# $Id: Mutator.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # bioperl module for Bio::LiveSeq::Mutator # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Heikki Lehvaslaiho # # Copyright Joseph Insana # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::LiveSeq::Mutator - Package mutating LiveSequences =head1 SYNOPSIS # $gene is a Bio::LiveSeq::Gene object my $mutate = Bio::LiveSeq::Mutator->new('-gene' => $gene, '-numbering' => "coding" ); # $mut is a Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation object $mutate->add_Mutation($mut); # $results is a Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object my $results=$mutate->change_gene(); if ($results) { my $out = Bio::Variation::IO->new( '-format' => 'flat'); $out->write($results); } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class mutates Bio::LiveSeq::Gene objects and returns a Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object. Mutations are described as Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation objects. See L, L, and L for details. =head1 FEEDBACK User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing lists Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Heikki Lehvaslaiho & Joseph A.L. Insana Email: heikki-at-bioperl-dot-org insana@ebi.ac.uk, jinsana@gmx.net =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::LiveSeq::Mutator; use strict; use Bio::Variation::SeqDiff; use Bio::Variation::DNAMutation; use Bio::Variation::RNAChange; use Bio::Variation::AAChange; use Bio::Variation::Allele; use Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation; #use integer; # Object preamble - inheritance use base qw(Bio::Root::Root); sub new { my($class,@args) = @_; my $self; $self = {}; bless $self, $class; my ($gene, $numbering) = $self->_rearrange([qw(GENE NUMBERING )], @args); $self->{ 'mutations' } = []; $gene && $self->gene($gene); $numbering && $self->numbering($numbering); #class constant; $self->{'flanklen'} = 25; return $self; # success - we hope! } =head2 gene Title : gene Usage : $mutobj = $obj->gene; : $mutobj = $obj->gene($objref); Function: Returns or sets the link-reference to a Bio::LiveSeq::Gene object. If no value has ben set, it will return undef Returns : an object reference or undef Args : a Bio::LiveSeq::Gene See L for more information. =cut sub gene { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::Gene') ) { $self->throw("Is not a Bio::LiveSeq::Gene object but a [$value]"); return; } else { $self->{'gene'} = $value; } } unless (exists $self->{'gene'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'gene'}; } } =head2 numbering Title : numbering Usage : $obj->numbering(); Function: Sets and returns coordinate system used in positioning the mutations. See L for details. Example : Returns : string Args : string (coding [transcript number] | gene | entry) =cut sub numbering { my ($self,$value) = @_; if( defined $value) { if ($value =~ /(coding)( )?(\d+)?/ or $value eq 'entry' or $value eq 'gene') { $self->{'numbering'} = $value; } else { # defaulting to 'coding' $self->{'numbering'} = 'coding'; } } unless (exists $self->{'numbering'}) { return 'coding'; } else { return $self->{'numbering'}; } } =head2 add_Mutation Title : add_Mutation Usage : $self->add_Mutation($ref) Function: adds a Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation object Example : Returns : Args : a Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation See L for more information. =cut sub add_Mutation{ my ($self,$value) = @_; if( $value->isa('Bio::Liveseq::Mutation') ) { my $com = ref $value; $self->throw("Is not a Mutation object but a [$com]" ); return; } if (! $value->pos) { $self->warn("No value for mutation position in the sequence!"); return; } if (! $value->seq && ! $value->len) { $self->warn("Either mutated sequence or length of the deletion must be given!"); return; } push(@{$self->{'mutations'}},$value); } =head2 each_Mutation Title : each_Mutation Usage : foreach $ref ( $a->each_Mutation ) Function: gets an array of Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation objects Example : Returns : array of Mutations Args : See L for more information. =cut sub each_Mutation{ my ($self) = @_; return @{$self->{'mutations'}}; } =head2 mutation Title : mutation Usage : $mutobj = $obj->mutation; : $mutobj = $obj->mutation($objref); Function: Returns or sets the link-reference to the current mutation object. If the value is not set, it will return undef. Internal method. Returns : an object reference or undef =cut sub mutation { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation') ) { $self->throw("Is not a Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation object but a [$value]"); return; } else { $self->{'mutation'} = $value; } } unless (exists $self->{'mutation'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'mutation'}; } } =head2 DNA Title : DNA Usage : $mutobj = $obj->DNA; : $mutobj = $obj->DNA($objref); Function: Returns or sets the reference to the LiveSeq object holding the reference sequence. If there is no link, it will return undef. Internal