=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SequenceAdaptor - produce sequence strings from locations =head1 SYNOPSIS my $sa = $registry->get_adaptor( 'Human', 'Core', 'Sequence' ); my $dna = ${ $sa->fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand( $slice, 1, 1000, -1 ) }; =head1 DESCRIPTION An adaptor for the retrieval of DNA sequence from the EnsEMBL database =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SequenceAdaptor; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); use strict; use warnings; use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw deprecate); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Sequence qw(reverse_comp); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Cache; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Scalar qw( assert_ref ); @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor); our $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR = 18; # 2^18 = approx. 250KB our $SEQ_CACHE_SZ = 5; our $SEQ_CACHE_MAX = (2 ** $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR) * $SEQ_CACHE_SZ; @EXPORT = (@{$DBI::EXPORT_TAGS{'sql_types'}}); =head2 new Arg [1] : none Example : my $sa = $db_adaptor->get_SequenceAdaptor(); Description: Constructor. Calls superclass constructor and initialises internal cache structure. Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SequenceAdaptor Exceptions : none Caller : DBAdaptor::get_SequenceAdaptor Status : Stable =cut sub new { my $caller = shift; my $class = ref($caller) || $caller; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); # use an LRU cache to limit the size my %seq_cache; tie(%seq_cache, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Cache', $SEQ_CACHE_SZ); $self->{'seq_cache'} = \%seq_cache; # # See if this has any seq_region_attrib of type "_rna_edit_cache" if so store these # in a hash. # my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare('select sra.seq_region_id, sra.value from seq_region_attrib sra, attrib_type at where sra.attrib_type_id = at.attrib_type_id and code = "_rna_edit"'); $sth->execute(); my ($seq_region_id, $value); $sth->bind_columns(\$seq_region_id, \$value); my %edits; my $count = 0; while($sth->fetch()){ $count++; my ($start, $end, $substring) = split (/\s+/, $value); my $edit_length = ($end - $start) + 1; my $substring_length = length($substring); if($edit_length != $substring_length) { throw "seq_region_id $seq_region_id has an attrib of type '_rna_edit' (value '$value'). Edit length ${edit_length} is not the same as the replacement's length ${substring_length}. Please fix. We only support substitutions via this mechanism"; } push @{$edits{$seq_region_id}}, $value; } $sth->finish; if($count){ $self->{_rna_edits_cache} = \%edits; } return $self; } =head2 clear_cache Example : $sa->clear_cache(); Description : Removes all entries from the associcated sequence cache Returntype : None Exceptions : None =cut sub clear_cache { my ($self) = @_; %{$self->{seq_cache}} = (); return; } =head2 fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice slice The slice from which you want the sequence Arg [2] : (optional) int startBasePair The start base pair relative to the start of the slice. Negative values or values greater than the length of the slice are fine. default = 1 Arg [3] : (optional) int endBasePair The end base pair relative to the start of the slice. Negative values or values greater than the length of the slice are fine, but the end must be greater than or equal to the start count from 1 default = the length of the slice Arg [4] : (optional) int strand 1, -1 default = 1 Example : $dna = $seq_adptr->fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand($slice, 1, 1000, -1); Description: retrieves from db the sequence for this slice uses AssemblyMapper to find the assembly Returntype : string Exceptions : endBasePair should be less or equal to length of slice Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice::seq(), Slice::subseq() Status : Stable =cut sub fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand { my ( $self, $slice, $start, $end, $strand ) = @_; if(!ref($slice) || !($slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice") or $slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::LRGSlice')) ) { throw("Slice argument is required."); } $start = 1 if(!defined($start)); if ( ( !defined($end) || $start > $end || $start < 0 || $end < 0 || $slice->start> $slice->end ) && $slice->is_circular ) { if ( !defined($end) || ($start > $end ) ) { return $self->_fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand_circular( $slice, $start, $end, $strand ); } if ( defined($end) && ($end < 0) ) { $end += $slice->seq_region_length; } if ($start < 0) { $start += $slice->seq_region_length; } if($slice->start> $slice->end) { return $self->_fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand_circular( $slice, $slice->start, $slice->end, $strand ); } } if ( ( !defined($end) ) && (not $slice->is_circular) ) { $end = $slice->end() - $slice->start() + 1; } if ( $start > $end ) { throw("Start must be less than or equal to end."); } $strand ||= 1; #get a new slice that spans the exact region to retrieve dna from my $right_expand = $end - $slice->length(); #negative is fine my $left_expand = 1 - $start; #negative is fine if($right_expand || $left_expand) { $slice = $slice->expand($left_expand, $right_expand); } #retrieve normalized 'non-symlinked' slices #this allows us to support haplotypes and PARs my $slice_adaptor = $slice->adaptor(); my @symproj=@{$slice_adaptor->fetch_normalized_slice_projection($slice)}; if(@symproj == 0) { throw('Could not retrieve normalized Slices. Database contains ' . 