=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblyMapperAdaptor =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry; Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->load_registry_from_db( -host => 'ensembldb.ensembl.org', -user => 'anonymous' ); $asma = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor( "human", "core", "assemblymapper" ); $csa = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor( "human", "core", "coordsystem" ); my $chr33_cs = $csa->fetch_by_name( 'chromosome', 'NCBI33' ); my $chr34_cs = $csa->fetch_by_name( 'chromosome', 'NCBI34' ); my $ctg_cs = $csa->fetch_by_name('contig'); my $clone_cs = $csa->fetch_by_name('clone'); my $chr_ctg_mapper = $asma->fetch_by_CoordSystems( $chr33_cs, $ctg_cs ); my $ncbi33_ncbi34_mapper = $asm_adptr->fetch_by_CoordSystems( $chr33, $chr34 ); my $ctg_clone_mapper = $asm_adptr->fetch_by_CoordSystems( $ctg_cs, $clone_cs ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Adaptor for handling Assembly mappers. This is a I class. ie: There is only one per database (C). This is used to retrieve mappers between any two coordinate systems whose makeup is described by the assembly table. Currently one step (explicit) and two step (implicit) pairwise mapping is supported. In one-step mapping an explicit relationship between the coordinate systems is defined in the assembly table. In two-step 'chained' mapping no explicit mapping is present but the coordinate systems must share a common mapping to an intermediate coordinate system. =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblyMapperAdaptor; use vars qw(@ISA); use strict; use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor; use Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper; use Bio::EnsEMBL::ChainedAssemblyMapper; use Bio::EnsEMBL::TopLevelAssemblyMapper; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Cache; #CPAN LRU cache use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw deprecate warning stack_trace_dump); #use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(deprecate throw); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SeqRegionCache; use integer; #do proper arithmetic bitshifts @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor); my $CHUNKFACTOR = 20; # 2^20 = approx. 10^6 =head2 new Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBAdaptor $dbadaptor the adaptor for the database this assembly mapper is using. Example : my $asma = new Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapperAdaptor($dbadaptor); Description: Creates a new AssemblyMapperAdaptor object Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AssemblyMapperAdaptor Exceptions : none Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor Status : Stable =cut sub new { my($class, $dbadaptor) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($dbadaptor); $self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'} = {}; # use a shared cache (for this database) that contains info about # seq regions my $seq_region_cache = $self->db->get_SeqRegionCache(); $self->{'sr_name_cache'} = $seq_region_cache->{'name_cache'}; $self->{'sr_id_cache'} = $seq_region_cache->{'id_cache'}; return $self; } =head2 cache_seq_ids_with_mult_assemblys Example : $self->adaptor->cache_seq_ids_with_mult_assemblys(); Description: Creates a hash of the component seq region ids that map to more than one assembly from the assembly table. Retruntype : none Exceptions : none Caller : AssemblyMapper, ChainedAssemblyMapper Status : At Risk =cut sub cache_seq_ids_with_mult_assemblys{ my $self = shift; my %multis; return if (defined($self->{'multi_seq_ids'})); $self->{'multi_seq_ids'} = {}; my $sql = qq( SELECT sra.seq_region_id FROM seq_region_attrib sra, attrib_type at, seq_region sr, coord_system cs WHERE sra.attrib_type_id = at.attrib_type_id AND code = "MultAssem" AND sra.seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id AND sr.coord_system_id = cs.coord_system_id AND cs.species_id = ?); my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->bind_param( 1, $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER ); $sth->execute(); my ($seq_region_id); $sth->bind_columns(\$seq_region_id); while($sth->fetch()) { $self->{'multi_seq_ids'}->{$seq_region_id} = 1; } $sth->finish; } =head2 fetch_by_CoordSystems Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs1 One of the coordinate systems to retrieve the mapper between Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs2 The other coordinate system to map between Description: Retrieves an Assembly mapper for two coordinate systems whose relationship is described in the assembly table. The ordering of the coodinate systems is arbitrary. The following two statements are equivalent: $mapper = $asma->fetch_by_CoordSystems($cs1,$cs2); $mapper = $asma->fetch_by_CoordSystems($cs2,$cs1); Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper Exceptions : wrong argument types Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub fetch_by_CoordSystems { my $self = shift; my $cs1 = shift; my $cs2 = shift; if(!ref($cs1) || !$cs1->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem')) { throw("cs1 argument must be a Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem."); } if(!ref($cs2) || !$cs2->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem')) { throw("cs2 argument must be a Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem."); } # if($cs1->equals($cs2)) { # throw("Cannot create mapper between same coord systems: " . # $cs1->name . " " . $cs1->version); # } if($cs1->is_top_level()) { return Bio::EnsEMBL::TopLevelAssemblyMapper->new($self, $cs1, $cs2); } if($cs2->is_top_level()) { return Bio::EnsEMBL::TopLevelAssemblyMapper->new($self, $cs2, $cs1); } my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); #retrieve the shortest possible mapping path between these systems my @mapping_path = @{$csa->get_mapping_path($cs1,$cs2)}; if(!@mapping_path) { # It is perfectly fine not to have a mapping. No warning needed really # Just check the return code!! # warning( # "There is no mapping defined between these coord systems:\n" . # $cs1->name() . " " . $cs1->version() . " and " . $cs2->name() . " " . # $cs2->version() # ); return undef; } my $key = join(':', map({defined($_)?