BiocGenerics-package | S4 generic functions for Bioconductor |
annotation | Accessing annotation information |
annotation<- | Accessing annotation information |
anyDuplicated | Determine duplicate elements |
append | Append elements to a vector-like object |
as.data.frame | Coerce an object into a data frame |
as.vector | Coerce an object into a vector |
AsIs-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
BiocGenerics | S4 generic functions for Bioconductor |
boxplot | Box plots |
bzfile-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
cbind | Combine objects by rows or columns |
characterORconnection-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
clusterApply | Apply operations using clusters |
clusterApplyLB | Apply operations using clusters |
clusterCall | Apply operations using clusters |
clusterEvalQ | Apply operations using clusters |
clusterExport | Apply operations using clusters |
clusterMap | Apply operations using clusters |
clusterSplit | Apply operations using clusters |
colnames | Row and column names |
combine | Combining or merging different Bioconductor data structures |
combine-method | Combining or merging different Bioconductor data structures |
conditions | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
conditions<- | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
connection-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
counts | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
counts<- | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
density | Kernel density estimation |
design | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
design<- | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
dispTable | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
dispTable<- | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
do.call | Execute a function call |
duplicated | Determine duplicate elements |
estimateDispersions | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
estimateSizeFactors | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
eval | Evaluate an (unevaluated) expression |
evalq | Evaluate an (unevaluated) expression |
Extremes | Maxima and minima |
fifo-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
file-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
Filter | Common higher-order functions in functional programming languages |
Find | Common higher-order functions in functional programming languages |
funprog | Common higher-order functions in functional programming languages |
get | Return the value of a named object |
getObjectSlots | Update an object to its current class definition |
gzcon-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
gzfile-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
image | Display a color image |
intersect | Set operations |
is.unsorted | Test if a vector-like object is not sorted |
lapply | Apply a function over a list-like or vector-like object |
Map | Common higher-order functions in functional programming languages |
mapply | Apply a function to multiple list-like or vector-like arguments |
match | Value matching |
mget | Return the value of a named object |
NCOL | The number of rows/columns of an array-like object |
ncol | The number of rows/columns of an array-like object |
normalize | Normalize an object |
NROW | The number of rows/columns of an array-like object |
nrow | The number of rows/columns of an array-like object |
order | Ordering permutation |
parApply | Apply operations using clusters |
parCapply | Apply operations using clusters |
parLapply | Apply operations using clusters |
parLapplyLB | Apply operations using clusters |
parRapply | Apply operations using clusters |
parSapply | Apply operations using clusters |
parSapplyLB | Apply operations using clusters |
paste | Concatenate strings |
pipe-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
plotDispEsts | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
plotMA | MA-plot: plot differences versus averages for high-throughput data |
plotMA-method | MA-plot: plot differences versus averages for high-throughput data |
pmax | Maxima and minima |
pmax.int | Maxima and minima |
pmin | Maxima and minima |
pmin.int | Maxima and minima |
Position | Common higher-order functions in functional programming languages |
rank | Ranks the values in a vector-like object |
rbind | Combine objects by rows or columns |
Reduce | Common higher-order functions in functional programming languages |
relist | Re-listing an unlist()ed object |
rep.int | Replicate elements of a vector-like object |
residuals | Extract model residuals |
row+colnames | Row and column names |
rownames | Row and column names |
S3-classes-as-S4-classes | S3 classes as S4 classes |
sapply | Apply a function over a list-like or vector-like object |
setdiff | Set operations |
sets | Set operations |
sizeFactors | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
sizeFactors<- | Accessors and generic functions used in the context of count datasets |
sockconn-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
sort | Sorting a vector-like object |
strand | Accessing strand information |
strand<- | Accessing strand information |
table | Cross tabulation and table creation |
tapply | Apply a function over a ragged array |
terminal-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
textConnection-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
union | Set operations |
unique | Extract unique elements |
unlist | Flatten list-like objects |
unstrand | Accessing strand information |
unz-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
updateObject | Update an object to its current class definition |
updateObject-method | Update an object to its current class definition |
updateObjectFromSlots | Update an object to its current class definition |
url-class | S3 classes as S4 classes |
weights | Extract model weights |
xtabs | Cross tabulation |