# $Id: Annotated.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Allen Day # # Copyright Allen Day # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated - PLEASE PUT SOMETHING HERE =head1 SYNOPSIS # none yet, complain to authors =head1 DESCRIPTION None yet, complain to authors. =head1 Implemented Interfaces This class implements the following interfaces. =over 4 =item Bio::SeqFeatureI Note that this includes implementing Bio::RangeI. =item Bio::AnnotatableI =item Bio::FeatureHolderI Features held by a feature are essentially sub-features. =back =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Allen Day Allen Day Eallenday at ucla.eduE =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut package Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated; use strict; use Bio::Annotation::Collection; use Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm; use Bio::Annotation::Target; use Bio::LocatableSeq; use Bio::Location::Simple; use Bio::Ontology::OntologyStore; use Bio::Tools::GFF; use Bio::SeqFeature::AnnotationAdaptor; use Data::Dumper; use URI::Escape; use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::SeqFeature::TypedSeqFeatureI Bio::AnnotatableI Bio::FeatureHolderI); our %tagclass = ( comment => 'Bio::Annotation::Comment', dblink => 'Bio::Annotation::DBLink', description => 'Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue', gene_name => 'Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue', ontology_term => 'Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm', reference => 'Bio::Annotation::Reference', __DEFAULT__ => 'Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue', ); our %tag2text = ( 'Bio::Annotation::Comment' => 'text', 'Bio::Annotation::DBLink' => 'primary_id', 'Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue' => 'value', 'Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue' => 'value', 'Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm' => 'name', 'Bio::Annotation::Reference' => 'title', __DEFAULT__ => 'value', ); ###################################### #get_SeqFeatures #display_name #primary_tag #source_tag x with warning #has_tag #get_tag_values #get_tagset_values #get_all_tags #attach_seq #seq x #entire_seq x #seq_id #gff_string #_static_gff_handler #start x #end x #strand x #location #primary_id =head1 PREAMBLE Okay, where to start... The original idea for this class appears to lump all SeqFeatureI data (primary_tag, source_tag, etc) into AnnotationI objects into an Bio::Annotation::Collection. The type is then checked against SOFA. There have been several requests to have type checking be optionally run. Bio::FeatureHolderI::create_hierarchy_from_ParentIDs Bio::FeatureHolderI::feature_count Bio::FeatureHolderI::get_all_SeqFeatures Bio::FeatureHolderI::set_ParentIDs_from_hierarchy Bio::RangeI::contains Bio::RangeI::disconnected_ranges Bio::RangeI::equals Bio::RangeI::intersection Bio::RangeI::offsetStranded Bio::RangeI::overlap_extent Bio::RangeI::overlaps Bio::RangeI::subtract Bio::RangeI::union Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::Dumper Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::MAX_TYPE_CACHE_MEMBERS Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::add_Annotation Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::add_SeqFeature Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::add_tag_value Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::add_target Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::annotation Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::attach_seq Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::display_name Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::each_target Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::end Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::entire_seq Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::frame Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::from_feature Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::get_Annotations Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::get_SeqFeatures Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::get_all_tags Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::get_tag_values Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::get_tagset_values Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::has_tag Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::length Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::location Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::name Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::new Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::phase Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::primary_tag Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::remove_Annotations Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::remove_SeqFeatures Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::remove_tag Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::score Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::seq Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::seq_id Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::source Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::source_tag Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::start Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::strand Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::type Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::uri_escape Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated::uri_unescape