# $Id: SeqDiff.pm 16123 2009-09-17 12:57:27Z cjfields $ # bioperl module for Bio::Variation::SeqDiff # # Please direct questions and support issues to # # Cared for by Heikki Lehvaslaiho # # Copyright Heikki Lehvaslaiho # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # # POD documentation - main docs before the code # cds_end definition? =head1 NAME Bio::Variation::SeqDiff - Container class for mutation/variant descriptions =head1 SYNOPSIS $seqDiff = Bio::Variation::SeqDiff->new ( -id => $M20132, -alphabet => 'rna', -gene_symbol => 'AR' -chromosome => 'X', -numbering => 'coding' ); # get a DNAMutation object somehow $seqDiff->add_Variant($dnamut); print $seqDiff->sys_name(), "\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION SeqDiff stores Bio::Variation::VariantI object references and descriptive information common to all changes in a sequence. Mutations are understood to be any kind of sequence markers and are expected to occur in the same chromosome. See L for details. The methods of SeqDiff are geared towards describing mutations in human genes using gene-based coordinate system where 'A' of the initiator codon has number 1 and the one before it -1. This is according to conventions of human genetics. There will be class Bio::Variation::Genotype to describe markers in different chromosomes and diploid genototypes. Classes implementing Bio::Variation::VariantI interface are Bio::Variation::DNAMutation, Bio::Variation::RNAChange, and Bio::Variation::AAChange. See L, L, L, and L for more information. Variant objects can be added using two ways: an array passed to the constructor or as individual Variant objects with add_Variant method. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing lists Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Support Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list: I rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible. =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Heikki Lehvaslaiho Email: heikki-at-bioperl-dot-org =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Eckhard Lehmann, ecky@e-lehmann.de =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Variation::SeqDiff; use strict; use Bio::Tools::CodonTable; use Bio::PrimarySeq; use base qw(Bio::Root::Root); =head2 new Title : new Usage : $seqDiff = Bio::Variation::SeqDiff->new; Function: generates a new Bio::Variation::SeqDiff Returns : reference to a new object of class SeqDiff Args : =cut sub new { my($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my($id, $sysname, $trivname, $chr, $gene_symbol, $desc, $alphabet, $numbering, $offset, $rna_offset, $rna_id, $cds_end, $dna_ori, $dna_mut, $rna_ori, $rna_mut, $aa_ori, $aa_mut #@variants, @genes ) = $self->_rearrange([qw(ID SYSNAME TRIVNAME CHR GENE_SYMBOL DESC ALPHABET NUMBERING OFFSET RNA_OFFSET RNA_ID CDS_END DNA_ORI DNA_MUT RNA_ORI AA_ORI AA_MUT )], @args); #my $make = $self->SUPER::_initialize(@args); $id && $self->id($id); $sysname && $self->sysname($sysname); $trivname && $self->trivname($trivname); $chr && $self->chromosome($chr); $gene_symbol && $self->gene_symbol($chr); $desc && $self->description($desc); $alphabet && $self->alphabet($alphabet); $numbering && $self->numbering($numbering); $offset && $self->offset($offset); $rna_offset && $self->rna_offset($rna_offset); $rna_id && $self->rna_id($rna_id); $cds_end && $self->cds_end($cds_end); $dna_ori && $self->dna_ori($dna_ori); $dna_mut && $self->dna_mut($dna_mut); $rna_ori && $self->rna_ori($rna_ori); $rna_mut && $self->rna_mut($rna_mut); $aa_ori && $self->aa_ori ($aa_ori); $aa_mut && $self->aa_mut ($aa_mut); $self->{ 'variants' } = []; #@variants && push(@{$self->{'variants'}},@variants); $self->{ 'genes' } = []; #@genes && push(@{$self->{'genes'}},@genes); return $self; # success - we hope! } =head2 id Title : id Usage : $obj->id(H0001); $id = $obj->id(); Function: Sets or returns the id of the seqDiff. Should be used to give the collection of variants a UID without semantic associations. Example : Returns : value of id, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub id { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'id'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'id'}; } } =head2 