# $Id: GuessSeqFormat.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ #------------------------------------------------------------------ # # BioPerl module Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Andreas Kähäri, andreas.kahari@ebi.ac.uk # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself #------------------------------------------------------------------ =head1 NAME Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat - Module for determining the sequence format of the contents of a file, a string, or through a filehandle. =head1 SYNOPSIS # To guess the format of a flat file, given a filename: my $guesser = Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat->new( -file => $filename ); my $format = $guesser->guess; # To guess the format from an already open filehandle: my $guesser = Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat->new( -fh => $filehandle ); my $format = $guesser->guess; # If the filehandle is seekable (STDIN isn't), it will be # returned to its original position. # To guess the format of one or several lines of text (with # embedded newlines): my $guesser = Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat->new( -text => $linesoftext ); my $format = $guesser->guess; # To create a Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat object and set the # filename, filehandle, or line to parse afterwards: my $guesser = Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat->new(); $guesser->file($filename); $guesser->fh($filehandle); $guesser->text($linesoftext); # To guess in one go, given e.g. a filename: my $format = Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat->new( -file => $filename )->guess; =head1 DESCRIPTION Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat tries to guess the format ("swiss", "pir", "fasta" etc.) of the sequence or MSA in a file, in a scalar, or through a filehandle. The guess() method of a Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat object will examine the data, line by line, until it finds a line to which only one format can be assigned. If no conclusive guess can be made, undef is returned. If the Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat object is given a filehandle which is seekable, it will be restored to its original position on return from the guess() method. =head2 Formats Tests are currently implemented for the following formats: =over =item * ACeDB ("ace") =item * Blast ("blast") =item * ClustalW ("clustalw") =item * Codata ("codata") =item * EMBL ("embl") =item * FastA sequence ("fasta") =item * FastXY/FastA alignment ("fastxy") =item * Game XML ("game") =item * GCG ("gcg") =item * GCG Blast ("gcgblast") =item * GCG FastA ("gcgfasta") =item * GDE ("gde") =item * Genbank ("genbank") =item * Genscan ("genscan") =item * GFF ("gff") =item * HMMER ("hmmer") =item * PAUP/NEXUS ("nexus") =item * Phrap assembly file ("phrap") =item * NBRF/PIR ("pir") =item * Mase ("mase") =item * Mega ("mega") =item * GCG/MSF ("msf") =item * Pfam ("pfam") =item * Phylip ("phylip") =item * Prodom ("prodom") =item * Raw ("raw") =item * RSF ("rsf") =item * Selex ("selex") =item * Stockholm ("stockholm") =item * Swissprot ("swiss") =item * Tab ("tab") =back =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR Andreas Kähäri, andreas.kahari@ebi.ac.uk =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Heikki Lehväslaiho, heikki-at-bioperl-dot-org =cut package Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Bio::Root::Root); =head1 METHODS Methods available to Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat objects are described below. Methods with names beginning with an underscore are considered to be internal. =cut =head2 new Title : new Usage : $guesser = Bio::Tools::GuessSeqFormat->new( ... ); Function : Creates a new object. Example : See SYNOPSIS. Returns : A new object. Arguments : -file The filename of the file whose format is to be guessed, or -fh An already opened filehandle from which a text stream may be read, or -text A scalar containing one or several lines of text with embedded newlines. If more than one of the above arguments are given, they are tested in the order -text, -file, -fh, and the first available argument will be used. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my @args = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my $attr; my $value; while (@args) { $attr = shift @args; $attr = lc $attr; $value = shift @args; $self->{$attr} = $value; } return $self; } =head2 file Title : file Usage : $guesser->file($filename); $filename = $guesser->file; Function : Gets or sets the current filename associated with an object. Returns : The new filename. Arguments : The filename of the file whose format is to be guessed. A call to this method will clear the current filehandle and the current lines of text associated with the object. =cut sub file { # Sets and/or returns the filename to use. my $self = shift; my $file = shift; if (defined $file) { # Set the active filename, and clear the filehandle and # text line, if present. $self->{-file} = $file; $self->{-fh} = $self->{-text} = undef; } return $self->{-file}; } =head2 