=head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2013 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see http://www.ensembl.org/info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at . Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at . =cut =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::VegaCuration::Translation; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA); use Data::Dumper; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::VegaCuration::Transcript; @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::VegaCuration::Transcript); =head2 check_CDS_start_end_remarks Args : B::E::Transcript Example : my $results = $support->check_CDS_end_remarks($transcript) Description: identifies incorrect 'CDS end...' transcript remarks in a otter-derived Vega database Returntype : hashref =cut sub check_CDS_start_end_remarks { my $self = shift; my $trans = shift; # info for checking my @remarks = @{$trans->get_all_Attributes('remark')}; my $coding_end = $trans->cdna_coding_end; my $coding_start = $trans->cdna_coding_start; my $trans_end = $trans->length; my $trans_seq = $trans->seq->seq; my $stop_codon = substr($trans_seq, $coding_end-3, 3); my $start_codon = substr($trans_seq, $coding_start-1, 3); #hashref to return results my $results; #extra CDS end not found remarks if (grep {$_->value eq 'CDS end not found'} @remarks) { if ( ($coding_end != $trans_end) && ( grep {$_ eq $stop_codon} qw(TGA TAA TAG) ) ) { $results->{'END_EXTRA'} = 1; } } #missing CDS end not found remark if ( $coding_end == $trans_end ) { if (! grep {$_->value eq 'CDS end not found'} @remarks) { if (grep {$_ eq $stop_codon} qw(TGA TAA TAG)) { $results->{'END_MISSING_2'} = 1; } else { $results->{'END_MISSING_1'} = $stop_codon; } } } #extra CDS start not found remark if (grep {$_->value eq 'CDS start not found'} @remarks) { if ( ($coding_start != 1) && ($start_codon eq 'ATG') ) { $results->{'START_EXTRA'} = 1; } } #missing CDS start not found remark if ( $coding_start == 1) { if ( ! grep {$_->value eq 'CDS start not found'} @remarks) { if ($start_codon eq 'ATG') { $results->{'START_MISSING_2'} = 1; } else { $results->{'START_MISSING_1'} = $start_codon; } } } return $results; } =head2 check_CDS_start_end_remarks_loutre Args : B::E::Transcript Example : my $results = $support->check_CDS_end_remarks($transcript) Description: identifies incorrect 'CDS end...' transcript attribs in a loutre of a loutre-derived Vega database. Returntype : hashref =cut sub check_CDS_start_end_remarks_loutre { my $self = shift; my $trans = shift; # info for checking my @stops = qw(TGA TAA TAG); my %attributes; foreach my $attribute (@{$trans->get_all_Attributes()}) { push @{$attributes{$attribute->code}}, $attribute; } # warn $trans->stable_id; # warn Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%attributes); my $coding_end = $trans->cdna_coding_end; my $coding_start = $trans->cdna_coding_start; my $trans_end = $trans->length; my $trans_seq = $trans->seq->seq; my $stop_codon_offset = 3 + $trans->translation->end_Exon->end_phase; my $initial_exon_phase = $trans->translation->start_Exon->phase; my $stop_codon = substr($trans_seq, $coding_end-3, 3); my $start_codon = substr($trans_seq, $coding_start-1, 3); my $start_codon_incorrect = 1; if ($start_codon eq 'ATG' ) { $start_codon_incorrect = 0; } elsif ($start_codon eq 'CTG') { foreach my $attrib (@{$attributes{'remark'}}) { if ($attrib->value =~ /non[- ]ATG start/) { $start_codon_incorrect = 0; } } } # warn "$start_codon -- $initial_exon_phase -- $coding_start -- $start_codon_incorrect"; #hashref to return results my $results; #extra CDS end not found remarks if ($attributes{'cds_end_NF'}) { if ( ($attributes{'cds_end_NF'}->[0]->value == 1) && ($coding_end != $trans_end) && ( grep {$_ eq $stop_codon} @stops) ) { # warn $trans->stable_id.": $coding_end--$trans_end--$stop_codon"; # warn $trans->translation->end_Exon->end_phase; $results->{'END_EXTRA'} = $stop_codon; } } #missing CDS end not found remark if ( $coding_end == $trans_end ) { if ($attributes{'cds_end_NF'}) { if ($attributes{'cds_end_NF'}->[0]->value == 0 ) { if (! grep {$_ eq $stop_codon} @stops) { # warn $trans->translation->end_Exon->end_phase; $results->{'END_MISSING'}{'WRONG'} = $stop_codon; } } } elsif (! grep {$_ eq $stop_codon} @stops) { $results->{'END_MISSING'}{'ABSENT'} = $stop_codon; } } #extra CDS start not found remark if ( $attributes{'cds_start_NF'}) { if ( ($attributes{'cds_start_NF'}->[0]->value == 1 ) && (! $start_codon_incorrect)) { unless ( ($coding_start == 1) && ( $initial_exon_phase > 0)) { $results->{'START_EXTRA'} = $start_codon; } } } #missing CDS start not found remark if ( $coding_start == 1) { if ( $attributes{'cds_start_NF'} ) { if ( $attributes{'cds_start_NF'}->[0]->value == 0 ) { if ($start_codon_incorrect) { $results->{'START_MISSING'}{'ABSENT'} = $start_codon; } elsif ($initial_exon_phase > 0) { $results->{'START_MISSING'}{'INITIAL_PHASE'} = $initial_exon_phase; } } } elsif ($start_codon ne 'ATG') { $results->{'START_MISSING'}{'ABSENT'} = $start_codon; } } return $results; } =head2 get_havana_seleno_comments Args : none Example : my $results = $support->get_havana_seleno_comments Description: parses the HEREDOC containing Havana comments in this module Returntype : hashref =cut sub get_havana_seleno_comments { my $seen_translations; while () { next if /^\s+$/ or /#+/; my ($obj,$comment) = split /=/; $obj =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $comment =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # We add the origin as now "seen" can come from a number of places, and have # a number of consequences in different cases, not just discounted Secs from this method. -- ds23 $seen_translations->{$obj} = [ $comment,"notsec-havana" ]; } return $seen_translations; } sub check_for_stops { my $support = shift; my ($gene,$seen_transcripts,$log_object) = @_; my $transcripts; my $has_log_object=defined($log_object); if($has_log_object){ my @help = $log_object->species_params->get_trans($gene->stable_id); $transcripts=\@help; }else{ $log_object=$support; $transcripts=$gene->get_all_Transcripts; } my $gname = $gene->get_all_Attributes('name')->[0]->value; my $gsi = $gene->stable_id; my $scodon = 'TGA'; my $mod_date = $support->date_format( $gene->modified_date,'%d/%m/%y' ); my $hidden_remak_ttributes; TRANS: foreach my $trans (@$transcripts) { my $tsi = $trans->stable_id; my $tID = $trans->dbID; my $tname = $trans->get_all_Attributes('name')->[0]->value; if($has_log_object){ $hidden_remak_ttributes=$log_object->species_params->get_attributes->{$tsi}->{'hidden_remark'}; }else{ $hidden_remak_ttributes=$trans->get_all_Attributes('hidden_remark'); } foreach my $rem (@$hidden_remak_ttributes) { if ($rem->value =~ /not_for_Vega/) { #$support->log_verbose("Skipping transcript $tname ($tsi) since 'not_for_Vega'\n",1); $log_object->_save_log('log_verbose', '', $gsi, '', $tsi, '', "Skipping transcript $tname ($tsi) since 'not_for_Vega'"); next TRANS; } } # go no further if there is a ribosomal framshift attribute foreach my $attrib (@{$trans->get_all_Attributes('_rib_frameshift')}) { if ($attrib->value) { $log_object->_save_log('log', '', $gsi, '', $tsi, '', "Skipping $tsi ($tname) since it has a ribosomal frameshift attribute"); next TRANS; } } foreach my $attrib (@{$trans->get_all_Attributes('hidden_remark')}) { if ($attrib->value eq 'ribosomal_frameshift') { $log_object->_save_log('log', '', $gsi, '', $tsi, '', "Skipping $tsi ($tname) since it has a ribosomal frameshift hidden_remark"); next TRANS; } } #$support->log_verbose("Studying transcript $tsi ($tname, $tID)\n",1); $log_object->_save_log('log_verbose', '', $gsi, '', $tsi, '', "Studying transcript $tsi ($tname, $tID)"); my $peptide; # go no further if the transcript doesn't translate or if there are no stops next TRANS unless ($peptide = $trans->translate); my $pseq = $peptide->seq; my $orig_seq = $pseq; # (translate method trims stops from sequence end) next TRANS unless ($pseq =~ /\*/); next TRANS if ($trans->biotype eq 'polymorphic_pseudogene' or $trans->biotype =~ /processed_pseudogene$/); # warn sprintf("Stop codon is '%s'\n",substr($trans->translateable_seq,-3)); #$support->log_verbose("Stops found in $tsi ($tname)\n",1); $log_object->_save_log('log_verbose', '', $gsi, '', $tsi, '', "Stops found in $tsi ($tname)"); # find out where and how many stops there are my @found_stops; my $mrna = $trans->translateable_seq; my $offset = 0; my $tstop; while ($pseq =~ /^([^\*]*)\*(.