method. Returns : an object reference or undef =cut sub DNA { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::DNA') and ! $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::Transcript') ) { $self->throw("Is not a Bio::LiveSeq::DNA/Transcript object but a [$value]"); return; } else { $self->{'DNA'} = $value; } } unless (exists $self->{'DNA'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'DNA'}; } } =head2 RNA Title : RNA Usage : $mutobj = $obj->RNA; : $mutobj = $obj->RNA($objref); Function: Returns or sets the reference to the LiveSeq object holding the reference sequence. If the value is not set, it will return undef. Internal method. Returns : an object reference or undef =cut sub RNA { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::Transcript') ) { $self->throw("Is not a Bio::LiveSeq::RNA/Transcript object but a [$value]"); return; } else { $self->{'RNA'} = $value; } } unless (exists $self->{'RNA'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'RNA'}; } } =head2 dnamut Title : dnamut Usage : $mutobj = $obj->dnamut; : $mutobj = $obj->dnamut($objref); Function: Returns or sets the reference to the current DNAMutation object. If the value is not set, it will return undef. Internal method. Returns : a Bio::Variation::DNAMutation object or undef See L for more information. =cut sub dnamut { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::Variation::DNAMutation') ) { $self->throw("Is not a Bio::Variation::DNAMutation object but a [$value]"); return; } else { $self->{'dnamut'} = $value; } } unless (exists $self->{'dnamut'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'dnamut'}; } } =head2 rnachange Title : rnachange Usage : $mutobj = $obj->rnachange; : $mutobj = $obj->rnachange($objref); Function: Returns or sets the reference to the current RNAChange object. If the value is not set, it will return undef. Internal method. Returns : a Bio::Variation::RNAChange object or undef See L for more information. =cut sub rnachange { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::Variation::RNAChange') ) { $self->throw("Is not a Bio::Variation::RNAChange object but a [$value]"); return; } else { $self->{'rnachange'} = $value; } } unless (exists $self->{'rnachange'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'rnachange'}; } } =head2 aachange Title : aachange Usage : $mutobj = $obj->aachange; : $mutobj = $obj->aachange($objref); Function: Returns or sets the reference to the current AAChange object. If the value is not set, it will return undef. Internal method. Returns : a Bio::Variation::AAChange object or undef See L for more information. =cut sub aachange { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::Variation::AAChange') ) { $self->throw("Is not a Bio::Variation::AAChange object but a [$value]"); return; } else { $self->{'aachange'} = $value; } } unless (exists $self->{'aachange'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'aachange'}; } } =head2 exons Title : exons Usage : $mutobj = $obj->exons; : $mutobj = $obj->exons($objref); Function: Returns or sets the reference to a current array of Exons. If the value is not set, it will return undef. Internal method. Returns : an array of Bio::LiveSeq::Exon objects or undef See L for more information. =cut sub exons { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'exons'} = $value; } unless (exists $self->{'exons'}) { return; } else { return $self->{'exons'}; } } =head2 change_gene_with_alignment Title : change_gene_with_alignment Usage : $results=$mutate->change_gene_with_alignment($aln); Function: Returns a Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object containing the results of the changes in the alignment. The alignment has to be pairwise and have one sequence named 'QUERY', the other one is assumed to be a part of the sequence from $gene. This method offers a shortcut to change_gene and automates the creation of Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation objects. Use it with almost identical sequnces, e.g. to locate a SNP. Args : Bio::SimpleAlign object representing a short local alignment Returns : Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object or 0 on error See L, L, and L for more information. =cut sub change_gene_with_alignment { my ($self, $aln) = @_; # # Sanity checks # $self->throw("Argument is not a Bio::SimpleAlign object but a [$aln]") unless $aln->isa('Bio::SimpleAlign'); $self->throw("'Pairwise alignments only, please") if $aln->no_sequences != 2; # find out the order the two sequences are given my $queryseq_pos = 1; #default my $refseq_pos = 2; unless ($aln->get_seq_by_pos(1)->id eq 'QUERY') { carp('Query sequence has to be named QUERY') if $aln->get_seq_by_pos(2)->id ne 'QUERY'; $queryseq_pos = 2; # alternative $refseq_pos = 1; } # trim the alignment my $start = $aln->column_from_residue_number('QUERY', 1); my $end = $aln->column_from_residue_number('QUERY', $aln->get_seq_by_pos($queryseq_pos)->end ); my $aln2 = $aln->slice($start, $end); # # extracting mutations # my $cs = $aln2->consensus_string(51); my $queryseq = $aln2->get_seq_by_pos($queryseq_pos); my $refseq = $aln2->get_seq_by_pos($refseq_pos); while ( $cs =~ /(\?