fh Title : fh Usage : $guesser->fh($filehandle); $filehandle = $guesser->fh; Function : Gets or sets the current filehandle associated with an object. Returns : The new filehandle. Arguments : An already opened filehandle from which a text stream may be read. A call to this method will clear the current filename and the current lines of text associated with the object. =cut sub fh { # Sets and/or returns the filehandle to use. my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; if (defined $fh) { # Set the active filehandle, and clear the filename and # text line, if present. $self->{-fh} = $fh; $self->{-file} = $self->{-text} = undef; } return $self->{-fh}; } =head2 text Title : text Usage : $guesser->text($linesoftext); $linesofext = $guesser->text; Function : Gets or sets the current text associated with an object. Returns : The new lines of texts. Arguments : A scalar containing one or several lines of text, including embedded newlines. A call to this method will clear the current filename and the current filehandle associated with the object. =cut sub text { # Sets and/or returns the text lines to use. my $self = shift; my $text = shift; if (defined $text) { # Set the active text lines, and clear the filehandle # and filename, if present. $self->{-text} = $text; $self->{-fh} = $self->{-file} = undef; } return $self->{-text}; } =head2 guess Title : guess Usage : $format = $guesser->guess; @format = $guesser->guess; # if given a line of text Function : Guesses the format of the data accociated with the object. Returns : A format string such as "swiss" or "pir". If a format can not be found, undef is returned. Arguments : None. If the object is associated with a filehandle and if that filehandle is searchable, the position of the filehandle will be returned to its original position before the method returns. =cut our %formats = ( ace => { test => \&_possibly_ace }, blast => { test => \&_possibly_blast }, clustalw => { test => \&_possibly_clustalw }, codata => { test => \&_possibly_codata }, embl => { test => \&_possibly_embl }, fasta => { test => \&_possibly_fasta }, fastxy => { test => \&_possibly_fastxy }, game => { test => \&_possibly_game }, gcg => { test => \&_possibly_gcg }, gcgblast => { test => \&_possibly_gcgblast }, gcgfasta => { test => \&_possibly_gcgfasta }, gde => { test => \&_possibly_gde }, genbank => { test => \&_possibly_genbank }, genscan => { test => \&_possibly_genscan }, gff => { test => \&_possibly_gff }, hmmer => { test => \&_possibly_hmmer }, nexus => { test => \&_possibly_nexus }, mase => { test => \&_possibly_mase }, mega => { test => \&_possibly_mega }, msf => { test => \&_possibly_msf }, phrap => { test => \&_possibly_phrap }, pir => { test => \&_possibly_pir }, pfam => { test => \&_possibly_pfam }, phylip => { test => \&_possibly_phylip }, prodom => { test => \&_possibly_prodom }, raw => { test => \&_possibly_raw }, rsf => { test => \&_possibly_rsf }, selex => { test => \&_possibly_selex }, stockholm => { test => \&_possibly_stockholm }, swiss => { test => \&_possibly_swiss }, tab => { test => \&_possibly_tab } ); sub guess { my $self = shift; foreach my $fmt_key (keys %formats) { $formats{$fmt_key}{fmt_string} = $fmt_key; } my $fh; my $start_pos; my @lines; if (defined $self->{-text}) { # Break the text into separate lines. @lines = split /\n/, $self->{-text}; } elsif (defined $self->{-file}) { # If given a filename, open the file. open($fh, $self->{-file}) or $self->throw("Can not open '$self->{-file}' for reading: $!"); } elsif (defined $self->{-fh}) { # If given a filehandle, figure out if it's a plain GLOB # or a IO::Handle which is seekable. In the case of a # GLOB, we'll assume it's seekable. Get the current # position in the stream. $fh = $self->{-fh}; if (ref $fh eq 'GLOB') { $start_pos = tell($fh); } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($fh, 'IO::Seekable')) { $start_pos = $fh->getpos(); } } my $done = 0; my $lineno = 0; my $fmt_string; while (!$done) { my $line; # The next line of the file. my $match = 0; # Number of possible formats of this line. if (defined $self->{-text}) { last if (scalar @lines == 0); $line = shift @lines; } else { last if (!defined($line = <$fh>)); } next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/); # Skip white and empty lines. chomp($line); $line =~ s/\r$//; # Fix for DOS files on Unix. ++$lineno; while (my ($fmt_key, $fmt) = each (%formats)) { if ($fmt->{test}($line, $lineno)) { ++$match; $fmt_string = $fmt->{fmt_string}; } } # We're done if there was only one match. $done = ($match == 1); } if (defined $self->{-file}) { # Close the file we opened. close($fh); } elsif (ref $fh eq 'GLOB') { # Try seeking to the start position. seek($fh, $start_pos, 0); } elsif (defined $fh && $fh->can('setpos')) { # Seek to the start position. $fh->setpos($start_pos); } return ($done ? $fmt_string : undef); } =head1 HELPER SUBROUTINES All helper subroutines will, given a line of text and the line number of the same line, return 1 if the line possibly is from a file of the type that they perform a test of. A zero return value does not mean that the line is not part of a certain type of file, just that the test did not find any characteristics of that type of file in the line. =head2 _possibly_ace From bioperl test data, and from "http://www.isrec.isb-sib.ch/DEA/module8/B_Stevenson/Practicals/transcriptome_recon/transcriptome_recon.html". =cut sub _possibly_ace { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($line =~ /^(?:Sequence|Peptide|DNA|Protein) [":]/); } =head2 _possibly_blast From various blast results. =cut sub _possibly_blast { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^[[:upper:]]*BLAST[[:upper:]]*.