# $Id: locuslink.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::SeqIO::locuslink # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Keith Ching # # Copyright Keith Ching # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # # (c) Keith Ching, kching at gnf.org, 2002. # (c) GNF, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, 2002. # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself. # Refer to the Perl Artistic License (see the license accompanying this # software package, or see http://www.perl.com/language/misc/Artistic.html) # for the terms under which you may use, modify, and redistribute this module. # # THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::SeqIO::locuslink - LocusLink input/output stream =head1 SYNOPSIS # don't instantiate directly - instead do my $seqio = Bio::SeqIO->new(-format => "locuslink", -file => \STDIN); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module parses LocusLink into Bio::SeqI objects with rich annotation, but no sequence. The input file has to be in the LL_tmpl format - the tabular format will not work. The way the current implementation populates the object is rather a draft work than a finished work of art. Note that at this stage the LocusLink entries cannot be round-tripped, because the parser loses certain information. For instance, most of the alternative transcript descriptions are not retained. The parser also misses any element that deals with visual representation (e.g., 'button') except for the URLs. Almost all of the pieces of the annotation are kept in a Bio::Annotation::Collection object, see L for more information. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Keith Ching Email kching at gnf.org =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Hilmar Lapp, hlapp at gmx.net =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut package Bio::SeqIO::locuslink; use strict; use Bio::Seq::SeqFactory; use Bio::Species; use Bio::Annotation::DBLink; #use Bio::Annotation::Reference; use Bio::Annotation::Comment; use Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue; use Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm; use Bio::Annotation::Collection; use base qw(Bio::SeqIO); # list of all the field names in locuslink my @locuslink_keys = qw( ACCNUM ALIAS_PROT ALIAS_SYMBOL ASSEMBLY BUTTON CDD CHR COMP CONTIG CURRENT_LOCUSID DB_DESCR DB_LINK ECNUM EVID EXTANNOT GO GRIF LINK LOCUSID LOCUS_CONFIRMED LOCUS_TYPE MAP MAPLINK NC NG NM NP NR OFFICIAL_GENE_NAME OFFICIAL_SYMBOL OMIM ORGANISM PHENOTYPE PHENOTYPE_ID PMID PREFERRED_GENE_NAME PREFERRED_PRODUCT PREFERRED_SYMBOL PRODUCT PROT RELL STATUS STS SUMFUNC SUMMARY TRANSVAR TYPE UNIGENE XG XM XP XR ); # list of fields to make simple annotations from # fields not listed here or as a key in feature hash are ignored (lost). my %anntype_map = ( SimpleValue => [qw( ALIAS_PROT ALIAS_SYMBOL CDD CHR CURRENT_LOCUSID ECNUM EXTANNOT MAP NC NR OFFICIAL_GENE_NAME OFFICIAL_SYMBOL PHENOTYPE PREFERRED_GENE_NAME PREFERRED_PRODUCT PREFERRED_SYMBOL PRODUCT RELL SUMFUNC ) ], Comment => [qw( SUMMARY ) ], ); # certain fields are not named the same as the symgene database list my %dbname_map = ( pfam => 'Pfam', smart => 'SMART', NM => 'RefSeq', NP => 'RefSeq', XP => 'RefSeq', XM => 'RefSeq', NG => 'RefSeq', XG => 'RefSeq', XR => 'RefSeq', PROT => 'GenBank', ACCNUM => 'GenBank', CONTIG => 'GenBank', # certain fields are not named the same as the symgene # database list: rename the fields the symgene database name # key = field name in locuslink # value = database name in sym #GO => 'GO', OMIM => 'MIM', GRIF => 'GRIF', STS => 'STS', UNIGENE => 'UniGene', ); # certain CDD entries use the wrong prefix for the accession number # cddprefix will replace the key w/ the value for these entries my %cddprefix = ( pfam => 'PF', smart => 'SM', ); # alternate mappings if one field does not exist my %alternate_map = ( OFFICIAL_GENE_NAME => 'PREFERRED_GENE_NAME', OFFICIAL_SYMBOL => 'PREFERRED_SYMBOL', ); # for these field names, we only care about the first value X in value X|Y|Z my @ll_firstelements = qw( NM NP NG XG XM XP XR PROT STS ACCNUM CONTIG GRIF ); # these fields need to be flattened into a single string, using the given # join string my %flatten_tags = ( ASSEMBLY => ',', ORGANISM => '', # this should occur only once OFFICIAL_SYMBOL => '', # this should occur only once OFFICIAL_GENE_NAME => '', # this should occur only once LOCUSID => '', # this should occur only once PMID => ',', PREFERRED_SYMBOL => ', ', PREFERRED_GENE_NAME => ', ' ); # set the default search pattern for all the field names my %feature_pat_map = map { ($_ , "^$_: (.