Data and Functions from the book R Graphics, Second Edition

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Documentation for package ‘RGraphics’ version 2.0-9

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faceA Draw a face
faceB Draw a face
faceC Draw a face
faceD Draw a face
faceE Draw a face
fluoro.predict Predicted Surface of Fluorescence
grid.imageFun Draw an Image
grid.imageGrob Draw an Image
grid.ozFun Draw a Map of Australia
grid.ozGrob Create a Map of Australia
hourlySpeed Auckland Wind Data
imageGrob Create an Image
ozGrob Create a Map of Australia
ozImage Create an Image on a Map of Australia
ozKey Create a Key for an ozImage
ozTemp Temperatures for Australian Cities
plot.newclass A Traditional Graphics Function Template
ribbonLegend Create a Ribbon Legend
splitString Split text into multiple lines
splitTextGrob Split text into multiple lines
wind9am Auckland Wind Data
xmm X-ray Multi-Mirror space telescope