import(methods) import(utils) import(graphics) import(stats) import(parallel) exportClasses( ## from R/S3-classes-as-S4-classes.R: connection, file, url, gzfile, bzfile, unz, pipe, fifo, sockconn, terminal, textConnection, gzcon, characterORconnection, AsIs #table, xtabs ) ### ========================================================================== ### Export functions defined in base R and explicitly promoted to generics in ### the BiocGenerics package ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Generics for functions defined in package base: export( ## from R/append.R: append, ## from R/, ## from R/as.vector.R: as.vector, ## from R/cbind.R: cbind, rbind, ## from R/, ## from R/duplicated.R: duplicated, anyDuplicated, ## from R/eval.R: eval, evalq, ## from R/Extremes.R: pmax, pmin,,, ## from R/funprog.R: Reduce, Filter, Find, Map, Position, ## from R/get.R: get, mget, ## from R/is.unsorted.R: is.unsorted, ## from R/lapply.R: lapply, sapply, ## from R/mapply.R: mapply, ## from R/match.R: match, ## from R/nrow.R: nrow, ncol, NROW, NCOL, ## from R/order.R: order, ## from R/paste.R: paste, ## from R/rank.R: rank, ## from R/rep.R:, ## from R/row_colnames.R: rownames, colnames, ## from R/sets.R: union, intersect, setdiff, ## from R/sort.R: sort, ## from R/table.R: table, ## from R/tapply.R: tapply, ## from R/unique.R: unique, ## from R/unlist.R: unlist ) ### Generics for functions defined in package utils: export( ## from R/relist.R: relist ) ### Generics for functions defined in package graphics: export( ## from R/boxplot.R: boxplot, ## from R/image.R: image ) ### Generics for functions defined in package stats: export( ## from R/density.R: density, ## from R/residuals.R: residuals, ## from R/weights.R: weights, ## from R/xtabs.R: xtabs ) ### Generics for functions defined in package parallel: export( ## from R/clusterApply.R: clusterCall, clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterEvalQ, clusterExport, clusterMap, clusterSplit, parLapply, parSapply, parApply, parRapply, parCapply, parLapplyLB, parSapplyLB ) ### ========================================================================== ### Export Bioconductor specific generics and their methods ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------- export( ## from R/annotation.R: annotation, "annotation<-", ## from R/combine.R: combine, ## from R/normalize.R: normalize, ## from R/strand.R: strand, "strand<-", ## from R/updateObject.R: updateObject, updateObjectFromSlots, getObjectSlots ) exportMethods( ## from R/combine.R: combine, ## from R/updateObject.R: updateObject, ## from R/dge.R: counts, "counts<-", design, "design<-", dispTable, "dispTable<-", sizeFactors, "sizeFactors<-", conditions, "conditions<-", estimateSizeFactors, estimateDispersions, plotDispEsts, plotMA ) ### ========================================================================== ### Export non-generic functions ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------- export( ## from R/strand.R: unstrand )