+)\n"); } @locuslink_keys; sub _initialize { my($self,@args) = @_; $self->SUPER::_initialize(@args); # overwrite the search pattern w/ the first value pattern foreach my $key(@ll_firstelements){ $feature_pat_map{$key}="^$key: ([^|]+)"; } # special search pattern for cdd entries foreach my $key(keys %cddprefix) { $feature_pat_map{$key}='^CDD: .+\|'.$key.'(\d+)'; } # special patterns for specific fields $feature_pat_map{MAP} = '^MAP: (.+?)\|'; $feature_pat_map{MAPHTML} = '^MAP: .+\|(<.+>)\|'; $feature_pat_map{GO} = '^GO: .+\|.+\|\w+\|(GO:\d+)\|'; $feature_pat_map{GO_DESC} = '^GO: .+\|(.+)\|\w+\|GO:\d+\|'; $feature_pat_map{GO_CAT} = '^GO: (.+)\|.+\|\w+\|GO:\d+\|'; $feature_pat_map{EXTANNOT} = '^EXTANNOT: (.+)\|(.+)\|\w+\|.+\|\d+'; # set the sequence factory of none has been set already if(! $self->sequence_factory()) { $self->sequence_factory(Bio::Seq::SeqFactory->new( -type => 'Bio::Seq::RichSeq')); } } ######################### # sub search_pattern{ # ######################### my ($self, $entry, #text to search $searchconfirm, #to make sure you got the right thing $searchpattern, $searchtype) = @_; my @query = $entry=~/$searchpattern/gm; if ($searchconfirm ne "FALSE"){ $self->warn("No $searchtype found\n$entry\n") unless @query; foreach (@query){ if (!($_=~/$searchconfirm/)){ $self->throw("error\n$entry\n$searchtype parse $_ does not match $searchconfirm\n"); } }#endforeach }#endsearchconfirm return(@query); }#endsub ############ # sub read_species{ # ############ my ($spline)=@_; my $species; my $genus; ($genus,$species)=$spline=~/([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/; my $make = Bio::Species->new(); $make->classification( ($species,$genus) ); return $make; } ################ # sub read_dblink{ # ################ my ($ann,$db,$ref)=@_; my @results=$ref ? @$ref : (); foreach my $id(@results){ if($id){ $ann->add_Annotation('dblink', Bio::Annotation::DBLink->new( -database =>$db , -primary_id =>$id)); } } return($ann); } ################ # sub read_reference{ # ################ my ($ann,$db,$results)=@_; if($results){ chomp($results); my @ids=split(/,/,$results); $ann = read_dblink($ann,$db,\@ids) if @ids; } return $ann; }#endsub ################ # sub add_annotation{ # ################ my ($ac,$type,$text,$anntype)=@_; my @args; $anntype = 'SimpleValue' unless $anntype; SWITCH : { $anntype eq 'SimpleValue' && do { push(@args, -value => $text, -tagname => $type); last SWITCH; }; $anntype eq 'Comment' && do { push(@args, -text => $text, -tagname => 'comment'); last SWITCH; }; } $ac->add_Annotation("Bio::Annotation::$anntype"->new(@args)); return($ac); }#endsub ################ # sub add_annotation_ref{ # ################ my ($ann,$type,$textref)=@_; my @text=$textref ? @$textref : (); foreach my $text(@text){ $ann->add_Annotation($type,Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => $text)); } return($ann); }#endsub ################ # sub make_unique{ # ############## my ($ann,$key) = @_; my %seen = (); foreach my $dbl ($ann->remove_Annotations($key)) { if(!exists($seen{$dbl->as_text()})) { $seen{$dbl->as_text()} = 1; $ann->add_Annotation($dbl); } } return $ann; } ################ # sub next_seq{ # ############## my ($self, @args)=@_; my (@results,$search,$ref,$cddref); # LOCUSLINK entries begin w/ >> local $/="\n>>"; # slurp in a whole entry and return if no more entries return unless my $entry = $self->_readline; # strip the leading '>>' if it's the first entry if (index($entry,'>>') == 0) { #first entry $entry = substr($entry,2); } # we aren't interested in obsoleted entries, so we need to loop # and skip those until we've found the next not obsoleted my %record = (); while($entry && ($entry =~ /\w/)) { if (!