+)/g) { # pos in local coordinates my $pos = pos($cs) - length($1) + 1; my $mutation = create_mutation($self, $refseq, $queryseq, $pos, CORE::length($1) ); # reset pos to refseq coordinates $pos += $refseq->start - 1; $mutation->pos($pos); $self->add_Mutation($mutation); } return $self->change_gene(); } =head2 create_mutation Title : create_mutation Usage : Function: Formats sequence differences from two sequences into Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation objects which can be applied to a gene. To keep it generic, sequence arguments need not to be Bio::LocatableSeq. Coordinate change to parent sequence numbering needs to be done by the calling code. Called from change_gene_with_alignment Args : Bio::PrimarySeqI inheriting object for the reference sequence Bio::PrimarySeqI inheriting object for the query sequence integer for the start position of the local sequence difference integer for the length of the sequence difference Returns : Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation object =cut sub create_mutation { my ($self, $refseq, $queryseq, $pos, $len) = @_; $self->throw("Is not a Bio::PrimarySeqI object but a [$refseq]") unless $refseq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI'); $self->throw("Is not a Bio::PrimarySeqI object but a [$queryseq]") unless $queryseq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI'); $self->throw("Position is not a positive integer but [$pos]") unless $pos =~ /^\+?\d+$/; $self->throw("Length is not a positive integer but [$len]") unless $len =~ /^\+?\d+$/; my $mutation; my $refstring = $refseq->subseq($pos, $pos + $len - 1); my $varstring = $queryseq->subseq($pos, $pos + $len - 1); if ($len == 1 and $refstring =~ /[^\.\-\*\?]/ and $varstring =~ /[^\.\-\*\?]/ ) { #point $mutation = Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation->new(-seq => $varstring, -pos => $pos, ); } elsif ( $refstring =~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/ and $varstring !~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/ ) { # deletion $mutation = Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation->new(-pos => $pos, -len => $len ); } elsif ( $refstring !~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/ and $varstring =~ /^[^\.\-\*\?]+$/ ) { # insertion $mutation = Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation->new(-seq => $varstring, -pos => $pos, -len => 0 ); } else { # complex $mutation = Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation->new(-seq => $varstring, -pos => $pos, -len => $len ); } return $mutation; } =head2 change_gene Title : change_gene Usage : my $mutate = Bio::LiveSeq::Mutator->new(-gene => $gene, numbering => "coding" ); # $mut is Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation object $mutate->add_Mutation($mut); my $results=$mutate->change_gene(); Function: Returns a Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object containing the results of the changes performed according to the instructions present in Mutation(s). The -numbering argument decides what molecule is being changed and what numbering scheme being used: -numbering => "entry" determines the DNA level, using the numbering from the beginning of the sequence -numbering => "coding" determines the RNA level, using the numbering from the beginning of the 1st transcript Alternative transcripts can be used by specifying "coding 2" or "coding 3" ... -numbering => "gene" determines the DNA level, using the numbering from the beginning of the 1st transcript and inluding introns. The meaning equals 'coding' if the reference molecule is cDNA. Args : Bio::LiveSeq::Gene object Bio::LiveSeq::Mutation object(s) string specifying a numbering scheme (defaults to 'coding') Returns : Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object or 0 on error =cut sub change_gene { my ($self) = @_; # # Sanity check # unless ($self->gene) { $self->warn("Input object Bio::LiveSeq::Gene is not given"); return 0; } # # Setting the reference sequence based on -numbering # my @transcripts=@{$self->gene->get_Transcripts}; my $refseq; # will hold Bio::LiveSeq:Transcript object or Bio::LiveSeq::DNA # 'gene' eq 'coding' if reference sequence is cDNA $self->numbering ('coding') if $self->gene->get_DNA->alphabet eq 'rna' and $self->numbering eq 'gene'; if ($self->numbering =~ /(coding)( )?(\d+)?