Bio::SeqFeature::TypedSeqFeatureI::croak Bio::SeqFeature::TypedSeqFeatureI::ontology_term Bio::SeqFeatureI::generate_unique_persistent_id Bio::SeqFeatureI::gff_string Bio::SeqFeatureI::primary_id Bio::SeqFeatureI::spliced_seq =cut sub new { my ( $caller, @args) = @_; my ($self) = $caller->SUPER::new(@args); $self->_initialize(@args); return $self; } sub _initialize { my ($self,@args) = @_; my ($start, $end, $strand, $frame, $phase, $score, $name, $annot, $location, $display_name, # deprecate $seq_id, $type,$source,$feature ) = $self->_rearrange([qw(START END STRAND FRAME PHASE SCORE NAME ANNOTATION LOCATION DISPLAY_NAME SEQ_ID TYPE SOURCE FEATURE )], @args); defined $start && $self->start($start); defined $end && $self->end($end); defined $strand && $self->strand($strand); defined $frame && $self->frame($frame); defined $phase && $self->phase($phase); defined $score && $self->score($score); defined $source && ref($source) ? $self->source($source) : $self->source_tag($source); defined $type && ref($type) ? $self->type($type) : $self->primary_tag($type); defined $location && $self->location($location); defined $annot && $self->annotation($annot); defined $feature && $self->from_feature($feature); if( defined($display_name) && defined($name) ){ $self->throw('Cannot define (-id and -seq_id) or (-name and -display_name) attributes'); } defined $seq_id && $self->seq_id($seq_id); defined ($name || $display_name) && $self->name($name || $display_name); } =head1 ATTRIBUTE ACCESSORS FOR Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated =cut =head2 from_feature Usage: $obj->from_feature($myfeature); Desc : initialize this object with the contents of another feature object. Useful for converting objects like L to this class Ret : nothing meaningful Args : a single object of some other feature type, Side Effects: throws error on failure Example: =cut sub from_feature { my ($self,$feat,%opts) = @_; # should deal with any SeqFeatureI implementation (i.e. we don't want to # automatically force a OO-heavy implementation on all classes) ref($feat) && ($feat->isa('Bio::SeqFeatureI')) or $self->throw('invalid arguments to from_feature'); #TODO: add overrides in opts for these values, so people don't have to screw up their feature object #if they don't want to ### set most of the data foreach my $fieldname (qw/ start end strand frame score location seq_id source_tag primary_tag/) { #no strict 'refs'; #using symbolic refs, yes, but using them for methods is allowed now $self->$fieldname( $feat->$fieldname ); } # now pick up the annotations/tags of the other feature # We'll use AnnotationAdaptor to convert everything over my %no_copy = map {$_ => 1} qw/seq_id source type frame phase score/; my $adaptor = Bio::SeqFeature::AnnotationAdaptor->new(-feature => $feat); for my $key ( $adaptor->get_all_annotation_keys() ) { next if $no_copy{$key}; my @values = $adaptor->get_Annotations($key); @values = _aggregate_scalar_annotations(\%opts,$key,@values); foreach my $val (@values) { $self->add_Annotation($key,$val) } } } #given a key and its values, make the values into #Bio::Annotation::\w+ objects sub _aggregate_scalar_annotations { my ($opts,$key,@values) = @_; #anything that's not an object, make it a SimpleValue @values = map { ref($_) ? $_ : Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => $_) } @values; #try to make Target objects if($key eq 'Target' && (@values == 3 || @values == 4) && @values == grep {$_->isa('Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue')} @values ) { @values = map {$_->value} @values; #make a strand if it doesn't have one, enforcing start <= end if(@values == 3) { if($values[1] <= $values[2]) { $values[3] = '+'; } else { @values[1,2] = @values[2,1]; $values[3] = '-'; } } return ( Bio::Annotation::Target->new( -target_id => $values[0], -start => $values[1], -end => $values[2], -strand => $values[3], ) ); } #try to make DBLink objects elsif($key eq 'dblink' || $key eq 'Dbxref') { return map { if( /:/ ) { #convert to a DBLink if it has a colon in it my ($db,$id) = split /:/,$_->value; Bio::Annotation::DBLink->new( -database => $db, -primary_id => $id, ); } else { #otherwise leave as a SimpleValue $_ } } @values; } #make OntologyTerm objects elsif($key eq 'Ontology_term') { return map { Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm->new(-identifier => $_->value) } @values } #make Comment objects elsif($key eq 'comment') { return map { Bio::Annotation::Comment->new( -text => $_->value ) } @values; } return @values; } =head2 seq_id() Usage : $obj->seq_id($newval) Function: holds a string corresponding to the unique seq_id of the sequence underlying the feature (e.g. database accession or primary key). Returns : string representing the seq_id. Args : on set, some string or a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object. =cut sub seq_id { my($self,$val) = @_; if (defined($val)) { my $term = undef; if (!ref($val)) { $term = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => uri_unescape($val)); } elsif (ref($val) && $val->isa('Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue')) { $term = $val; } if (!defined($term) || ($term->value =~ /^>/)) { $self->throw('give seq_id() a scalar or Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object, not '.