'incorrect assembly_exception information.'); } #call this method again with any slices that were 'symlinked' to by this #slice if(@symproj != 1 || $symproj[0]->[2] != $slice) { my $seq; foreach my $segment (@symproj) { my $symlink_slice = $segment->[2]; #get sequence from each symlinked area $seq .= ${$self->fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand($symlink_slice, 1,undef,1)}; } if($strand == -1) { reverse_comp(\$seq); } return \$seq; } # we need to project this slice onto the sequence coordinate system # even if the slice is in the same coord system, we want to trim out # flanking gaps (if the slice is past the edges of the seqregion) my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); my $seqlevel = $csa->fetch_sequence_level(); my @projection=@{$slice->project($seqlevel->name(), $seqlevel->version())}; my $seq = ''; my $total = 0; my $tmp_seq; #fetch sequence from each of the sequence regions projected onto foreach my $segment (@projection) { my ($start, $end, $seq_slice) = @$segment; #check for gaps between segments and pad them with Ns my $gap = $start - $total - 1; if($gap) { $seq .= 'N' x $gap; } my $seq_region_id = $slice_adaptor->get_seq_region_id($seq_slice); $tmp_seq = ${$self->_fetch_seq($seq_region_id, $seq_slice->start, $seq_slice->length())}; #reverse compliment on negatively oriented slices if($seq_slice->strand == -1) { reverse_comp(\$tmp_seq); } $seq .= $tmp_seq; $total = $end; } #check for any remaining gaps at the end my $gap = $slice->length - $total; if($gap) { $seq .= 'N' x $gap; } #if the sequence is too short it is because we came in with a seqlevel #slice that was partially off of the seq_region. Pad the end with Ns #to make long enough if(length($seq) != $slice->length()) { $seq .= 'N' x ($slice->length() - length($seq)); } if(defined($self->{_rna_edits_cache}) and defined($self->{_rna_edits_cache}->{$slice->get_seq_region_id})){ $self->_rna_edit($slice,\$seq); } #if they asked for the negative slice strand revcomp the whole thing reverse_comp(\$seq) if($strand == -1); return \$seq; } sub _fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand_circular { my ( $self, $slice, $start, $end, $strand ) = @_; assert_ref( $slice, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice' ); $strand ||= 1; if ( !defined($start) ) { $start ||= 1; } if ( !defined($end) ) { $end = $slice->end() - $slice->start() + 1; } if ( $start > $end && $slice->is_circular() ) { my ($seq, $seq1, $seq2); my $midpoint = $slice->seq_region_length - $slice->start + 1; $seq1 = ${ $self->_fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand_circular( $slice, 1, $midpoint, 1 )}; $seq2 = ${ $self->_fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand_circular( $slice, $midpoint + 1, $slice->length(), 1 )}; $seq = $slice->strand > 0 ? "$seq1$seq2" : "$seq2$seq1"; reverse_comp( \$seq ) if ( $strand == -1 ); return \$seq; } # Get a new slice that spans the exact region to retrieve dna from my $right_expand = $end - $slice->length(); #negative is fine my $left_expand = 1 - $start; #negative is fine if ( $right_expand || $left_expand ) { $slice = $slice->strand > 0 ? $slice->expand( $left_expand, $right_expand ) : $slice->expand( $right_expand, $left_expand ); } # Retrieve normalized 'non-symlinked' slices. This allows us to # support haplotypes and PARs. my $slice_adaptor = $slice->adaptor(); my @symproj = @{ $slice_adaptor->fetch_normalized_slice_projection($slice) }; if ( @symproj == 0 ) { throw( 'Could not retrieve normalized Slices. Database contains ' . 'incorrect assembly_exception information.' ); } # Call this method again with any slices that were 'symlinked' to by # this slice. if ( @symproj != 1 || $symproj[0]->[2] != $slice ) { my $seq; foreach my $segment (@symproj) { my $symlink_slice = $segment->[2]; # Get sequence from each symlinked area. $seq .= ${ $self->fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand( $symlink_slice, 1, undef, 1 ) }; } if ( $strand == -1 ) { reverse_comp( \$seq ); } return \$seq; } # We need to project this slice onto the sequence coordinate system # even if the slice is in the same coord system, we want to trim out # flanking gaps (if the slice is past the edges of the seqregion). my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); my $seqlevel = $csa->fetch_sequence_level(); my @projection = @{ $slice->project( $seqlevel->name(), $seqlevel->version() ) }; my $seq = ''; my $total = 0; my $tmp_seq; # Fetch sequence from each of the sequence regions projected onto. foreach my $segment (@projection) { my ( $start, $end, $seq_slice ) = @{$segment}; # Check for gaps between segments and pad them with Ns my $gap = $start - $total - 1; if ($gap) { $seq .= 'N' x $gap; } my $seq_region_id = $slice_adaptor->get_seq_region_id($seq_slice); $tmp_seq = ${ $self->_fetch_seq( $seq_region_id, $seq_slice->start(), $seq_slice->length() ) }; # Reverse compliment on negatively oriented slices. if ( $seq_slice->strand == -1 ) { reverse_comp( \$tmp_seq ); } $seq .