/ ) { $self->numbering($1); my $transnumber = $3; $transnumber-- if $3; # 1 -> 0, 2 -> 1 if ($transnumber && $transnumber >= 0 && $transnumber <= $#transcripts) { $refseq=$transcripts[$transnumber]; } else { $transnumber && $self->warn("The alternative transcript number ". $transnumber+1 . "- does not exist. Reverting to the 1st transcript\n"); $refseq=$transcripts[0]; } } else { $refseq=$transcripts[0]->{'seq'}; } # # Recording the state: SeqDiff object creation ?? transcript no.?? # my $seqDiff = Bio::Variation::SeqDiff->new(-verbose => $self->verbose); $seqDiff->alphabet($self->gene->get_DNA->alphabet); $seqDiff->numbering($self->numbering); my ($DNAobj, $RNAobj); if ($refseq->isa("Bio::LiveSeq::Transcript")) { $self->RNA($refseq); $self->DNA($refseq->{'seq'}); $seqDiff->rna_ori($refseq->seq ); $seqDiff->aa_ori($refseq->get_Translation->seq); } else { $self->DNA($refseq); $self->RNA($transcripts[0]); $seqDiff->rna_ori($self->RNA->seq); $seqDiff->aa_ori($self->RNA->get_Translation->seq); } $seqDiff->dna_ori($self->DNA->seq); # put the accession number into the SeqDiff object ID $seqDiff->id($self->DNA->accession_number); # the atg_offset takes in account that DNA object could be a subset of the # whole entry (via the light_weight loader) my $atg_label=$self->RNA->start; my $atg_offset=$self->DNA->position($atg_label)+($self->DNA->start)-1; $seqDiff->offset($atg_offset - 1); $self->DNA->coordinate_start($atg_label); my @exons = $self->RNA->all_Exons; $seqDiff->cds_end($exons[$#exons]->end); # # Converting mutation positions to labels # $self->warn("no mutations"), return 0 unless $self->_mutationpos2label($refseq, $seqDiff); # need to add more than one rna & aa #foreach $transcript (@transcripts) { # $seqDiff{"ori_transcript_${i}_seq"}=$transcript->seq; # $seqDiff{"ori_translation_${i}_seq"}=$transcript->get_Translation->seq; #} # do changes my $k; foreach my $mutation ($self->each_Mutation) { next unless $mutation->label > 0; $self->mutation($mutation); $mutation->issue(++$k); # # current position on the transcript # if ($self->numbering =~ /coding/) { $mutation->transpos($mutation->pos); # transpos given by user } else { #transpos of label / It will be 0 if mutating an intron, negative if upstream of ATG $mutation->transpos($self->RNA->position($mutation->label,$atg_label)); } # # Calculate adjacent labels based on the position on the current sequence # $mutation->prelabel($self->DNA->label(-1, $mutation->label)); # 1 before label if ($mutation->len == 0) { $mutation->postlabel($mutation->label); $mutation->lastlabel($mutation->label); } elsif ($mutation->len == 1) { $mutation->lastlabel($mutation->label); # last nucleotide affected $mutation->postlabel($self->DNA->label(2,$mutation->lastlabel)); # $len after label } else { $mutation->lastlabel($self->DNA->label($mutation->len,$mutation->label)); $mutation->postlabel($self->DNA->label(2,$mutation->lastlabel)); } my $dnamut = $self->_set_DNAMutation($seqDiff); # # # if ($self->_rnaAffected) { $self->_set_effects($seqDiff, $dnamut); } elsif ($seqDiff->offset != 0 and $dnamut->region ne 'intron') { $self->_untranslated ($seqDiff, $dnamut); } else { #$self->warn("Mutation starts outside coding region, RNAChange object not created"); } ######################################################################### # Mutations are done here! # $refseq->labelchange($mutation->seq, $mutation->label, $mutation->len); # ######################################################################### $self->_post_mutation ($seqDiff); $self->dnamut(undef); $self->rnachange(undef); $self->aachange(undef); $self->exons(undef); } # record the final state of all three sequences $seqDiff->dna_mut($self->DNA->seq); $seqDiff->rna_mut($self->RNA->seq); if ($refseq->isa("Bio::LiveSeq::Transcript")) { $seqDiff->aa_mut($refseq->get_Translation->seq); } else { $seqDiff->aa_mut($self->RNA->get_Translation->seq); } #$seqDiff{mut_dna_seq}=$gene->get_DNA->seq; #my $i=1; #foreach $transcript (@transcripts) { # $seqDiff{"mut_transcript_${i}_seq"}=$transcript->seq; # $seqDiff{"mut_translation_${i}_seq"}=$transcript->get_Translation->seq; #} return $seqDiff; } =head2 _mutationpos2label Title : _mutationpos2label Usage : Function: converts mutation positions into labels Example : Returns : number of valid mutations Args : LiveSeq sequence object =cut sub _mutationpos2label { my ($self, $refseq, $SeqDiff) = @_; my $count; my @bb = @{$self->{'mutations'}}; my $cc = scalar @bb; foreach my $mut (@{$self->{'mutations'}}) { # if ($self->numbering eq 'gene' and $mut->pos < 1) { # my $tmp = $mut->pos; # print STDERR "pos: ", "$tmp\n"; # $tmp++ if $tmp < 1; # $tmp += $SeqDiff->offset; # print STDERR "pos2: ", "$tmp\n"; # $mut->pos($tmp); # } # elsif ($self->numbering eq 'entry') { if ($self->numbering eq 'entry') { my $tmp = $mut->pos; $tmp -= $SeqDiff->offset; $tmp-- if $tmp < 1; $mut->pos($tmp); } my $label = $refseq->label($mut->pos); # get the label for the position $mut->label($label), $count++ if $label > 0 ; #print STDERR "x", $mut->pos,'|' ,$mut->label, "\n"; } return $count; } # # Calculate labels around mutated nucleotide # =head2 _set_DNAMutation Title : _set_DNAMutation Usage : Function: Stores DNA level mutation attributes before mutation into Bio::Variation::DNAMutation object. Links it to SeqDiff object. Example : Returns : Bio::Variation::DNAMutation object Args : Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object See L and L. =cut sub _set_DNAMutation { my ($self, $seqDiff) = @_; my $dnamut_start = $self->mutation->label - $seqDiff->offset; # if negative DNA positions (before ATG) $dnamut_start-- if $dnamut_start <= 0; my $dnamut_end; ($self->mutation->len == 0 or $self->mutation->len == 1) ? ($dnamut_end = $dnamut_start) : ($dnamut_end = $dnamut_start+$self->mutation->len); #print "start:$dnamut_start, end:$dnamut_end\n"; my $dnamut = Bio::Variation::DNAMutation->new(-start => $dnamut_start, -end => $dnamut_end, ); $dnamut->mut_number($self->mutation->issue); $dnamut->isMutation(1); my $da_m = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $da_m->seq($self->mutation->seq) if $self->mutation->seq; $dnamut->allele_mut($da_m); $dnamut->add_Allele($da_m); # allele_ori my $allele_ori = $self->DNA->labelsubseq($self->mutation->prelabel, undef, $self->mutation->postlabel); # get seq chop $allele_ori; # chop the postlabel nucleotide $allele_ori=substr($allele_ori,1); # away the prelabel nucleotide my $da_o = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $da_o->seq($allele_ori) if $allele_ori; $dnamut->allele_ori($da_o); ($self->mutation->len == 0) ? ($dnamut->length($self->mutation->len)) : ($dnamut->length(CORE::length $allele_ori)); #print " --------------- $dnamut_start -$len- $dnamut_end -\n"; $seqDiff->add_Variant($dnamut); $self->dnamut($dnamut); $dnamut->mut_number($self->mutation->issue); # setting proof if ($seqDiff->numbering eq "entry" or $seqDiff->numbering eq "gene") { $dnamut->proof('experimental'); } else { $dnamut->proof('computed'); } # how many nucleotides to store upstream and downstream of the change my $flanklen = $self->{'flanklen'}; #print `date`, " flanking sequences start\n"; my $uplabel = $self->DNA->label(1-$flanklen,$self->mutation->prelabel); # this could be unavailable! my $upstreamseq; if ($uplabel > 0) { $upstreamseq = $self->DNA->labelsubseq($uplabel, undef, $self->mutation->prelabel); } else { # from start (less than $flanklen nucleotides) $upstreamseq = $self->DNA->labelsubseq($self->DNA->start, undef, $self->mutation->prelabel); } $dnamut->upStreamSeq($upstreamseq); my $dnstreamseq = $self->DNA->labelsubseq($self->mutation->postlabel, $flanklen); $dnamut->dnStreamSeq($dnstreamseq); # $flanklen or less nucleotides return $dnamut; } # ### Check if mutation propagates to RNA (and AA) level # # side effect: sets intron/exon information # returns a boolean value # sub _rnaAffected { my ($self) = @_; my @exons=$self->RNA->all_Exons; my $RNAstart=$self->RNA->start; my $RNAend=$self->RNA->end; my ($firstexon,$before,$after,$i); my ($rnaAffected) = 0; # check for inserted labels (that require follows instead of <,>) my $DNAend=$self->RNA->{'seq'}->end; if ($self->mutation->prelabel > $DNAend or $self->mutation->postlabel > $DNAend) { #this means one of the two labels is an inserted one #(coming from a previous mutation. This would falsify all <,> #checks, so the follow() has to be used $self->warn("Attention, workaround not fully tested yet! Expect unpredictable results.\n"); if (($self->mutation->postlabel==$RNAstart) or (follows($self->mutation->postlabel,$RNAstart))) { $self->warn("RNA not affected because change occurs before RNAstart"); } elsif (($RNAend==$self->mutation->prelabel) or (follows($RNAend,$self->mutation->prelabel))) { $self->warn("RNA not affected because change occurs after RNAend"); } elsif (scalar @exons == 1) { #no introns, just one exon $rnaAffected = 1; # then RNA is affected! } else { # otherwise check for change occurring inside an intron $firstexon=shift(@exons); $before=$firstexon->end; foreach $i (0..$#exons) { $after=$exons[$i]->start; if (follows($self->mutation->prelabel,$before) or ($after==$self->mutation->prelabel) or follows($after,$self->mutation->prelabel) or follows($after,$self->mutation->postlabel)) { $rnaAffected = 1; # $i is number of exon and can be used for proximity check } $before=$exons[$i]->end; } } } else { my $strand = $exons[0]->strand; if (($strand == 1 and $self->mutation->postlabel <= $RNAstart) or ($strand != 1 and $self->mutation->postlabel >= $RNAstart)) { #$self->warn("RNA not affected because change occurs before RNAstart"); $rnaAffected = 0; } elsif (($strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel >= $RNAend) or ($strand != 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel <= $RNAend)) { #$self->warn("RNA not affected because change occurs after RNAend"); $rnaAffected = 0; my $dist; if ($strand == 1){ $dist = $self->mutation->prelabel - $RNAend; } else { $dist = $RNAend - $self->mutation->prelabel; } $self->dnamut->region_dist($dist); } elsif (scalar @exons == 1) { #if just one exon -> no introns, $rnaAffected = 1; # then RNA is affected! } else { # otherwise check for mutation occurring inside an intron $firstexon=shift(@exons); $before=$firstexon->end; if ( ($strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel < $before) or ($strand == -1 and $self->mutation->prelabel > $before) ) { $rnaAffected = 1 ; #print "Exon 1 : ", $firstexon->start, " - ", $firstexon->end, "
\n"; my $afterdist = $self->mutation->prelabel - $firstexon->start; my $beforedist = $firstexon->end - $self->mutation->postlabel; my $exonvalue = $i + 1; $self->dnamut->region('exon'); $self->dnamut->region_value($exonvalue); if ($afterdist < $beforedist) { $afterdist++; $afterdist++; $self->dnamut->region_dist($afterdist); #print "splice site $afterdist nt upstream!