$val); } $self->remove_Annotations('seq_id'); $self->add_Annotation('seq_id', $term); } $self->seq_id('.') unless $self->get_Annotations('seq_id'); # make sure we always have something return ($self->get_Annotations('seq_id'))[0]->value; } =head2 name() Usage : $obj->name($newval) Function: human-readable name for the feature. Returns : value of name (a scalar) Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional) =cut sub name { my($self,$val) = @_; $self->{'name'} = $val if defined($val); return $self->{'name'}; } =head2 type() Usage : $obj->type($newval) Function: a SOFA type for the feature. Returns : Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm object representing the type. NB: to get a string, use primary_tag(). Args : on set, Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm object. NB: to set a string (SOFA name or identifier), use primary_tag() =cut use constant MAX_TYPE_CACHE_MEMBERS => 20; sub type { my($self,$val) = @_; if(defined($val)){ my $term = undef; if(!ref($val)){ $self->throw("give type() a Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm object, not a string"); } elsif(ref($val) && $val->isa('Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm')){ $term = $val; } else { #we have the wrong type of object $self->throw('give type() a SOFA term name, identifier, or Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm object, not '.$val); } $self->remove_Annotations('type'); $self->add_Annotation('type',$term); } return $self->get_Annotations('type'); } =head2 source() Usage : $obj->source($newval) Function: holds the source of the feature. Returns : a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue representing the source. NB: to get a string, use source_tag() Args : on set, a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object. NB: to set a string, use source_tag() =cut sub source { my($self,$val) = @_; if (defined($val)) { my $term; if (!ref($val)) { $self->throw("give source() a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object, not a string"); #$term = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => uri_unescape($val)); } elsif (ref($val) && $val->isa('Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue')) { $term = $val; } else { $self->throw('give source() a scalar or Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object, not '.$val); } $self->remove_Annotations('source'); $self->add_Annotation('source', $term); } unless ($self->get_Annotations('source')) { $self->source(Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => '.')); } return $self->get_Annotations('source'); } =head2 score() Usage : $score = $feat->score() $feat->score($score) Function: holds a value corresponding to the score of the feature. Returns : a string representing the score. Args : on set, a scalar or a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object. =cut sub score { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if(defined($val)){ my $term = undef; if (!ref($val)) { $term = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => $val); } elsif (ref($val) && $val->isa('Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue')) { $term = $val; } if ($term->value ne '.' && (!defined($term) || ($term->value !~ /^[+-]?\d+\.?\d*(e-\d+)?/))) { $self->throw("'$val' is not a valid score"); } $self->remove_Annotations('score'); $self->add_Annotation('score', $term); } $self->score('.') unless scalar($self->get_Annotations('score')); # make sure we always have something return ($self->get_Annotations('score'))[0]->display_text; } =head2 phase() Usage : $phase = $feat->phase() $feat->phase($phase) Function: get/set on phase information Returns : a string 0,1,2,'.' Args : on set, one of 0,1,2,'.' or a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object holding one of 0,1,2,'.' as its value. =cut sub phase { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if(defined($val)){ my $term = undef; if (!ref($val)) { $term = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => $val); } elsif (ref($val) && $val->isa('Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue')) { $term = $val; } if (!defined($term) || ($term->value !~ /^[0-2.]