# $Id: GenericIteration.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Steve Chervitz # # Copyright Steve Chervitz # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code # TODO: Consider calling this BlastIteration (strongly) and maybe simplifying IterationI. =head1 NAME Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration - A generic implementation of the Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI interface. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration; my $it = Bio::Search::GenericIteration->new( -number => 1, -converged => 0, -newhits_unclassified => [@newhits_unclass], -newhits_below => [@newhits_below_threshold], -newhits_not_below => [@newhits_not_below_threshold], -oldhits_below => [@oldhits_below_threshold], -oldhits_newly_below => [@oldhits_newly_below_threshold], -oldhits_not_below => [@oldhits_not_below_threshold], ); # TODO: Describe how to configure a SearchIO stream so that it generates # GenericIteration objects. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module acts as a container for Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects, allowing a Search::Result::ResultI object to partition its hits based on which iteration the hit occurred in (e.g., a PSI-BLAST round). Unless you're writing a parser, you won't ever need to create a GenericIteration or any other IterationI-implementing object. If you use the SearchIO system, IterationI objects are created automatically from a SearchIO stream which returns Bio::Search::Result::ResultI objects and you get the IterationI objects via the ResultI API. For documentation on what you can do with GenericIteration (and other IterationI objects), please see the API documentation in L. Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration is similar in spirit to the deprecated Bio::Tools::BPlite::Iteration modules in bioperl releases prior to 1.6, except that Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration is a pure container, without any parsing functionality as is in Bio::Tools::BPlite::Iteration. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Steve Chervitz Email sac@bioperl.org =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration; use strict; use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI); =head2 new Title : new Usage : my $obj = Bio::Search::Iteration->new(%args); Function: Builds a new Bio::Search::Iteration object Returns : Bio::Search::Iteration::GenericIteration object Args : -number => integer for the number of this iteration (required) -converged => boolean value whether or not the iteration converged -newhits_unclassified => array reference to hits that were not found in a previous iteration for the iteration and have not been classified with regard to the inclusion threshold # The following are only used for PSI-BLAST reports: -newhits_below => array reference to hits were not found in a previous iteration and are below the inclusion threshold. -newhits_not_below => array reference to hits that were not found in a previous iteration below threshold that and are not below the inclusion threshold threshold. -oldhits_below => array reference to hits that were found in a previous iteration below inclusion threshold and are still below threshold in the current iteration. -oldhits_newly_below => array reference to hits that were found in a previous iteration above threshold but are below threshold in the current iteration. -oldhits_not_below => array reference to hits that were found in a previous iteration above threshold that and are still above the inclusion threshold threshold. -hit_factory => Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI capable of making Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects =cut sub new { my($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my ($number, $newhits_unclassified, $newhits_below, $newhits_not_below, $oldhits_below, $oldhits_newly_below, $oldhits_not_below, $converged, $h_f) = $self->_rearrange([qw(NUMBER NEWHITS_UNCLASSIFIED NEWHITS_BELOW NEWHITS_NOT_BELOW OLDHITS_BELOW OLDHITS_NEWLY_BELOW OLDHITS_NOT_BELOW CONVERGED HIT_FACTORY )], @args); if( ! defined $number ) { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Iteration number not specified."); } else { $self->number($number); } defined $converged && $self->converged($converged); # TODO: Performance optimization test calling add_hit() vs. simple assignment: # push @{$self->{'_hits_new'}}, @{$newhits}; # vs. # foreach(@{$newhits_below}) {$self->add_hit(-hit=>$_, -old=>0, -below=>1);} if(defined $newhits_unclassified ) { if( ref($newhits_unclassified) =~ /ARRAY/i) { push @{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}, @{$newhits_unclassified}; } else { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Parameter NEWHITS is not an array ref: $newhits_unclassified"); } } else { $self->{'_newhits_unclassified'} = []; } if(defined $newhits_below ) { if( ref($newhits_below) =~ /ARRAY/i) { push @{$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}, @{$newhits_below}; } else { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Parameter NEWHITS_BELOW is not an array ref: $newhits_below"); } } else { $self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'} = []; } if(defined $newhits_not_below ) { if( ref($newhits_not_below) =~ /ARRAY/i) { push @{$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}, @{$newhits_not_below}; } else { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Parameter NEWHITS_NOT_BELOW is not an array ref: $newhits_not_below"); } } else { $self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'} = []; } if(defined $oldhits_below ) { if( ref($oldhits_below) =~ /ARRAY/i) { push @{$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}, @{$oldhits_below}; } else { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Parameter OLDHITS_BELOW is not an array ref: $oldhits_below"); } } else { $self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'} = []; } if(defined $oldhits_newly_below ) { if( ref($oldhits_newly_below) =~ /ARRAY/i) { push @{$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}, @{$oldhits_newly_below}; } else { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Parameter OLDHITS_NEWLY_BELOW is not an array ref: $oldhits_newly_below"); } } else { $self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'} = []; } if(defined $oldhits_not_below ) { if( ref($oldhits_not_below) =~ /ARRAY/i) { push @{$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}, @{$oldhits_not_below}; } else { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Parameter OLDHITS_NOT_BELOW is not an array ref: $oldhits_not_below"); } } else { $self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'} = []; } $self->hit_factory($h_f) if $h_f; return $self; } =head2 number See documentation in Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI. =cut sub number { my ($self,$value) = @_; my $previous = $self->{'_number'}; if( defined $value || ! defined $previous ) { $value = $previous = '' unless defined $value; $self->{'_number'} = $value; } return $previous; } =head2 converged See documentation in Bio::Search::Iteration::IterationI. =cut sub converged { my ($self,$value) = @_; my $previous = $self->{'_converged'}; if( defined $value || ! defined $previous ) { $value = $previous = '' unless defined $value; $self->{'_converged'} = $value; } return $previous; } =head2 hit_factory Title : hit_factory Usage : $hit->hit_factory($hit_factory) Function: Get/set the factory used to build HitI objects if necessary. Returns : Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI Args : Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI =cut sub hit_factory { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_hit_factory} = shift } return $self->{_hit_factory} || return; } =head2 next_hit This iterates through all old hits as returned by L followed by all new hits as returned by L. For more documentation see L. =cut sub next_hit { my ($self) = @_; unless($self->{'_hit_queue_started'}) { $self->{'_hit_queue'} = ( [$self->oldhits(), $self->newhits()] ); $self->{'_hit_queue_started'} = 1; } return shift @{$self->{'_hit_queue'}}; } =head2 next_hit_new See documentation in L. =cut sub next_hit_new { my ($self) = @_; unless($self->{'_hit_queue_new_started'}) { $self->{'_hit_queue_new'} = [$self->newhits()]; $self->{'_hit_queue_new_started'} = 1; } return shift @{$self->{'_hit_queue_new'}}; } =head2 next_hit_old See documentation in L. =cut sub next_hit_old { my ($self,$found_again) = @_; unless($self->{'_hit_queue_old_started'}) { $self->{'_hit_queue_old'} = [$self->oldhits()]; $self->{'_hit_queue_old_started'} = 1; } return shift @{$self->{'_hit_queue_old'}}; } =head2 rewind Title : rewind Usage : $iteration->rewind; Function: Allow one to reset the Hit iterators to the beginning Since this is an in-memory implementation Returns : none Args : none =cut sub rewind { my $self = shift; $self->{'_hit_queue_started'} = 0; $self->{'_hit_queue_new_started'} = 0; $self->{'_hit_queue_old_started'} = 0; foreach ($self->hits) { $_->rewind; } } =head2 num_hits See documentation in L. =cut sub num_hits { my $self = shift; return $self->num_hits_old + $self->num_hits_new; } =head2 num_hits_new See documentation in L. =cut sub num_hits_new { my $self = shift; return scalar $self->newhits(); } =head2 num_hits_old See documentation in L. =cut sub num_hits_old { my ($self,$found_again) = @_; return scalar $self->oldhits(); } =head2 add_hit See documentation in L. =cut sub add_hit { my ($self,@args) = @_; my( $hit, $old, $below, $newly_below ) = $self->_rearrange([qw(HIT OLD BELOW_THRESHOLD NEWLY_BELOW )], @args); my $count = 0; unless( ref($hit) eq 'HASH' || $hit->isa('Bio::Search::Hit::HitI') ) { $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter', -text=>"Passed in " .ref($hit). " as a Hit which is not a Bio::Search::Hit::HitI."); } if($old) { if ($newly_below) { push @{$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}, $hit; $count = scalar @{$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}; } elsif ($below) { push @{$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}, $hit; $count = scalar @{$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}; } else { push @{$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}, $hit; $count = scalar @{$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}; } } elsif (defined $old) { # -old is defined but false, so this is a new PSI-BLAST hit if ($below) { push @{$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}, $hit; $count = scalar @{$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}; } elsif (defined $below) { push @{$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}, $hit; $count = scalar @{$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}; } else { # -below not defined, PSI-BLAST threshold may not be known push @{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}, $hit; $count = scalar @{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}; } } else { # -old not defined, so it's non-PSI-BLAST push @{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}, $hit; $count = scalar @{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}; } return $count; } =head2 hits See Documentation in InterfaceI. =cut sub hits { my $self = shift; # print STDERR "Called GenericIteration::hits()\n"; my @new = $self->newhits; my @old = $self->oldhits; return ( @new, @old ); } =head2 newhits Returns a list containing all newhits in this order: newhits_below_threshold newhits_not_below_threshold newhits_unclassified See more documentation in InterfaceI. =cut sub newhits { my $self = shift; my @hits = $self->newhits_below_threshold; push @hits, $self->newhits_not_below_threshold; push @hits, $self->newhits_unclassified; return @hits; } =head2 newhits_below_threshold See documentation in L. =cut sub newhits_below_threshold { my $self = shift; if (ref $self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'} ) { my $factory = $self->hit_factory || return @{$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}; for (0..