sysname Title : sysname Usage : $obj->sysname('5C>G'); $sysname = $obj->sysname(); Function: Sets or returns the systematic name of the seqDiff. The name should follow the HUGO Mutation Database Initiative approved nomenclature. If called without first setting the value, will generate it from L objects attached. Example : Returns : value of sysname, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub sysname { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'sysname'} = $value; } elsif (not defined $self->{'sysname'}) { my $sysname = ''; my $c = 0; foreach my $mut ($self->each_Variant) { if( $mut->isa('Bio::Variation::DNAMutation') ) { $c++; if ($c == 1 ) { $sysname = $mut->sysname ; } else { $sysname .= ";". $mut->sysname; } } } $sysname = "[". $sysname. "]" if $c > 1; $self->{'sysname'} = $sysname; } return $self->{'sysname'}; } =head2 trivname Title : trivname Usage : $obj->trivname('[A2G;T56G]'); $trivname = $obj->trivname(); Function: Sets or returns the trivial name of the seqDiff. The name should follow the HUGO Mutation Database Initiative approved nomenclature. If called without first setting the value, will generate it from L objects attached. Example : Returns : value of trivname, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub trivname { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'trivname'} = $value; } elsif (not defined $self->{'trivname'}) { my $trivname = ''; my $c = 0; foreach my $mut ($self->each_Variant) { if( $mut->isa('Bio::Variation::AAChange') ) { $c++; if ($c == 1 ) { $trivname = $mut->trivname ; } else { $trivname .= ";". $mut->trivname; } } } $trivname = "[". $trivname. "]" if $c > 1; $self->{'trivname'} = $trivname; } else { return $self->{'trivname'}; } } =head2 chromosome Title : chromosome Usage : $obj->chromosome('X'); $chromosome = $obj->chromosome(); Function: Sets or returns the chromosome ("linkage group") of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of chromosome, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub chromosome { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'chromosome'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'chromosome'}; } } =head2 gene_symbol Title : gene_symbol Usage : $obj->gene_symbol('FOS'); $gene_symbol = $obj->gene_symbol; Function: Sets or returns the gene symbol for the studied CDS. Example : Returns : value of gene_symbol, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub gene_symbol { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'gene_symbol'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'gene_symbol'}; } } =head2 description Title : description Usage : $obj->description('short description'); $descr = $obj->description(); Function: Sets or returns the short description of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of description, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub description { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'description'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'description'}; } } =head2 alphabet Title : alphabet Usage : if( $obj->alphabet eq 'dna' ) { /Do Something/ } Function: Returns the type of primary reference sequence being one of 'dna', 'rna' or 'protein'. This is case sensitive. Returns : a string either 'dna','rna','protein'. Args : none =cut sub alphabet { my ($self,$value) = @_; my %type = (dna => 1, rna => 1, protein => 1); if( defined $value ) { if ($type{$value}) { $self->{'alphabet'} = $value; } else { $self->throw("$value is not valid alphabet value!"); } } return $self->{'alphabet'}; } =head2 numbering Title : numbering Usage : $obj->numbering('coding'); $numbering = $obj->numbering(); Function: Sets or returns the string giving the numbering schema used to describe the variants. Example : Returns : value of numbering, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub numbering { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'numbering'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'numbering'}; } } =head2 offset Title : offset Usage : $obj->offset(124); $offset = $obj->offset(); Function: Sets or returns the offset from the beginning of the DNA sequence to the