$/)) { $self->throw("'$val' is not a valid phase"); } $self->remove_Annotations('phase'); $self->add_Annotation('phase', $term); } $self->phase('.') unless $self->get_Annotations('phase'); # make sure we always have something return ($self->get_Annotations('phase'))[0]->value; } =head2 frame() Usage : $frame = $feat->frame() $feat->frame($phase) Function: get/set on phase information Returns : a string 0,1,2,'.' Args : on set, one of 0,1,2,'.' or a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object holding one of 0,1,2,'.' as its value. =cut sub frame { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if(defined($val)){ my $term = undef; if (!ref($val)) { $term = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => $val); } elsif (ref($val) && $val->isa('Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue')) { $term = $val; } if (!defined($term) || ($term->value !~ /^[0-2.]$/)) { $self->throw("'$val' is not a valid frame"); } $self->remove_Annotations('frame'); $self->add_Annotation('frame', $term); } $self->frame('.') unless $self->get_Annotations('frame'); # make sure we always have something return ($self->get_Annotations('frame'))[0]->value; } ############################################################ =head1 SHORTCUT METHODS TO ACCESS Bio::AnnotatableI INTERFACE METHODS =cut =head2 add_Annotation() Usage : Function: $obj->add_Annotation() is a shortcut to $obj->annotation->add_Annotation Returns : Args : =cut sub add_Annotation { my ($self,@args) = @_; return $self->annotation->add_Annotation(@args); } =head2 remove_Annotations() Usage : Function: $obj->remove_Annotations() is a shortcut to $obj->annotation->remove_Annotations Returns : Args : =cut sub remove_Annotations { my ($self,@args) = @_; return $self->annotation->remove_Annotations(@args); } ############################################################ =head1 INTERFACE METHODS FOR Bio::SeqFeatureI Note that no methods are deprecated. Any SeqFeatureI methods must return strings (no objects). =cut =head2 display_name() =cut sub display_name { my $self = shift; return $self->name(@_); } =head2 primary_tag() =cut sub primary_tag { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $val = shift; my $term; if(!ref($val) && $val){ #we have a plain text annotation coming in. try to map it to SOFA. our %__type_cache; #a little cache of plaintext types we've already seen #clear our cache if it gets too big if(scalar(keys %__type_cache) > MAX_TYPE_CACHE_MEMBERS) { %__type_cache = (); } #set $term to either a cached value, or look up a new one, throwing #up if not found my $anntext = $val; if ($__type_cache{$anntext}) { $term = $__type_cache{$anntext}; } else { my $sofa = Bio::Ontology::OntologyStore->get_instance->get_ontology('Sequence Ontology OBO'); my ($soterm) = $anntext =~ /^\D+:\d+$/ #does it look like an ident? ? ($sofa->find_terms(-identifier => $anntext))[0] #yes, lookup by ident : ($sofa->find_terms(-name => $anntext))[0]; #no, lookup by name #throw if it's not in SOFA unless($soterm){ $self->throw("couldn't find a SOFA term matching type '$val'."); } my $newterm = Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm->new; $newterm->term($soterm); $term = $newterm; } $self->type($term); } } my $t = $self->type() || return; return $t->name; } =head2 source_tag() =cut sub source_tag { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $val = shift; if(!ref($val) && $val){ my $term = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => uri_unescape($val)); $self->source($term); } } my $t = $self->source() || return; return $t->display_text; } =head2 attach_seq() Usage : $sf->attach_seq($seq) Function: Attaches a Bio::Seq object to this feature. This Bio::Seq object is for the *entire* sequence: ie from 1 to 10000 Returns : TRUE on success Args : a Bio::PrimarySeqI compliant object =cut sub attach_seq { my ($self, $seq) = @_; if ( ! ($seq && ref($seq) && $seq->isa("Bio::PrimarySeqI")) ) { $self->throw("Must attach Bio::PrimarySeqI objects to SeqFeatures"); } $self->{'seq'} = $seq; # attach to sub features if they want it foreach ( $self->get_SeqFeatures() ) { $_->attach_seq($seq); } return 1; } =head2 seq() Usage : $tseq = $sf->seq() Function: returns a truncated version of seq() with bounds matching this feature Returns : sub seq (a Bio::PrimarySeqI compliant object) on attached sequence bounded by start & end, or undef if there is no sequence attached Args : none =cut sub seq { my ($self) = @_; return unless defined($self->entire_seq()); my $seq = $self->entire_seq->trunc($self->start(), $self->end()); if ( defined $self->strand && $self->strand == -1 ) { $seq = $seq->revcom; } return $seq; } =head2 entire_seq() Usage : $whole_seq = $sf->entire_seq() Function: gives the entire sequence that this seqfeature is attached to Returns : a Bio::PrimarySeqI compliant object, or undef if there is no sequence attached Args : none =cut sub entire_seq { return shift->{'seq'}; } ############################################################ =head1 INTERFACE METHODS FOR Bio::RangeI as inherited via Bio::SeqFeatureI =cut =head2 length() Usage : $feature->length() Function: Get the feature length computed as $feat->end - $feat->start + 1 Returns : integer