$_->dbID():"-"} @mapping_path)); my $asm_mapper = $self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'}->{$key}; return $asm_mapper if($asm_mapper); if(@mapping_path == 1) { throw("Incorrect mapping path defined in meta table. " . "0 step mapping encountered between:\n" . $cs1->name() . " " . $cs1->version() . " and " . $cs2->name . " " . $cs2->version()); } if(@mapping_path == 2) { #1 step regular mapping $asm_mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper->new($self, @mapping_path); # If you want multiple pieces on two seqRegions to map to each other # you need to make an assembly.mapping entry that is seperated with a # # instead of an |. $self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'}->{$key} = $asm_mapper; return $asm_mapper; } if(@mapping_path == 3) { #two step chained mapping $asm_mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::ChainedAssemblyMapper->new($self,@mapping_path); #in multi-step mapping it is possible get requests with the #coordinate system ordering reversed since both mappings directions #cache on both orderings just in case #e.g. chr <-> contig <-> clone and clone <-> contig <-> chr $self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'}->{$key} = $asm_mapper; $key = join(':', map({defined($_)?$_->dbID():"-"} reverse(@mapping_path))); $self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'}->{$key} = $asm_mapper; return $asm_mapper; } throw("Only 1 and 2 step coordinate system mapping is currently\n" . "supported. Mapping between " . $cs1->name() . " " . $cs1->version() . " and " . $cs2->name() . " " . $cs2->version() . " requires ". (scalar(@mapping_path)-1) . " steps."); } =head2 register_assembled Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper $asm_mapper A valid AssemblyMapper object Arg [2] : integer $asm_seq_region The dbID of the seq_region to be registered Arg [3] : int $asm_start The start of the region to be registered Arg [4] : int $asm_end The end of the region to be registered Description: Declares an assembled region to the AssemblyMapper. This extracts the relevant data from the assembly table and stores it in Mapper internal to the $asm_mapper. It therefore must be called before any mapping is attempted on that region. Otherwise only gaps will be returned. Note that the AssemblyMapper automatically calls this method when the need arises. Returntype : none Exceptions : throw if the seq_region to be registered does not exist or if it associated with multiple assembled pieces (bad data in assembly table) Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper Status : Stable =cut sub register_assembled { my $self = shift; my $asm_mapper = shift; my $asm_seq_region = shift; my $asm_start = shift; my $asm_end = shift; if(!ref($asm_mapper) || !$asm_mapper->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper')) { throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper argument expected"); } throw("asm_seq_region argument expected") if(!defined($asm_seq_region)); throw("asm_start argument expected") if(!defined($asm_start)); throw("asm_end argument expected") if(!defined($asm_end)); my $asm_cs_id = $asm_mapper->assembled_CoordSystem->dbID(); my $cmp_cs_id = $asm_mapper->component_CoordSystem->dbID(); #split up the region to be registered into fixed chunks #this allows us to keep track of regions that have already been #registered and also works under the assumption that if a small region #is requested it is likely that other requests will be made in the #vicinity (the minimum size registered the chunksize (2^chunkfactor) my @chunk_regions; #determine span of chunks #bitwise shift right is fast and easy integer division my($start_chunk, $end_chunk); $start_chunk = $asm_start >> $CHUNKFACTOR; $end_chunk = $asm_end >> $CHUNKFACTOR; # inserts have start = end + 1, on boundary condition start_chunk # could be less than end chunk if($asm_start == $asm_end + 1) { ($start_chunk, $end_chunk) = ($end_chunk, $start_chunk); } #find regions of continuous unregistered chunks my $i; my ($begin_chunk_region,$end_chunk_region); for ($i = $start_chunk; $i <= $end_chunk; $i++) { if($asm_mapper->have_registered_assembled($asm_seq_region, $i)) { if(defined($begin_chunk_region)) { #this is the end of an unregistered region. my $region = [($begin_chunk_region << $CHUNKFACTOR), (($end_chunk_region+1) << $CHUNKFACTOR)-1]; push @chunk_regions, $region; $begin_chunk_region = $end_chunk_region = undef; } } else { $begin_chunk_region = $i if(!defined($begin_chunk_region)); $end_chunk_region = $i+1; $asm_mapper->register_assembled($asm_seq_region,$i); } } #the last part may have been an unregistered region too if(defined($begin_chunk_region)) { my $region = [($begin_chunk_region << $CHUNKFACTOR), (($end_chunk_region+1) << $CHUNKFACTOR) -1]; push @chunk_regions, $region; } return if(!@chunk_regions); # keep the Mapper to a reasonable size if( $asm_mapper->size() > $asm_mapper->max_pair_count() ) { $asm_mapper->flush(); #we now have to go and register the entire requested region since we #just flushed everything @chunk_regions = ( [ ( $start_chunk << $CHUNKFACTOR) , (($end_chunk+1) << $CHUNKFACTOR)-1 ] ); for( my $i = $start_chunk; $i <= $end_chunk; $i++ ) { $asm_mapper->register_assembled( $asm_seq_region, $i ); } } # my $asm_seq_region_id = # $self->_seq_region_name_to_id($asm_seq_region,$asm_cs_id); # Retrieve the description of how the assembled region is made from # component regions for each of the continuous blocks of unregistered, # chunked regions my $q = qq{ SELECT asm.cmp_start, asm.cmp_end, asm.cmp_seq_region_id, sr.name, sr.length, asm.ori, asm.asm_start, asm.asm_end FROM assembly asm, seq_region sr WHERE asm.asm_seq_region_id = ? AND ? <= asm.asm_end AND ? >= asm.asm_start AND asm.cmp_seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id AND sr.coord_system_id = ? }; my $sth = $self->prepare($q); foreach my $region (@chunk_regions) { my($region_start, $region_end) = @$region; $sth->bind_param(1,$asm_seq_region,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$region_start,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(3,$region_end,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(4,$cmp_cs_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); my($cmp_start, $cmp_end, $cmp_seq_region_id, $cmp_seq_region, $ori, $asm_start, $asm_end, $cmp_seq_region_length); $sth->bind_columns(\$cmp_start, \$cmp_end, \$cmp_seq_region_id, \$cmp_seq_region, \$cmp_seq_region_length, \$ori, \$asm_start, \$asm_end); # # Load the unregistered regions of the mapper # while($sth->fetch()) { next if($asm_mapper->have_registered_component($cmp_seq_region_id) and !defined($self->{'multi_seq_ids'}->{$cmp_seq_region_id})); $asm_mapper->register_component($cmp_seq_region_id); $asm_mapper->mapper->add_map_coordinates( $asm_seq_region, $asm_start, $asm_end, $ori, $cmp_seq_region_id, $cmp_start, $cmp_end); my $arr = [ $cmp_seq_region_id, $cmp_seq_region, $cmp_cs_id, $cmp_seq_region_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$cmp_seq_region:$cmp_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$cmp_seq_region_id"} = $arr; } } $sth->finish(); } sub _seq_region_name_to_id { my $self = shift; my $sr_name = shift; my $cs_id = shift; ($sr_name && $cs_id) || throw('seq_region_name and coord_system_id args ' . 