$#{$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}) { ref(${$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}[$_]) eq 'HASH' || next; ${$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}[$_] = $factory->create_object(%{${$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}[$_]}); } return @{$self->{'_newhits_below_threshold'}}; } return; } =head2 newhits_not_below_threshold See documentation in L. =cut sub newhits_not_below_threshold { my $self = shift; if (ref $self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'} ) { my $factory = $self->hit_factory || return @{$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}; for (0..$#{$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}) { ref(${$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}[$_]) eq 'HASH' || next; ${$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}[$_] = $factory->create_object(%{${$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}[$_]}); } return @{$self->{'_newhits_not_below_threshold'}}; } return; } =head2 newhits_unclassified Title : newhits_unclassified Usage : foreach( $iteration->hits_unclassified ) {...} Function: Gets all newhits that have not been partitioned into sets relative to the inclusion threshold. Returns : Array of Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects. Args : none =cut sub newhits_unclassified { my $self = shift; if (ref $self->{'_newhits_unclassified'} ) { my $factory = $self->hit_factory || return @{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}; for (0..$#{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}) { ref(${$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}[$_]) eq 'HASH' || next; ${$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}[$_] = $factory->create_object(%{${$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}[$_]}); } return @{$self->{'_newhits_unclassified'}}; } return; } =head2 oldhits Returns a list containing all oldhits in this order: oldhits_below_threshold oldhits_newly_below_threshold oldhits_not_below_threshold See more documentation in InterfaceI. =cut sub oldhits { my $self = shift; my @hits = $self->oldhits_below_threshold; push @hits, $self->oldhits_newly_below_threshold; push @hits, $self->oldhits_not_below_threshold; return @hits; } =head2 oldhits_below_threshold See documentation in L. =cut sub oldhits_below_threshold { my $self = shift; if (ref $self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'} ) { my $factory = $self->hit_factory || return @{$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}; for (0..$#{$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}) { ref(${$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}[$_]) eq 'HASH' || next; ${$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}[$_] = $factory->create_object(%{${$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}[$_]}); } return @{$self->{'_oldhits_below_threshold'}}; } return; } =head2 oldhits_newly_below_threshold See documentation in L. =cut sub oldhits_newly_below_threshold { my $self = shift; if (ref $self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'} ) { my $factory = $self->hit_factory || return @{$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}; for (0..$#{$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}) { ref(${$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}[$_]) eq 'HASH' || next; ${$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}[$_] = $factory->create_object(%{${$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}[$_]}); } return @{$self->{'_oldhits_newly_below_threshold'}}; } return; } =head2 oldhits_not_below_threshold See documentation in L. =cut sub oldhits_not_below_threshold { my $self = shift; if (ref $self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'} ) { my $factory = $self->hit_factory || return @{$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}; for (0..$#{$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}) { ref(${$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}[$_]) eq 'HASH' || next; ${$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}[$_] = $factory->create_object(%{${$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}[$_]}); } return @{$self->{'_oldhits_not_below_threshold'}}; } return; } =head2 hits_below_threshold See documentation in L. =cut sub hits_below_threshold { my $self = shift; my @hits = $self->newhits_below_threshold; push @hits, $self->oldhits_newly_below_threshold; return @hits; } =head2 get_hit See documentation in L. To free up the memory used by the get_hit() functionality, call free_hit_lookup(). This functionality might be useful at the Result level, too. BlastResult::get_hit() would return a list of HitI objects for hits that occur in multiple iterations. =cut sub get_hit { my ($self,$name) = @_; $self->_create_hit_lookup() unless defined $self->{'_hit_lookup'}; return $self->{'_hit_lookup'}->{"\U$name"}; } # Internal method. sub _create_hit_lookup { my $self = shift; foreach ($self->hits) { my $hname = $_->name; $self->{'_hit_lookup'}->{"\U$hname"} = $_; } } =head2 free_hit_lookup Purpose : Frees up the memory used by the get_hit() functionality. For the memory-conscious. =cut sub free_hit_lookup { my $self = shift; undef $self->{'_hit_lookup'}; } 1;