2014-04-05 warnes * [r1799] R/nobs.R: Call stats::nobs instead of stats:::nobs.default within gdata::nobs.default. This avoids R CMD check warning. * [r1798] tests/unitTests/runit.unknown.R: Don't compare optional POSIXlt field. Explicitly compare POSIXlt, with special handling of '-1' unknown value. * [r1797] R/mapLevels.R, R/unknown.R: Don't use gdata::: prefix to access gdata function * [r1796] DESCRIPTION: Fix syntax error in DESCRIPTION file. * [r1795] tests/runRUnitTests.R: Package name needs to be defined outside of if test. * [r1794] vignettes/Rnews.sty: Style file needed * [r1793] R/unknown.R, tests/unitTests/runit.unknown.R: The issue Brian pointed out was an error in the isUnknown() code, not an error in the unit tests! * [r1792] tests/unitTests/runit.unknown.R: Apply changes Brian recommned to NAtoUnknown as well as unknownToNA. * [r1791] inst/NEWS: Update NEWS file * [r1790] inst/doc/Rnews.dtx: Don't need latex .dtx source file * [r1789] inst/doc/mapLevels.Rnw, inst/doc/unknown.Rnw, vignettes, vignettes/mapLevels.Rnw, vignettes/unknown.Rnw: Move vignettes from inst/doc/ to vignettes/ * [r1788] R/aggregate.table.R, man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/gdata-defunct.Rd: Change 'aggregate.table' from deprecated to defunct. * [r1787] DESCRIPTION, inst/unitTests, man/gdata-package.Rd, tests/runRUnitTests.R, tests/unitTests: Complete changes so that the unit tests are run as part of R CMD check * [r1786] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update NEWS for gdata 2.13.4 * [r1785] NAMESPACE: Update NAMESPACE file to remove deleted function * [r1784] inst/unitTests/Makefile, inst/unitTests/runit.bindData.R, inst/unitTests/runit.cbindX.R, inst/unitTests/runit.drop.levels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.getDateTimeParts.R, inst/unitTests/runit.mapLevels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.nPairs.R, inst/unitTests/runit.reorder.factor.R, inst/unitTests/runit.trim.R, inst/unitTests/runit.trimSum.R, inst/unitTests/runit.unknown.R, inst/unitTests/runit.wideByFactor.R, inst/unitTests/runit.write.fwf.R, tests/Makefile, tests/runRUnitTests.R, tests/runit.bindData.R, tests/runit.cbindX.R, tests/runit.drop.levels.R, tests/runit.getDateTimeParts.R, tests/runit.mapLevels.R, tests/runit.nPairs.R, tests/runit.reorder.factor.R, tests/runit.trim.R, tests/runit.trimSum.R, tests/runit.unknown.R, tests/runit.wideByFactor.R, tests/runit.write.fwf.R: Move unit test files back to inst/unitTests. Fix up runRUnitTests.R to work properly in the new location * [r1783] tests/runit.unknown.R: - For unit tests, don't check for equality of optional POSIXlt components. (Bug reported by Brian Ripley). * [r1782] R/runRUnitTests.R, inst/unitTests/Makefile, inst/unitTests/runRUnitTests.R, inst/unitTests/runit.bindData.R, inst/unitTests/runit.cbindX.R, inst/unitTests/runit.drop.levels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.getDateTimeParts.R, inst/unitTests/runit.mapLevels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.nPairs.R, inst/unitTests/runit.reorder.factor.R, inst/unitTests/runit.trim.R, inst/unitTests/runit.trimSum.R, inst/unitTests/runit.unknown.R, inst/unitTests/runit.wideByFactor.R, inst/unitTests/runit.write.fwf.R, man/runRUnitTests.Rd, tests/Makefile, tests/runRUnitTests.R, tests/runit.bindData.R, tests/runit.cbindX.R, tests/runit.drop.levels.R, tests/runit.getDateTimeParts.R, tests/runit.mapLevels.R, tests/runit.nPairs.R, tests/runit.reorder.factor.R, tests/runit.trim.R, tests/runit.trimSum.R, tests/runit.unknown.R, tests/runit.wideByFactor.R, tests/runit.write.fwf.R: Move unit test code into the (now) standard location 2014-03-19 arnima * [r1777] R/keep.R: change warning message to R standards 2013-12-18 arnima * [r1758] R/ll.R: Retain original list order unless sort=FALSE; also stop if unnamed list 2013-12-16 warnes * [r1757] R/trim.R: Trim will now remove all types of leading/trailing whitespace by using the [:blank:] character class. 