Args : none =cut sub length { my $self = shift; return $self->end() - $self->start() + 1; } =head2 start() Usage : $obj->start($newval) Function: Get/set on the start coordinate of the feature Returns : integer Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional) =cut sub start { my ($self,$value) = @_; return $self->location->start($value); } =head2 end() Usage : $obj->end($newval) Function: Get/set on the end coordinate of the feature Returns : integer Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional) =cut sub end { my ($self,$value) = @_; return $self->location->end($value); } =head2 strand() Usage : $strand = $feat->strand($newval) Function: get/set on strand information, being 1,-1 or 0 Returns : -1,1 or 0 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional) =cut sub strand { my $self = shift; return $self->location->strand(@_); } ############################################################ =head1 INTERFACE METHODS FOR Bio::FeatureHolderI This includes methods for retrieving, adding, and removing features. Since this is already a feature, features held by this feature holder are essentially sub-features. =cut =head2 get_SeqFeatures Usage : @feats = $feat->get_SeqFeatures(); Function: Returns an array of Bio::SeqFeatureI objects Returns : An array Args : none =cut sub get_SeqFeatures { return @{ shift->{'sub_array'} || []}; } =head2 add_SeqFeature() Usage : $feat->add_SeqFeature($subfeat); $feat->add_SeqFeature($subfeat,'EXPAND') Function: adds a SeqFeature into the subSeqFeature array. with no 'EXPAND' qualifer, subfeat will be tested as to whether it lies inside the parent, and throw an exception if not. If EXPAND is used, the parent''s start/end/strand will be adjusted so that it grows to accommodate the new subFeature Example : Returns : nothing Args : a Bio::SeqFeatureI object =cut sub add_SeqFeature { my ($self,$val, $expand) = @_; return unless $val; if ((!ref($val)) || !$val->isa('Bio::SeqFeatureI') ) { $self->throw((ref($val) ? ref($val) : $val) ." does not implement Bio::SeqFeatureI."); } if($expand && ($expand eq 'EXPAND')) { $self->_expand_region($val); } else { if ( !$self->contains($val) ) { $self->warn("$val is not contained within parent feature, and expansion is not valid, ignoring."); return; } } push(@{$self->{'sub_array'}},$val); } =head2 remove_SeqFeatures() Usage : $obj->remove_SeqFeatures Function: Removes all sub SeqFeatures. If you want to remove only a subset, remove that subset from the returned array, and add back the rest. Returns : The array of Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing sub-features that was deleted from this feature. Args : none =cut sub remove_SeqFeatures { my ($self) = @_; my @subfeats = @{$self->{'sub_array'} || []}; $self->{'sub_array'} = []; # zap the array. return @subfeats; } ############################################################ =head1 INTERFACE METHODS FOR Bio::AnnotatableI =cut =head2 annotation() Usage : $obj->annotation($annot_obj) Function: Get/set the annotation collection object for annotating this feature. Returns : A Bio::AnnotationCollectionI object Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub annotation { my ($obj,$value) = @_; # we are smart if someone references the object and there hasn't been # one set yet if(defined $value || ! defined $obj->{'annotation'} ) { $value = Bio::Annotation::Collection->new() unless ( defined $value ); $obj->{'annotation'} = $value; } return $obj->{'annotation'}; } ############################################################ =head2 location() Usage : my $location = $seqfeature->location() Function: returns a location object suitable for identifying location of feature on sequence or parent feature Returns : Bio::LocationI object Args : [optional] Bio::LocationI object to set the value to. =cut sub location { my($self, $value ) = @_; if (defined($value)) { unless (ref($value) and $value->isa('Bio::LocationI')) { $self->throw("object $value pretends to be a location but ". "does not implement Bio::LocationI"); } $self->{'location'} = $value; } elsif (! $self->{'location'}) { # guarantees a real location object is returned every time $self->{'location'} = Bio::Location::Simple->new(); } return $self->{'location'}; } =head2 add_target() Usage : $seqfeature->add_target(Bio::LocatableSeq->new(...)); Function: adds a target location on another reference sequence for this feature Returns : true on success Args : a Bio::LocatableSeq object =cut sub add_target { my ($self,$seq) = @_; $self->throw("$seq is not a Bio::LocatableSeq, bailing out") unless ref($seq) and seq->isa('Bio::LocatableSeq'); push @{ $self->{'targets'} }, $seq; return $seq; } =head2 each_target() Usage : @targets = $seqfeature->each_target(); Function: Returns a list of Bio::LocatableSeqs which are the locations of this object. To obtain the "primary" location, see L. Returns : a list of 0..N Bio::LocatableSeq objects Args : none =cut sub each_target { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{'targets'} ? @{ $self->{'targets'} } : (); } =head2 _expand_region