'are required'); my $arr = $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$sr_name:$cs_id"}; if( $arr ) { return $arr->[0]; } # Get the seq_region_id via the name. This would be quicker if we just # used internal ids instead but stored but then we lose the ability # the transform accross databases with different internal ids my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT seq_region_id, length " . "FROM seq_region " . "WHERE name = ? AND coord_system_id = ?"); $sth->bind_param(1,$sr_name,SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2,$cs_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); if(!$sth->rows() == 1) { throw("Ambiguous or non-existant seq_region [$sr_name] " . "in coord system $cs_id"); } my ($sr_id, $sr_length) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); $arr = [ $sr_id, $sr_name, $cs_id, $sr_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$sr_name:$cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$sr_id"} = $arr; return $sr_id; } sub _seq_region_id_to_name { my $self = shift; my $sr_id = shift; ($sr_id) || throw('seq_region_is required'); my $arr = $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$sr_id"}; if( $arr ) { return $arr->[1]; } # Get the seq_region name via the id. This would be quicker if we just # used internal ids instead but stored but then we lose the ability # the transform accross databases with different internal ids my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT name, length ,coord_system_id " . "FROM seq_region " . "WHERE seq_region_id = ? "); $sth->bind_param(1,$sr_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); if(!$sth->rows() == 1) { throw("non-existant seq_region [$sr_id]"); } my ($sr_name, $sr_length, $cs_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish(); $arr = [ $sr_id, $sr_name, $cs_id, $sr_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$sr_name:$cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$sr_id"} = $arr; return $sr_name; } =head2 register_component Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper $asm_mapper A valid AssemblyMapper object Arg [2] : integer $cmp_seq_region The dbID of the seq_region to be registered Description: Declares a component region to the AssemblyMapper. This extracts the relevant data from the assembly table and stores it in Mapper internal to the $asm_mapper. It therefore must be called before any mapping is attempted on that region. Otherwise only gaps will be returned. Note that the AssemblyMapper automatically calls this method when the need arises. Returntype : none Exceptions : throw if the seq_region to be registered does not exist or if it associated with multiple assembled pieces (bad data in assembly table) Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper Status : Stable =cut sub register_component { my $self = shift; my $asm_mapper = shift; my $cmp_seq_region = shift; if(!ref($asm_mapper) || !$asm_mapper->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper')) { throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper argument expected"); } if(!defined($cmp_seq_region)) { throw("cmp_seq_region argument expected"); } my $cmp_cs_id = $asm_mapper->component_CoordSystem()->dbID(); my $asm_cs_id = $asm_mapper->assembled_CoordSystem()->dbID(); #do nothing if this region is already registered or special case return if($asm_mapper->have_registered_component($cmp_seq_region) and !defined($self->{'multi_seq_ids'}->{$cmp_seq_region})); # my $cmp_seq_region_id = # $self->_seq_region_name_to_id($cmp_seq_region, $cmp_cs_id); # Determine what part of the assembled region this component region makes up my $q = qq{ SELECT asm.asm_start, asm.asm_end, asm.asm_seq_region_id, sr.name, sr.length FROM assembly asm, seq_region sr WHERE asm.cmp_seq_region_id = ? AND asm.asm_seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id AND sr.coord_system_id = ? }; my $sth = $self->prepare($q); $sth->bind_param(1,$cmp_seq_region,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$asm_cs_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); if($sth->rows() == 0) { #this component is not used in the assembled part i.e. gap $asm_mapper->register_component($cmp_seq_region); $sth->finish(); return; } #we do not currently support components mapping to multiple assembled # make sure that you've got the correct mapping in the meta-table : # chromosome:EquCab2#contig ( use'#' for multiple mappings ) # chromosome:EquCab2|contig ( use '|' delimiter for 1-1 mappings ) # if($sth->rows() != 1) { $sth->finish(); throw("Multiple assembled regions for single " . "component region cmp_seq_region_id=[$cmp_seq_region]\n". "Remember that multiple mappings use the \#-operaator". " in the meta-table (i.e. chromosome:EquCab2\#contig\n"); } my ($asm_start, $asm_end, $asm_seq_region_id, $asm_seq_region, $asm_seq_region_length) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my $arr = [ $asm_seq_region_id, $asm_seq_region, $asm_cs_id, $asm_seq_region_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$asm_seq_region:$asm_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$asm_seq_region_id"} = $arr; $sth->finish(); # Register the corresponding assembled region. This allows a us to # register things in assembled chunks which allows us to: # (1) Keep track of what assembled regions are registered # (2) Use locality of reference (if they want something in same general # region it will already be registered). $self->register_assembled($asm_mapper,$asm_seq_region_id,$asm_start,$asm_end); } =head2 register_chained Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ChainedAssemblyMapper $casm_mapper The chained assembly mapper to register regions on Arg [2] : string $from ('first' or 'last') The