a type."); return 0; } my $sql = qq( SELECT version FROM ${type} WHERE stable_id = ? ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute( $arch_id->stable_id ); my ($version) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; if ($version) { $arch_id->current_version($version); return 1; } # didn't find a current version return 0; } ## end sub lookup_current # infer type from stable ID format sub _resolve_type { my $self = shift; my $arch_id = shift; my $stable_id = $arch_id->stable_id(); my $id_type; # first, try to infer type from stable ID format # # Anopheles IDs if ($stable_id =~ /^AGAP.*/) { if ($stable_id =~ /.*-RA/) { $id_type = "Transcript"; } elsif ($stable_id =~ /.*-PA/) { $id_type = "Translation"; } else { $id_type = "Gene"; } # standard Ensembl IDs } elsif ($stable_id =~ /.*G\d+$/) { $id_type = "Gene"; } elsif ($stable_id =~ /.*T\d+$/) { $id_type = "Transcript"; } elsif ($stable_id =~ /.*P\d+$/) { $id_type = "Translation"; } elsif ($stable_id =~ /.*E\d+$/) { $id_type = "Exon"; # if guessing fails, look in db } else { my $sql = qq( SELECT type from stable_id_event WHERE old_stable_id = ? OR new_stable_id = ? ); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($stable_id, $stable_id); ($id_type) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; } warning("Couldn't resolve stable ID type.") unless ($id_type); $arch_id->type($id_type); } 1;