License and copyright details: 1. This package is available under the terms of the ACM license. See 2. File tripack.f is copyrighted and licensed by ACM. See details of this license below. The Fortran code was published originally as: R. J. Renka. 1996. Algorithm 751: TRIPACK: a constrained two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation package. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 22, 1 (March 1996), 1-8. DOI=10.1145/225545.225546 and Robert J. Renka. 1999. Remark on Algorithm 751. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 25, 1 (March 1999), 97-98. DOI=10.1145/305658.305726 This code was modified for R by Albrecht Gebhardt 3. In order to fulfill the ACM copyright and license noted below, it is stated here that this work contains ACM material. The modified work is available free to secondary users for non-commercial use. No charge is associated with such copies.