=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::BaseObject; our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::BaseObject); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ScriptUtils qw(inject path_append); use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Entry; use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList; use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework; # scores are considered the same if (2.0 * (s1-s2))/(s1 + s2) < this use constant SIMILAR_SCORE_RATIO => 0.01; sub map_genes { my $self = shift; my $gene_scores = shift; my $transcript_scores = shift; my $gsb = shift; # argument checks unless ($gene_scores and $gene_scores->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) { throw('Need a gene Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.'); } unless ($transcript_scores and $transcript_scores->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) { throw('Need a transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.'); } unless ($gsb and $gsb->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::GeneScoreBuilder')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::GeneScoreBuilder.'); } $self->logger->info("== Internal ID mapping for genes...\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); my $dump_path = path_append($self->conf->param('basedir'), 'mapping'); my $mappings = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList->new( -DUMP_PATH => $dump_path, -CACHE_FILE => 'gene_mappings.ser', ); my $mapping_cache = $mappings->cache_file; if (-s $mapping_cache) { # read from file $self->logger->info("Reading gene mappings from file...\n", 0, 'stamped'); $self->logger->debug("Cache file $mapping_cache.\n", 1); $mappings->read_from_file; $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } else { # create gene mappings $self->logger->info("No gene mappings found. Will calculate them now.\n"); # determine which plugin methods to run my @default_plugins = (qw( Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblGeneGeneric::init_basic Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblGeneGeneric::location Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblGeneGeneric::best_transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblGeneGeneric::biotype Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblGeneGeneric::synteny Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblGeneGeneric::internal_id )); my @plugins = $self->conf->param('plugin_internal_id_mappers_gene'); @plugins = @default_plugins unless (defined($plugins[0])); my $new_mappings = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList->new( -DUMP_PATH => $dump_path, -CACHE_FILE => 'gene_mappings0.ser', ); my @mappings = (); my $i = 0; # # run the scoring chain # foreach my $plugin (@plugins) { ($gene_scores, $new_mappings) = $self->delegate_to_plugin($plugin, $i++, $gsb, $new_mappings, $gene_scores, $transcript_scores); push(@mappings, $new_mappings); } # report remaining ambiguities $self->logger->info($gene_scores->get_source_count. " source genes are ambiguous with ". $gene_scores->get_target_count." target genes.\n\n"); $self->log_ambiguous($gene_scores, 'gene'); # merge mappings and write to file $mappings->add_all(@mappings); $mappings->write_to_file; if ($self->logger->loglevel eq 'debug') { $mappings->log('gene', $self->conf->param('basedir')); } $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } return $mappings; } sub map_transcripts { my $self = shift; my $transcript_scores = shift; my $gene_mappings = shift; my $tsb = shift; # argument checks unless ($transcript_scores and $transcript_scores->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) { throw('Need a transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.'); } unless ($gene_mappings and $gene_mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList')) { throw('Need a gene Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList.'); } unless ($tsb and $tsb->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TranscriptScoreBuilder')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TranscriptScoreBuilder.'); } $self->logger->info("== Internal ID mapping for transcripts...\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); my $dump_path = path_append($self->conf->param('basedir'), 'mapping'); my $mappings = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList->new( -DUMP_PATH => $dump_path, -CACHE_FILE => 'transcript_mappings.ser', ); my $mapping_cache = $mappings->cache_file; if (-s $mapping_cache) { # read from file $self->logger->info("Reading transcript mappings from file...\n", 0, 'stamped'); $self->logger->debug("Cache file $mapping_cache.\n", 1); $mappings->read_from_file; $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } else { # create transcript mappings $self->logger->info("No transcript mappings found. Will calculate them now.