# $Id: PositionHandler.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Map::PositionHandler # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Sendu Bala # # Copyright Sendu Bala # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Map::PositionHandler - A Position Handler Implementation =head1 SYNOPSIS # This is used by modules when they want to implement being a # Position or being something that has Positions (when they are # a L) # Make a PositionHandler that knows about you my $ph = Bio::Map::PositionHandler->new($self); # Register with it so that it handles your Position-related needs $ph->register; # If you are a position, get/set the map you are on and the marker you are # for $ph->map($map); $ph->element($marker); my $map = $ph->map; my $marker = $ph->element; # If you are a marker, add a new position to yourself $ph->add_positions($pos); # And then get all your positions on a particular map foreach my $pos ($ph->get_positions($map)) { # do something with this Bio::Map::PositionI } # Or find out what maps you exist on my @maps = $ph->get_other_entities; # The same applies if you were a map =head1 DESCRIPTION A Position Handler copes with the coordination of different Bio::Map::EntityI objects, adding and removing them from each other and knowning who belongs to who. These relationships between objects are based around shared Positions, hence PositionHandler. This PositionHandler is able to cope with Bio::Map::PositionI objects, Bio::Map::MappableI objects and Bio::Map::MapI objects. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Sendu Bala Email bix@sendu.me.uk =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Map::PositionHandler; use strict; use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Map::PositionHandlerI); # globally accessible hash, via private instance methods my $RELATIONS = {}; =head2 General methods =cut =head2 new Title : new Usage : my $position_handler = Bio::Map::PositionHandler->new(-self => $self); Function: Get a Bio::Map::PositionHandler that knows who you are. Returns : Bio::Map::PositionHandler object Args : -self => Bio::Map::EntityI that is you =cut sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my ($you) = $self->_rearrange([qw(SELF)], @args); $self->throw('Must supply -self') unless $you; $self->throw('-self must be a reference (object)') unless ref($you); $self->throw('This is [$you], not a Bio::Map::EntityI object') unless $you->isa('Bio::Map::EntityI'); $self->{_who} = $you; $self->{_rel} = $RELATIONS; return $self; } =head2 register Title : register Usage : $position_handler->register(); Function: Ask this Position Handler to look after your entity relationships. Returns : n/a Args : none =cut sub register { my $self = shift; my $you = $self->{_who}; $self->throw("Trying to re-register [$you], which could be bad") if $you->get_position_handler->index; $self->{_index} = ++$self->{_rel}->{assigned_indices}; $self->{_rel}->{registered}->{$self->{_index}} = $you; } =head2 index Title : index Usage : my $index = $position_handler->index(); Function: Get the unique registry index for yourself, generated during the resistration process. Returns : int Args : none =cut sub index { my $self = shift; return $self->{_index}; } =head2 get_entity Title : get_entity Usage : my $entity = $position_handler->get_entity($index); Function: Get the entity that corresponds to the supplied registry index. Returns : Bio::Map::EntityI object Args : int =cut sub get_entity { my ($self, $index) = @_; return $self->{_rel}->{registered}->{$index} || $self->throw("Requested registy index '$index' but that index isn't in the registry"); } =head2 Methods for Bio::Map::PositionI objects =cut =head2 map Title : map Usage : my $map = $position_handler->map(); $position_handler->map($map); Function: Get/Set the map you are on. You must be a Position. Returns : L Args : none to get, OR new L to set =cut sub map { my ($self, $entity) = @_; return $self->_pos_get_set($entity, 'position_maps', 'Bio::Map::MapI'); } =head2 element Title : element Usage : my $element = $position_handler->element(); $position_handler->element($element); Function: Get/Set the map element you are for. You must be a Position. Returns : L Args : none to get, OR new L to set =cut sub element { my ($self, $entity) = @_; return $self->_pos_get_set($entity, 'position_elements', 'Bio::Map::MappableI'); } =head2 Methods for all other Bio::Map::EntityI objects =cut =head2 add_positions Title : add_positions Usage : $position_handler->add_positions($pos1, $pos2, ...); Function: Add some positions to yourself. You can't be a position. Returns : n/a Args : Array of Bio::Map::PositionI objects =cut sub add_positions { my $self = shift; $self->throw('Must supply at least one Bio::Map::EntityI') unless @_ > 0; my $you_index = $self->_get_you_index(0); my $kind = $self->_get_kind; foreach my $pos (@_) { $self->_check_object($pos, 'Bio::Map::PositionI'); my $pos_index = $self->_get_other_index($pos); $self->_pos_set($pos_index, $you_index, $kind); } } =head2 get_positions Title : get_positions Usage : my @positions = $position_handler->get_positions(); Function: Get all your positions. You can't be a Position. Returns : Array of Bio::Map::PositionI objects Args : none for all, OR Bio::Map::EntityI object to limit the Positions to those that are shared by you and this other entity. =cut sub get_positions { my ($self, $entity) = @_; my $you_index = $self->_get_you_index(0); my @positions = keys %{$self->{_rel}->{has}->{$you_index}}; if ($entity) { my $entity_index = $self->_get_other_index($entity); my $pos_ref = $self->{_rel}->{has}->{$entity_index}; @positions = grep { $pos_ref->{$_} } @positions; } return map { $self->get_entity($_) } @positions; } =head2 purge_positions Title : purge_positions Usage : $position_handler->purge_positions(); Function: Remove all positions from yourself. You can't be a Position. Returns : n/a Args : none to remove all, OR Bio::Map::PositionI object to remove only that entity, OR Bio::Map::EntityI object to limit the removal to those Positions that are shared by you and this other entity. =cut sub purge_positions { my ($self, $thing) = @_; my $you_index = $self->_get_you_index(0); my $kind = $self->_get_kind; my @pos_indices; if ($thing) { $self->throw("Must supply an object") unless ref($thing); if ($thing->isa("Bio::Map::PositionI")) { @pos_indices = ($self->_get_other_index($thing)); } else { my $entity_index = $self->_get_other_index($thing); my $pos_ref = $self->{_rel}->{has}->{$entity_index}; @pos_indices = grep { $pos_ref->{$_} } keys %{$self->{_rel}->{has}->{$you_index}}; } } else { @pos_indices = keys %{$self->{_rel}->{has}->{$you_index}}; } foreach my $pos_index (@pos_indices) { $self->_purge_pos_entity($pos_index, $you_index, $kind); } } =head2 get_other_entities Title : get_other_entities Usage : my @entities = $position_handler->get_other_entities(); Function: Get all the entities that share your Positions. You can't be a Position. Returns : Array of Bio::Map::EntityI objects Args : none =cut sub get_other_entities { my $self = shift; my $you_index = $self->_get_you_index(0); my $kind = $self->_get_kind; my $want = $kind eq 'position_elements' ? 'position_maps' : 'position_elements'; my %entities; while (my ($pos_index) = each %{$self->{_rel}->{has}->{$you_index}}) { my $entity_index = $self->{_rel}->{$want}->{$pos_index}; $entities{$entity_index} = 1 if $entity_index; } return map { $self->get_entity($_) } keys %entities; } # do basic check on an object, make sure it is the right type sub _check_object { my ($self, $object, $interface) = @_; $self->throw("Must supply an arguement") unless $object; $self->throw("This is [$object], not an object") unless ref($object); $self->throw("This is [$object], not a $interface") unless $object->isa($interface); } # get the object we are the handler of, its index, and throw depending on if # we're a Position sub _get_you_index { my ($self, $should_be_pos) = @_; my $you = $self->{_who}; if ($should_be_pos) { $self->throw("This is not a Position, method invalid") unless $you->isa('Bio::Map::PositionI'); } else { $self->throw("This is a Position, method invalid") if $you->isa('Bio::Map::PositionI'); } return $self->index; } # check an entity is registered and get its index sub _get_other_index { my ($self, $entity) = @_; $self->throw("Must supply an object") unless ref($entity); my $index = $entity->get_position_handler->index; $self->throw("Entity doesn't seem like it's been registered") unless $index; $self->throw("Entity may have been registered with a different PositionHandler, can't deal with it") unless $entity eq $self->get_entity($index); return $index; } # which of the position hashes should we be recorded under? sub _get_kind { my $self = shift; my $you = $self->{_who}; return $you->isa('Bio::Map::MapI') ? 'position_maps' : $you->isa('Bio::Map::MappableI') ? 'position_elements' : $self->throw("This is [$you] which is an unsupported kind of entity"); } # get/set position entity sub _pos_get_set { my ($self, $entity, $kind, $interface) = @_; my $you_index = $self->_get_you_index(1); my $entity_index; if ($entity) { $self->_check_object($entity, $interface); my $new_entity_index = $self->_get_other_index($entity); $entity_index = $self->_pos_set($you_index, $new_entity_index, $kind); } $entity_index ||= $self->{_rel}->{$kind}->{$you_index} || 0; if ($entity_index) { return $self->get_entity($entity_index); } return; } # set position entity sub _pos_set { my ($self, $pos_index, $new_entity_index, $kind) = @_; my $current_entity_index = $self->{_rel}->{$kind}->{$pos_index} || 0; if ($current_entity_index) { if ($current_entity_index == $new_entity_index) { return $current_entity_index; } $self->_purge_pos_entity($pos_index, $current_entity_index, $kind); } $self->{_rel}->{has}->{$new_entity_index}->{$pos_index} = 1; $self->{_rel}->{$kind}->{$pos_index} = $new_entity_index; return $new_entity_index; } # disassociate position from one of its current entities sub _purge_pos_entity { my ($self, $pos_index, $entity_index, $kind) = @_; delete $self->{_rel}->{has}->{$entity_index}->{$pos_index}; delete $self->{_rel}->{$kind}->{$pos_index}; } 1;