coordinate start used to describe variants. Typically the beginning of the coding region of the gene. The cds_start should be 1 + offset. Example : Returns : value of offset, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub offset { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'offset'} = $value; } elsif (not defined $self->{'offset'} ) { return $self->{'offset'} = 0; } else { return $self->{'offset'}; } } =head2 cds_start Title : cds_start Usage : $obj->cds_start(123); $cds_start = $obj->cds_start(); Function: Sets or returns the cds_start from the beginning of the DNA sequence to the coordinate start used to describe variants. Typically the beginning of the coding region of the gene. Needs to be and is implemented as 1 + offset. Example : Returns : value of cds_start, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub cds_start { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'offset'} = $value - 1; } else { return $self->{'offset'} + 1; } } =head2 cds_end Title : cds_end Usage : $obj->cds_end(321); $cds_end = $obj->cds_end(); Function: Sets or returns the position of the last nucleotitide of the termination codon. The coordinate system starts from cds_start. Example : Returns : value of cds_end, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub cds_end { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'cds_end'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'cds_end'}; #$self->{'cds_end'} = CORE::length($self->SeqDiff->rna_ori)/3; } } =head2 rna_offset Title : rna_offset Usage : $obj->rna_offset(124); $rna_offset = $obj->rna_offset(); Function: Sets or returns the rna_offset from the beginning of the RNA sequence to the coordinate start used to describe variants. Typically the beginning of the coding region of the gene. Example : Returns : value of rna_offset, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub rna_offset { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'rna_offset'} = $value; } elsif (not defined $self->{'rna_offset'} ) { return $self->{'rna_offset'} = 0; } else { return $self->{'rna_offset'}; } } =head2 rna_id Title : rna_id Usage : $obj->rna_id('transcript#3'); $rna_id = $obj->rna_id(); Function: Sets or returns the ID for original RNA sequence of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of rna_id, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub rna_id { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'rna_id'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'rna_id'}; } } =head2 add_Variant Title : add_Variant Usage : $obj->add_Variant($variant) Function: Pushes one Bio::Variation::Variant into the list of variants. At the same time, creates a link from the Variant to SeqDiff using its SeqDiff method. Example : Returns : 1 when succeeds, 0 for failure. Args : Variant object =cut sub add_Variant { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::Variation::VariantI') ) { $self->throw("Is not a VariantI complying object but a [$self]"); return 0; } else { push(@{$self->{'variants'}},$value); $value->SeqDiff($self); return 1; } } else { return 0; } } =head2 each_Variant Title : each_Variant Usage : $obj->each_Variant(); Function: Returns a list of Variants. Example : Returns : list of Variants Args : none =cut sub each_Variant{ my ($self,@args) = @_; return @{$self->{'variants'}}; } =head2 add_Gene Title : add_Gene Usage : $obj->add_Gene($gene) Function: Pushes one L into the list of genes. Example : Returns : 1 when succeeds, 0 for failure. Args : Bio::LiveSeq::Gene object See L for more information. =cut sub add_Gene { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { if( ! $value->isa('Bio::LiveSeq::Gene') ) { $value->throw("Is not a Bio::LiveSeq::Gene object but a [$value]"); return 0; } else { push(@{$self->{'genes'}},$value); return 1; } } else { return 0; } } =head2 each_Gene Title : each_Gene Usage : $obj->each_Gene(); Function: Returns a list of Ls. Example : Returns : list of Genes Args : none =cut sub each_Gene{ my ($self,@args) = @_; return @{$self->{'genes'}}; } =head2 dna_ori Title : dna_ori Usage : $obj->dna_ori('atgctgctgctgct'); $dna_ori = $obj->dna_ori(); Function: Sets or returns the original DNA sequence string