=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::KaryotypeBandAdaptor =head1 SYNOPSIS $kary_adaptor = $db_adaptor->get_KaryotypeBandAdaptor(); foreach $band ( @{ $kary_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice) } ) { # do something with band } $band = $kary_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($id); my @bands = @{ $kary_adaptor->fetch_all_by_chr_name('X') }; my $band = $kary_adaptor->fetch_by_chr_band( '4', 'q23' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Database adaptor to provide access to KaryotypeBand objects =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::KaryotypeBandAdaptor; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); use Bio::EnsEMBL::KaryotypeBand; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning deprecate); use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseFeatureAdaptor; @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseFeatureAdaptor); #_tables # # Arg [1] : none # Example : none # Description: PROTECTED Implementation of abstract superclass method to # provide the name of the tables to query # Returntype : string # Exceptions : none # Caller : internal sub _tables { my $self = shift; return (['karyotype','k']) } #_columns # Arg [1] : none # Example : none # Description: PROTECTED Implementation of abstract superclass method to # provide the name of the columns to query # Returntype : list of strings # Exceptions : none # Caller : internal sub _columns { my $self = shift; #warning _objs_from_sth implementation depends on ordering return qw ( k.karyotype_id k.seq_region_id k.seq_region_start k.seq_region_end k.band k.stain ); } sub _objs_from_sth { my ($self, $sth) = @_; my $db = $self->db(); my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor(); my @features; my %slice_cache; my($karyotype_id,$seq_region_id,$seq_region_start,$seq_region_end, $band,$stain); $sth->bind_columns(\$karyotype_id, \$seq_region_id, \$seq_region_start, \$seq_region_end, \$band, \$stain); while ( $sth->fetch() ) { #need to get the internal_seq_region, if present $seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id_internal($seq_region_id); my $slice = $slice_cache{$seq_region_id} ||= $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_seq_region_id($seq_region_id); push( @features, $self->_create_feature( 'Bio::EnsEMBL::KaryotypeBand', { -START => $seq_region_start, -END => $seq_region_end, -SLICE => $slice, -ADAPTOR => $self, -DBID => $karyotype_id, -NAME => $band, -STAIN => $stain } ) ); } return \@features; } =head2 fetch_all_by_chr_name Arg [1] : string $chr_name Name of the chromosome from which to retrieve band objects Example : @bands=@{$karyotype_band_adaptor->fetch_all_by_chr_name('X')}; Description: Fetches all the karyotype band objects from the database for the given chromosome. Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::KaryotypeBand in chromosomal (assembly) coordinates Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub fetch_all_by_chr_name { my ($self,$chr_name) = @_; throw('Chromosome name argument expected') if(!$chr_name); my $slice = $self->db->get_SliceAdaptor->fetch_by_region(undef, $chr_name); unless ($slice){ warning("Cannot retrieve chromosome $chr_name"); return; } return $self->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice); } sub fetch_all_by_chr_band { my ($self, $chr_name, $band) = @_; throw('Chromosome name argument expected') if(!$chr_name); throw('Band argument expected') if(!$band); my $slice = $self->db->get_SliceAdaptor->fetch_by_region(undef, $chr_name); my $constraint = "k.band like '$band%'"; return $self->fetch_all_by_Slice_constraint($slice,$constraint); } =head2 fetch_by_chr_band Arg [1] : string $chr_name Name of the chromosome from which to retrieve the band Arg [2] : string $band The name of the band to retrieve from the specified chromosome Example : @bands = @{$kary_adaptor->fetch_all_by_chr_band('4', 'q23')}; Description: Fetches the karyotype band object from the database for the given chromosome and band name. If no such band exists, undef is returned instead. This function uses fuzzy matching of the band name. For example the bands 'q23.1' and 'q23.4' could be matched by fetch_all_by_chr_band('20', 'q23'); Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::KaryotypeBand in chromosomal coordinates. Exceptions : throws if chr or band is missing in arguments Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub fetch_by_chr_band { my $self = shift; deprecate('Use fetch_all_by_chr_band instead.'); my ($band) = @{$self->fetch_all_by_chr_band(@_)}; return $band; } =head2 list_dbIDs Arg [1] : none Example : @kary_ids = @{$karyotype_band_adaptor->list_dbIDs()}; Description: Gets an array of internal ids for all karyotype bands in the current db Arg[1] : int. not 0 for the ids to be sorted by the seq_region. Returntype : reference to a list of ints Exceptions : none Caller : ? Status : Stable =cut sub list_dbIDs { my ($self, $ordered) = shift; return $self->_list_dbIDs("karyotype",undef, $ordered); } 1;