\n"); # determine which plugin methods to run my @default_plugins = (qw( Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblTranscriptGeneric::init_basic Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblTranscriptGeneric::non_exact_translation Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblTranscriptGeneric::biotype Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblTranscriptGeneric::mapped_gene Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblTranscriptGeneric::single_gene Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblTranscriptGeneric::internal_id )); my @plugins = $self->conf->param('plugin_internal_id_mappers_transcript'); @plugins = @default_plugins unless (defined($plugins[0])); my $new_mappings = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList->new( -DUMP_PATH => $dump_path, -CACHE_FILE => 'transcript_mappings0.ser', ); my @mappings = (); my $i = 0; # # run the scoring chain # foreach my $plugin (@plugins) { ($transcript_scores, $new_mappings) = $self->delegate_to_plugin($plugin, $i++, $tsb, $new_mappings, $transcript_scores, $gene_mappings); push(@mappings, $new_mappings); } # report remaining ambiguities $self->logger->info($transcript_scores->get_source_count. " source transcripts are ambiguous with ". $transcript_scores->get_target_count." target transcripts.\n\n"); $self->log_ambiguous($transcript_scores, 'transcript'); # merge mappings and write to file $mappings->add_all(@mappings); $mappings->write_to_file; if ($self->logger->loglevel eq 'debug') { $mappings->log('transcript', $self->conf->param('basedir')); } $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } return $mappings; } sub map_exons { my $self = shift; my $exon_scores = shift; my $transcript_mappings = shift; my $esb = shift; # argument checks unless ($exon_scores and $exon_scores->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix of exons.'); } unless ($transcript_mappings and $transcript_mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList of transcripts.'); } unless ($esb and $esb->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ExonScoreBuilder')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ExonScoreBuilder.'); } $self->logger->info("== Internal ID mapping for exons...\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); my $dump_path = path_append($self->conf->param('basedir'), 'mapping'); my $mappings = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList->new( -DUMP_PATH => $dump_path, -CACHE_FILE => 'exon_mappings.ser', ); my $mapping_cache = $mappings->cache_file; if (-s $mapping_cache) { # read from file $self->logger->info("Reading exon mappings from file...\n", 0, 'stamped'); $self->logger->debug("Cache file $mapping_cache.\n", 1); $mappings->read_from_file; $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } else { # create exon mappings $self->logger->info("No exon mappings found. Will calculate them now.\n"); # determine which plugin methods to run my @default_plugins = (qw( Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblExonGeneric::init_basic Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblExonGeneric::mapped_transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblExonGeneric::single_transcript Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::InternalIdMapper::EnsemblExonGeneric::internal_id )); my @plugins = $self->conf->param('plugin_internal_id_mappers_exon'); @plugins = @default_plugins unless (defined($plugins[0])); my $new_mappings = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList->new( -DUMP_PATH => $dump_path, -CACHE_FILE => 'exon_mappings0.ser', ); my @mappings = (); my $i = 0; # # run the scoring chain # foreach my $plugin (@plugins) { ($exon_scores, $new_mappings) = $self->delegate_to_plugin($plugin, $i++, $esb, $new_mappings, $exon_scores, $transcript_mappings); push(@mappings, $new_mappings); } # report remaining ambiguities $self->logger->info($exon_scores->get_source_count. " source exons are ambiguous with ". $exon_scores->get_target_count." target exons.\n\n"); $self->log_ambiguous($exon_scores, 'exon'); # merge mappings and write to file $mappings->add_all(@mappings); $mappings->write_to_file; if ($self->logger->loglevel eq 'debug') { $mappings->log('exon', $self->conf->param('basedir')); } $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } return $mappings; } # # this is not implemented as a plugin, since a) it's too simple and b) it's # tied to transcripts so there are no translation scores or score builder. # sub map_translations { my $self = shift; my $transcript_mappings = shift; # argument checks unless ($transcript_mappings and $transcript_mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList of transcripts.'); } $self->logger->info("== Internal ID mapping for translations...\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); my $dump_path = path_append($self->conf->param('basedir'), 'mapping'); my $mappings = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList->new( -DUMP_PATH => $dump_path, -CACHE_FILE => 'translation_mappings.ser', ); my $mapping_cache = $mappings->cache_file; if (-s $mapping_cache) { # read from file $self->logger->info("Reading translation mappings from file...\n", 0, 'stamped'); $self->logger->debug("Cache file $mapping_cache.\n", 1); $mappings->read_from_file; $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } else { # create translation mappings $self->logger->info("No translation mappings found. Will calculate them now.\n"); $self->logger->info("Translation mapping...