# $Id: Simple.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Location::Simple # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Heikki Lehvaslaiho # # Copyright Heikki Lehvaslaiho # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Location::Simple - Implementation of a Simple Location on a Sequence =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::Location::Simple; my $location = Bio::Location::Simple->new(-start => 1, -end => 100, -strand => 1 ); if( $location->strand == -1 ) { printf "complement(%d..%d)\n", $location->start, $location->end; } else { printf "%d..%d\n", $location->start, $location->end; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This is an implementation of Bio::LocationI to manage exact location information on a Sequence: '22' or '12..15' or '16^17'. You can test the type of the location using length() function () or directly location_type() which can one of two values: 'EXACT' or 'IN-BETWEEN'. =head1 FEEDBACK User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Heikki Lehvaslaiho Email heikki-at-bioperl-dot-org =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Location::Simple; use strict; use base qw(Bio::Location::Atomic); our %RANGEENCODE = ('\.\.' => 'EXACT', '\^' => 'IN-BETWEEN' ); our %RANGEDECODE = ('EXACT' => '..', 'IN-BETWEEN' => '^' ); sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my ($locationtype) = $self->_rearrange([qw(LOCATION_TYPE)],@args); $locationtype && $self->location_type($locationtype); return $self; } =head2 start Title : start Usage : $start = $loc->start(); Function: get/set the start of this range Returns : the start of this range Args : optionaly allows the start to be set : using $loc->start($start) =cut sub start { my ($self, $value) = @_; $self->{'_start'} = $value if defined $value ; $self->throw("Only adjacent residues when location type ". "is IN-BETWEEN. Not [". $self->{'_start'}. "] and [". $self->{'_end'}. "]" ) if defined $self->{'_start'} && defined $self->{'_end'} && $self->location_type eq 'IN-BETWEEN' && ($self->{'_end'} - 1 != $self->{'_start'}); return $self->{'_start'}; } =head2 end Title : end Usage : $end = $loc->end(); Function: get/set the end of this range Returns : the end of this range Args : optionaly allows the end to be set : using $loc->end($start) Note : If start is set but end is undefined, this now assumes that start is the same as end but throws a warning (i.e. it assumes this is a possible error). If start is undefined, this now throws an exception. =cut sub end { my ($self, $value) = @_; $self->{'_end'} = $value if defined $value ; #assume end is the same as start if not defined if (!defined $self->{'_end'}) { if (!defined $self->{'_start'}) { $self->warn('Calling end without a defined start position'); return; } $self->warn('Setting start equal to end'); $self->{'_end'} = $self->{'_start'}; } $self->throw("Only adjacent residues when location type ". "is IN-BETWEEN. Not [". $self->{'_start'}. "] and [". $self->{'_end'}. "]" ) if defined $self->{'_start'} && defined $self->{'_end'} && $self->location_type eq 'IN-BETWEEN' && ($self->{'_end'} - 1 != $self->{'_start'}); return $self->{'_end'}; } =head2 strand Title : strand Usage : $strand = $loc->strand(); Function: get/set the strand of this range Returns : the strandedness (-1, 0, +1) Args : optionaly allows the strand to be set : using $loc->strand($strand) =cut =head2 length Title : length Usage : $len = $loc->length(); Function: get the length in the coordinate space this location spans Example : Returns : an integer Args : none =cut sub length { my ($self) = @_; if ($self->location_type eq 'IN-BETWEEN' ) { return 0; } else { return abs($self->end - $self->start) + 1; } } =head2 min_start Title : min_start Usage : my $minstart = $location->min_start(); Function: Get minimum starting location of feature startpoint Returns : integer or undef if no minimum starting point. Args : none =cut =head2 max_start Title : max_start Usage : my $maxstart = $location->max_start(); Function: Get maximum starting location of feature startpoint. In this implementation this is exactly