=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeature - Ensembl specific sequence feature. =head1 DESCRIPTION Do not use this module if you can avoid it. It has been replaced by Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature. This module has a long history of usage but has become very bloated, and quite unweildy. It was decided to replace it completely with a smaller, light-weight feature class rather than attempting to refactor this class, and maintain strict backwards compatibility. Part of the complexity of this class was in its extensive inheritance. As an example the following is a simplified inheritance heirarchy that was present for Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaAlignFeature: Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaAlignFeature Bio::EnsEMBL::BaseAlignFeature Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeature Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeatureI Bio::SeqFeatureI Bio::RangeI Bio::Root::RootI The new Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature class is much shorter, and hopefully much easier to understand and maintain. =head1 METHODS =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeature; use vars qw(@ISA); use strict; use Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeatureI; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Root; @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Root Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeatureI); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange); sub new { my($caller,@args) = @_; my $self = {}; if(ref $caller) { bless $self, ref $caller; } else { bless $self, $caller; } $self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'} = {}; $self->{'_gsf_sub_array'} = []; $self->{'_parse_h'} = {}; $self->{'_is_splittable'} = 0; my ($start,$end,$strand,$frame,$score,$analysis,$seqname, $source_tag, $primary_tag, $percent_id, $p_value, $phase, $end_phase) = &rearrange([qw(START END STRAND FRAME SCORE ANALYSIS SEQNAME SOURCE_TAG PRIMARY_TAG PERCENT_ID P_VALUE PHASE END_PHASE )],@args); # $gff_string && $self->_from_gff_string($gff_string); if ( defined $analysis && $analysis ne "") { $self->analysis($analysis)}; if ( defined ($start) && $start ne "" ) { $self->start($start)}; if ( defined ($end ) && $end ne "" ) { $self->end($end)} if ( defined $strand && $strand ne "") { $self->strand($strand)} if ( defined $frame && $frame ne "") { $self->frame($frame)} if ( defined $score && $score ne "") { $self->score($score)} if ( defined $seqname && $seqname ne "") { $self->seqname($seqname)}; if ( defined $percent_id && $percent_id ne ""){ $self->percent_id($percent_id)}; if ( defined $p_value && $p_value ne "") { $self->p_value($p_value)}; if ( defined $phase && $phase ne "") { $self->phase($phase)}; if ( defined $end_phase && $end_phase ne "") { $self->end_phase($end_phase)}; return $self; # success - we hope! } =head2 start Title : start Usage : $start = $feat->start $feat->start(20) Function: Get/set on the start coordinate of the feature Returns : integer Args : none =cut sub start{ my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { if ($value !~ /^\-?\d+/ ) { $self->throw("$value is not a valid start"); } $self->{'_gsf_start'} = $value } return $self->{'_gsf_start'}; } =head2 end Title : end Usage : $end = $feat->end $feat->end($end) Function: get/set on the end coordinate of the feature Returns : integer Args : none =cut sub end{ my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { if( $value !~ /^\-?\d+/ ) { $self->throw("[$value] is not a valid end"); } $self->{'_gsf_end'} = $value; } return $self->{'_gsf_end'}; } =head2 length Title : length Usage : Function: Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub length{ my ($self,@args) = @_; return $self->end - $self->start +1; } =head2 strand Title : strand Usage : $strand = $feat->strand() $feat->strand($strand) Function: get/set on strand information, being 1,-1 or 0 Returns : -1,1 or 0 Args : none =cut sub strand { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { if( $value eq '+' ) { $value = 1; } if( $value eq '-' ) { $value = -1; } if( $value eq '.' ) { $value = 0; } if( $value != -1 && $value != 1 && $value != 0 ) { $self->throw("$value is not a valid strand