# $Id: Primer3.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Tools::Primer3 # # Copyright (c) 2003 bioperl, Rob Edwards. All Rights Reserved. # This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # Copyright Rob Edwards # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Tools::Primer3 - Create input for and work with the output from the program primer3 =head1 SYNOPSIS # parse primer3 output to get some data # this is also called from Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3 use Bio::Tools::Primer3; # read a primer3 output file my $p3 = Bio::Tools::Primer3->new(-file=>"data/primer3_output.txt"); # how many results were there? my $num = $p3->number_of_results; print "There were $num results\n"; # get all the results my $all_results = $p3->all_results; print "ALL the results\n"; foreach my $key (keys %{$all_results}) { print "$key\t${$all_results}{$key}\n"; } # get specific results my $result1 = $p3->primer_results(1); print "The first primer is\n"; foreach my $key (keys %{$result1}) { print "$key\t${$result1}{$key}\n"; } # get the results as a Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq stream my $primer = $p3->next_primer; print "The left primer in the stream is ", $primer->get_primer('-left_primer')->seq->seq, "\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION Bio::Tools::Primer3 creates the input files needed to design primers using primer3 and provides mechanisms to access data in the primer3 output files. This module provides a bioperl interface to the program primer3. See http://www-genome.wi.mit.edu/genome_software/other/primer3.html for details and to download the software. This module is based on one written by Chad Matsalla (bioinformatics1@dieselwurks.com) I have ripped some of his code, and added a lot of my own. I hope he is not mad at me! This is probably best run in one of the two following ways: i. To parse the output from Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3. You will most likely just use next_primer to get the results from Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3. ii. To parse the output of primer3 handed to it as a file name. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Rob Edwards redwards@utmem.edu Based heavily on work of Chad Matsalla bioinformatics1@dieselwurks.com =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Brian Osborne bosborne at alum.mit.edu =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Tools::Primer3; use strict; use Bio::Seq; use Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq; use Bio::SeqFeature::Primer; use Clone qw(clone); use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @PRIMER3_PARAMS %OK_FIELD $ID); BEGIN { @PRIMER3_PARAMS=qw(results seqobject); foreach my $attr (@PRIMER3_PARAMS) {$OK_FIELD{$attr}++} } use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Root::IO); sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $attr = $AUTOLOAD; $attr =~ s/.*:://; $self->throw("Unallowed parameter: $attr !") unless $OK_FIELD{$attr}; $self->{$attr} = shift if @_; return $self->{$attr}; } $ID = 'Bio::Tools::Primer3'; =head2 new Title : new() Usage : my $primer3 = Bio::Tools::Primer3->new(-file=>$file) to read a primer3 output file. Function: Parse primer3 output Returns : Does not return anything. If called with a filename will allow you to retrieve the results Args : -file (optional) file of primer3 results to parse -verbose (optional) set verbose output Notes : =cut sub new { my($class,%args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args); if ($args{'-file'}) {$self->_readfile($args{'-file'})} if ($args{'-verbose'}) {$self->{'verbose'}=1} return $self; } =head2 number_of_results Title : number_of_results() Usage : $primer3->number_of_results() Function: Retrieve the number of primers returned from Primer3. Returns : A scalar Args : None Notes : This returns the count of the primers returned by Primer3 (aka how many of them there are). This is one more than the maximum offset into the zero based list of primers that is accessed by primer_results(). =cut sub number_of_results { my $self=shift; return $self->{'maximum_primers_returned'} + 1; } =head2 all_results Title : all_results() Usage : $primer3->all_results() to print all results or $primer3->all_results('primer3 result name', 'other results') to return a specific result Function: Retrieve the results returned from Primer3. Returns : A reference to a hash Args : Optional array of results to retrieve =cut sub all_results { my ($self, @results) = @_; my %hash; if (@results) { # we only want a few things foreach my $result (@results) {$hash{$result}=$self->{'results'}->$result} } else { foreach my $result (keys %{$self->{'results'}}) { $hash{$result}=$self->{'results'}->{$result}; } } return \%hash; } =head2 primer_results Title : primer_results() Usage : $primer3->primer_results(2) to print results for the third choice primer (indexed on 0) Function: Retrieve the results returned from Primer3 for specific primer pairs. Returns : A reference to a hash Args : A number between 0 and the maximum number of primers to retrieve =cut sub primer_results { my ($self, $toget) = @_; if ($toget > $self->{'maximum_primers_returned'}) { $self->warn("Didn't get any results for $toget"); return 0; } else { return \%{$self->{'results_by_number'}->{$toget}}; } } =head2 _readfile Title : _readfile() Usage : $self->_readfile(); Function: An internal function that reads a file and sets up the results Returns : Nothing. Args : None Notes : =cut sub _readfile { my ($self, $file) = @_; $self->_initialize_io(-file=>$file); my $line; my $id='primer 3 parsed results'; # hopefully we'll get this, but we can set a temp id in case not. while (defined($line=$self->_readline()) ) { chomp $line; next unless ($line); my ($return, $value) = split /=/, $line; if (uc($return) eq "SEQUENCE") { $self->{seqobject}=Bio::Seq->new(-seq=>$value, $id=>$id); next; } if (uc($return) eq "PRIMER_SEQUENCE_ID") { if ($self->{seqobject}) {$self->{seqobject}->id($value)} else {$id=$value} } $self->{'results'}->{$return} = $value; } # convert the results to individual results $self->_separate(); } =head2 next_primer Title : next_primer() Usage : while (my $primed_seq = $primer3->next_primer()) { Function: Retrieve the primed sequence and a primer pair, one at a time Returns : Returns a Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq feature, one at a time Args : None Notes : Use $primed_seq->annotated_seq to get an annotated sequence object you can write out. =cut sub next_primer { my $self = shift; # here we are going to convert the primers to Bio::SeqFeature::Primer objects # and the primer/sequence to Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq objects # the problem at the moment is that PrimedSeq can only take one sequence/primer pair, and # yet for each sequence we can have lots of primer pairs. We need a way to overcome this. # at the moment we can do this as a stream, I guess. $self->warn("No primers were found for: ".$self->{'seqobject'}->{'primary_id'}) if (! $self->number_of_results); $self->{'next_to_return'} = 0 unless ($self->{'next_to_return'}); return if ($self->{'next_to_return'} >= $self->number_of_results); my $results = $self->primer_results($self->{'next_to_return'}); $self->throw("No left primer sequence") unless (${$results}{'PRIMER_LEFT_SEQUENCE'}); $self->throw("No right primer sequence") unless (${$results}{'PRIMER_RIGHT_SEQUENCE'}); $self->throw("No target sequence") unless ($self->{'seqobject'}); my $left_seq = Bio::SeqFeature::Primer->new( -primer_sequence_id => "left_primer", -sequence => ${$results}{'PRIMER_LEFT_SEQUENCE'}, -display_id => ($self->{'next_to_return'} + 1) ); my $right_seq = Bio::SeqFeature::Primer->new( -primer_sequence_id => "right_primer", -sequence => ${$results}{'PRIMER_RIGHT_SEQUENCE'}, -display_id => ($self->{'next_to_return'} + 1) ); # add data to the Primer objects for my $key (%$results) { # skip the primer sequence data, already added above next if ($key =~ /PRIMER_(LEFT|RIGHT)_SEQUENCE/i ); if ($key =~ /PRIMER_LEFT/i) { $left_seq->add_tag_value($key, $$results{$key}); } elsif ($key =~ /PRIMER_RIGHT/i) { $right_seq->add_tag_value($key, $$results{$key}); } } my $primed_seq = Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq->new(-target_sequence => clone($self->{'seqobject'}), -left_primer => $left_seq, -right_primer => $right_seq); # add data to the the PrimedSeq object that's not specific to the Primers for my $key (%$results) { next if ($key =~ /PRIMER_(LEFT|RIGHT)/i ); $primed_seq->add_tag_value($key, $$results{$key}); } $self->{'next_to_return'}++; return $primed_seq; } =head2 primer_stream Title : primer_stream() Usage : while (my $primed_seq = $primer3->primer_stream()) { Function: Retrieve the primer/sequences one at a time Returns : Returns a Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq feature, one at a time Args : None Notes : Deprecated, just a link to next_primer =cut sub primer_stream { my $self=shift; my $primedseq = $self->next_primer; return $primedseq; } =head2 _separate Title : _separate() Usage : $self->_separate(); Function: An internal function that groups the results by number (e.g. primer pair 1, etc) Returns : Nothing. Args : None Notes : =cut sub _separate { my $self = shift; my %results; # the results that we find my $maxlocation = -1; # the maximum number of primers returned foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{'results'}}) { next if (${$self->{'input_options'}}{$key}); # don't process it if it is an input key my $location; # the number of the primer pair # names will have values like # PRIMER_RIGHT_SEQUENCE, PRIMER_RIGHT_2_SEQUENCE, PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE, and # PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_3 hence we need to find and remove the number my $tempkey=$key; if ($tempkey =~ s/_(\d+)//) { $location=$1; if ($location > $maxlocation) {$maxlocation = $location} } elsif ( $tempkey =~ /PRIMER_(RIGHT|LEFT)_SEQUENCE/ ) { # first primers reported without a number, therefore set $location to 0 $location = 0; if ($location > $maxlocation) {$maxlocation = $location} } else { $location = 0; } # we will hash the results by number, and then by name ${$results{$location}}{$tempkey}=${$self->{'results'}}{$key}; } $self->{'results_by_number'}=\%results; $self->{'maximum_primers_returned'}=$maxlocation; } =head2 _set_variable Title : _set_variable() Usage : $self->_set_variable('variable name', 'value'); Function: An internal function that sets a variable Returns : Nothing. Args : None Notes : Used to set $self->{results} and $self->seqobject =cut sub _set_variable { my ($self, $name, $value)=@_; next unless ($name); $self->{$name} = $value; } 1; __END__