= $tmp_seq; $total = $end; } # Check for any remaining gaps at the end. my $gap = $slice->length() - $total; if ($gap) { $seq .= 'N' x $gap; } # If the sequence is too short it is because we came in with a # seqlevel slice that was partially off of the seq_region. Pad the # end with Ns to make long enough if ( length($seq) != $slice->length() ) { $seq .= 'N' x ( $slice->length() - length($seq) ); } if ( defined( $self->{_rna_edits_cache} ) && defined( $self->{_rna_edits_cache}->{ $slice->get_seq_region_id } ) ) { $self->_rna_edit( $slice, \$seq ); } return \$seq; } ## end sub _fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand_circular sub _rna_edit { my $self = shift; my $slice = shift; my $seq = shift; #reference to string my $s_start = $slice->start; #substr start at 0 , but seq starts at 1 (so no -1 here) my $s_end = $s_start+length($$seq); foreach my $edit (@{$self->{_rna_edits_cache}->{$slice->get_seq_region_id}}){ my ($start, $end, $txt) = split (/\s+/, $edit); # check that RNA edit is not outside the requested region : happens quite often with LRG regions next if ($end < $s_start); next if ($s_end < $start); substr($$seq,$start-$s_start, ($end-$start)+1, $txt); } return; } sub _fetch_seq { my $self = shift; my $seq_region_id = shift; my $start = shift; my $length = shift; my $cache = $self->{'seq_cache'}; if($length < $SEQ_CACHE_MAX) { my $chunk_min = ($start-1) >> $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR; my $chunk_max = ($start + $length - 1) >> $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR; # piece together sequence from cached component parts my $entire_seq = undef; for(my $i = $chunk_min; $i <= $chunk_max; $i++) { if($cache->{"$seq_region_id:$i"}) { $entire_seq .= $cache->{"$seq_region_id:$i"}; } else { # retrieve uncached portions of the sequence my $sth = $self->prepare( "SELECT SUBSTRING(d.sequence, ?, ?) " . "FROM dna d " . "WHERE d.seq_region_id = ?" ); my $tmp_seq; my $min = ($i << $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR) + 1; $sth->bind_param( 1, $min, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth->bind_param( 2, 1 << $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth->bind_param( 3, $seq_region_id, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth->execute(); $sth->bind_columns(\$tmp_seq); $sth->fetch(); $sth->finish(); # always give back uppercased sequence so it can be properly softmasked $entire_seq .= uc($tmp_seq); $cache->{"$seq_region_id:$i"} = uc($tmp_seq); } } # return only the requested portion of the entire sequence my $min = ( $chunk_min << $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR ) + 1; # my $max = ( $chunk_max + 1 ) << $SEQ_CHUNK_PWR; my $seq = substr( $entire_seq, $start - $min, $length ); return \$seq; } else { # do not do any caching for requests of very large sequences my $sth = $self->prepare( "SELECT SUBSTRING(d.sequence, ?, ?) " . "FROM dna d " . "WHERE d.seq_region_id = ?" ); my $tmp_seq; $sth->bind_param( 1, $start, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth->bind_param( 2, $length, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth->bind_param( 3, $seq_region_id, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth->execute(); $sth->bind_columns(\$tmp_seq); $sth->fetch(); $sth->finish(); # always give back uppercased sequence so it can be properly softmasked $tmp_seq = uc($tmp_seq); return \$tmp_seq; } } =head2 store Arg [1] : int $seq_region_id the id of the sequence region this dna will be associated with. Arg [2] : string $sequence the dna sequence to be stored in the database. Note that the sequence passed in will be converted to uppercase. Example : $seq_adaptor->store(11, 'ACTGGGTACCAAACAAACACAACA'); Description: stores a dna sequence in the databases dna table and returns the database identifier for the new record. Returntype : none Exceptions : throw if the database insert fails Caller : sequence loading scripts Status : Stable =cut sub store { my ($self, $seq_region_id, $sequence) = @_; if(!$seq_region_id) { throw('seq_region_id is required'); } $sequence = uc($sequence); my $statement = $self->prepare("INSERT INTO dna(seq_region_id, sequence) VALUES(?,?)"); $statement->bind_param(1,$seq_region_id,SQL_INTEGER); $statement->bind_param(2,$sequence,SQL_LONGVARCHAR); $statement->execute(); $statement->finish(); return; } =head2 fetch_by_assembly_location Description: DEPRECATED use fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand() instead. =cut sub fetch_by_assembly_location { my ( $self, $chrStart, $chrEnd, $strand, $chrName, $assemblyType ) = @_; deprecate('Use fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand() instead'); my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystem(); my $top_cs = @{$csa->fetch_all}; my $slice_adaptor = $self->db->get_SliceAdaptor(); my $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region($top_cs->name(), $chrName, $chrStart, $chrEnd, $strand, $top_cs->version); return $self->fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand($slice,1, $slice->length,1); } =head2 fetch_by_RawContig_start_end_strand Description: DEPRECATED use fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand instead =cut sub fetch_by_RawContig_start_end_strand { deprecate('Use fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand instead.'); fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand(@_); } 1;