info"); } $self->{'_gsf_strand'} = $value; } return $self->{'_gsf_strand'}; } =head2 move Arg [1] : int $start Arg [2] : int $end Arg [3] : (optional) int $strand Example : $feature->move(100, 200, -1); Description: Moves a feature to a different location. This is faster then calling 3 seperate accesors in a large loop. Returntype : none Exceptions : none Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor =cut sub move { my ($self, $start, $end, $strand) = @_; $self->{'_gsf_start'} = $start; $self->{'_gsf_end'} = $end; if(defined $strand) { $self->{'_gsf_strand'} = $strand; } } =head2 score Title : score Usage : $score = $feat->score() $feat->score($score) Function: get/set on score information Returns : float Args : none if get, the new value if set =cut sub score { my ($self,$value) = @_; if(defined ($value) ) { if( $value !~ /^[+-]?\d+\.?\d*(e-\d+)?/ ) { $self->throw("'$value' is not a valid score"); } $self->{'_gsf_score'} = $value; } return $self->{'_gsf_score'}; } =head2 frame Title : frame Usage : $frame = $feat->frame() $feat->frame($frame) Function: get/set on frame information Returns : 0,1,2 Args : none if get, the new value if set =cut sub frame { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { if( $value != 1 && $value != 2 && $value != 3 ) { $self->throw("'$value' is not a valid frame"); } $self->{'_gsf_frame'} = $value; } return $self->{'_gsf_frame'}; } =head2 primary_tag Title : primary_tag Usage : $tag = $feat->primary_tag() $feat->primary_tag('exon') Function: get/set on the primary tag for a feature, eg 'exon' Returns : a string Args : none =cut sub primary_tag{ my ($self,$arg) = @_; if (defined($arg)) { # throw warnings about setting primary tag my ($p,$f,$l) = caller; $self->warn("$f:$l setting primary_tag now deprecated." . "Primary tag is delegated to analysis object"); } unless($self->analysis) { return ''; } return $self->analysis->gff_feature(); } =head2 source_tag Title : source_tag Usage : $tag = $feat->source_tag() $feat->source_tag('genscan'); Function: Returns the source tag for a feature, eg, 'genscan' Returns : a string Args : none =cut sub source_tag{ my ($self,$arg) = @_; if (defined($arg)) { # throw warnings about setting primary tag my ($p,$f,$l) = caller; $self->warn("$f:$l setting source_tag now deprecated. " . "Source tag is delegated to analysis object"); } unless($self->analysis) { return ""; } return $self->analysis->gff_source(); } =head2 analysis Title : analysis Usage : $sf->analysis(); Function: Store details of the program/database and versions used to create this feature. Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub analysis { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { unless(ref($value) && $value->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis')) { $self->throw("Analysis is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis object " . "but a $value object"); } $self->{_analysis} = $value; } else { #if _analysis is not defined, create a new analysis object unless(defined $self->{_analysis}) { $self->{_analysis} = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis(); } } return $self->{_analysis}; } =head2 validate Title : validate Usage : $sf->validate; Function: Checks whether all the data is present in the object. Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub validate { my ($self) = @_; $self->vthrow("Seqname not defined in feature") unless defined($self->seqname); $self->vthrow("start not defined in feature") unless defined($self->start); $self->vthrow("end not defined in feature") unless defined($self->end); $self->vthrow("strand not defined in feature") unless defined($self->strand); $self->vthrow("score not defined in feature") unless defined($self->score); $self->vthrow("analysis not defined in feature") unless defined($self->analysis); if ($self->end < $self->start) { $self->vthrow("End coordinate < start coordinate"); } } sub vthrow { my ($self,$message) = @_; print(STDERR "Error validating feature [$message]\n"); print(STDERR " Seqname : [" . $self->{_seqname} . "]\n"); print(STDERR " Start : [" . $self->{_gsf_start} . "]\n"); print(STDERR " End : [" . $self->{_gsf_end} . "]\n"); print(STDERR " Strand : [" . ((defined ($self->{_gsf_strand})) ? $self->{_gsf_strand} : "undefined") . "]\n"); print(STDERR " Score : [" . $self->{_gsf_score} . "]\n"); print(STDERR " Analysis : [" . $self->{_analysis}->dbID . "]\n"); $self->throw("Invalid feature - see dump on STDERR"); } =head2 validate_prot_feature Title : validate_prot_feature Usage : Function: Example : Returns : Args : =cut # Shouldn't this go as "validate" into Pro_SeqFeature? sub validate_prot_feature{ my ($self,$num) = @_; $self->throw("Seqname not defined in feature") unless defined($self->seqname); $self->throw("start not defined in feature") unless defined($self->start); $self->throw("end not defined in feature") unless defined($self->end); if ($num == 1) { $self->throw("score not defined in feature") unless defined($self->score); $self->throw("percent_id not defined in feature") unless defined($self->percent_id); $self->throw("evalue not defined in feature") unless defined($self->p_value); } $self->throw("analysis not defined in feature") unless defined($self->analysis); } # These methods are specified in the SeqFeatureI interface but we don't want # people to store data in them. These are just here in order to keep # existing code working =head2 has_tag Title : has_tag Usage : $value = $self->has_tag('some_tag') Function: Returns the value of the tag (undef if none) Returns : Args : =cut sub has_tag{ my ($self,$tag) = (shift, shift); return exists $self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'}->{$tag}; } =head2 add_tag_value Title : add_tag_value Usage : $self->add_tag_value('note',"this is a note"); Returns : nothing Args : tag (string) and value (any scalar) =cut sub add_tag_value{ my ($self,$tag,$value) = @_; if( !defined $self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'}->{$tag} ) { $self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'}->{$tag} = []; } push(@{$self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'}->{$tag}},$value); } =head2 each_tag_value Title : each_tag_value Usage : Function: Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub each_tag_value { my ($self,$tag) = @_; if( ! exists $self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'}->{$tag} ) { $self->throw("asking for tag value that does not exist $tag"); } return @{$self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'}->{$tag}}; } =head2 all_tags Title : all_tags Usage : @tags = $feat->all_tags() Function: gives all tags for this feature Returns : an array of strings Args : none =cut sub all_tags{ my ($self,@args) = @_; return keys %{$self->{'_gsf_tag_hash'}}; } =head2 seqname Arg [1] : string $seqname Example : $seqname = $self->seqname(); Description: Obtains the seqname of this features sequence. This is set automatically when a sequence with a name is attached, or may be set manually. Returntype : string Exceptions : none Caller : general, attach_seq =cut sub seqname{ my ($self,$seqname) = @_; my $seq = $self->contig(); if(defined $seqname) { $self->{_seqname} = $seqname; } else { if($seq && ref $seq && $seq->can('name')) { $self->{_seqname} = $seq->name(); } } return $self->{_seqname}; } =head2 attach_seq Title : attach_seq Usage : $sf->attach_seq($seq) Function: Attaches a Bio::PrimarySeqI object to this feature. This Bio::PrimarySeqI object is for the *entire* sequence: ie from 1 to 10000 Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub attach_seq{ my ($self, $seq) = @_; $self->contig($seq); } =head2 seq Example : $tseq = $sf->seq() Function: returns the sequence (if any ) for this feature truncated to the range spanning the feature Returns : a Bio::PrimarySeq object (I reckon) =cut sub seq{ my ($self,$arg) = @_; if( defined $arg ) { $self->throw("Calling SeqFeature::Generic->seq with an argument. " . "You probably want attach_seq"); } if( ! exists $self->{'_gsf_seq'} ) { return undef; } # assumming our seq object is sensible, it should not have to yank # the entire sequence out here. my $seq = $self->{'_gsf_seq'}->trunc($self->start(),$self->end()); if( $self->strand == -1 ) { # ok. this does not work well (?) #print STDERR "Before revcom", $seq->str, "\n"; $seq = $seq->revcom; #print STDERR "After revcom", $seq->str, "\n"; } return $seq; } =head2 entire_seq Title : entire_seq Usage : $whole_seq = $sf->entire_seq() Function: gives the entire sequence that this seqfeature is attached to Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub entire_seq{ my ($self) = @_; return $self->contig; } =head2 sub_SeqFeature Title : sub_SeqFeature Usage : @feats = $feat->sub_SeqFeature(); Function: Returns an array of sub Sequence Features Returns : An array Args : none =cut sub sub_SeqFeature { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->{'_gsf_sub_array'} ) { return @{ $self->{'_gsf_sub_array'} }; } else { return (); } } =head2 add_sub_SeqFeature Title : add_sub_SeqFeature Usage : $feat->add_sub_SeqFeature($subfeat); $feat->add_sub_SeqFeature($subfeat,'EXPAND') Function: adds a SeqFeature into the subSeqFeature array. with no 'EXPAND' qualifer, subfeat will be tested as to whether it lies inside the parent, and throw an exception if not. If EXPAND is used, the parents start/end/strand will be adjusted so that it grows to accommodate the new subFeature Returns : nothing Args : An object which has the SeqFeatureI interface =cut sub add_sub_SeqFeature{ my ($self,$feat,$expand) = @_; if( !$feat->isa('Bio::SeqFeatureI') ) { $self->warn("$feat does not implement Bio::SeqFeatureI. Will add it anyway, but beware..."); } if( $expand eq 'EXPAND' ) { # if this doesn't have start/end set - forget it! if( !defined $self->start && !defined $self->end ) { $self->start($feat->start()); $self->end($feat->end()); $self->strand($feat->strand); } else { my ($start,$end); if( $feat->start < $self->start ) { $start = $feat->start; } if( $feat->end > $self->end ) { $end = $feat->end; } $self->start($start); $self->end($end); } } else { if( !defined($feat->start()) || !defined($feat->end()) || !defined($self->start()) || !defined($self->end())) { $self->throw( "This SeqFeature and the sub_SeqFeature must define". " start and end."); } if($feat->start() > $feat->end() || $self->start() > $self->end()) { $self->throw("This SeqFeature and the sub_SeqFeature must have " . "start that is less than or equal to end."); } if($feat->start() < $self->start() || $feat->end() > $self->end() ) { $self->throw("$feat is not contained within parent feature, " . "and expansion is not valid"); } } push(@{$self->{'_gsf_sub_array'}},$feat); } =head2 flush_sub_SeqFeature Title : flush_sub_SeqFeature Usage : $sf->flush_sub_SeqFeature Function: Removes all sub SeqFeature (if you want to remove only a subset, take an array of them all, flush them, and add back only the guys you want) Example : Returns : none Args : none =cut sub flush_sub_SeqFeature { my ($self) = @_; $self->{'_gsf_sub_array'} = []; # zap the array implicitly. } sub id { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { $self->{_id} = $value; } return $self->{_id}; } =head2 percent_id Title : percent_id Usage : $pid = $feat->percent_id() $feat->percent_id($pid) Function: get/set on percentage identity information Returns : float Args : none if get, the new value if set =cut sub percent_id { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { $self->{_percent_id} = $value; } return $self->{_percent_id}; } =head2 p_value Title : p_value Usage : $p_val = $feat->p_value() $feat->p_value($p_val) Function: get/set on p value information Returns : float Args : none if get, the new value if set =cut sub p_value { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { $self->{_p_value} = $value; } return $self->{_p_value}; } =head2 phase Title : phase Usage : $phase = $feat->phase() $feat->phase($phase) Function: get/set on start phase of predicted exon feature Returns : [0,1,2] Args : none if get, 0,1 or 2 if set. =cut sub phase { my ($self, $value) = @_; if (defined($value) ) { $self->throw("Valid values for Phase are [0,1,2]") if ($value < 0 || $value > 2); $self->{_phase} = $value; } return $self->{_phase}; } =head2 end_phase Title : end_phase Usage : $end_phase = $feat->end_phase() $feat->end_phase($end_phase) Function: returns end_phase based on phase and length of feature Returns : [0,1,2] Args : none if get, 0,1 or 2 if set. =cut sub end_phase { my ($self, $value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { $self->throw("Valid values for Phase are [0,1,2]") if ($value < 0 || $value > 2); $self->{_end_phase} = $value; } return $self->{_end_phase}; } sub gffstring { my ($self) = @_; my $str; my $strand = "+"; if ((defined $self->strand)&&($self->strand == -1)) { $strand = "-"; } $str .= (defined $self->seqname) ? $self->seqname."