($entry=~/LOCUSID/)){ $self->throw("No LOCUSID in first line of record. ". "Not LocusLink in my book."); } # see whether it's an obsoleted entry, and if so jump to the next # one entry right away if($entry =~ /^CURRENT_LOCUSID:/m) { # read next entry and continue $entry = $self->_readline; %record = (); next; } # loop through list of features and get field values # place into record hash as array refs foreach my $key (keys %feature_pat_map){ $search=$feature_pat_map{$key}; @results=$self->search_pattern($entry,'FALSE',$search,$search); $record{$key} = @results ? [@results] : undef; }#endfor # terminate loop as this one hasn't been obsoleted last; } # we have reached the end-of-file ... return unless %record; # special processing for CDD entries like pfam and smart my ($PRESENT,@keep); foreach my $key(keys %cddprefix){ #print "check CDD $key\n"; if($record{$key}) { @keep=(); foreach my $list (@{$record{$key}}) { # replace AC with correct AC number push(@keep,$cddprefix{$key}.$list); } # replace CDD ref with correctly prefixed AC number $record{$key} = [@keep]; } } # modify CDD references @=(); if($record{CDD}) { @keep=(); foreach my $cdd (@{$record{CDD}}) { $PRESENT = undef; foreach my $key (keys %cddprefix) { if ($cdd=~/$key/){ $PRESENT = 1; last; } } push(@keep,$cdd) if(! $PRESENT); } $record{CDD} = [@keep]; } # create annotation collection - we'll need it now my $ann = Bio::Annotation::Collection->new(); foreach my $field(keys %dbname_map){ $ann=read_dblink($ann,$dbname_map{$field},$record{$field}); } # add GO link as an OntologyTerm annotation if($record{GO}) { for(my $j = 0; $j < @{$record{GO}}; $j++) { my $goann = Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm->new( -identifier => $record{GO}->[$j], -name => $record{GO_DESC}->[$j], -ontology => $record{GO_CAT}->[$j]); $ann->add_Annotation($goann); } } $ann=add_annotation_ref($ann,'URL',$record{LINK}); $ann=add_annotation_ref($ann,'URL',$record{DB_LINK}); # everything else gets a simple tag or comment value annotation foreach my $anntype (keys %anntype_map) { foreach my $key (@{$anntype_map{$anntype}}){ if($record{$key}){ foreach (@{$record{$key}}){ #print "$key\t\t$_\n"; $ann=add_annotation($ann,$key,$_,$anntype); } } } } # flatten designated attributes into a scalar value foreach my $field (keys %flatten_tags) { if($record{$field}) { $record{$field} = join($flatten_tags{$field}, @{$record{$field}}); } } # annotation that expects the array flattened out $ann=read_reference($ann,'PUBMED',$record{PMID}); if($record{ASSEMBLY}) { my @assembly=split(/,/,$record{ASSEMBLY}); $ann=read_dblink($ann,'GenBank',\@assembly); } # replace fields w/ alternate if original does not exist foreach my $fieldval (keys %alternate_map){ if((! $record{$fieldval}) && ($record{$alternate_map{$fieldval}})){ $record{$fieldval}=$record{$alternate_map{$fieldval}}; } } # presently we can't store types or context of dblinks - therefore # we need to remove duplicates that only differ in context make_unique($ann,'dblink'); # create sequence object (i.e., let seq.factory create one) my $seq = $self->sequence_factory->create( -verbose => $self->verbose(), -accession_number => $record{LOCUSID}, -desc => $record{OFFICIAL_GENE_NAME}, -display_id => $record{OFFICIAL_SYMBOL}, -species => read_species($record{ORGANISM}), -annotation => $ann); # dump out object contents # show_obj([$seq]); return($seq); } ################ # sub show_obj{ # ################ my ($seqlistref)=@_; my @list=@$seqlistref; my $out = Bio::SeqIO->new('-fh' => \*STDOUT, -format => 'genbank' ); my ($ann,@values,$val); foreach my $seq(@list){ $out->write_seq($seq); $ann=$seq->annotation; foreach my $key ( $ann->get_all_annotation_keys() ) { @values = $ann->get_Annotations($key); foreach my $value ( @values ) { # value is an Bio::AnnotationI, and defines a "as_text" method $val=$value->as_text; print "Annotation ",$key,"\t\t",$val,"\n"; } } } }#endsub 1;