direction we are registering from, and the name of the internal mapper. Arg [3] : string $seq_region_name The name of the seqregion we are registering on Arg [4] : listref $ranges A list of ranges to register (in [$start,$end] tuples). Arg [5] : (optional) $to_slice Only register those on this Slice. Description: Registers a set of ranges on a chained assembly mapper. This function is at the heart of the chained mapping process. It retrieves information from the assembly table and dynamically constructs the mappings between two coordinate systems which are 2 mapping steps apart. It does this by using two internal mappers to load up a third mapper which is actually used by the ChainedAssemblyMapper to perform the mapping. This method must be called before any mapping is attempted on regions of interest, otherwise only gaps will be returned. Note that the ChainedAssemblyMapper automatically calls this method when the need arises. Returntype : none Exceptions : throw if the seq_region to be registered does not exist or if it associated with multiple assembled pieces (bad data in assembly table) throw if the mapping between the coordinate systems cannot be performed in two steps, which means there is an internal error in the data in the meta table or in the code that creates the mapping paths. Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper Status : Stable =cut sub register_chained { my $self = shift; my $casm_mapper = shift; my $from = shift; my $seq_region_id = shift; my $ranges = shift; my $to_slice = shift; my $to_seq_region_id; if(defined($to_slice)){ if($casm_mapper->first_CoordSystem()->equals($casm_mapper->last_CoordSystem())){ return $self->_register_chained_special($casm_mapper, $from, $seq_region_id, $ranges, $to_slice); } $to_seq_region_id = $to_slice->get_seq_region_id(); if(!defined($to_seq_region_id)){ die "Could not get seq_region_id for to_slice".$to_slice->seq_region_name."\n"; } } my ($start_name, $start_mid_mapper, $start_cs, $start_registry, $end_name, $end_mid_mapper, $end_cs, $end_registry); if($from eq 'first') { $start_name = 'first'; $start_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_middle_mapper(); $start_cs = $casm_mapper->first_CoordSystem(); $start_registry = $casm_mapper->first_registry(); $end_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->last_middle_mapper(); $end_cs = $casm_mapper->last_CoordSystem(); $end_registry = $casm_mapper->last_registry(); $end_name = 'last'; } elsif($from eq 'last') { $start_name = 'last'; $start_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->last_middle_mapper(); $start_cs = $casm_mapper->last_CoordSystem(); $start_registry = $casm_mapper->last_registry(); $end_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_middle_mapper(); $end_cs = $casm_mapper->first_CoordSystem(); $end_registry = $casm_mapper->first_registry(); $end_name = 'first'; } else { throw("Invalid from argument: [$from], must be 'first' or 'last'"); } my $combined_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_last_mapper(); my $mid_cs = $casm_mapper->middle_CoordSystem(); my $mid_name = 'middle'; my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); # Check for the simple case where the ChainedMapper is short if( ! defined $mid_cs ) { $start_mid_mapper = $combined_mapper; } ############## # obtain the first half of the mappings and load them into the start mapper # #ascertain which is component and which is actually assembled coord system my @path; # check for the simple case, where the ChainedMapper is short if( defined $mid_cs ) { @path = @{$csa->get_mapping_path($start_cs, $mid_cs)}; } else { @path = @{$csa->get_mapping_path( $start_cs, $end_cs )}; } if(@path != 2 && defined( $path[1] )) { my $path = join(',', map({$_->name .' '. $_->version} @path)); my $len = scalar(@path) - 1; throw("Unexpected mapping path between start and intermediate " . "coord systems (". $start_cs->name . " " . $start_cs->version . " and " . $mid_cs->name . " " . $mid_cs->version . ")." . "\nExpected path length 1, got $len. " . "(path=$path)"); } my $sth; my ($asm_cs,$cmp_cs); $asm_cs = $path[0]; $cmp_cs = $path[-1]; #the SQL varies depending on whether we are coming from assembled or #component coordinate system my $asm2cmp = (<= asm.asm_start AND asm.cmp_seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id AND sr.coord_system_id = ? ASMCMP my $cmp2asm = (<= asm.cmp_start AND asm.asm_seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id AND sr.coord_system_id = ? CMPASM my $asm2cmp_sth; my $cmp2asm_sth; if(defined($to_slice)){ my $to_cs = $to_slice->coord_system; if($asm_cs->equals($to_cs)){ $asm2cmp_sth = $self->prepare($asm2cmp); $cmp2asm_sth = $self->prepare($cmp2asm." AND asm.asm_seq_region_id = $to_seq_region_id"); } elsif($cmp_cs->equals($to_cs)){ $asm2cmp_sth = $self->prepare($asm2cmp." AND asm.cmp_seq_region_id = $to_seq_region_id"); $cmp2asm_sth = $self->prepare($cmp2asm); } else{ $asm2cmp_sth = $self->prepare($asm2cmp); $cmp2asm_sth = $self->prepare($cmp2asm); } } else{ $asm2cmp_sth = $self->prepare($asm2cmp); $cmp2asm_sth = $self->prepare($cmp2asm); } $sth = ($asm_cs->equals($start_cs)) ? $asm2cmp_sth : $cmp2asm_sth; my $mid_cs_id; # check for the simple case where the ChainedMapper is short if( defined $mid_cs ) { $mid_cs_id = $mid_cs->dbID(); } else { $mid_cs_id = $end_cs->dbID(); } my @mid_ranges; my @start_ranges; #need to perform the query for each unregistered range foreach my $range (@$ranges) { my ($start, $end) = @$range; $sth->bind_param(1,$seq_region_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$start,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(3,$end,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(4,$mid_cs_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); #load the start <-> mid mapper with the results and record the mid cs #ranges we just added to the mapper my ($mid_start, $mid_end, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_seq_region, $mid_length, $ori, $start_start, $start_end); $sth->bind_columns(\$mid_start, \$mid_end, \$mid_seq_region_id, \$mid_seq_region, \$mid_length, \$ori, \$start_start, \$start_end); while($sth->fetch()) { if( defined $mid_cs ) { $start_mid_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $seq_region_id,$start_start, $start_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); } else { if( $from eq "first" ) { $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $seq_region_id,$start_start, $start_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); } else { $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end, $ori, $seq_region_id,$start_start, $start_end ); } } #update sr_name cache my $arr = [ $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_seq_region, $mid_cs_id, $mid_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$mid_seq_region:$mid_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$mid_seq_region_id"} = $arr; push @mid_ranges,[$mid_seq_region_id,$mid_seq_region, $mid_start,$mid_end]; push @start_ranges, [ $seq_region_id, $start_start, $start_end ]; #the region that we actually register may actually be larger or smaller #than the region that we wanted to register. #register the intersection of the region so we do not end up doing #extra work later if($start_start < $start || $start_end > $end) { $start_registry->check_and_register($seq_region_id,$start_start, $start_end); } } $sth->finish(); } # in the one step case, we load the mid ranges in the # last_registry and we are done if( ! defined $mid_cs ) { for my $range ( @mid_ranges ) { $end_registry->check_and_register( $range->[0], $range->[2], $range->[3] ); } # and thats it for the simple case ... return; } ########### # now the second half of the mapping # perform another query and load the mid <-> end mapper using the mid cs # ranges # #ascertain which is component and which is actually assembled coord system @path = @{$csa->get_mapping_path($mid_cs, $end_cs)}; if(@path == 2 || ( @path == 3 && !defined $path[1])) { $asm_cs = $path[0]; $cmp_cs = $path[-1]; } else { my $path = join(',', map({$_->name .' '. $_->version} @path)); my $len = scalar(@path)-1; throw("Unexpected mapping path between intermediate and last" . "coord systems (". $mid_cs->name . " " . $mid_cs->version . " and " . $end_cs->name . " " . $end_cs->version . ")." . "\nExpected path length 1, got $len. " . "(path=$path)"); } if(defined($to_slice)){ my $to_cs = $to_slice->coord_system; if($asm_cs->equals($to_cs)){ $asm2cmp_sth = $self->prepare($asm2cmp); $cmp2asm_sth = $self->prepare($cmp2asm." AND asm.asm_seq_region_id = $to_seq_region_id"); } elsif($cmp_cs->equals($to_cs)){ $asm2cmp_sth = $self->prepare($asm2cmp." AND asm.cmp_seq_region_id = $to_seq_region_id"); $cmp2asm_sth = $self->prepare($cmp2asm); } else{ $asm2cmp_sth = $self->prepare($asm2cmp); $cmp2asm_sth = $self->prepare($cmp2asm); } } $sth = ($asm_cs->equals($mid_cs)) ? $asm2cmp_sth : $cmp2asm_sth; my $end_cs_id = $end_cs->dbID(); foreach my $mid_range (@mid_ranges) { my ($mid_seq_region_id, $mid_seq_region,$start, $end) = @$mid_range; $sth->bind_param(1,$mid_seq_region_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$start,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(3,$end,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(4,$end_cs_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); #load the end <-> mid mapper with the results and record the mid cs #ranges we just added to the mapper my ($end_start, $end_end, $end_seq_region_id, $end_seq_region, $end_length, $ori, $mid_start, $mid_end); $sth->bind_columns(\$end_start, \$end_end, \$end_seq_region_id, \$end_seq_region, \$end_length, \$ori, \$mid_start, \$mid_end); while($sth->fetch()) { $end_mid_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $end_seq_region_id, $end_start, $end_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); #update sr_name cache my $arr = [ $end_seq_region_id,$end_seq_region,$end_cs_id,$end_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$end_seq_region:$end_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$end_seq_region_id"} = $arr; #register this region on the end coord system $end_registry->check_and_register($end_seq_region_id, $end_start, $end_end); } $sth->finish(); } ######### # Now that both halves are loaded # Do stepwise mapping using both of the loaded mappers to load # the final start <-> end mapper # _build_combined_mapper(\@start_ranges, $start_mid_mapper, $end_mid_mapper, $combined_mapper, $start_name); #all done! return; } =head2 _register_chained_special Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ChainedAssemblyMapper $casm_mapper The chained assembly mapper to register regions on Arg [2] : string $from ('first' or 'last') The direction we are registering from, and the name of the internal mapper. Arg [3] : string $seq_region_name The name of the seqregion we are registering on Arg [4] : listref $ranges A list of ranges to register (in [$start,$end] tuples). Arg [5] : (optional) $to_slice Only register those on this Slice. Description: Registers a set of ranges on a chained assembly mapper. This function is at the heart of the chained mapping process. It retrieves information from the assembly table and dynamically constructs the mappings between two coordinate systems which are 2 mapping steps apart. It does this by using two internal mappers to load up a third mapper which is actually used by the ChainedAssemblyMapper to perform the mapping. This method must be called before any mapping is attempted on regions of interest, otherwise only gaps will be returned. Note that the ChainedAssemblyMapper automatically calls this method when the need arises. Returntype : none Exceptions : throw if the seq_region to be registered does not exist or if it associated with multiple assembled pieces (bad data in assembly table) throw if the mapping between the coordinate systems cannot be performed in two steps, which means there is an internal error in the data in the meta table or in the code that creates the mapping paths. Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper Status : Stable =cut sub _register_chained_special { my $self = shift; my $casm_mapper = shift; my $from = shift; my $seq_region_id = shift; my $ranges = shift; my $to_slice = shift; my $found = 0; my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT asm.cmp_start, asm.cmp_end, asm.cmp_seq_region_id, sr.name, sr.length, asm.ori, asm.asm_start, asm.asm_end FROM assembly asm, seq_region sr WHERE asm.asm_seq_region_id = ? AND ? <= asm.asm_end AND ? >= asm.asm_start AND asm.cmp_seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id AND sr.coord_system_id = ? AND asm.cmp_seq_region_id = ?"); my ($start_name, $start_mid_mapper, $start_cs, $start_registry, $end_name, $end_mid_mapper, $end_cs, $end_registry); if($from eq 'first') { $start_name = 'first'; $start_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_middle_mapper(); $start_cs = $casm_mapper->first_CoordSystem(); $start_registry = $casm_mapper->first_registry(); $end_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->last_middle_mapper(); $end_cs = $casm_mapper->last_CoordSystem(); $end_registry = $casm_mapper->last_registry(); $end_name = 'last'; } elsif($from eq 'last') { $start_name = 'last'; $start_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->last_middle_mapper(); $start_cs = $casm_mapper->last_CoordSystem(); $start_registry = $casm_mapper->last_registry(); $end_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_middle_mapper(); $end_cs = $casm_mapper->first_CoordSystem(); $end_registry = $casm_mapper->first_registry(); $end_name = 'first'; } else { throw("Invalid from argument: [$from], must be 'first' or 'last'"); } my $combined_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_last_mapper(); my $mid_cs = $casm_mapper->middle_CoordSystem(); my $mid_name = 'middle'; my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); # Check for the simple case where the ChainedMapper is short if( ! defined $mid_cs ) { $start_mid_mapper = $combined_mapper; } my @path; if( defined $mid_cs ) { @path = @{$csa->get_mapping_path($start_cs, $mid_cs)}; } else { @path = @{$csa->get_mapping_path( $start_cs, $end_cs )}; } if( ! defined $mid_cs ) { $start_mid_mapper = $combined_mapper; } if(@path != 2 && defined( $path[1] )) { my $path = join(',', map({$_->name .' '. $_->version} @path)); my $len = scalar(@path) - 1; throw("Unexpected mapping path between start and intermediate " . "coord systems (". $start_cs->name . " " . $start_cs->version . " and " . $mid_cs->name . " " . $mid_cs->version . ")." . "\nExpected path length 1, got $len. " . "(path=$path)"); } my ($asm_cs,$cmp_cs); $asm_cs = $path[0]; $cmp_cs = $path[-1]; $combined_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_last_mapper(); $mid_cs = $casm_mapper->middle_CoordSystem(); $mid_name = 'middle'; $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); my $mid_cs_id; # Check for the simple case where the ChainedMapper is short if ( !defined $mid_cs ) { $start_mid_mapper = $combined_mapper; } else { $mid_cs_id = $mid_cs->dbID(); } my @mid_ranges; my @start_ranges; my $to_cs = $to_slice->coord_system; foreach my $direction (1, 0){ my $id1; my $id2; if($direction){ $id1 = $seq_region_id; $id2 = $to_slice->get_seq_region_id(); } else{ $id2 = $seq_region_id; $id1 = $to_slice->get_seq_region_id(); } foreach my $range (@$ranges) { my ($start, $end) = @$range; $sth->bind_param(1,$id1,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$start,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(3,$end,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(4,$to_cs->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(5,$id2,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); my ($mid_start, $mid_end, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_seq_region, $mid_length, $ori, $start_start, $start_end); $sth->bind_columns(\$mid_start, \$mid_end, \$mid_seq_region_id, \$mid_seq_region, \$mid_length, \$ori, \$start_start, \$start_end); while($sth->fetch()) { $found = 1; if( defined $mid_cs ) { $start_mid_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $id1,$start_start, $start_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); } else { if( $from eq "first") { if($direction){ $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $id1,$start_start, $start_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); } else{ $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end, $ori, $id1,$start_start, $start_end ); } } else { if($direction){ $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end, $ori, $id1,$start_start, $start_end ); } else{ $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $id1,$start_start, $start_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); } } } #update sr_name cache my $arr = [ $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_seq_region, $mid_cs_id, $mid_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$mid_seq_region:$mid_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$mid_seq_region_id"} = $arr; push @mid_ranges,[$mid_seq_region_id,$mid_seq_region, $mid_start,$mid_end]; push @start_ranges, [ $id1, $start_start, $start_end ]; #the region that we actually register may actually be larger or smaller #than the region that we wanted to register. #register the intersection of the region so we do not end up doing #extra work later if($start_start < $start || $start_end > $end) { $start_registry->check_and_register($id1,$start_start, $start_end); } } $sth->finish(); } if($found){ if( ! defined $mid_cs ) { for my $range ( @mid_ranges ) { $end_registry->check_and_register( $range->[0], $range->[2], $range->[3] ); } # and thats it for the simple case ... return; } } } } =head2 register_all Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::AssemblyMapper $mapper Example : $mapper = $asm_mapper_adaptor->fetch_by_CoordSystems($cs1,$cs2); # make cache large enough to hold all of the mappings $mapper->max_pair_count(10e6); $asm_mapper_adaptor->register_all($mapper); # perform mappings as normal $mapper->map($slice->seq_region_name(), $sr_start, $sr_end, $sr_strand, $cs1); ... Description: This function registers the entire set of mappings between two coordinate systems in an assembly mapper. This will use a lot of memory but will be much more efficient when doing a lot of mapping which is spread over the entire genome. Returntype : none Exceptions : none Caller : specialised prograhsm Status : Stable =cut sub register_all { my $self = shift; my $mapper = shift; my $asm_cs_id = $mapper->assembled_CoordSystem()->dbID(); my $cmp_cs_id = $mapper->component_CoordSystem()->dbID(); # retrieve every relevant assembled/component pair from the assembly table my $q = qq{ SELECT asm.cmp_start, asm.cmp_end, asm.cmp_seq_region_id, cmp_sr.name, cmp_sr.length, asm.ori, asm.asm_start, asm.asm_end, asm.asm_seq_region_id, asm_sr.name, asm_sr.length FROM assembly asm, seq_region asm_sr, seq_region cmp_sr WHERE asm.cmp_seq_region_id = cmp_sr.seq_region_id AND asm.asm_seq_region_id = asm_sr.seq_region_id AND cmp_sr.coord_system_id = ? AND asm_sr.coord_system_id = ? }; my $sth = $self->prepare($q); $sth->bind_param(1,$cmp_cs_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$asm_cs_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); # load the mapper with the assembly information my ($cmp_start, $cmp_end, $cmp_seq_region_id, $cmp_seq_region, $cmp_length, $ori, $asm_start, $asm_end, $asm_seq_region_id, $asm_seq_region, $asm_length); $sth->bind_columns(\$cmp_start, \$cmp_end, \$cmp_seq_region_id, \$cmp_seq_region, \$cmp_length, \$ori, \$asm_start, \$asm_end, \$asm_seq_region_id, \$asm_seq_region, \$asm_length); my %asm_registered; while($sth->fetch()) { $mapper->register_component($cmp_seq_region_id); $mapper->mapper->add_map_coordinates( $asm_seq_region_id, $asm_start, $asm_end, $ori, $cmp_seq_region_id, $cmp_start, $cmp_end); my $arr = [$cmp_seq_region_id, $cmp_seq_region, $cmp_cs_id, $cmp_length]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$cmp_seq_region:$cmp_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$cmp_seq_region_id"} = $arr; # only register each asm seq_region once since it requires some work if(!