# $Id: bsml_sax.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # BioPerl module for Bio::SeqIO::bsml_sax # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Jason Stajich # =head1 NAME Bio::SeqIO::bsml_sax - BSML sequence input/output stream using SAX =head1 SYNOPSIS It is probably best not to use this object directly, but rather go through the SeqIO handler system. To read a BSML file: $stream = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => $filename, -format => 'bsml'); while ( my $bioSeqObj = $stream->next_seq() ) { # do something with $bioSeqObj } To write a Seq object to the current file handle in BSML XML format: $stream->write_seq( -seq => $seqObj); If instead you would like a XML::DOM object containing the BSML, use: my $newXmlObject = $stream->to_bsml( -seq => $seqObj); =head1 DEPENDENCIES In addition to parts of the Bio:: hierarchy, this module uses: XML::SAX =head1 DESCRIPTION This object can transform Bio::Seq objects to and from BSML (XML) flatfiles. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org =cut package Bio::SeqIO::bsml_sax; use vars qw($Default_Source); use strict; use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic; use Bio::Species; use XML::SAX; use Bio::Seq::SeqFactory; use Bio::Annotation::Collection; use Bio::Annotation::Comment; use Bio::Annotation::Reference; use Bio::Annotation::DBLink; use base qw(Bio::SeqIO XML::SAX::Base); $Default_Source = 'BSML'; sub _initialize { my ($self) = shift; $self->SUPER::_initialize(@_); $self->{'_parser'} = XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser('Handler' => $self); if( ! defined $self->sequence_factory ) { $self->sequence_factory(Bio::Seq::SeqFactory->new (-verbose => $self->verbose(), -type => 'Bio::Seq::RichSeq')); } return; } =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 next_seq Title : next_seq Usage : my $bioSeqObj = $stream->next_seq Function: Retrieves the next sequence from a SeqIO::bsml stream. Returns : A reference to a Bio::Seq::RichSeq object Args : =cut sub next_seq { my $self = shift; if( @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'} || []} || eof($self->_fh)) { return shift @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}}; } $self->{'_parser'}->parse_file($self->_fh); return shift @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}}; } # XML::SAX::Base methods sub start_document { my ($self,$doc) = @_; $self->{'_seendata'} = {'_seqs' => [], '_authors' => [], '_feats' => [] }; $self->SUPER::start_document($doc); } sub end_document { my ($self,$doc) = @_; $self->SUPER::end_document($doc); } sub start_element { my ($self,$ele) = @_; my $name = uc($ele->{'LocalName'}); my $attr = $ele->{'Attributes'}; my $seqid = defined $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}->[-1] ? $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}->[-1]->display_id : undef; for my $k ( keys %$attr ) { $attr->{uc $k} = $attr->{$k}; delete $attr->{$k}; } if( $name eq 'BSML' ) { } elsif( $name eq 'DEFINITIONS' ) { } elsif( $name eq 'SEQUENCES' ) { } elsif( $name eq 'SEQUENCE' ) { my ($id,$acc,$title, $desc,$length,$topology, $mol) = map { $attr->{'{}'.$_}->{'Value'} } qw(ID IC-ACCKEY TITLE COMMENT LENGTH TOPOLOGY MOLECULE); push @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}}, $self->sequence_factory->create ( -display_id => $id, -accession_number => $acc, -description => $desc, -length => $length, -is_circular => ($topology =~ /^linear$/i) ? 0 : 1, -molecule => $mol, ); } elsif( $name eq 'FEATURE-TABLES' ) { } elsif( $name eq 'ATTRIBUTE' ) { my $curseq = $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}->[-1]; my ($name,$content) = map { $attr->{'{}'.$_}->{'Value'} } qw(NAME CONTENT); if($name =~ /^version$/i ) { my ($version); if($content =~ /^[^\.]+\.(\d+)/) { $version = $1; } else { $version = $content } $curseq->seq_version($version); } elsif( $name eq 'organism-species') { my ($genus,$species,$subsp) = split(/\s+/,$content,3); $curseq->species(Bio::Species->new(-sub_species => $subsp, -classification => [$species,$genus])); } elsif( $name eq 'organism-classification' ) { my (@class) =(split(/\s*;\s*/,$content),$curseq->species->species); $curseq->species->classification([reverse @class]); } elsif( $name eq 'database-xref' ) { my ($db,$id) = split(/:/,$content); $curseq->annotation->add_Annotation('dblink', Bio::Annotation::DBLink->new ( -database => $db, -primary_id=> $id)); } elsif( $name eq 'date-created' || $name eq 'date-last-updated' ) { $curseq->add_date($content); } } elsif( $name eq 'FEATURE' ) { my ($id,$class,$type,$title,$display_auto) = map { $attr->{'{}'.$_}->{'Value'} } qw(ID CLASS VALUE-TYPE TITLE DISPLAY-AUTO); push @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_feats'}}, Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new ( -seq_id => $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}->[-1]->display_id, -source_tag => $Default_Source, -primary_tag => $type, -tag => {'ID' => $id, }); } elsif( $name eq 'QUALIFIER') { my ($type,$value) = map { $attr->{'{}'.$_}->{'Value'} } qw(VALUE-TYPE VALUE); my $curfeat = $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_feats'}->[-1]; $curfeat->add_tag_value($type,$value); } elsif( $name eq 'INTERVAL-LOC' ) { my $curfeat = $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_feats'}->[-1]; my ($start,$end,$strand) = map { $attr->{'{}'.$_}->{'Value'} } qw(STARTPOS ENDPOS COMPLEMENT); $curfeat->start($start); $curfeat->end($end); $curfeat->strand(-1) if($strand); } elsif( $name eq 'REFERENCE' ) { push @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_annot'}}, Bio::Annotation::Reference->new(); } push @{$self->{'_state'}}, $name; $self->SUPER::start_element($ele); } sub end_element { my ($self,$ele) = @_; pop @{$self->{'_state'}}; my $name = uc $ele->{'LocalName'}; my $curseq = $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}->[-1]; if( $name eq 'REFERENCE') { my $ref = pop @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_annot'}}; $curseq->annotation->add_Annotation('reference',$ref); } elsif( $name eq 'FEATURE' ) { my $feat = pop @{$self->{'_seendata'}->{'_feats'}}; $curseq->add_SeqFeature($feat); } $self->SUPER::end_element($ele); } sub characters { my ($self,$data) = @_; if( ! @{$self->{'_state'}} ) { $self->warn("Calling characters with no previous start_element call. Ignoring data"); } else { my $curseq = $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_seqs'}->[-1]; my $curfeat = $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_feats'}->[-1]; my $curannot = $self->{'_seendata'}->{'_annot'}->[-1]; my $name = $self->{'_state'}->[-1]; if( $name eq 'REFAUTHORS' ) { $curannot->authors($data->{'Data'}); } elsif( $name eq 'REFTITLE') { $curannot->title($data->{'Data'}); } elsif( $name eq 'REFJOURNAL') { $curannot->location($data->{'Data'}); } elsif( $name eq 'SEQ-DATA') { $data->{'Data'} =~ s/\s+//g; $curseq->seq($data->{'Data'}); } } $self->SUPER::characters($data); } 1;