=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::RepeatMaskedSlice - Arbitary Slice of a genome =head1 SYNOPSIS $sa = $db->get_SliceAdaptor(); $slice = $sa->fetch_by_region( 'chromosome', 'X', 1_000_000, 2_000_000 ); $repeat_masked_slice = $slice->get_repeatmasked_seq(); # get repeat masked sequence: my $dna = $repeat_masked_slice->seq(); $dna = $repeat_masked_slice->subseq( 1, 1000 ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a specialised Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice class that is used to retrieve repeat masked genomic sequence rather than normal genomic sequence. =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::RepeatMaskedSlice; use strict; use warnings; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Sequence qw(reverse_comp); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = ('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice'); # The BLOCK_PWR is the lob_bin of the chunksize where you want your repeat features # to be retreived. This will create repeat feature retrieval calls that are likely # to be on the same slice and hopefully create cache hits and less database traffic my $BLOCK_PWR = 18; =head2 new Arg [-REPEAT_MASK] : The logic name of the repeats to be used for masking. If not provided, all repeats in the database are used. Arg [...] : Named superclass arguments. See B. Example : my $slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::RepeatMaskedSlice->new (-START => $start, -END => $end, -STRAND => $strand, -SEQ_REGION_NAME => $seq_region, -SEQ_REGION_LENGTH => $seq_region_length, -COORD_SYSTEM => $cs, -ADAPTOR => $adaptor, -REPEAT_MASK => ['repeat_masker'], -SOFT_MASK => 1, -NOT_DEFAULT_MASKING_CASES => {"repeat_class_SINE/MIR" => 1, "repeat_name_AluSp" => 0}); Description: Creates a Slice which behaves exactly as a normal slice but that returns repeat masked sequence from the seq method. Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::RepeatMaskedSlice Exceptions : none Caller : RawComputes (PredictionTranscript creation code). Status : Stable =cut sub new { my $caller = shift; my $class = ref($caller) || $caller; my ($logic_names, $soft_mask, $not_default_masking_cases) = rearrange(['REPEAT_MASK', 'SOFT_MASK', 'NOT_DEFAULT_MASKING_CASES'], @_); my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); $logic_names ||= ['']; if(ref($logic_names) ne 'ARRAY') { throw("Reference to list of logic names argument expected."); } $self->{'repeat_mask_logic_names'} = $logic_names; $self->{'soft_mask'} = $soft_mask; $self->{'not_default_masking_cases'} = $not_default_masking_cases; $self->{'not_default_masking_cases'} ||= {}; return $self; } =head2 repeat_mask_logic_names Arg [1] : reference to list of strings $logic_names (optional) Example : $rm_slice->repeat_mask_logic_name(['repeat_masker']); Description: Getter/Setter for the logic_names of the repeats that are used to mask this slices sequence. Returntype : reference to list of strings Exceptions : none Caller : seq() method Status : Stable =cut sub repeat_mask_logic_names { my $self = shift; if(@_) { my $array = shift; if(ref($array) ne 'ARRAY') { throw('Reference to list of logic names argument expected.'); } } return $self->{'repeat_mask_logic_names'}; } =head2 soft_mask Arg [1] : boolean $soft_mask (optional) Example : $rm_slice->soft_mask(0); Description: Getter/Setter which is used to turn on/off softmasking of the sequence returned by seq. Returntype : boolean Exceptions : none Caller : seq() method Status : Stable =cut sub soft_mask { my $self = shift; $self->{'soft_mask'} = shift if(@_); return $self->{'soft_mask'} || 0; } =head2 not_default_masking_cases Arg [1] : hash reference $not_default_masking_cases (optional, default is {}) The values are 0 or 1 for hard and soft masking respectively The keys of the hash should be of 2 forms "repeat_class_" . $repeat_consensus->repeat_class, e.g. "repeat_class_SINE/MIR" "repeat_name_" . $repeat_consensus->name e.g. "repeat_name_MIR" depending on which base you want to apply the not default masking either the repeat_class or repeat_name. Both can be specified in the same hash at the same time, but in that case, repeat_name setting has priority over repeat_class. For example, you may have hard masking as default, and you may want soft masking of all repeat_class SINE/MIR, but repeat_name AluSp (which are also from repeat_class SINE/MIR) Example : $rm_slice->not_default_masking_cases({"repeat_class_SINE/MIR" => 1, "repeat_name_AluSp" => 0}); Description: Getter/Setter which is used to escape some repeat class or name from the default masking in place. Returntype : hash reference Exceptions : none Caller : seq() and subseq() methods Status : Stable =cut sub not_default_masking_cases { my $self = shift; $self->{'not_default_masking_cases'} = shift if (@_); return $self->{'not_default_masking_cases'}; } =head2 seq Arg [1] : none Example : print $rmslice->seq(), "\n"; Description: Retrieves the entire repeat masked sequence for this slice. See also the B implementation of this method. Returntype : string Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub seq { my $self = shift; # # get all the features # my $repeats = $self->_get_repeat_features($self); my $soft_mask = $self->soft_mask(); my $not_default_masking_cases = $self->not_default_masking_cases(); # # get the dna # my $dna = $self->SUPER::seq(@_); # # mask the dna # $self->_mask_features(\$dna,$repeats,$soft_mask,$not_default_masking_cases); return $dna; } =head2 subseq Arg [1] : none Example : print $rmslice->subseq(1, 1000); Description: Retrieves a repeat masked sequence from a specified subregion of this slice. See also the B implementation of this method. Returntype : string Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub subseq { my $self = shift; my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my $strand = shift; my $subsequence_slice = $self->sub_Slice($start, $end, $strand); # If frequent subseqs happen on repeatMasked sequence this results in # a lot of feature retrieval from the database. To avoid this, features # are only retrieved from subslices with fixed space boundaries. # The access happens in block to make cache hits more likely # ONLY DO IF WE ARE CACHING my $subslice; if(! $self->adaptor()->db()->no_cache()) { my $seq_region_slice = $self->seq_region_Slice(); # The blocksize can be defined on the top of this module. my $block_min = ($subsequence_slice->start()-1) >> $BLOCK_PWR; my $block_max = ($subsequence_slice->end()-1) >> $BLOCK_PWR; my $sub_start = ($block_min << $BLOCK_PWR)+1; my $sub_end = ($block_max+1)<<$BLOCK_PWR; if ($sub_end > $seq_region_slice->length) { $sub_end = $seq_region_slice->length ; } $subslice = $seq_region_slice->sub_Slice($sub_start, $sub_end); } else { $subslice = $subsequence_slice; } my $repeats = $self->_get_repeat_features($subslice); my $soft_mask = $self->soft_mask(); my $not_default_masking_cases = $self->not_default_masking_cases(); my $dna = $subsequence_slice->SUPER::seq(); $subsequence_slice->_mask_features(\$dna,$repeats,$soft_mask,$not_default_masking_cases); return $dna; } =head2 _get_repeat_features Args [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice to fetch features for Description : Gets repeat features for the given slice Returntype : ArrayRef[Bio::EnsEMBL::RepeatFeature] array of repeats =cut sub _get_repeat_features { my ($self, $slice) = @_; my $logic_names = $self->repeat_mask_logic_names(); my @repeats; foreach my $l (@$logic_names) { push @repeats, @{$slice->get_all_RepeatFeatures($l)}; } return \@repeats; } 1;