$asm_registered{$asm_seq_region_id}) { $asm_registered{$asm_seq_region_id} = 1; # register all chunks from start of seq region to end my $end_chunk = $asm_length >> $CHUNKFACTOR; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $end_chunk; $i++) { $mapper->register_assembled($asm_seq_region_id, $i); } $arr = [$asm_seq_region_id, $asm_seq_region, $asm_cs_id, $asm_length]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$asm_seq_region:$asm_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$asm_seq_region_id"} = $arr; } } $sth->finish(); return; } =head2 register_all_chained Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ChainedAssemblyMapper $casm_mapper Example : $mapper = $asm_mapper_adaptor->fetch_by_CoordSystems($cs1,$cs2); # make the cache large enough to hold all of the mappings $mapper->max_pair_count(10e6); # load all of the mapping data $asm_mapper_adaptor->register_all_chained($mapper); # perform mappings as normal $mapper->map($slice->seq_region_name(), $sr_start, $sr_end, $sr_strand, $cs1); ... Description: This function registers the entire set of mappings between two coordinate systems in a chained mapper. This will use a lot of memory but will be much more efficient when doing a lot of mapping which is spread over the entire genome. Returntype : none Exceptions : throw if mapper is between coord systems with unexpected mapping paths Caller : specialised programs doing a lot of genome-wide mapping Status : Stable =cut sub register_all_chained { my $self = shift; my $casm_mapper = shift; my $first_cs = $casm_mapper->first_CoordSystem(); my $mid_cs = $casm_mapper->middle_CoordSystem(); my $last_cs = $casm_mapper->last_CoordSystem(); my $start_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_middle_mapper(); my $end_mid_mapper = $casm_mapper->last_middle_mapper(); my $combined_mapper = $casm_mapper->first_last_mapper(); my @ranges; my $sth = $self->prepare( 'SELECT asm.cmp_start, asm.cmp_end, asm.cmp_seq_region_id, sr_cmp.name, sr_cmp.length, asm.ori, asm.asm_start, asm.asm_end, asm.asm_seq_region_id, sr_asm.name, sr_asm.length FROM assembly asm, seq_region sr_asm, seq_region sr_cmp WHERE sr_asm.seq_region_id = asm.asm_seq_region_id AND sr_cmp.seq_region_id = asm.cmp_seq_region_id AND sr_asm.coord_system_id = ? AND sr_cmp.coord_system_id = ?'); my $csa = $self->db()->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); my @path; if ( !defined $mid_cs ) { @path = @{ $csa->get_mapping_path( $first_cs, $last_cs ) }; if ( !defined( $path[1] ) ) { splice( @path, 1, 1 ); } } else { @path = @{ $csa->get_mapping_path( $first_cs, $mid_cs ) }; # fix for when we have something like supercontig#contig#chromosome if ( !defined( $path[1] ) ) { splice( @path, 1, 1 ); } } if ( @path != 2 ) { my $path = join( ',', map( { $_->name . ' ' . $_->version } @path ) ); my $len = scalar(@path) - 1; throw( "Unexpected mapping path between start and intermediate " . "coord systems (" . $first_cs->name . " " . $first_cs->version . " and " . $mid_cs->name . " " . $mid_cs->version . ")." . "\nExpected path length 1, got $len. " . "(path=$path)" ); } my ($asm_cs,$cmp_cs) = @path; $sth->{mysql_use_result} = 1; $sth->bind_param(1,$asm_cs->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$cmp_cs->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); my ($mid_start, $mid_end, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_seq_region, $mid_length, $ori, $start_start, $start_end, $start_seq_region_id, $start_seq_region, $start_length); if($asm_cs->equals($first_cs)) { $sth->bind_columns(\$mid_start, \$mid_end, \$mid_seq_region_id, \$mid_seq_region, \$mid_length, \$ori, \$start_start, \$start_end, \$start_seq_region_id, \$start_seq_region, \$start_length); } else { $sth->bind_columns(\$start_start, \$start_end, \$start_seq_region_id, \$start_seq_region, \$start_length, \$ori, \$mid_start, \$mid_end, \$mid_seq_region_id, \$mid_seq_region, \$mid_length); } my ( $mid_cs_id, $start_cs_id, $registry, $mapper ); if ( !defined $mid_cs ) { $mid_cs_id = $last_cs->dbID(); $start_cs_id = $first_cs->dbID(); $mapper = $combined_mapper; } else { $mid_cs_id = $mid_cs->dbID(); $start_cs_id = $first_cs->dbID(); $mapper = $start_mid_mapper; } $registry = $casm_mapper->first_registry(); while($sth->fetch()) { $mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $start_seq_region_id, $start_start, $start_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); push( @ranges, [$start_seq_region_id, $start_start, $start_end ] ); $registry->check_and_register( $start_seq_region_id, 1, $start_length ); if( ! defined $mid_cs ) { $casm_mapper->last_registry()->check_and_register ( $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); } my $arr = [ $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_seq_region, $mid_cs_id, $mid_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$mid_seq_region:$mid_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$mid_seq_region_id"} = $arr; $arr = [ $start_seq_region_id, $start_seq_region, $start_cs_id, $start_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$start_seq_region:$start_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$start_seq_region_id"} = $arr; } if( ! defined $mid_cs ) { # thats it for the simple case return; } @path = @{ $csa->get_mapping_path( $last_cs, $mid_cs ) }; if ( defined($mid_cs) ) { if ( !defined( $path[1] ) ) { splice( @path, 1, 1 ); } } if ( @path != 2 ) { my $path = join( ',', map( { $_->name . ' ' . $_->version } @path ) ); my $len = scalar(@path) - 