*)/) { my $pseq1_f = $1; $pseq = $2; my $seq_flag = 0; $offset += length($pseq1_f) * 3; my $stop = substr($mrna, $offset, 3); my $aaoffset = int($offset / 3)+1; push(@found_stops, [ $stop, $aaoffset ]); $tstop .= "$aaoffset "; $offset += 3; } # are all stops TGA...? my $num_stops = scalar(@found_stops); my $num_tga = 0; my $positions; foreach my $stop (@found_stops) { $positions .= $stop->[0]."(".$stop->[1].") "; if ($stop->[0] eq $scodon) { $num_tga++; } } my $source = $gene->source; #...no - an internal stop codon error in the database... if ($num_tga < $num_stops) { if ($source eq 'havana') { #$support->log_warning("INTERNAL STOPS HAVANA: Transcript $tsi ($tname) from gene $gname has non \'$scodon\' stop codons [$mod_date]:\nSequence = $orig_seq\nStops at $positions)\n\n"); $log_object->_save_log('log_warning', '', $gsi, 'TRANSCRIPT', $tsi, 'VQCT_internal_stop', "INTERNAL STOPS HAVANA: Transcript $tsi ($tname) from gene $gname has non \'$scodon\' stop codons [$mod_date]: Sequence = $orig_seq Stops at $positions)"); } else { #$support->log_warning("INTERNAL STOPS EXTERNAL: Transcript $tsi ($tname) from gene $gname has non \'$scodon\' stop codons[$mod_date]:\nSequence = $orig_seq\nStops at $positions)\n\n"); $log_object->_save_log('log_warning', '', $gsi, 'TRANSCRIPT', $tsi, 'VQCT_internal_stop', "INTERNAL STOPS EXTERNAL: Transcript $tsi ($tname) from gene $gname has non \'$scodon\' stop codons[$mod_date]: Sequence = $orig_seq Stops at $positions)"); } } #...yes - check remarks else { my $flag_remark = 0; # 1 if word seleno has been used my $flag_remark2 = 0; # 1 if existing remark has correct numbering my $alabel = 'Annotation_remark- selenocysteine '; my $alabel2 = 'selenocysteine '; my $annot_stops; my $remarks; my $att; #get both hidden_remarks and remarks foreach my $remark_type ('remark','hidden_remark') { if($has_log_object){ $att=$log_object->species_params->get_attributes->{$trans->stable_id}->{$remark_type}; }else{ $att=$trans->get_all_Attributes($remark_type) } foreach my $attrib ( @$att) { push @{$remarks->{$remark_type}}, $attrib->value; } } #parse remarks to check syntax for location of edits while (my ($attrib,$remarks)= each %$remarks) { foreach my $text (@{$remarks}) { if ( ($attrib eq 'remark') && ($text=~/^$alabel(.*)/) ){ #$support->log_warning("seleno remark for $tsi stored as Annotation_remark not hidden remark) [$mod_date]\n"); $log_object->_save_log('log_warning', '', $gsi, '', $tsi, 'VQCT_wrong_selC_coord', "seleno remark for $tsi stored as Annotation_remark not hidden remark) [$mod_date]"); $annot_stops=$1; } elsif ($text =~ /^$alabel2(.*)/) { my $maybe = $1; if($maybe =~ /^\s*\d+(\s+\d+)*\s*$/) { $annot_stops=$maybe; } else { $log_object->_save_log('log', '', $gene->stable_id, '', $tsi, '', "Maybe annotated stop in incorrect format, maybe just a remark that happens to begin '$alabel2'". " -- might need to investigate: '$alabel2$maybe' [$mod_date]"); } } } } #check the location of the annotated edits matches actual stops in the sequence my @annotated_stops; if ($annot_stops){ my $i = 0; foreach my $offset (split(/\s+/, $annot_stops)) { #OK if it matches a known stop if ( defined($found_stops[$i]) && defined($found_stops[$i]->[1]) && ($found_stops[$i]->[1] == $offset)) { push @annotated_stops, $offset; } # catch old annotations where number was in DNA not peptide coordinates elsif (defined($found_stops[$i]) && defined($found_stops[$i]->[1]) && (($found_stops[$i]->[1] * 3) == $offset)) { $log_object->_save_log('log_warning', '', $gene->stable_id, 'DNA', $tsi, 'VQCT_wrong_selC_coord', "DNA: Annotated stop for transcript tsi ($tname) is in DNA not peptide coordinates) [$mod_date]"); } # catch old annotations where number off by one elsif (defined($found_stops[$i]) && defined($found_stops[$i]->[1]) && (($found_stops[$i]->[1]) == $offset+1)) { $log_object->_save_log('log_warning', '', $gene->stable_id, 