"; } else { $self->dnamut->region_dist($beforedist); #print "splice site $beforedist nt downstream!
"; } } else { #print "first exon : ", $firstexon->start, " - ", $firstexon->end, "
\n"; foreach $i (0..$#exons) { $after=$exons[$i]->start; #proximity test for intronic mutations if ( ($strand == 1 and $self->mutation->prelabel >= $before and $self->mutation->postlabel <= $after) or ($strand == -1 and $self->mutation->prelabel <= $before and $self->mutation->postlabel >= $after) ) { $self->dnamut->region('intron'); #$self->dnamut->region_value($i); my $afterdist = $self->mutation->prelabel - $before; my $beforedist = $after - $self->mutation->postlabel; my $intronvalue = $i + 1; if ($afterdist < $beforedist) { $afterdist++; $self->dnamut->region_value($intronvalue); $self->dnamut->region_dist($afterdist); #print "splice site $afterdist nt upstream!
"; } else { $self->dnamut->region_value($intronvalue); $self->dnamut->region_dist($beforedist * -1); #print "splice site $beforedist nt downstream!
"; } $self->rnachange(undef); last; } #proximity test for exon mutations #proximity test for exon mutations elsif ( ( $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->prelabel) or ( $strand == 1 and $exons[$i]->start < $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end > $self->mutation->postlabel) or ( $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->prelabel and $exons[$i]->end < $self->mutation->prelabel) or ( $strand == -1 and $exons[$i]->start > $self->mutation->postlabel and $exons[$i]->end < $self->mutation->postlabel) ) { $rnaAffected = 1; my $afterdist = $self->mutation->prelabel - $exons[$i]->start; my $beforedist = $exons[$i]->end - $self->mutation->postlabel; my $exonvalue = $i + 1; $self->dnamut->region('exon'); if ($afterdist < $beforedist) { $afterdist++; $self->dnamut->region_value($exonvalue+1); $self->dnamut->region_dist($afterdist); #print "splice site $afterdist nt upstream!
"; } else { #$beforedist; $self->dnamut->region_value($exonvalue+1); $self->dnamut->region_dist($beforedist * -1); #print "splice site $beforedist nt downstream!
"; } last; } $before=$exons[$i]->end; } } } } #$self->warn("RNA not affected because change occurs inside an intron"); #return(0); # if still not returned, then not affected, return 0 return $rnaAffected; } # # ### Creation of RNA and AA variation objects # =head2 _set_effects Title : _set_effects Usage : Function: Stores RNA and AA level mutation attributes before mutation into Bio::Variation::RNAChange and Bio::Variation::AAChange objects. Links them to SeqDiff object. Example : Returns : Args : Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object Bio::Variation::DNAMutation object See L, L, L, and L. =cut sub _set_effects { my ($self, $seqDiff, $dnamut) = @_; my ($rnapos_end, $upstreamseq, $dnstreamseq); my $flanklen = $self->{'flanklen'}; ($self->mutation->len == 0) ? ($rnapos_end = $self->mutation->transpos) : ($rnapos_end = $self->mutation->transpos + $self->mutation->len -1); my $rnachange = Bio::Variation::RNAChange->new(-start => $self->mutation->transpos, -end => $rnapos_end ); $rnachange->isMutation(1); # setting proof if ($seqDiff->numbering eq "coding") { $rnachange->proof('experimental'); } else { $rnachange->proof('computed'); } $seqDiff->add_Variant($rnachange); $self->rnachange($rnachange); $rnachange->DNAMutation($dnamut); $dnamut->RNAChange($rnachange); $rnachange->mut_number($self->mutation->issue); # setting the codon_position of the "start" nucleotide of the change $rnachange->codon_pos(($self->RNA->frame($self->mutation->label))+1); # codon_pos=frame+1 my @exons=$self->RNA->all_Exons; $self->exons(\@exons); #print `date`, " before flank, after exons. RNAObj query\n"; # if cannot retrieve from Transcript, Transcript::upstream_seq will be used # before "fac7 g 65" bug discovered # $uplabel=$self->RNA->label(1-$flanklen,$prelabel); my $RNAprelabel=$self->RNA->label(-1,$self->mutation->label); # to fix fac7g65 bug # for the fix, all prelabel used in the next block have been changed to RNAprelabel my $uplabel=$self->RNA->label(1-$flanklen,$RNAprelabel); if ($self->RNA->valid($uplabel)) { $upstreamseq = $self->RNA->labelsubseq($uplabel, undef, $RNAprelabel); } else { $upstreamseq = $self->RNA->labelsubseq($self->RNA->start, undef, $RNAprelabel) if $self->RNA->valid($RNAprelabel); my $lacking=$flanklen-length($upstreamseq); # how many missing my $upstream_atg=$exons[0]->subseq(-$lacking,-1); $upstreamseq=$upstream_atg . $upstreamseq; } $rnachange->upStreamSeq($upstreamseq); # won't work OK if postlabel NOT in Transcript # now added RNApostlabel but this has to be /fully tested/ # for the fix, all postlabel used in the next block have been changed to RNApostlabel my $RNApostlabel; # to fix fac7g64 bug if ($self->mutation->len == 0) { $RNApostlabel=$self->mutation->label; } else { my $mutlen = 1 + $self->mutation->len; $RNApostlabel=$self->RNA->label($mutlen,$self->mutation->label); } $dnstreamseq=$self->RNA->labelsubseq($RNApostlabel, $flanklen); if ($dnstreamseq eq '-1') { # if out of transcript was requested my $lastexon=$exons[-1]; my $lastexonlength=$lastexon->length; $dnstreamseq=$self->RNA->labelsubseq($RNApostlabel); # retrieves till RNAend my $lacking=$flanklen-length($dnstreamseq); # how many missing my $downstream_stop=$lastexon->subseq($lastexonlength+1,undef,$lacking); $dnstreamseq .= $downstream_stop; } else { $rnachange->dnStreamSeq($dnstreamseq); } # AAChange creation my $AAobj=$self->RNA->get_Translation; # storage of prelabel here, to be used in create_mut_objs_after my $aachange = Bio::Variation::AAChange->new(-start => $RNAprelabel ); $aachange->isMutation(1); $aachange->proof('computed'); $seqDiff->add_Variant($aachange); $self->aachange($aachange); $rnachange->AAChange($aachange); $aachange->RNAChange($rnachange); $aachange->mut_number($self->mutation->issue); # $before_mutation{aachange}=$aachange; my $ra_o = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $ra_o->seq($dnamut->allele_ori->seq) if $dnamut->allele_ori->seq; $rnachange->allele_ori($ra_o); $rnachange->length(CORE::length $rnachange->allele_ori->seq); my $ra_m = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $ra_m->seq($self->mutation->seq) if $self->mutation->seq; $rnachange->allele_mut($ra_m); $rnachange->add_Allele($ra_m); #$rnachange->allele_mut($seq); $rnachange->end($rnachange->start) if $rnachange->length == 0; # this holds the aminoacid sequence that will be affected by the mutation my $aa_allele_ori=$AAobj->labelsubseq($self->mutation->label,undef, $self->mutation->lastlabel); my $aa_o = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $aa_o->seq($aa_allele_ori) if $aa_allele_ori; $aachange->allele_ori($aa_o); #$aachange->allele_ori($aa_allele_ori); my $aa_length_ori = length($aa_allele_ori); $aachange->length($aa_length_ori); #print "==========$aa_length_ori\n"; $aachange->end($aachange->start + $aa_length_ori - 1 ); } =head2 _untranslated Title : _untranslated Usage : Function: Stores RNA change attributes before mutation into Bio::Variation::RNAChange object. Links it to SeqDiff object. Example : Returns : Args : Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object Bio::Variation::DNAMutation object See L, L and L for details. =cut sub _untranslated { my ($self, $seqDiff, $dnamut) = @_; my $rnapos_end; ($self->mutation->len == 0) ? ($rnapos_end = $self->mutation->transpos) : ($rnapos_end = $self->mutation->transpos + $self->mutation->len -1); my $rnachange = Bio::Variation::RNAChange->new(-start => $self->mutation->transpos, -end => $rnapos_end ); #my $rnachange = Bio::Variation::RNAChange->new; $rnachange->isMutation(1); my $ra_o = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $ra_o->seq($dnamut->allele_ori->seq) if $dnamut->allele_ori->seq; $rnachange->allele_ori($ra_o); my $ra_m = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $ra_m->seq($dnamut->allele_mut->seq) if $dnamut->allele_mut->seq; $rnachange->allele_mut($ra_m); $rnachange->add_Allele($ra_m); $rnachange->upStreamSeq($dnamut->upStreamSeq); $rnachange->dnStreamSeq($dnamut->dnStreamSeq); $rnachange->length($dnamut->length); $rnachange->mut_number($dnamut->mut_number); # setting proof if ($seqDiff->numbering eq "coding") { $rnachange->proof('experimental'); } else { $rnachange->proof('computed'); } my $dist; if ($rnachange->end < 0) { $rnachange->region('5\'UTR'); $dnamut->region('5\'UTR'); my $dist = $dnamut->end ; $dnamut->region_dist($dist); $dist = $seqDiff->offset - $self->gene->maxtranscript->start + 1 + $dist; $rnachange->region_dist($dist); return if $dist < 1; # if mutation is not in mRNA } else { $rnachange->region('3\'UTR'); $dnamut->region('3\'UTR'); my $dist = $dnamut->start - $seqDiff->cds_end + $seqDiff->offset; $dnamut->region_dist($dist); $dist = $seqDiff->cds_end - $self->gene->maxtranscript->end -1 + $dist; $rnachange->region_dist($dist); return if $dist > 0; # if mutation is not in mRNA } $seqDiff->add_Variant($rnachange); $self->rnachange($rnachange); $rnachange->DNAMutation($dnamut); $dnamut->RNAChange($rnachange); } # args: reference to label changearray, reference to position changearray # Function: take care of the creation of mutation objects, with # information AFTER the change takes place sub _post_mutation { my ($self, $seqDiff) = @_; if ($self->rnachange and $self->rnachange->region eq 'coding') { #$seqDiff->add_Variant($self->rnachange); my $aachange=$self->aachange; my ($AAobj,$aa_start_prelabel,$aa_start,$mut_translation); $AAobj=$self->RNA->get_Translation; $aa_start_prelabel=$aachange->start; $aa_start=$AAobj->position($self->RNA->label(2,$aa_start_prelabel)); $aachange->start($aa_start); $mut_translation=$AAobj->seq; # this now takes in account possible preinsertions my $aa_m = Bio::Variation::Allele->new; $aa_m->seq(substr($mut_translation,$aa_start-1)) if substr($mut_translation,$aa_start-1); $aachange->allele_mut($aa_m); $aachange->add_Allele($aa_m); #$aachange->allele_mut(substr($mut_translation,$aa_start-1)); #$aachange->allele_mut($mut_translation); my ($rlenori, $rlenmut); $rlenori = CORE::length($aachange->RNAChange->allele_ori->seq); $rlenmut = CORE::length($aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq); #point mutation if ($rlenori == 1 and $rlenmut == 1 and $aachange->allele_ori->seq ne '*') { my $alleleseq; if ($aachange->allele_mut->seq) { $alleleseq = substr($aachange->allele_mut->seq, 0, 1); $aachange->allele_mut->seq($alleleseq); } $aachange->end($aachange->start); $aachange->length(1); } elsif ( $rlenori == $rlenmut and $aachange->allele_ori->seq ne '*' ) { #complex inframe mutation $aachange->allele_mut->seq(substr $aachange->allele_mut->seq, 0, length($aachange->allele_ori->seq)); } #inframe mutation elsif ((int($rlenori-$rlenmut))%3 == 0) { if ($aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq and $aachange->RNAChange->allele_ori->seq ) { # complex my $rna_len = length ($aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq); my $len = $rna_len/3; $len++ unless $rna_len%3 == 0; $aachange->allele_mut->seq(substr $aachange->allele_mut->seq, 0, $len ); } elsif ($aachange->RNAChange->codon_pos == 1){ # deletion if ($aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq eq '') { $aachange->allele_mut->seq(''); $aachange->end($aachange->start + $aachange->length - 1 ); } # insertion elsif ($aachange->RNAChange->allele_ori->seq eq '' ) { $aachange->allele_mut->seq(substr $aachange->allele_mut->seq, 0, length ($aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq) / 3); $aachange->allele_ori->seq(''); $aachange->end($aachange->start + $aachange->length - 1 ); $aachange->length(0); } } else { #elsif ($aachange->RNAChange->codon_pos == 2){ # deletion if (not $aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq ) { $aachange->allele_mut->seq(substr $aachange->allele_mut->seq, 0, 1); } # insertion elsif (not $aachange->RNAChange->allele_ori->seq) { $aachange->allele_mut->seq(substr $aachange->allele_mut->seq, 0, length ($aachange->RNAChange->allele_mut->seq) / 3 +1); } } } else { #frameshift #my $pos = index $aachange->allele_mut #$aachange->allele_mut(substr($aachange->allele_mut, 0, 1)); $aachange->length(CORE::length($aachange->allele_ori->seq)); my $aaend = $aachange->start + $aachange->length -1; $aachange->end($aachange->start); } # splicing site deletion check my @beforeexons=@{$self->exons}; my @afterexons=$self->RNA->all_Exons; my $i; if (scalar(@beforeexons) ne scalar(@afterexons)) { my $mut_number = $self->mutation->issue; $self->warn("Exons have been modified at mutation n.$mut_number!"); $self->rnachange->exons_modified(1); } else { EXONCHECK: foreach $i (0..$#beforeexons) { if ($beforeexons[$i] ne $afterexons[$i]) { my $mut_number = $self->mutation->issue; $self->warn("Exons have been modified at mutation n.$mut_number!"); $self->rnachange->exons_modified(1); last EXONCHECK; } } } } else { #$seqDiff->rnachange(undef); #print "getting here?"; } return 1; } 1;