HTML Outputs an object to a HTML file HTML.cormat Write a correlation matrix with HTML formatting Write a data.frame (or matrix) to a HTML output HTML.function Writes the code of a function to a target HTML file HTML.latex Insert a piece of LaTeX into a HTML file HTML.title Writes a title in a target HTML output HTML2clip Wrapper around HTML() to save output to the clipboard HTMLbr Facility functions to write HTML code HTMLChangeCSS Change the current CSS file for dynamic use of package HTMLCSS Insert HTML code to refer to an external CSS file HTMLgrid Creates a HTML grid using ActiveWidget grid - HTMLInitFile Begins / Ends a new HTML report output HTMLInsertGraph Insert a graph in a HTML report HTMLplot Insert a graphic into an HTML output HTMLReplaceNA Internal R2HTML functions HTMLStart Start / Stop the automatic redirection of output to HTML files HTMLstem Insert a stem-and-leaf plot in the HTML output RweaveHTML A driver to parse HTML noweb files with Sweave tool