cluster.Description |
Descriptive statistics calculated separately for each cluster and variable |
cluster.Gen |
Random cluster generation with known structure of clusters |
cluster.Sim |
Determination of optimal clustering procedure for a data set |
comparing.Partitions |
Calculate agreement indices between two partitions |
data.Normalization |
Types of variable (column) and object (row) normalization formulas |
data_binary |
Binary data |
data_interval |
Interval data |
data_mixed |
Mixed data |
data_nominal |
Nominal data |
data_ordinal |
Ordinal data |
data_patternGDM1 |
Metric data with 17 objects and 10 variables (8 stimulant variables, 2 destimulant variables) |
data_patternGDM2 |
Ordinal data with 27 objects and 6 variables (3 stimulant variables, 2 destimulant variables and 1 nominant variable) |
data_ratio |
Ratio data |
data_symbolic |
Symbolic interval data |
dist.BC |
Calculates Bray-Curtis distance measure for ratio data |
dist.GDM |
Calculates Generalized Distance Measure |
dist.SM |
Calculates Sokal-Michener distance measure for nominal variables |
dist.Symbolic |
Calculates distance between symbolic interval-valued data |
Calculates Generalized Distance Measure |
GDM1 |
Calculates Generalized Distance Measure |
GDM2 |
Calculates Generalized Distance Measure |
HINoV.Mod |
Modification of Carmone, Kara & Maxwell Heuristic Identification of Noisy Variables (HINoV) method |
HINoV.Symbolic |
Modification of Carmone, Kara & Maxwell Heuristic Identification of Noisy Variables (HINoV) method for symbolic interval data |
index.DB |
Calculates Davies-Bouldin's index |
index.G1 |
Calculates Calinski-Harabasz pseudo F-statistic |
index.G2 |
Calculates G2 internal cluster quality index |
index.G3 |
Calculates G3 internal cluster quality index |
index.Gap |
Calculates Tibshirani, Walther and Hastie gap index |
index.H |
Calculates Hartigan index |
index.KL |
Calculates Krzanowski-Lai index |
index.S |
Calculates Rousseeuw's Silhouette internal cluster quality index |
initial.Centers |
Calculation of initial clusters centers for k-means like alghoritms |
ordinalToMetric |
Reinforcing measurement scale for ordinal data |
pattern.GDM1 |
An application of GDM1 distance for metric data to compute the distances of objects from the pattern object (upper or lower) |
pattern.GDM2 |
An application of GDM2 distance for ordinal data to compute the distances of objects from the pattern object (upper or lower) |
plotCategorial |
Plot categorial data on a scatterplot matrix |
plotCategorial3d |
Plot categorial data with three-dimensional plots |
plotInterval |
Plot symbolic interval-valued data on a scatterplot matrix |
replication.Mod |
Modification of replication analysis for cluster validation |
shapes.blocks3d |
Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical shapes (cube divided into two parts by main diagonal plane) |
shapes.bulls.eye |
Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical ring shapes (circles) |
shapes.circles2 |
Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical ring shapes (circles) |
shapes.circles3 |
Generation of data set containing three clusters with untypical ring shapes (circles) |
shapes.two.moon |
Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical shapes (similar to waxing and waning crescent moon) |
shapes.worms |
Generation of data set containing two clusters with untypical parabolic shapes (worms) |
speccl |
A spectral clustering algorithm |