# $Id: HTTPget.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for fallback HTTP get operations. # # Module is proxy-aware # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Chris Dagdigian # but all of the good stuff was written by # Lincoln Stein. # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Root::HTTPget - module for fallback HTTP get operations when LWP:: is unavailable =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::Root::HTTPget; my $web = Bio::Root::HTTPget->new(); my $response = $web->get('http://localhost'); $response = $web->get('http://localhost/images'); $response = eval { $web->get('http://fred:secret@localhost/ladies_only/') } or warn $@; $response = eval { $web->get('http://jeff:secret@localhost/ladies_only/') } or warn $@; $response = $web->get('http://localhost/images/navauthors.gif'); $response = $web->get(-url=>'http://www.google.com', -proxy=>'http://www.modperl.com'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is basically an last-chance module for doing network HTTP get requests in situations where more advanced external CPAN modules such as LWP:: are not installed. The particular reason this module was developed was so that the Open Bio Database Access code can fallback to fetching the default registry files from http://open-bio.org/registry/ without having to depend on external dependencies like Bundle::LWP for network HTTP access. The core of this module was written by Lincoln Stein. It can handle proxies and HTTP-based proxy authentication. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Lincoln Stein # Please direct questions and support issues to I Cared for by Chris Dagdigian =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Root::HTTPget; use strict; use IO::Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf); use base qw(Bio::Root::Root); =head2 get Title : get Usage : my $resp = get(-url => $url); Function: Returns : string Args : -url => URL to HTTPGet -proxy => proxy to use -user => username for proxy or authentication -pass => password for proxy or authentication -timeout => timeout =cut sub get { my $self; if( ref($_[0]) ) { $self = shift; } my ($url,$proxy,$timeout,$auth_user,$auth_pass) = __PACKAGE__->_rearrange([qw(URL PROXY TIMEOUT USER PASS)],@_); my $dest = $proxy || $url; my ($host,$port,$path,$user,$pass) = _http_parse_url($dest) or __PACKAGE__->throw("invalid URL $url"); $auth_user ||= $user; $auth_pass ||= $pass; if ($self) { unless ($proxy) { $proxy = $self->proxy; } unless ($auth_user) { ($auth_user, $auth_pass) = $self->authentication; } } $path = $url if $proxy; # set up the connection my $socket = _http_connect($host,$port) or __PACKAGE__->throw("can't connect: $@"); # the request print $socket "GET $path HTTP/1.0$CRLF"; print $socket "User-Agent: Bioperl fallback fetcher/1.0$CRLF"; # Support virtual hosts print $socket "HOST: $host$CRLF"; if ($auth_user && $auth_pass) { # authentication information my $token = _encode_base64("$auth_user:$auth_pass"); print $socket "Authorization: Basic $token$CRLF"; } print $socket "$CRLF"; # read the response my $response; { local $/ = "$CRLF$CRLF"; $response = <$socket>; } my ($status_line,@other_lines) = split $CRLF,$response; my ($stat_code,$stat_msg) = $status_line =~ m!^HTTP/1\.[01] (\d+) (.+)! or __PACKAGE__->throw("invalid response from web server: got $response"); my %headers = map {/^(\S+): (.+)/} @other_lines; if ($stat_code == 302 || $stat_code == 301) { # redirect my $location = $headers{Location} or __PACKAGE__->throw("invalid redirect: no Location header"); return get(-url => $location, -proxy => $proxy, -timeout => $timeout, -user => $auth_user, -pass => $auth_pass); # recursive call } elsif ($stat_code == 401) { # auth required my $auth_required = $headers{'WWW-Authenticate'}; $auth_required =~ /^Basic realm="([^\"]+)"/ or __PACKAGE__->throw("server requires unknown type of". " authentication: $auth_required"); __PACKAGE__->throw("request failed: $status_line, realm = $1"); } elsif ($stat_code != 200) { __PACKAGE__->throw("request failed: $status_line"); } $response = ''; while (1) { my $bytes = read($socket,$response,2048,length $response); last unless $bytes > 0; } $response; } =head2 getFH Title : getFH Usage : Function: Example : Returns : string Args : =cut sub getFH { my ($url,$proxy,$timeout,$auth_user,$auth_pass) = __PACKAGE__->_rearrange([qw(URL PROXY TIMEOUT USER PASS)],@_); my $dest = $proxy || $url; my ($host,$port,$path,$user,$pass) = _http_parse_url($dest) or __PACKAGE__->throw("invalid URL $url"); $auth_user ||= $user; $auth_pass ||= $pass; $path = $url if $proxy; # set up the connection my $socket = _http_connect($host,$port) or __PACKAGE__->throw("can't connect: $@"); # the request print $socket "GET $path HTTP/1.0$CRLF"; print $socket "User-Agent: Bioperl fallback fetcher/1.0$CRLF"; # Support virtual hosts print $socket "HOST: $host$CRLF"; if ($auth_user && $auth_pass) { # authentication information my $token = _encode_base64("$auth_user:$auth_pass"); print $socket "Authorization: Basic $token$CRLF"; } print $socket "$CRLF"; # read the response my $response; { local $/ = "$CRLF$CRLF"; $response = <$socket>; } my ($status_line,@other_lines) = split $CRLF,$response; my ($stat_code,$stat_msg) = $status_line =~ m!^HTTP/1\.[01] (\d+) (.+)! or __PACKAGE__->throw("invalid response from web server: got $response"); my %headers = map {/^(\S+): (.+)/} @other_lines; if ($stat_code == 302 || $stat_code == 301) { # redirect my $location = $headers{Location} or __PACKAGE__->throw("invalid redirect: no Location header"); return getFH(-url => $location, -proxy => $proxy, -timeout => $timeout, -user => $auth_user, -pass => $auth_pass); # recursive call } elsif ($stat_code == 401) { # auth required my $auth_required = $headers{'WWW-Authenticate'}; $auth_required =~ /^Basic realm="([^\"]+)"/ or __PACKAGE__->throw("server requires unknown type of ". "authentication: $auth_required"); __PACKAGE__->throw("request failed: $status_line, realm = $1"); } elsif ($stat_code != 200) { __PACKAGE__->throw("request failed: $status_line"); } # Now that we are reasonably sure the socket and request # are OK we pass the socket back as a filehandle so it can # be processed by the caller... $socket; } =head2 _http_parse_url Title : Usage : Function: Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub _http_parse_url { my $url = shift; my ($user,$pass,$hostent,$path) = $url =~ m!^http://(?:([^:]+):([^:]+)@)?([^/]+)(/?[^\#]*)! or return; $path ||= '/'; my ($host,$port) = split(':',$hostent); return ($host,$port||80,$path,$user,$pass); } =head2 _http_connect Title : Usage : Function: Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub _http_connect { my ($host,$port,$timeout) = @_; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM, PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => $timeout, ); $sock; } =head2 _encode_base64 Title : Usage : Function: Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub _encode_base64 { my $res = ""; my $eol = $_[1]; $eol = "\n" unless defined $eol; pos($_[0]) = 0; # ensure start at the beginning $res = join '', map( pack('u',$_)=~ /^.(\S*)/, ($_[0]=~/(.{1,45})/gs)); $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; # `# help emacs # fix padding at the end my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3; $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding; # break encoded string into lines of no more than 76 characters each if (length $eol) { $res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1$eol/g; } return $res; } =head2 proxy Title : proxy Usage : $httpproxy = $db->proxy('http') or $db->proxy(['http','ftp'], 'http://myproxy' ) Function: Get/Set a proxy for use of proxy. Defaults to environment variable http_proxy if present. Returns : a string indicating the proxy Args : $protocol : an array ref of the protocol(s) to set/get $proxyurl : url of the proxy to use for the specified protocol $username : username (if proxy requires authentication) $password : password (if proxy requires authentication) =cut sub proxy { my ($self,$protocol,$proxy,$username,$password) = @_; $protocol ||= 'http'; unless ($proxy) { if (defined $ENV{http_proxy}) { $proxy = $ENV{http_proxy}; if ($proxy =~ /\@/) { ($username, $password, $proxy) = $proxy =~ m{http://(\S+):(\S+)\@(\S+)}; $proxy = 'http://'.$proxy; } } } return unless (defined $proxy); $self->authentication($username, $password) if ($username && $password); return $self->{'_proxy'}->{$protocol} = $proxy; } =head2 authentication Title : authentication Usage : $db->authentication($user,$pass) Function: Get/Set authentication credentials Returns : Array of user/pass Args : Array or user/pass =cut sub authentication{ my ($self,$u,$p) = @_; if( defined $u && defined $p ) { $self->{'_authentication'} = [ $u,$p]; } return @{$self->{'_authentication'} || []}; } 1;