=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Archiver - create gene_archive and peptide_archive =head1 SYNOPSIS my $archiver = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Archiver->new( -LOGGER => $logger, -CONF => $conf, -CACHE => $cache ); # create gene and peptide archive $archiver->create_archive($mapping_session_id); # dump existing archive tables to file my $num_entries = $archiver->dump_table_to_file( 'source', 'gene_archive', 'gene_archive_existing.txt', 1 ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module creates the gene_archive and peptide_archive tables. Data is written to a file as tab-delimited text for loading into a MySQL database (this can be done manually, or using StableIdmapper->upload_file_into_table()). An archive entry for a given source gene is created if no target gene exists, or if any of its transcripts or their translations changed. Non-coding transcripts only have an entry in gene_archive (i.e. without a corresponding peptide_archive entry). =head1 METHODS create_archive dump_gene dump_tuple dump_nc_row mapping_session_id =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Archiver; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::BaseObject; our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::BaseObject); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ScriptUtils qw(path_append); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); # instance variables my $pa_id; =head2 create_archive Arg[1] : Int $mapping_session_id - the mapping_session_id for this run Example : $archiver->create_archive($stable_id_mapper->mapping_session_id); Description : Creates the gene_archive and peptide_archive tables and writes the data to a tab-delimited file. The decision as to what to archive is deferred to dump_gene(), see documentation there for details. Return type : none Exceptions : Thrown on missing argument. Caller : id_mapping.pl Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub create_archive { my $self = shift; my $mapping_session_id = shift; # argument check unless ($mapping_session_id) { $self->logger->warning("No mapping_session_id set."); } $self->mapping_session_id($mapping_session_id); # get filehandles to write gene and peptide archive my $ga_fh = $self->get_filehandle('gene_archive_new.txt', 'tables'); my $pa_fh = $self->get_filehandle('peptide_archive_new.txt', 'tables'); # get the currently highest peptide_archive_id from the source db my $s_dba = $self->cache->get_DBAdaptor('source'); my $s_dbh = $s_dba->dbc->db_handle; my $sql = qq(SELECT MAX(peptide_archive_id) FROM peptide_archive); $pa_id = $self->fetch_value_from_db($s_dbh, $sql); unless ($pa_id) { $self->logger->warning("No max(peptide_archive_id) found in db.\n", 1); $self->logger->info("That's ok if this is the first stable ID mapping for this species.\n", 1); } $pa_id++; $self->logger->debug("Starting with peptide_archive_id $pa_id.\n"); # lookup hash of target gene stable IDs my %target_genes = map { $_->stable_id => $_ } values %{ $self->cache->get_by_name("genes_by_id", 'target') }; # loop over source genes and dump to archive (dump_gene() will decide whether # to do full or partial dump) foreach my $source_gene (values %{ $self->cache->get_by_name("genes_by_id", 'source') }) { $self->dump_gene($source_gene, $target_genes{$source_gene->stable_id}, $ga_fh, $pa_fh); } close($ga_fh); close($pa_fh); } =head2 dump_gene Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyGene $s_gene - source gene Arg[2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyGene $t_gene - target gene Arg[3] : Filehandle $ga_fh - filehandle for writing gene_archive data Arg[4] : Filehandle $pa_fh - filehandle for writing peptide_archive data Example : my $target_gene = $gene_mappings{$source_gene->stable_id}; $archiver->dump_gene($source_gene, $target_gene, $ga_fh, $pa_fh); Description : Given a source gene, it will write a gene_achive and peptide_achive entry for it if no target