# $Id: AnalysisResult.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Hilmar Lapp # # Copyright Hilmar Lapp # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult - Base class for analysis result objects and parsers =head1 SYNOPSIS # obtain a AnalysisResult derived object somehow print "Method ", $result->analysis_method(), ", version ", $result->analysis_method_version(), ", performed on ", $result->analysis_date(), "\n"; # annotate a sequence utilizing SeqAnalysisParserI methods while($feat = $result->next_feature()) { $seq->add_SeqFeature($feat); } $result->close(); # query object, e.g. a Bio::SeqI implementing object $queryseq = $result->analysis_query(); # Subject of the analysis -- may be undefined. Refer to derived module # to find out what is returned. $subject = $result->analysis_subject(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The AnalysisResult module is supposed to be the base class for modules encapsulating parsers and interpreters for the result of a analysis that was carried out with a query sequence. The notion of an analysis represented by this base class is that of a unary or binary operator, taking either one query or a query and a subject and producing a result. The query is e.g. a sequence, and a subject is either a sequence, too, or a database of sequences. This module also implements the Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI interface, and thus can be used wherever such an object fits. See L. Developers will find a ready-to-use B method, but need to implement B in an inheriting class. Support for initialization with input file names and reading from streams is also ready to use. Note that this module does not provide support for B an analysis. Rather, it is positioned in the subsequent parsing step (concerned with turning raw results into BioPerl objects). =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp Email hlapp-at-gmx.net =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult; use strict; use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI Bio::AnalysisResultI Bio::Root::IO); sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); $self->_initialize(@args); return $self; } sub _initialize { my($self,@args) = @_; my $make = $self->SUPER::_initialize(@args); $self->_initialize_state(@args); return $make; # success - we hope! } =head2 _initialize_state Title : _initialize_state Usage : n/a; usually called by _initialize() Function: This method is for BioPerl B only, as indicated by the leading underscore in its name. Performs initialization or reset of the state of this object. The difference to _initialize() is that it may be called at any time, and repeatedly within the lifetime of this object. B, however, that this is potentially dangerous in a multi-threading environment. In general, calling this method twice is discouraged for this reason. This method is supposed to reset the state such that any 'history' is lost. State information that does not change during object lifetime is not considered as history, e.g. parent, name, etc shall not be reset. An inheriting object should only be concerned with state information it introduces itself, and for everything else call SUPER::_initialize_state(@args). An example is parsing an input file: a state reset implies discarding any unread input, and the actual input itself, followed by setting the new input. The argument syntax is the same as for L and L<_initialize()|_initialize>, i.e., named parameters following the -name=>$value convention. The following parameters are dealt with by the implementation provided here: -INPUT, -FH, -FILE (tags are case-insensitive). Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub _initialize_state { my ($self,@args) = @_; $self->close(); $self->_initialize_io(@args); $self->{'_analysis_sbjct'} = undef; $self->{'_analysis_query'} = undef; $self->{'_analysis_prog'} = undef; $self->{'_analysis_progVersion'} = undef; $self->{'_analysis_date'} = undef; return 1; } # =head2 parse # # Title : parse # Usage : $obj->parse(-input=>$inputobj, [ -params=>[@params] ], # [ -method => $method ] ) # Function: Sets up parsing for feature retrieval from an analysis file, # or object. # # This method was originally required by SeqAnalysisParserI, but # is now discouraged due to potential problems in a multi- # threading environment (CORBA!). If called only once, it doesn't # add any functionality to calling new() with the same # parameters. # # The implementation provided here calls automatically # _initialize_state() and passes on -input=>$inputobj and # @params as final arguments. # Example : # Returns : void # Args : B - object/file where analysis are coming from # B - parameter to use when parsing/running analysis # B - method of analysis # # =cut sub parse { my ($self, @args) = @_; my ($input, $params, $method) = $self->_rearrange([qw(INPUT PARAMS METHOD )], @args); # initialize with new input if($params) { $self->_initialize_state('-input' => $input, @$params); } else { $self->_initialize_state('-input' => $input); } $self->analysis_method($method) if $method; } =head2 analysis_query Usage : $query_obj = $result->analysis_query(); Purpose : Set/Get the name of the query used to generate the result, that is, the entity on which the analysis was performed. Will mostly be a sequence object (Bio::PrimarySeq compatible). Argument : Returns : The object set before. Mostly a Bio::PrimarySeq compatible object. =cut #-------- sub analysis_query { my ($self, $obj) = @_; if($obj) { $self->{'_analysis_query'} = $obj; } return $self->{'_analysis_query'}; } #-------- =head2 analysis_subject Usage : $result->analyis_subject(); Purpose : Set/Get the subject of the analysis against which it was performed. For similarity searches it will probably be a database, and for sequence feature predictions (exons, promoters, etc) it may be a collection of models or homologous sequences that were used, or undefined. Returns : The object that was set before, or undef. Argument : =cut #--------------- sub analysis_subject { #--------------- my ($self, $sbjct_obj) = @_; if($sbjct_obj) { $self->{'_analysis_sbjct'} = $sbjct_obj; } return $self->{'_analysis_sbjct'}; } =head2 analysis_date Usage : $result->analysis_date(); Purpose : Set/Get the date on which the analysis was performed. Returns : String Argument : Comments : =cut #---------- sub analysis_date { my ($self, $date) = @_; if($date) { $self->{'_analysis_date'} = $date; } return $self->{'_analysis_date'}; } #---------- =head2 analysis_method Usage : $result->analysis_method(); Purpose : Set/Get the name of the sequence analysis method that was used to produce this result (BLASTP, FASTA, etc.). May also be the actual name of a program. Returns : String Argument : n/a =cut #------------- sub analysis_method { #------------- my ($self, $method) = @_; if($method) { $self->{'_analysis_prog'} = $method; } return $self->{'_analysis_prog'}; } =head2 analysis_method_version Usage : $result->analysis_method_version(); Purpose : Set/Get the version string of the analysis program. : (e.g., 1.4.9MP, 2.0a19MP-WashU). Returns : String Argument : n/a =cut #--------------------- sub analysis_method_version { #--------------------- my ($self, $version) = @_; if($version) { $self->{'_analysis_progVersion'} = $version; } return $self->{'_analysis_progVersion'}; } 1;