=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::MetaCoordContainer; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA); use strict; use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception; @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); # # Retrieve the list of the coordinate systems that features are stored # in and cache them. # my @coord_systems = @{ $self->db()->dnadb()->get_CoordSystemAdaptor->fetch_all() }; my @cs_ids; foreach my $cs (@coord_systems) { push( @cs_ids, $cs->dbID() ) } my $sth = $self->prepare( 'SELECT mc.table_name, mc.coord_system_id, mc.max_length ' . 'FROM meta_coord mc ' . 'WHERE mc.coord_system_id in (' . join( ',', @cs_ids ) . ')' ); $sth->execute(); while ( my ( $table_name, $cs_id, $max_length ) = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $table_name = lc($table_name); $self->{'_feature_cache'}->{$table_name} ||= []; push( @{ $self->{'_feature_cache'}->{$table_name} }, $cs_id ); $self->{'_max_len_cache'}->{$cs_id}->{$table_name} = $max_length; } $sth->finish(); return $self; } ## end sub new =head2 fetch_all_CoordSystems_by_feature_type Arg [1] : string $table - the name of the table to retrieve coord systems for. E.g. 'gene', 'exon', 'dna_align_feature' Example : @css = @{$mcc->fetch_all_CoordSystems_by_feature_type('gene')}; Description: This retrieves the list of coordinate systems that features in a particular table are stored. It is used internally by the API to perform queries to these tables and to ensure that features are only stored in appropriate coordinate systems. Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem objects Exceptions : throw if name argument not provided Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor Status : Stable =cut sub fetch_all_CoordSystems_by_feature_type { my $self = shift; my $table = lc(shift); #case insensitive matching throw('Name argument is required') unless $table; if(!$self->{'_feature_cache'}->{$table}) { return []; } my @cs_ids = @{$self->{'_feature_cache'}->{$table}}; my @coord_systems; my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); foreach my $cs_id (@cs_ids) { my $cs = $csa->fetch_by_dbID($cs_id); if(!$cs) { throw("meta_coord table refers to non-existant coord_system $cs_id"); } push @coord_systems, $cs; } return \@coord_systems; } =head2 fetch_max_length_by_CoordSystem_feature_type Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs Arg [2] : string $table Example : $max_len = $mcc->fetch_max_length_by_CoordSystem_feature_type($cs,'gene'); Description: Returns the maximum length of features of a given type in a given coordinate system. Returntype : int or undef Exceptions : throw on incorrect argument Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor Status : Stable =cut sub fetch_max_length_by_CoordSystem_feature_type { my $self = shift; my $cs = shift; my $table = shift; if(!ref($cs) || !$cs->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem')) { throw('Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem argument expected'); } throw("Table name argument is required") unless $table; return $self->{'_max_len_cache'}->{$cs->dbID()}->{lc($table)}; } =head2 add_feature_type Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem $cs The coordinate system to associate with a feature table Arg [2] : string $table - the name of the table in which features of a given coordinate system will be stored in Arg [3] : int $length This length is used to update the max_length in the database and the internal cache. Example : $csa->add_feature_table($chr_coord_system, 'gene'); Description: This function tells the coordinate system adaptor that features from a specified table will be stored in a certain coordinate system. If this information is not already stored in the database it will be added. Returntype : none Exceptions : none Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor Status : Stable =cut sub add_feature_type { my $self = shift; my $cs = shift; my $table = lc(shift); my $length = shift; if(!ref($cs) || !$cs->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem')) { throw('CoordSystem argument is required.'); } if(!$table) { throw('Table argument is required.'); } my $cs_ids = $self->{'_feature_cache'}->{$table} || []; my ($exists) = grep {$cs->dbID() == $_} @$cs_ids; if( $exists ) { if( !$self->{'_max_len_cache'}->{$cs->dbID()}->{$table} || $self->{'_max_len_cache'}->{$cs->dbID()}->{$table} < $length ) { my $sth = $self->prepare('UPDATE meta_coord ' . "SET max_length = $length " . 'WHERE coord_system_id = ? ' . 'AND table_name = ? '. "AND (max_length<$length ". "OR max_length is null)"); $sth->execute( $cs->dbID(), $table ); $self->{'_max_len_cache'}->{$cs->dbID()}->{$table} = $length; } return; } #store the new tablename -> coord system relationship in the db #ignore failures b/c during the pipeline multiple processes may try #to update this table and only the first will be successful my $sth = $self->prepare('INSERT IGNORE INTO meta_coord ' . 'SET coord_system_id = ?, ' . 'table_name = ?, ' . 'max_length = ? ' ); $sth->execute($cs->dbID, $table, $length ); #update the internal cache $self->{'_feature_cache'}->{$table} ||= []; push @{$self->{'_feature_cache'}->{$table}}, $cs->dbID(); $self->{'_max_len_cache'}->{$cs->dbID()}->{$table} = $length; return; } 1;