Searching for optimal clustering procedure for a data set

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Documentation for package ‘clusterSim’ version 0.43-5

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cluster.Description Descriptive statistics calculated separately for each cluster and variable
cluster.Gen Random cluster generation with known structure of clusters
cluster.Sim Determination of optimal clustering procedure for a data set
comparing.Partitions Calculate agreement indices between two partitions
data.Normalization Types of variable (column) and object (row) normalization formulas
data_binary Binary data
data_interval Interval data
data_mixed Mixed data
data_nominal Nominal data
data_ordinal Ordinal data
data_patternGDM1 Metric data with 17 objects and 10 variables (8 stimulant variables, 2 destimulant variables)
data_patternGDM2 Ordinal data with 27 objects and 6 variables (3 stimulant variables, 2 destimulant variables and 1 nominant variable)
data_ratio Ratio data
data_symbolic Symbolic interval data
dist.BC Calculates Bray-Curtis distance measure for ratio data
dist.GDM Calculates Generalized Distance Measure
dist.SM Calculates Sokal-Michener distance measure for nominal variables
dist.Symbolic Calculates distance between symbolic interval-valued data
GDM Calculates Generalized Distance Measure
GDM1 Calculates Generalized Distance Measure
GDM2 Calculates Generalized Distance Measure
HINoV.Mod Modification of Carmone, Kara & Maxwell Heuristic Identification of Noisy Variables (HINoV) method
HINoV.Symbolic Modification of Carmone, Kara & Maxwell Heuristic Identification of Noisy Variables (HINoV) method for symbolic interval data
index.DB Calculates Davies-Bouldin's index
index.G1 Calculates Calinski-Harabasz pseudo F-statistic
index.G2 Calculates G2 internal cluster quality index
index.G3 Calculates G3 internal cluster quality index
index.Gap Calculates Tibshirani, Walther and Hastie gap index
index.H Calculates Hartigan index
index.KL Calculates Krzanowski-Lai index
index.S Calculates Rousseeuw's Silhouette internal cluster quality index
initial.Centers Calculation of initial clusters centers for k-means like alghoritms
ordinalToMetric Reinforcing measurement scale for ordinal data
pattern.GDM1 An application of GDM1 distance for metric data to compute the distances of objects from the pattern object (upper or lower)
pattern.GDM2 An application of GDM2 distance for ordinal data to compute the distances of objects from the pattern object (upper or lower)
plotCategorial Plot categorial data on a scatterplot matrix
plotCategorial3d Plot categorial data with three-dimensional plots
plotInterval Plot symbolic interval-valued data on a scatterplot matrix
replication.Mod Modification of replication analysis for cluster validation
shapes.blocks3d Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical shapes (cube divided into two parts by main diagonal plane)
shapes.bulls.eye Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical ring shapes (circles)
shapes.circles2 Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical ring shapes (circles)
shapes.circles3 Generation of data set containing three clusters with untypical ring shapes (circles)
shapes.two.moon Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical shapes (similar to waxing and waning crescent moon)
shapes.worms Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical parabolic shapes (worms)
speccl A spectral clustering algorithm