2013-06-29 warnes * [r1692] inst/NEWS: Update NEWS for second try for gdata 2.13.2 * [r1691] R/ll.R: Simplify ll() by stuffing list arguments into an environment, avoiding the need to use attach/detach. 2013-06-28 warnes * [r1685] inst/NEWS: Update NEWS for gdata 2.13.2 * [r1684] tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save, tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: Minor update to tests/*.Rout.save * [r1683] R/ll.R: Add on.exit() handler to ensure a matching detach occurs when attach is used in ll() * [r1682] DESCRIPTION: Update for gdata 2.13.2 * [r1681] R/aggregate.table.R: Improve deprecated message 2013-03-24 warnes * [r1645] tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save, tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: Update test files for code changes * [r1644] inst/NEWS: Fix formatting in NEWS * [r1643] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS, man/read.xls.Rd, man/sheetCount.Rd, tests/test.read.xls.R: Replaced calls to depreciated function ".path.package" with the new public function "path.package". 2013-01-14 warnes * [r1639] R/installXLSXsupport.R, R/sheetCount.R, R/xls2sep.R, R/xlsFormats.R: Replace (obsolete) '.path.package' with 'find.package' function. 2012-09-20 warnes * [r1622] man/MedUnits.Rd, man/ans.Rd, man/duplicated2.Rd: Correct .Rd file errors detected by 'R CMD check'. * [r1621] NAMESPACE: Add duplicated() and ans() to the NAMESPACE. * [r1620] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update for gdata 2.13.0. * [r1619] man/ConvertMedUnits.Rd: Fix typographic error. * [r1618] R/ans.R, R/duplicated2.R, man/ans.Rd, man/duplicated2.Rd: Add 'ans()' and 'duplicated()' contributed by Liviu Andronic. 2012-09-19 warnes * [r1617] data/MedUnits.rda: Correct column names. Unit columns were reversed and misspelled. * [r1616] R/sheetCount.R: Add ignore.stderr to system command in sheetCmd() to prevent stderr messages from being included in the captured output from the perl script. 2012-09-12 warnes * [r1606] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update for gdata 2.12.0 * [r1605] R/aggregate.table.R, man/aggregate.table.Rd: 'stats::aggregate' was made into a generic on 27-Jan-2010, so that attempting to call 'aggregate' on a 'table' object will now incorrectly call 'aggregate.table'. Since 'aggregate.table' can be replaced by a call to tapply using two index vectors, e.g. aggregate.table(x, by1=a, by2=b, mean) can be replaced by tapply(x, INDEX=list(a, b), FUN=mean), the 'aggregate.table' function will now display a warning that it is depreciated and recommending the equivalent call to tapply. It will be removed entirely in a future version of gdata. * [r1604] .Rinstignore: Don't ignore .Rnw files, but do ignore .svn files. 2012-09-11 warnes * [r1603] man/interleave.Rd: Clarify workding of DROP argument to interleave(). * [r1602] man/interleave.Rd: Replace call to aggregate.table() with equivalent tapply() call since aggregate.table() is being depreciated. 2012-08-22 warnes * [r1601] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update DESCRIPTION and NEWS for gdate 2.11.1. * [r1600] man/read.xls.Rd: Add example for read.xls() that shows how to use the fileEncoding argument to read in latin-1 encoded data. * [r1599] tests/latin-1.xls, tests/test.read.xls.R, tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save: Add XLSX test for latin-1 characters, and look for them in their new location in inst/xls/. * [r1598] inst/xls/latin-1.xls, inst/xls/latin-1.xlsx: add XLSX version of latin-1.xls * [r1597] tests/latin-1.xls, tests/test.read.xls.R, tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save: Add test file and code to ensure that read.xls() can properly handle files with alternative encodings. latin-1.xls contains each of the non-ascii latin-1 special characters in both the column headings and the body of the file. * [r1596] R/read.xls.R: Change code to have R read the csv/tab data from the file rather than from the connetion we made, so that file encodings can be properly handled. * [r1595] R/read.xls.R: Always close the connection. 