\t" : "\t"; $str .= (defined $self->source_tag) ? $self->source_tag."\t" : "\t"; $str .= (defined $self->primary_tag) ? $self->primary_tag."\t" : "\t"; $str .= (defined $self->start) ? $self->start."\t" : "\t"; $str .= (defined $self->end) ? $self->end."\t" : "\t"; $str .= (defined $self->score) ? $self->score."\t" : "\t"; $str .= (defined $self->strand) ? $strand."\t" : ".\t"; $str .= (defined $self->phase) ? $self->phase."\t" : ".\t"; eval{ $str .= (defined $self->end_phase) ? $self->end_phase."\t" : ".\t"; }; return $str; } =head2 external_db Title : external_db Usage : $pid = $feat->external_db() $feat->external_db($dbid) Function: get/set for an external db accession number (e.g.: Interpro) Returns : Args : none if get, the new value if set =cut sub external_db { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined($value)) { $self->{'_external_db'} = $value; } return $self->{'_external_db'}; } =head2 contig Arg [1] : Bio::PrimarySeqI $seq Example : $seq = $self->contig; Description: Accessor to attach/retrieve a sequence to/from a feature Returntype : Bio::PrimarySeqI Exceptions : none Caller : general =cut sub contig { my ($self, $arg) = @_; if ($arg) { unless (defined $arg && ref $arg && $arg->isa("Bio::PrimarySeqI")) { $self->throw("Must attach Bio::PrimarySeqI objects to SeqFeatures"); } $self->{'_gsf_seq'} = $arg; # attach to sub features if they want it foreach my $sf ($self->sub_SeqFeature) { if ($sf->can("attach_seq")) { $sf->attach_seq($arg); } } } #print STDERR "contig is ".$self->{'_gsf_seq'}." with name ".$self->{'_gsf_seq'}->name."\n" unless(!$self->{'_gsf_seq'}); # my ($p, $f, $l) = caller; # print STDERR "Caller = ".$f." ".$l."\n"; return $self->{'_gsf_seq'}; } sub is_splittable { my ($self, $arg) = @_; if (defined $arg) { $self->{'_is_splittable'} = $arg; } return $self->{'_is_splittable'}; } sub transform { my ($self, $slice) = @_; unless (defined $slice) { if ((defined $self->contig) && ($self->contig->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::RawContig"))) { # we are already in rawcontig coords, nothing needs to be done return $self; } else { # transform to raw_contig coords from Slice coords return $self->_transform_to_RawContig(); } } if (defined $self->contig) { if ($self->contig->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::RawContig")) { # transform to slice coords from raw contig coords return $self->_transform_to_Slice($slice); } elsif ($self->contig->isa( "Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice" ) or $self->contig->isa( "Bio::EnsEMBL::LRGSlice" )) { # transform to slice coords from other slice coords return $self->_transform_between_Slices($slice); } else { # Unknown contig type $self->throw("Cannot transform unknown contig type @{[$self->contig]}"); } } else { #Can't convert to slice coords without a contig to work with return $self->throw("Object's contig is not defined - cannot transform"); } } sub _transform_to_Slice { my ($self, $slice) = @_; $self->throw("can't transform coordinates of $self without a contig defined") unless $self->contig; unless($self->contig->adaptor) { $self->throw("cannot transform coordinates of $self without adaptor " . "attached to contig"); } my $dbh = $self->contig->adaptor->db; my $mapper = $dbh->get_AssemblyMapperAdaptor->fetch_by_type($slice->assembly_type); my $rca = $dbh->get_RawContigAdaptor; my @mapped = $mapper->map_coordinates_to_assembly( $self->contig->dbID, $self->start, $self->end, $self->strand ); unless (@mapped) { $self->throw("couldn't map $self to Slice"); } unless (@mapped == 1) { $self->throw("$self should only map to one chromosome - " . "something bad has happened ..."); } if ($mapped[0]->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { $self->warn("feature lies on gap\n"); return; } if( ! defined $slice->chr_name() ) { my $slice_adaptor = $slice->adaptor(); %$slice = %{$slice_adaptor->fetch_by_chr_name( $mapped[0]->id() )}; } # mapped coords are on chromosome - need to convert to slice if($slice->strand == 1) { $self->start ($mapped[0]->start - $slice->chr_start + 1); $self->end ($mapped[0]->end - $slice->chr_start + 1); $self->strand ($mapped[0]->strand); } else { $self->start ($slice->chr_end - $mapped[0]->end + 1); $self->end ($slice->chr_end - $mapped[0]->start + 1); $self->strand ($mapped[0]->strand * -1); } $self->seqname($mapped[0]->id); #set the contig to the slice $self->contig($slice); return $self; } sub _transform_between_Slices { my ($self, $to_slice) = @_; my $from_slice = $self->contig; $self->throw("New contig [$to_slice] is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice") unless ($to_slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice") or $to_slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::LRGSlice") ); if ((my $c1 = $from_slice->chr_name) ne (my $c2 = $to_slice->chr_name)) { $self->warn("Can't transform between chromosomes: $c1 and $c2"); return; } my($start, $end, $strand); #first convert to assembly coords if($from_slice->strand == 1) { $start = $from_slice->chr_start + $self->start - 1; $end = $from_slice->chr_start + $self->end - 1; $strand = $self->strand; } else { $start = $from_slice->chr_end - $self->end + 1; $end = $from_slice->chr_end - $self->start + 1; $strand = $self->strand; } #now convert to the other slice's coords if($to_slice->strand == 1) { $self->start ($start - $to_slice->chr_start + 1); $self->end ($end - $to_slice->chr_start + 1); $self->strand($strand); } else { $self->start ($to_slice->chr_end - $end + 1); $self->end ($to_slice->chr_end - $start + 1); $self->strand($strand * -1); } $self->contig($to_slice); return $self; } sub _transform_to_RawContig { my($self) = @_; #print STDERR "transforming ".$self." to raw contig coords\n"; $self->throw("can't transform coordinates of $self without a contig defined") unless $self->contig; my $slice = $self->contig; unless($slice->adaptor) { $self->throw("can't transform coordinates of $self without an adaptor " . "attached to the feature's slice"); } my $dbh = $slice->adaptor->db; my $mapper = $dbh->get_AssemblyMapperAdaptor->fetch_by_type($slice->assembly_type); my $rca = $dbh->get_RawContigAdaptor; #first convert the features coordinates to assembly coordinates my($start, $end, $strand); if($slice->strand == 1) { $start = $slice->chr_start + $self->start - 1; $end = $slice->chr_start + $self->end - 1; $strand = $self->strand; } else { $start = $slice->chr_end - $self->end + 1; $end = $slice->chr_end - $self->start + 1; $strand = $self->strand * -1; } #convert the assembly coordinates to RawContig coordinates my @mapped = $mapper->map_coordinates_to_rawcontig( $slice->chr_name, $start, $end, $strand ); unless (@mapped) { $self->throw("couldn't map $self"); return $self; } if (@mapped == 1) { if ($mapped[0]->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { $self->warn("feature lies on gap\n"); return; } my $rc = $rca->fetch_by_dbID($mapped[0]->id); $self->start ($mapped[0]->start); $self->end ($mapped[0]->end); $self->strand ($mapped[0]->strand); $self->seqname ($mapped[0]->id); #print STDERR "setting contig to be ".$mapped[0]->id."\n"; $self->contig($rca->fetch_by_dbID($mapped[0]->id)); return $self; } else { # more than one object returned from mapper # possibly more than one RawContig in region my (@gaps, @coords); foreach my $m (@mapped) { if ($m->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { push @gaps, $m; } elsif ($m->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { push @coords, $m; } } # case where only one RawContig maps if (@coords == 1) { $self->start ($coords[0]->start); $self->end ($coords[0]->end); $self->strand ($coords[0]->strand); $self->seqname($coords[0]->id); #print STDERR "2 setting contig to be ".$coords[0]->id."\n"; $self->contig ($rca->fetch_by_dbID($coords[0]->id)); $self->warn("Feature [$self] truncated as lies partially on a gap"); return $self; } unless ($self->is_splittable) { $self->warn("Feature spans >1 raw contig - can't split\n"); return; } my @out; my $obj = ref $self; SPLIT: foreach my $map (@mapped) { if ($map->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { $self->warn("piece of evidence lies on gap\n"); next SPLIT; } my $feat = $obj->new; $feat->start ($map->start); $feat->end ($map->end); $feat->strand ($map->strand); #print STDERR "3 setting contig to be ".$mapped[0]->id."\n"; $feat->contig ($rca->fetch_by_dbID($map->id)); $feat->adaptor($self->adaptor) if $self->adaptor(); $feat->display_label($self->display_label) if($self->can('display_label')); $feat->analysis($self->analysis); push @out, $feat; } return @out; } } 1;