\n", 0, 'stamped'); # # map translations for mapped transcripts # my $i = 0; foreach my $entry (@{ $transcript_mappings->get_all_Entries }) { my $source_tl = $self->cache->get_by_key('transcripts_by_id', 'source', $entry->source)->translation; my $target_tl = $self->cache->get_by_key('transcripts_by_id', 'target', $entry->target)->translation; if ($source_tl and $target_tl) { # add mapping for the translations; note that the score is taken from # the transcript mapping my $tl_entry = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Entry->new_fast([ $source_tl->id, $target_tl->id, $entry->score ]); $mappings->add_Entry($tl_entry); } else { $i++; } } $self->logger->debug("Skipped transcripts without translation: $i\n", 1); $self->logger->info("New mappings: ".$mappings->get_entry_count."\n\n"); $mappings->write_to_file; if ($self->logger->loglevel eq 'debug') { $mappings->log('translation', $self->conf->param('basedir')); } $self->logger->info("Done.\n\n", 0, 'stamped'); } return $mappings; } sub delegate_to_plugin { my $self = shift; my $plugin = shift; my $num = shift; my $score_builder = shift; my $mappings = shift; my $scores = shift; # argument checks unless ($score_builder and $score_builder->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoreBuilder')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoreBuilder.'); } unless ($mappings and $mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList.'); } unless ($scores and $scores->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.'); } # split plugin name into module and method $plugin =~ /(.*)::(\w+)$/; my $module = $1; my $method = $2; unless ($module and $method) { throw("Unable to determine module and method name from $plugin.\n"); } # instantiate the plugin unless we already have an instance my $plugin_instance; if ($self->has_plugin($module)) { # re-use an existing plugin instance $plugin_instance = $self->get_plugin($module); } else { # inject and instantiate the plugin module inject($module); $plugin_instance = $module->new( -LOGGER => $self->logger, -CONF => $self->conf, -CACHE => $self->cache ); $self->add_plugin($plugin_instance); } # run the method on the plugin # # pass in a sequence number (number of method run, used for generating # checkpoint files), the scores used for determining the mapping, and all # other arguments passed to this method (these will vary for different object # types) # # return the scores and mappings to feed into the next plugin in the chain return $plugin_instance->$method($num, $score_builder, $mappings, $scores, @_); } sub has_plugin { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; defined($self->{'_plugins'}->{$module}) ? (return 1) : (return 0); } sub get_plugin { my $self = shift; my $module = shift; return $self->{'_plugins'}->{$module}; } sub add_plugin { my $self = shift; my $plugin_instance = shift; $self->{'_plugins'}->{ref($plugin_instance)} = $plugin_instance; } sub log_ambiguous { my $self = shift; my $matrix = shift; my $type = shift; unless ($matrix and $matrix->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix')) { throw('Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ScoredMappingMatrix.'); } # create dump directory if it doesn't exist my $debug_path = $self->conf->param('basedir').'/debug'; unless (-d $debug_path) { system("mkdir -p $debug_path") == 0 or throw("Unable to create directory $debug_path.\n"); } my $logfile = "$debug_path/ambiguous_${type}.txt"; open(my $fh, '>', $logfile) or throw("Unable to open $logfile for writing: $!"); my @low_scoring = (); my @high_scoring = (); my $last_id; # log by source foreach my $entry (sort { $a->source <=> $b->source } @{ $matrix->get_all_Entries }) { $last_id ||= $entry->target; if ($last_id != $entry->source) { $self->write_ambiguous($type, 'source', $fh, \@low_scoring, \@high_scoring); $last_id = $entry->source; } if ($entry->score < 0.5) { push @low_scoring, $entry; } else { push @high_scoring, $entry; } } # write last source $self->write_ambiguous($type, 'source', $fh, \@low_scoring, \@high_scoring); # now do the same by target $last_id = undef; foreach my $entry (sort { $a->target <=> $b->target } @{ $matrix->get_all_Entries }) { $last_id ||= $entry->target; if ($last_id != $entry->target) { $self->write_ambiguous($type, 'target', $fh, \@low_scoring, \@high_scoring); $last_id = $entry->target; } if ($entry->score < 0.5) { push @low_scoring, $entry; } else { push @high_scoring, $entry; } } # write last target $self->write_ambiguous($type, 'target', $fh, \@low_scoring, \@high_scoring); close($fh); } sub write_ambiguous { my ($self, $type, $db_type, $fh, $low, $high) = @_; # if only source or target are ambiguous (i.e. you have only one mapping from # this perspective) then log from the other perspective if (scalar(@$low) + scalar(@$high) <= 1) { @$low = (); @$high = (); return; } my $first_id; if (@$low) { $first_id = $low->[0]->$db_type; } else { $first_id = $high->[0]->$db_type; } my $other_db_type; if ($db_type eq 'source') { $other_db_type = 'target'; } else { $other_db_type = 'source'; } print $fh "$db_type $type $first_id scores ambiguously:\n"; # high scorers if (@$high) { print $fh " high scoring ${other_db_type}s\n"; while (my $e = shift(@$high)) { print $fh " ", $e->$other_db_type, " ", $e->score, "\n"; } } # low scorers if (@$low) { print $fh " low scoring ${other_db_type}s\n "; my $i = 1; while (my $e = shift(@$low)) { print $fh "\n " unless (($i++)%10); print $fh $e->$other_db_type, ", "; } print $fh "\n"; } print $fh "\n"; } 1;