=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::StatementHandle =head1 SYNOPSIS Do not use this class directly. It will automatically be used by the Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection class. =head1 DESCRIPTION This class extends DBD::mysql::st so that the DESTROY method may be overridden. If the DBConnection::disconnect_when_inactive flag is set this statement handle will cause the database connection to be closed when it goes out of scope and there are no other open statement handles. =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::StatementHandle; use vars qw(@ISA); use strict; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(warning throw); use DBI; #use Time::HiRes qw(time); @ISA = qw(DBI::st); # As DBD::mysql::st is a tied hash can't store things in it, # so have to have parallel hash my %dbchash; my %dbc_sql_hash; sub dbc { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $dbc = shift; if(!defined($dbc)) { # without delete key space would grow indefinitely causing mem-leak delete($dbchash{$self}); } else { $dbchash{$self} = $dbc; } } return $dbchash{$self}; } sub sql { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $sql = shift; if(!defined($sql)) { # without delete key space would grow indefinitely causing mem-leak delete($dbc_sql_hash{$self}); } else { $dbc_sql_hash{$self} = $sql; } } return $dbc_sql_hash{$self}; } sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; my $dbc = $self->dbc; $self->dbc(undef); my $sql = $self->sql; $self->sql(undef); # Re-bless into DBI::st so that superclass destroy method is called if # it exists (it does not exist in all DBI versions). bless( $self, 'DBI::st' ); # The count for the number of kids is decremented only after this # function is complete. Disconnect if there is 1 kid (this one) # remaining. if ( $dbc && $dbc->disconnect_when_inactive() && $dbc->connected && ( $dbc->db_handle->{Kids} == 1 ) ) { if ( $dbc->disconnect_if_idle() ) { warn("Problem disconnect $self around sql = $sql\n"); } } } ## end sub DESTROY 1; # Comment out this "__END__" for printing out handy debug information # (every query if you want). __END__ # To stop caching messing up your timings, try doing the following on # any adapter: # # $slice_adaptor->dbc()->db_handle() # ->do("SET SESSION query_cache_type = OFF"); # # To start logging: # Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::StatementHandle->sql_timing_start(); # # To display the results: # Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::StatementHandle->sql_timing_print(1); # # To pause logging: # Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::StatementHandle->sql_timimg_pause(); # # To resume logging after pause: # Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::StatementHandle->sql_timimg_resume(); use Time::HiRes qw(time); my @bind_args = (); my $dump = 0; my %total_time; my %min_time; my %max_time; my %number_of_times; my %first_time; my $grand_total; sub sql_timing_start { %total_time = (); %number_of_times = (); %min_time = (); %max_time = (); %first_time = (); $dump = 1; } sub sql_timing_pause { $dump = 0 } sub sql_timing_resume { $dump = 1 } sub sql_timing_print { my ( $self, $level, $fh ) = @_; my $grand_total = 0; if ( !defined($fh) ) { $fh = \*STDERR; } print( ref($fh), "\n" ); foreach my $key ( keys %total_time ) { $grand_total += $total_time{$key}; if ( !( defined($level) and $level ) ) { next } print( $fh $key, "\n" ); print( $fh "total\t \tnum\tfirst \t\tavg\t \t[min ,max ]\n" ); printf( $fh "%6f\t%d\t%6f\t%6f\t[%6f, %6f]\n\n", $total_time{$key}, $number_of_times{$key}, $first_time{$key}, ( $total_time{$key}/$number_of_times{$key} ), $min_time{$key}, $max_time{$key} ); } printf( $fh "\ntotal time %6f\n\n", $grand_total ); } ## end sub sql_timing_print sub bind_param { my ( $self, @args ) = @_; $bind_args[ $args[0] - 1 ] = $args[1]; $self->SUPER::bind_param(@args); } sub execute { my ( $self, @args ) = @_; my $retval; # Skip dumping if !$dump if ( !$dump ) { local $self->{RaiseError}; $retval = $self->SUPER::execute(@args); if ( !defined($retval) ) { throw("Failed to execute SQL statement"); } return $retval; } my $sql = $self->sql(); my @chrs = split( //, $sql ); my $j = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i < @chrs; $i++ ) { if ( $chrs[$i] eq '?' && defined( $bind_args[$j] ) ) { $chrs[$i] = $bind_args[ $j++ ]; } } my $str = join( '', @chrs ); # Uncomment this line if you want to see sql in order. # print( STDERR "\n\nSQL:\n$str\n\n" ); my $time = time(); { local $self->{RaiseError}; $retval = $self->SUPER::execute(@args); if ( !defined($retval) ) { throw("Failed to execute SQL statement"); } } # my $res = $self->SUPER::execute(@args); $time = time() - $time; if ( defined( $total_time{$sql} ) ) { $total_time{$sql} += $time; $number_of_times{$sql}++; if ( $min_time{$sql} > $time ) { $min_time{$sql} = $time } if ( $max_time{$sql} < $time ) { $max_time{$sql} = $time } } else { $first_time{$sql} = $time; $max_time{$sql} = $time; $min_time{$sql} = $time; $total_time{$sql} = $time; $number_of_times{$sql} = 1; } return $retval; } ## end sub execute 1;