of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of dna_ori, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub dna_ori { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'dna_ori'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'dna_ori'}; } } =head2 dna_mut Title : dna_mut Usage : $obj->dna_mut('atgctggtgctgct'); $dna_mut = $obj->dna_mut(); Function: Sets or returns the mutated DNA sequence of the seqDiff. If sequence has not been set generates it from the original sequence and DNA mutations. Example : Returns : value of dna_mut, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub dna_mut { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'dna_mut'} = $value; } else { $self->_set_dnamut() unless $self->{'dna_mut'}; return $self->{'dna_mut'}; } } sub _set_dnamut { my $self = shift; return unless $self->{'dna_ori'} && $self->each_Variant; $self->{'dna_mut'} = $self->{'dna_ori'}; foreach ($self->each_Variant) { next unless $_->isa('Bio::Variation::DNAMutation'); next unless $_->isMutation; my ($s, $la, $le); #lies the mutation less than 25 bases after the start of sequence? if ($_->start < 25) { $s = 0; $la = $_->start - 1; } else { $s = $_->start - 25; $la = 25; } #is the mutation an insertion? $_->end($_->start) unless $_->allele_ori->seq; #does the mutation end greater than 25 bases before the end of #sequence? if (($_->end + 25) > length($self->{'dna_mut'})) { $le = length($self->{'dna_mut'}) - $_->end; } else { $le = 25; } $_->dnStreamSeq(substr($self->{'dna_mut'}, $s, $la)); $_->upStreamSeq(substr($self->{'dna_mut'}, $_->end, $le)); my $s_ori = $_->dnStreamSeq . $_->allele_ori->seq . $_->upStreamSeq; my $s_mut = $_->dnStreamSeq . $_->allele_mut->seq . $_->upStreamSeq; (my $str = $self->{'dna_mut'}) =~ s/$s_ori/$s_mut/; $self->{'dna_mut'} = $str; } } =head2 rna_ori Title : rna_ori Usage : $obj->rna_ori('atgctgctgctgct'); $rna_ori = $obj->rna_ori(); Function: Sets or returns the original RNA sequence of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of rna_ori, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub rna_ori { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'rna_ori'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'rna_ori'}; } } =head2 rna_mut Title : rna_mut Usage : $obj->rna_mut('atgctggtgctgct'); $rna_mut = $obj->rna_mut(); Function: Sets or returns the mutated RNA sequence of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of rna_mut, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub rna_mut { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'rna_mut'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'rna_mut'}; } } =head2 aa_ori Title : aa_ori Usage : $obj->aa_ori('MAGVLL*'); $aa_ori = $obj->aa_ori(); Function: Sets or returns the original protein sequence of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of aa_ori, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub aa_ori { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'aa_ori'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'aa_ori'}; } } =head2 aa_mut Title : aa_mut Usage : $obj->aa_mut('MA*'); $aa_mut = $obj->aa_mut(); Function: Sets or returns the mutated protein sequence of the seqDiff. Example : Returns : value of aa_mut, a scalar Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub aa_mut { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'aa_mut'} = $value; } else { return $self->{'aa_mut'}; } } =head2 seqobj Title : seqobj Usage : $dnaobj = $obj->seqobj('dna_mut'); Function: Returns the any original or mutated sequences as a Bio::PrimarySeq object. Example : Returns : Bio::PrimarySeq object for the requested sequence Args : string, method name for the sequence requested See L for more information. =cut sub seqobj { my ($self,$value) = @_; my $out; my %valid_obj = map {$_, 1} qw(dna_ori rna_ori aa_ori dna_mut rna_mut aa_mut); $valid_obj{$value} || $self->throw("Sequence type '$value' is not a valid type (". join(',', map "'$_'", sort keys %valid_obj) .") lowercase"); my ($alphabet) = $value =~ /([^_]+)/; my $id = $self->id; $id = $self->rna_id if $self->rna_id; $alphabet = 'protein' if $alphabet eq 'aa'; $out = Bio::PrimarySeq->new ( '-seq' => $self->{$value}, '-display_id' => $id, '-accession_number' => $self->id, '-alphabet' => $alphabet ) if $self->{$value} ; return $out; } =head2 alignment Title : alignment Usage : $obj->alignment Function: Returns a pretty RNA/AA sequence alignment from linked objects. Under construction: Only simple coding region point mutations work. Example : Returns : Args : none =cut sub alignment { my $self = shift; my (@entry, $text); my $maxflanklen = 12; foreach my $mut ($self->each_Variant) { if( $mut->isa('Bio::Variation::RNAChange') ) { my $upflank = $mut->upStreamSeq; my $dnflank = $mut->dnStreamSeq; my $cposd = $mut->codon_pos; my $rori = $mut->allele_ori->seq; my $rmut = $mut->allele_mut->seq; my $rseqoriu = ''; my $rseqmutu = ''; my $rseqorid = ''; my $rseqmutd = ''; my $aaseqmutu = ''; my (@rseqori, @rseqmut ); # point if ($mut->DNAMutation->label =~ /point/) { if ($cposd == 1 ) { my $nt2d = substr($dnflank, 0, 2); push @rseqori, $rori. $nt2d; push @rseqmut, uc ($rmut). $nt2d; $dnflank = substr($dnflank, 2); } elsif ($cposd == 2) { my $ntu = chop $upflank; my $ntd = substr($dnflank, 0, 1); push @rseqori, $ntu. $rori. $ntd; push @rseqmut, $ntu. uc ($rmut). $ntd; $dnflank = substr($dnflank, 1); } elsif ($cposd == 3) { my $ntu1 = chop $upflank; my $ntu2 = chop $upflank; push (@rseqori, $ntu2. $ntu1. $rori); push (@rseqmut, $ntu2. $ntu1. uc $rmut); } } #deletion elsif ($mut->DNAMutation->label =~ /deletion/) { if ($cposd == 2 ) { $rseqorid = chop $upflank; $rseqmutd = $rseqorid; } for (my $i=1; $i<=$mut->length; $i++) { my $ntd .= substr($mut->allele_ori, $i-1, 1); $rseqorid .= $ntd; if (length($rseqorid) == 3 ) { push (@rseqori, $rseqorid); push (@rseqmut, " "); $rseqorid = ''; } } if ($rseqorid) { $rseqorid .= substr($dnflank, 0, 3-$rseqorid); push (@rseqori, $rseqorid); push (@rseqmut, " "); $dnflank = substr($dnflank,3-$rseqorid); } } $upflank = reverse $upflank; # loop throught the flanks for (my $i=1; $i<=length($dnflank); $i++) { last if $i > $maxflanklen; my $ntd .= substr($dnflank, $i-1, 1); my $ntu .= substr($upflank, $i-1, 1); $rseqmutd .= $ntd; $rseqorid .= $ntd; $rseqmutu = $ntu. $rseqmutu; $rseqoriu = $ntu. $rseqoriu; if (length($rseqorid) == 3 and length($rseqorid) == 3) { push (@rseqori, $rseqorid); push (@rseqmut, $rseqmutd); $rseqorid = $rseqmutd =''; } if (length($rseqoriu) == 3 and length($rseqoriu) == 3) { unshift (@rseqori, $rseqoriu); unshift (@rseqmut, $rseqmutu); $rseqoriu = $rseqmutu =''; } #print "|i=$i, $cposd, $rseqmutd, $rseqorid\n"; #print "|i=$i, $cposu, $rseqmutu, $rseqoriu\n\n"; } push (@rseqori, $rseqorid); unshift (@rseqori, $rseqoriu); push (@rseqmut, $rseqmutd); unshift (@rseqmut, $rseqmutu); return unless $mut->AAChange; #translate my $tr = Bio::Tools::CodonTable->new('-id' => $mut->codon_table); my $apos = $mut->AAChange->start; my $aposmax = CORE::length($self->aa_ori); #terminator codon no my $rseqori; my $rseqmut; my $aaseqori; my $aaseqmut = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#rseqori; $i++) { my $a = ''; $a = $tr->translate($rseqori[$i]) if length($rseqori[$i]) == 3; if (length($a) != 1 or $apos - ( $maxflanklen/2 -1) + $i < 1 or $apos - ( $maxflanklen/2 -1) + $i > $aposmax ) { $aaseqori .= " "; } else { $aaseqori .= " ". $a. " "; } my $b = ''; if (length($rseqmut[$i]) == 3) { if ($rseqmut[$i] eq ' ') { $b = "_"; } else { $b = $tr->translate($rseqmut[$i]); } } if (( $b ne $a and length($b) == 1 and $apos - ( $maxflanklen/2 -1) + $i >= 1 ) or ( $apos - ( $maxflanklen/2 -1) + $i >= $aposmax and $mut->label =~ 'termination') ) { $aaseqmut .= " ". $b. " "; } else { $aaseqmut .= " "; } if ($i == 0 and length($rseqori[$i]) != 3) { my $l = 3 - length($rseqori[$i]); $rseqori[$i] = (" " x $l). $rseqori[$i]; $rseqmut[$i] = (" " x $l). $rseqmut[$i]; } $rseqori .= $rseqori[$i]. " " if $rseqori[$i] ne ''; $rseqmut .= $rseqmut[$i]. " " if $rseqmut[$i] ne ''; } # collect the results push (@entry, "\n" ); $text = " ". $aaseqmut; push (@entry, $text ); $text = "Variant : ". $rseqmut; push (@entry, $text ); $text = "Reference: ". $rseqori; push (@entry, $text ); $text = " ". $aaseqori; push (@entry, $text ); push (@entry, "\n" ); } } my $res; foreach my $line (@entry) { $res .= "$line\n"; } return $res; } 1;