1; throw( "Unexpected mapping path between intermediate and last " . "coord systems (" . $last_cs->name . " " . $last_cs->version . " and " . $mid_cs->name . " " . $mid_cs->version . ")." . "\nExpected path length 1, got $len. " . "(path=$path)" ); } ($asm_cs,$cmp_cs) = @path; $sth->bind_param(1,$asm_cs->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$cmp_cs->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); my ($end_start, $end_end, $end_seq_region_id, $end_seq_region, $end_length); if($asm_cs->equals($mid_cs)) { $sth->bind_columns(\$end_start, \$end_end, \$end_seq_region_id, \$end_seq_region, \$end_length, \$ori, \$mid_start, \$mid_end, \$mid_seq_region_id, \$mid_seq_region, \$mid_length); } else { $sth->bind_columns(\$mid_start, \$mid_end, \$mid_seq_region_id, \$mid_seq_region, \$mid_length, \$ori, \$end_start, \$end_end, \$end_seq_region_id, \$end_seq_region, \$end_length); } my $end_cs_id = $last_cs->dbID(); $registry = $casm_mapper->last_registry(); while($sth->fetch()) { $end_mid_mapper->add_map_coordinates ( $end_seq_region_id, $end_start, $end_end, $ori, $mid_seq_region_id, $mid_start, $mid_end ); $registry->check_and_register( $end_seq_region_id, 1, $end_length ); my $arr = [ $end_seq_region_id, $end_seq_region, $end_cs_id, $end_length ]; $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$end_seq_region:$end_cs_id"} = $arr; $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$end_seq_region_id"} = $arr; } _build_combined_mapper( \@ranges, $start_mid_mapper, $end_mid_mapper, $combined_mapper, "first" ); return; } # after both halves of a chained mapper are loaded # this function maps all ranges in $ranges and loads the # results into the combined mapper sub _build_combined_mapper { my $ranges = shift; my $start_mid_mapper = shift; my $end_mid_mapper = shift; my $combined_mapper = shift; my $start_name = shift; my $mid_name = "middle"; foreach my $range (@$ranges) { my ( $seq_region_id, $start, $end) = @$range; my $sum = 0; my @initial_coords = $start_mid_mapper->map_coordinates($seq_region_id, $start,$end,1, $start_name); foreach my $icoord (@initial_coords) { #skip gaps if($icoord->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap')) { $sum += $icoord->length(); next; } #feed the results of the first mapping into the second mapper my @final_coords = $end_mid_mapper->map_coordinates($icoord->id, $icoord->start, $icoord->end, $icoord->strand, $mid_name); foreach my $fcoord (@final_coords) { #load up the final mapper if($fcoord->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate')) { my $total_start = $start + $sum; my $total_end = $total_start + $fcoord->length - 1; my $ori = $fcoord->strand(); if($start_name eq 'first') { # add coords in consistant order $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates( $seq_region_id, $total_start, $total_end, $ori, $fcoord->id(), $fcoord->start(), $fcoord->end()); } else { $combined_mapper->add_map_coordinates( $fcoord->id(), $fcoord->start(), $fcoord->end(),$ori, $seq_region_id, $total_start, $total_end); } } $sum += $fcoord->length(); } } } #all done! } =head2 seq_regions_to_ids Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $coord_system Arg [2] : listref of strings $seq_regions Example : my @ids = @{$asma->seq_regions_to_ids($coord_sys, \@seq_regs)}; Description: Converts a list of seq_region names to internal identifiers using the internal cache that has accumulated while registering regions for AssemblyMappers. If any requested regions are not found in the cache an attempt is made to retrieve them from the database. Returntype : listref of ints Exceptions : throw if a non-existant seqregion is provided Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub seq_regions_to_ids { my $self = shift; my $coord_system = shift; my $seq_regions = shift; my $cs_id = $coord_system->dbID(); my @out; foreach my $sr (@$seq_regions) { my $arr = $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$sr:$cs_id"}; if( $arr ) { push( @out, $arr->[0] ); } else { push @out, $self->_seq_region_name_to_id($sr,$cs_id); } } return \@out; } =head2 seq_ids_to_regions Arg [1] : listref of seq_region ids Example : my @ids = @{$asma->ids_to_seq_regions(\@seq_ids)}; Description: Converts a list of seq_region ids to seq region names using the internal cache that has accumulated while registering regions for AssemblyMappers. If any requested regions are not found in the cache an attempt is made to retrieve them from the database. Returntype : listref of strings Exceptions : throw if a non-existant seq_region_id is provided Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub seq_ids_to_regions { my $self = shift; my $seq_region_ids = shift; my @out; foreach my $sr (@$seq_region_ids) { my $arr = $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$sr"}; if( $arr ) { push( @out, $arr->[1] ); } else { push @out, $self->_seq_region_id_to_name($sr); } } return \@out; } =head2 delete_cache Description: Delete all the caches for the mappings/seq_regions Returntype : none Exceptions : none Caller : General Status : At risk =cut sub delete_cache{ my ($self) = @_; %{$self->{'sr_name_cache'}} = (); %{$self->{'sr_id_cache'}} = (); foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'}}){ $self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'}->{$key}->flush(); } %{$self->{'_asm_mapper_cache'}} = (); return; } =head2 register_region Description: DEPRECATED use register_assembled instead =cut sub register_region{ my ($self, $assmapper, $type, $chr_name, $start, $end) = @_; deprecate('Use register_assembled instead'); $self->register_assembled($assmapper, $chr_name, $start, $end); } =head2 register_contig Description: DEPRECATED use register_component instead =cut sub register_contig { my ($self, $assmapper, $type, $contig_id ) = @_; deprecate('Use register_component instead'); #not sure if the use is passing in a seq_region_name or a #seq_region_id... register_component($assmapper, $contig_id); } =head2 fetch_by_type Description: DEPRECATED use fetch_by_CoordSystems instead =cut sub fetch_by_type{ my ($self,$type) = @_; deprecate('Use fetch_by_CoordSystems instead'); #assume that what the user wanted was a mapper between the sequence coord #level and the top coord level my $csa = $self->db()->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); my $cs1 = $csa->fetch_top_level($type); my $cs2 = $csa->fetch_sequence_level(); return $self->fetch_by_CoordSystems($cs1,$cs2); } 1;