*\[.*\]$/); } =head2 _possibly_clustalw From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". =cut sub _possibly_clustalw { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /CLUSTAL/); } =head2 _possibly_codata From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". =cut sub _possibly_codata { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^ENTRY/) || ($lineno == 2 && $line =~ /^SEQUENCE/) || $line =~ m{^(?:ENTRY|SEQUENCE|///)}); } =head2 _possibly_embl From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/Documentation/User_manual/usrman.html#3.3". =cut sub _possibly_embl { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^ID / && $line =~ /BP\.$/); } =head2 _possibly_fasta From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". =cut sub _possibly_fasta { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno != 1 && $line =~ /^[A-IK-NP-Z]+$/i) || $line =~ /^>\s*\w/); } =head2 _possibly_fastxy From bioperl test data. =cut sub _possibly_fastxy { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^ FAST(?:XY|A)/) || ($lineno == 2 && $line =~ /^ version \d/)); } =head2 _possibly_game From bioperl testdata. =cut sub _possibly_game { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($line =~ /^ 1 && $line =~ /^;[^;]?/)); } =head2 _possibly_mega From the ensembl broswer (AlignView data export). =cut sub _possibly_mega { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^#mega$/); } =head2 _possibly_msf From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". =cut sub _possibly_msf { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($line =~ m{^//} || $line =~ /MSF:.*Type:.*Check:|Name:.*Len:/); } =head2 _possibly_phrap From "http://biodata.ccgb.umn.edu/docs/contigimage.html". (TODO: dead link) From "http://genetics.gene.cwru.edu/gene508/Lec6.htm". (TODO: dead link) From bioperl test data ("*.ace.1" files). =cut sub _possibly_phrap { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($line =~ /^(?:AS\ |CO\ Contig|BQ|AF\ |BS\ |RD\ | QA\ |DS\ |RT\{)/x); } =head2 _possibly_pir From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". The ".,()" spotted in bioperl test data. =cut sub _possibly_pir # "NBRF/PIR" (?) { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno != 1 && $line =~ /^[\sA-IK-NP-Z.,()]+\*?$/i) || $line =~ /^>(?:P1|F1|DL|DC|RL|RC|N3|N1);/); } =head2 _possibly_pfam From bioperl test data. =cut sub _possibly_pfam { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($line =~ m{^\w+/\d+-\d+\s+[A-IK-NP-Z.]+}i); } =head2 _possibly_phylip From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". Initial space allowed on first line (spotted in ensembl AlignView exported data). =cut sub _possibly_phylip { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^\s*\d+\s\d+/) || ($lineno == 2 && $line =~ /^\w\s+[A-IK-NP-Z\s]+/) || ($lineno == 3 && $line =~ /(?:^\w\s+[A-IK-NP-Z\s]+|\s+[A-IK-NP-Z\s]+)/) ); } =head2 _possibly_prodom From "http://prodom.prabi.fr/prodom/current/documentation/data.php". =cut sub _possibly_prodom { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^ID / && $line =~ /\d+ seq\.$/); } =head2 _possibly_raw From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". =cut sub _possibly_raw { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($line =~ /^(?:[sA-IK-NP-Z]+|[sa-ik-np-z]+)$/); } =head2 _possibly_rsf From "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/help/formats.html". =cut sub _possibly_rsf { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^!!RICH_SEQUENCE/) || $line =~ /^[{}]$/ || $line =~ /^(?:name|type|longname| checksum|creation-date|strand|sequence)/x); } =head2 _possibly_selex From "http://www.ebc.ee/WWW/hmmer2-html/node27.html". Assuming precense of Selex file header. Data exported by Bioperl on Pfam and Selex formats are identical, but Pfam file only holds one alignment. =cut sub _possibly_selex { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^#=ID /) || ($lineno == 2 && $line =~ /^#=AC /) || ($line =~ /^#=SQ /)); } =head2 _possibly_stockholm From bioperl test data. =cut sub _possibly_stockholm { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return (($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^# STOCKHOLM/) || $line =~ /^#=(?:GF|GS) /); } =head2 _possibly_swiss From "http://ca.expasy.org/sprot/userman.html#entrystruc". =cut sub _possibly_swiss { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^ID / && $line =~ /AA\.$/); } =head2 _possibly_tab Contributed by Heikki. =cut sub _possibly_tab { my ($line, $lineno) = (shift, shift); return ($lineno == 1 && $line =~ /^[^\t]+\t[^\t]+/) ; } 1;