the same as min_start(). Returns : integer or undef if no maximum starting point. Args : none =cut =head2 start_pos_type Title : start_pos_type Usage : my $start_pos_type = $location->start_pos_type(); Function: Get start position type (ie <,>, ^). Returns : type of position coded as text ('BEFORE', 'AFTER', 'EXACT','WITHIN', 'BETWEEN') Args : none =cut =head2 min_end Title : min_end Usage : my $minend = $location->min_end(); Function: Get minimum ending location of feature endpoint Returns : integer or undef if no minimum ending point. Args : none =cut =head2 max_end Title : max_end Usage : my $maxend = $location->max_end(); Function: Get maximum ending location of feature endpoint In this implementation this is exactly the same as min_end(). Returns : integer or undef if no maximum ending point. Args : none =cut =head2 end_pos_type Title : end_pos_type Usage : my $end_pos_type = $location->end_pos_type(); Function: Get end position type (ie <,>, ^) Returns : type of position coded as text ('BEFORE', 'AFTER', 'EXACT','WITHIN', 'BETWEEN') Args : none =cut =head2 location_type Title : location_type Usage : my $location_type = $location->location_type(); Function: Get location type encoded as text Returns : string ('EXACT' or 'IN-BETWEEN') Args : 'EXACT' or '..' or 'IN-BETWEEN' or '^' =cut sub location_type { my ($self, $value) = @_; if( defined $value || ! defined $self->{'_location_type'} ) { $value = 'EXACT' unless defined $value; $value = uc $value; if (! defined $RANGEDECODE{$value}) { $value = '\^' if $value eq '^'; $value = '\.\.' if $value eq '..'; $value = $RANGEENCODE{$value}; } $self->throw("Did not specify a valid location type. [$value] is no good") unless defined $value; $self->{'_location_type'} = $value; } $self->throw("Only adjacent residues when location type ". "is IN-BETWEEN. Not [". $self->{'_start'}. "] and [". $self->{'_end'}. "]" ) if $self->{'_location_type'} eq 'IN-BETWEEN' && defined $self->{'_start'} && defined $self->{'_end'} && ($self->{'_end'} - 1 != $self->{'_start'}); return $self->{'_location_type'}; } =head2 is_remote Title : is_remote Usage : $self->is_remote($newval) Function: Getset for is_remote value Returns : value of is_remote Args : newvalue (optional) =cut =head2 to_FTstring Title : to_FTstring Usage : my $locstr = $location->to_FTstring() Function: returns the FeatureTable string of this location Returns : string Args : none =cut sub to_FTstring { my($self) = @_; my $str; if( $self->start == $self->end ) { $str = $self->start; } else { $str = $self->start . $RANGEDECODE{$self->location_type} . $self->end; } if($self->is_remote() && $self->seq_id()) { $str = $self->seq_id() . ":" . $str; } if( defined $self->strand && $self->strand == -1 ) { $str = "complement(".$str.")"; } return $str; } =head2 valid_Location Title : valid_Location Usage : if ($location->valid_location) {...}; Function: boolean method to determine whether location is considered valid (has minimum requirements for Simple implementation) Returns : Boolean value: true if location is valid, false otherwise Args : none =cut # comments, not function added by jason # # trunc is untested, and as of now unannounced method for truncating a # location. This is to eventually be part of the procedure to # truncate a sequence with annotatioin and properly remap the location # of all the features contained within the truncated segment. # presumably this might do things a little differently for the case # where the truncation splits the location in half # # in short- you probably don't want to use this method. sub trunc { my ($self,$start,$end,$relative_ori) = @_; my $newstart = $self->start - $start+1; my $newend = $self->end - $start+1; my $newstrand = $relative_ori * $self->strand; my $out; if( $newstart < 1 || $newend > ($end-$start+1) ) { $out = Bio::Location::Simple->new(); $out->start($self->start); $out->end($self->end); $out->strand($self->strand); $out->seq_id($self->seqid); $out->is_remote(1); } else { $out = Bio::Location::Simple->new(); $out->start($newstart); $out->end($newend); $out->strand($newstrand); $out->seq_id(); } return $out; } 1;