# $Id: Domain.pm 15635 2009-04-14 19:11:13Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Tools::HMMER::Domain # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Ewan Birney # # Copyright Ewan Birney # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Tools::HMMER::Domain - One particular domain hit from HMMER =head1 SYNOPSIS Read the Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results docs =head1 DESCRIPTION A particular domain score. We reuse the Homol SeqFeature system here, so this inherits off Homol SeqFeature. As this code originally came from a separate project, there are some backward compatibility stuff provided to keep this working with old code. Don't forget this inherits off Bio::SeqFeature, so all your usual nice start/end/score stuff is ready for use. =head1 CONTACT Ewan Birney, birney@ebi.ac.uk =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Jason Stajich, jason@bioperl.org =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut #' package Bio::Tools::HMMER::Domain; use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic; use strict; use base qw(Bio::SeqFeature::FeaturePair); sub new { my($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); $self->{'alignlines'} = []; my $hmmf1 = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(@args); my $hmmf2 = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(@args); $self->feature1($hmmf1); $self->feature2($hmmf2); return $self; } =head2 add_alignment_line Title : add_alignment_line Usage : $domain->add_alignment_line($line_from_hmmer_output); Function: add an alignment line to this Domain object Returns : Nothing Args : scalar Adds an alignment line, mainly for storing the HMMER alignments as flat text which can be reguritated. You're right. This is *not nice* and not the right way to do it. C'est la vie. =cut sub add_alignment_line { my $self = shift; my $line = shift; push(@{$self->{'alignlines'}},$line); } =head2 each_alignment_line Title : each_alignment_line Usage : foreach $line ( $domain->each_alignment_line ) Function: reguritates the alignment lines as they were fed in. only useful realistically for printing. Example : Returns : Args : None =cut sub each_alignment_line { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{'alignlines'}}; } =head2 get_nse Title : get_nse Usage : $domain->get_nse() Function: Provides a seqname/start-end format, useful for unique keys. nse stands for name-start-end It is used alot in Pfam Example : Returns : A string Args : Optional seperator 1 and seperator 2 (default / and -) =cut sub get_nse { my $self = shift; my $sep1 = shift; my $sep2 = shift; if( !defined $sep2 ) { $sep2 = "-"; } if( !defined $sep1 ) { $sep1 = "/"; } return sprintf("%s%s%d%s%d",$self->seq_id,$sep1,$self->start,$sep2,$self->end); } # =head2 start_seq # Title : start_seq # Usage : Backward compatibility with old HMMER modules. # should use $domain->start # Function: # Example : # Returns : # Args : # =cut sub start_seq { my $self = shift; my $start = shift; $self->warn("Using old domain->start_seq. Should use domain->start"); return $self->start($start); } # =head2 end_seq # Title : end_seq # Usage : Backward compatibility with old HMMER modules. # should use $domain->end # Function: # Example : # Returns : # Args : # =cut sub end_seq { my $self = shift; my $end = shift; $self->warn("Using old domain->end_seq. Should use domain->end"); return $self->end($end); } # =head2 start_hmm # Title : start_hmm # Usage : Backward compatibility with old HMMER modules, and # for convience. Equivalent to $self->homol_SeqFeature->start # Function: # Example : # Returns : # Args : # =cut sub start_hmm { my $self = shift; my $start = shift; $self->warn("Using old domain->start_hmm. Should use domain->hstart"); return $self->hstart($start); } # =head2 end_hmm # Title : end_hmm # Usage : Backward compatibility with old HMMER modules, and # for convience. Equivalent to $self->homol_SeqFeature->start # Function: # Example : # Returns : # Args : # =cut sub end_hmm { my $self = shift; my $end = shift; $self->warn("Using old domain->end_hmm. Should use domain->hend"); return $self->hend($end); } =head2 hmmacc Title : hmmacc Usage : $domain->hmmacc($newacc) Function: set get for HMM accession number. This is placed in the homol feature of the HMM Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub hmmacc{ my ($self,$acc) = @_; if( defined $acc ) { $self->feature2->add_tag_value('accession',$acc); } my @vals = $self->feature2->each_tag_value('accession'); return shift @vals; } =head2 hmmname Title : hmmname Usage : $domain->hmmname($newname) Function: set get for HMM accession number. This is placed in the homol feature of the HMM Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub hmmname { return shift->hseq_id(@_); } =head2 bits Title : bits Usage : Function: backward compatibility. Same as score Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub bits{ return shift->score(@_); } =head2 evalue Title : evalue Usage : Function: $domain->evalue($value); Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub evalue{ return shift->_tag_value('evalue',@_); } =head2 seqbits Title : seqbits Usage : Function: $domain->seqbits($value); Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub seqbits { return shift->_tag_value('seqbits',@_); } =head2 seq_range Title : seq_range Usage : Function: Throws an exception to catch scripts which need to upgrade Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub seq_range{ my ($self,@args) = @_; $self->throw("You have accessed an old method. Please recode your script to the new bioperl HMMER module"); } =head2 hmm_range Title : hmm_range Usage : Function: Throws an exception to catch scripts which need to upgrade Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub hmm_range{ my ($self,@args) = @_; $self->throw("You have accessed an old method. Please recode your script to the new bioperl HMMER module"); } 1; # says use was ok __END__