Title : _expand_region Usage : $self->_expand_region($feature); Function: Expand the total region covered by this feature to accomodate for the given feature. May be called whenever any kind of subfeature is added to this feature. add_SeqFeature() already does this. Returns : Args : A Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object. =cut sub _expand_region { my ($self, $feat) = @_; if(! $feat->isa('Bio::SeqFeatureI')) { $self->warn("$feat does not implement Bio::SeqFeatureI"); } # if this doesn't have start/end set - forget it! if((! defined($self->start())) && (! defined $self->end())) { $self->start($feat->start()); $self->end($feat->end()); $self->strand($feat->strand) unless defined($self->strand()); # $self->strand($feat->strand) unless $self->strand(); } else { my $range = $self->union($feat); $self->start($range->start); $self->end($range->end); $self->strand($range->strand); } } =head2 get_Annotations Usage : my $parent = $obj->get_Annotations('Parent'); my @parents = $obj->get_Annotations('Parent'); Function: a wrapper around Bio::Annotation::Collection::get_Annotations(). Returns : returns annotations as Bio::Annotation::Collection::get_Annotations() does, but additionally returns a single scalar in scalar context instead of list context so that if an annotation tag contains only a single value, you can do: $parent = $feature->get_Annotations('Parent'); instead of: ($parent) = ($feature->get_Annotations('Parent'))[0]; if the 'Parent' tag has multiple values and is called in a scalar context, the number of annotations is returned. Args : an annotation tag name. =cut sub get_Annotations { my $self = shift; my @annotations = $self->annotation->get_Annotations(@_); if(wantarray){ return @annotations; } elsif(scalar(@annotations) == 1){ return $annotations[0]; } else { return scalar(@annotations); } } =head1 Bio::SeqFeatureI implemented methods These are specialized implementations of SeqFeatureI methods which call the internal Bio::Annotation::AnnotationCollection object. Just prior to the 1.5 release the below methods were moved from Bio::SeqFeatureI to Bio::AnnotatableI, and having Bio::SeqFeatureI inherit Bio::AnnotatableI. This behavior forced all Bio::SeqFeatureI-implementing classes to use Bio::AnnotationI objects for any data. It is the consensus of the core developers that this be rolled back in favor of a more flexible approach by rolling back the above changes and making this class Bio::AnnotatableI. The SeqFeatureI tag-related methods are reimplemented in order to approximate the same behavior as before. The methods below allow mapping of the "get_tag_values()"-style annotation access to Bio::AnnotationCollectionI. These need not be implemented in a Bio::AnnotationCollectionI compliant class, as they are built on top of the methods. For usage, see Bio::SeqFeatureI. =cut =head2 has_tag =cut sub has_tag { my ($self,$tag) = @_; return scalar($self->annotation->get_Annotations($tag)); } =head2 add_tag_value =cut sub add_tag_value { my ($self,$tag,@vals) = @_; foreach my $val (@vals){ my $class = $tagclass{$tag} || $tagclass{__DEFAULT__}; my $slot = $tag2text{$class}; my $a = $class->new(); $a->$slot($val); $self->annotation->add_Annotation($tag,$a); } return 1; } =head2 get_tag_values Usage : @annotations = $obj->get_tag_values($tag) Function: returns annotations corresponding to $tag Returns : a list of scalars Args : tag name =cut sub get_tag_values { my ($self,$tag) = @_; if(!$tagclass{$tag} && $self->annotation->get_Annotations($tag)){ #new tag, haven't seen it yet but it exists. add to registry my($proto) = $self->annotation->get_Annotations($tag); # we can only register if there's a method known for obtaining the value if (exists($tag2text{ref($proto)})) { $tagclass{$tag} = ref($proto); } } my $slot = $tag2text{ $tagclass{$tag} || $tagclass{__DEFAULT__} }; return map { $_->$slot } $self->annotation->get_Annotations($tag); } =head2 get_tagset_values Usage : @annotations = $obj->get_tagset_values($tag1,$tag2) Function: returns annotations corresponding to a list of tags. this is a convenience method equivalent to multiple calls to get_tag_values with each tag in the list. Returns : a list of Bio::AnnotationI objects. Args : a list of tag names =cut sub get_tagset_values { my ($self,@tags) = @_; my @r = (); foreach my $tag (@tags){ my $slot = $tag2text{ $tagclass{$tag} || $tagclass{__DEFAULT__} }; push @r, map { $_->$slot } $self->annotation->get_Annotations($tag); } return @r; } =head2 get_all_tags Usage : @tags = $obj->get_all_tags() Function: returns a list of annotation tag names. Returns : a list of tag names Args : none =cut sub get_all_tags { my ($self,@args) = @_; return $self->annotation->get_all_annotation_keys(@args); } =head2 remove_tag Usage : See remove_Annotations(). Function: Returns : Args : Note : Contrary to what the name suggests, this method removes all annotations corresponding to $tag, not just a single anntoation. =cut sub remove_tag { my ($self,@args) = @_; return $self->annotation->remove_Annotations(@args); } 1;