gene exists, or if any of its transcripts or their translation changed. Return type : none Exceptions : none Caller : create_archive() Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub dump_gene { my ($self, $s_gene, $t_gene, $ga_fh, $pa_fh) = @_; # private method, so no argument check done for performance reasons # deal with ncRNA differently # hope this simple biotype regex is accurate enough... my $is_ncRNA = 0; $is_ncRNA = 1 if ($s_gene->biotype =~ /RNA/); # loop over source transcripts foreach my $s_tr (@{ $s_gene->get_all_Transcripts }) { my $s_tl = $s_tr->translation; # we got a coding transcript if ($s_tl) { # do a full dump of this gene if no target gene exists if (! $t_gene) { $self->dump_tuple($s_gene, $s_tr, $s_tl, $ga_fh, $pa_fh); # otherwise, only dump if any transcript or its translation changed } else { my $changed_flag = 1; foreach my $t_tr (@{ $t_gene->get_all_Transcripts }) { my $t_tl = $t_tr->translation; next unless ($t_tl); if (($s_tr->stable_id eq $t_tr->stable_id) and ($s_tl->stable_id eq $t_tl->stable_id) and ($s_tl->seq eq $t_tl->seq)) { $changed_flag = 0; } } if ($changed_flag) { $self->dump_tuple($s_gene, $s_tr, $s_tl, $ga_fh, $pa_fh); } } # now deal with ncRNAs (they don't translate but we still want to archive # them) } elsif ($is_ncRNA) { if (! $t_gene) { $self->dump_nc_row($s_gene, $s_tr, $ga_fh); } else { my $changed_flag = 1; foreach my $t_tr (@{ $t_gene->get_all_Transcripts }) { $changed_flag = 0 if ($s_tr->stable_id eq $t_tr->stable_id); } if ($changed_flag) { $self->dump_nc_row($s_gene, $s_tr, $ga_fh); } } } } } =head2 dump_tuple Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyGene $gene - gene to archive Arg[2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyTrancript $tr - its transcript Arg[3] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyTranslation $tl - its translation Arg[4] : Filehandle $ga_fh - filehandle for writing gene_archive data Arg[5] : Filehandle $pa_fh - filehandle for writing peptide_archive data Example : $archive->dump_tuple($s_gene, $s_tr, $s_tl, $ga_fh, $pa_fh); Description : Writes entry lines for gene_archive and peptide_archive. Return type : none Exceptions : none Caller : dump_gene() Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub dump_tuple { my ($self, $gene, $tr, $tl, $ga_fh, $pa_fh) = @_; # private method, so no argument check done for performance reasons # gene archive print $ga_fh join("\t", $gene->stable_id, $gene->version, $tr->stable_id, $tr->version, $tl->stable_id, $tl->version, $pa_id, $self->mapping_session_id ); print $ga_fh "\n"; # peptide archive my $pep_seq = $tl->seq; print $pa_fh join("\t", $pa_id, md5_hex($pep_seq), $pep_seq); print $pa_fh "\n"; # increment peptide_archive_id $pa_id++; } =head2 dump_nc_row Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyGene $gene - gene to archive Arg[2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyTrancript $tr - its transcript Arg[3] : Filehandle $ga_fh - filehandle for writing gene_archive data Example : $archive->dump_nc_row($s_gene, $s_tr, $ga_fh); Description : Writes an entry line for gene_archive for non-coding transcripts. Return type : none Exceptions : none Caller : dump_gene() Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub dump_nc_row { my ($self, $gene, $tr, $ga_fh) = @_; # private method, so no argument check done for performance reasons # gene archive print $ga_fh join("\t", $gene->stable_id, $gene->version, $tr->stable_id, $tr->version, '\N', '\N', '\N', $self->mapping_session_id ); print $ga_fh "\n"; } =head2 mapping_session_id Arg[1] : (optional) Int - mapping_session_id to set Example : my $msi = $archiver->mapping_session_id; Description : Getter/setter for mapping_session_id. Return type : Int Exceptions : none Caller : create_archive() Status : At Risk : under development =cut sub mapping_session_id { my $self = shift; $self->{'_mapping_session_id'} = shift if (@_); return $self->{'_mapping_session_id'}; } 1;