'PEPTIDE', $tsi, 'VQCT_wrong_selC_coord', "PEPTIDE: Annotated stop for transcript $tsi ($tname) is out by one) [$mod_date]"); } elsif (defined($offset) && ($offset=~/^\d+$/)){ if ($offset == length($orig_seq)+1) { if($seen_transcripts->{$tsi} && $seen_transcripts->{$tsi}->[1] eq 'known-tga-stop') { $log_object->_save_log('log', '', $gene->stable_id, 'TRANSCRIPT', $tsi, '', "Annotated stop for transcript $tsi ($tname) known to be a stop codon. Ok. [$mod_date]"); } elsif($seen_transcripts->{$tsi} && $seen_transcripts->{$tsi}->[1] eq 'known-terminal-sec') { $log_object->_save_log('log', '', $gene->stable_id, 'TRANSCRIPT', $tsi, '', "Annotated stop for transcript $tsi ($tname) known to be a terminal Sec. Ok. [$mod_date]"); } else { $log_object->_save_log('log_warning', '', $gene->stable_id, 'TRANSCRIPT', $tsi, '', "Annotated stop for transcript $tsi ($tname) \"$offset\" matches actual stop codon yet has no entry in script config to disambiguate it. Please investigate and add appropriate entry to config arrays in add_selcys.pl. [$mod_date]"); } } else { $log_object->_save_log('log_warning', '', $gene->stable_id, 'TRANSCRIPT', $tsi, 'VQCT_wrong_selC_coord', "Annotated stop for transcript $tsi ($tname) \"$offset\" does not match a TGA codon) [$mod_date]"); push @annotated_stops, $offset; } } $i++; } } #check location of found stops matches annotated ones - any new ones are reported foreach my $stop ( @found_stops ) { my $pos = $stop->[1]; my $seq = $stop->[0]; unless ( grep { $pos == $_} @annotated_stops) { if ($seen_transcripts->{$tsi} && $seen_transcripts->{$tsi}->[1] eq 'notsec-havana') { #$support->log_verbose("Transcript $tsi ($tname) has potential selenocysteines but has been discounted by annotators:\n\t".$seen_transcripts->{$tsi}.") [$mod_date]\n"); $log_object->_save_log('log_verbose', '', $gene->stable_id, '', $tsi, 'VQCT_pot_selC', "Transcript $tsi ($tname) has potential selenocysteines but has been discounted by annotators: ".$seen_transcripts->{$tsi}->[0].") [$mod_date]"); } else { #$support->log("POTENTIAL SELENO ($seq) in $tsi ($tname, gene $gname) found at $pos [$mod_date]\n"); $log_object->_save_log('log', '', $gene->stable_id, '', $tsi, 'VQCT_pot_selC', "POTENTIAL SELENO ($seq) in $tsi ($tname, gene $gname) found at $pos [$mod_date]"); } } } } } } sub _save_log{ my $self=shift; my $log_type = shift; my $chrom_name=shift || ''; my $gsi=shift || ''; my $type=shift || ''; my $tsi=shift || ''; my $tag=shift || ''; my $txt=shift || ''; $self->$log_type($txt."\n"); } #details of annotators comments __DATA__ OTTHUMT00000144659 = FIXED- changed to transcript OTTHUMT00000276377 = FIXED- changed to transcript OTTHUMT00000257741 = FIXED- changed to nmd OTTHUMT00000155694 = NOT_FIXED- should be nmd but external annotation but cannot be fixed OTTHUMT00000155695 = NOT_FIXED- should be nmd but external annotation but cannot be fixed OTTHUMT00000282573 = FIXED- changed to unprocessed pseudogene OTTHUMT00000285227 = FIXED- changed start site OTTHUMT00000151008 = FIXED- incorrect trimming of CDS, removed extra stop codon OTTHUMT00000157999 = FIXED- changed incorrect stop OTTHUMT00000150523 = FIXED- incorrect trimming of CDS OTTHUMT00000150525 = FIXED- incorrect trimming of CDS OTTHUMT00000150522 = FIXED- incorrect trimming of CDS OTTHUMT00000150521 = FIXED- incorrect trimming of CDS OTTHUMT00000246819 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTHUMT00000314078 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTHUMT00000080133 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTHUMT00000286423 = FIXED- changed to transcript OTTMUST00000055509 = FIXED- error OTTMUST00000038729 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTMUST00000021760 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTMUST00000023057 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTMUST00000015207 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTMUST00000056646 = FIXED- error OTTMUST00000059686 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTMUST00000013426 = FIXED- corrected frame OTTMUST00000044412 = FIXED- error