2012-08-13 warnes * [r1594] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl: Remove trailing space from output line. 2012-06-18 warnes * [r1567] inst/NEWS: Update NEWS for 2.11.0 release. * [r1566] DESCRIPTION: Bump version number and add SystemRequirements for perl. * [r1565] R/xls2sep.R, inst/perl/xls2csv.pl, man/read.xls.Rd, tests/test.read.xls.R, tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save: read.xls() and supporting functions now allow blank lines to be preserved, rather than skipped, by supplying the argument "blank.lines.skip=FALSE". The underlying perl function has been extended to suppor this via an optional "-s" argument which, when present, *preserves* blank lines during the conversion. 2012-06-13 warnes * [r1564] DESCRIPTION, R/nobs.R, inst/NEWS: - nobs.default needs to handle logical vectors in addition to numeric vectors. - update DESCRIPTION and NEWS for 2.10.6. * [r1563] R/nobs.R: nobs.default needs to handle logical as well as numeric vectors. 2012-06-08 warnes * [r1562] DESCRIPTION, tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save: Update DESCRIPTION and tests * [r1561] tests/test.read.xls.R: fix incorrect function name * [r1560] DESCRIPTION, man/installXLSXsupport.Rd: Mark example for installXLSXsupport() to not be executed durin R CMD check. * [r1559] DESCRIPTION: stats:::nobs.default and stats::nobs.lm require R > 2.13.0, so add this as a dependency. 2012-06-06 warnes * [r1552] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update for release 2.10.2 * [r1551] R/nobs.R: Fix bugs in nobs.default. * [r1550] tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save, tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: Update to reflect warning on startup that 'nobs' hides 'stats::nobs'. * [r1549] man/nobs.Rd: Remove stray non-ASCII characters. * [r1548] R/nobs.R: The nobs() dispatch method must be defined in the gdata namespace to pick up the definition of gdata::nobs.default. * [r1547] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update DESCRIPTION and NEWS for 2.10.1 release. * [r1546] NAMESPACE, R/nobs.R, man/nobs.Rd: Define aliases for 'nobs' and 'nobs.lm' to support backward compatibility for packages depending on gdata. * [r1545] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update DESCRIPTION and NEWS for 2.10.0 release * [r1544] NAMESPACE, R/startsWith.R, man/startsWith.Rd: - Add manual page and NAMESPACE entry for startsWith(). - Add 'ignore.case' argument to startsWith(). * [r1543] tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save: Update to match new code. * [r1542] man/read.xls.Rd: Replace non-ASCII characters. * [r1541] R/read.xls.R, man/read.xls.Rd, tests/test.read.xls.R: Add na.strings to read.xls call to convert "#DIV/0!" to NA. 2012-06-05 warnes * [r1540] NAMESPACE: Remove nobs method dispatch and lm methods since these are now provided by the stats package. * [r1539] R/env.R: Spell out arguments to ls() to avoid R CMD check warnings. * [r1538] .Rinstignore: Add .Rinstignore file to omit latex style and source files from distributed inst/doc directory. * [r1537] R/ConvertMedUnits.R: - Add NULL definition of MedUnits to avoid R CMD check warning. - Specify local environment when calling data() so that MedUnits gets defined in the function's environment rather than the global environment. * [r1536] R/ls.funs.R: Fix error in ls.funs() that occurs when there are no objects in the environment. * [r1535] R/object.size.R: Avoid warning by calling utils::object.size rather than Internal(object.size(x)) 2012-05-31 warnes * [r1534] R/nobs.R, man/nobs.Rd: - Remove dispatch function 'nobs' and method 'nobs.lm' since these are now provided by the R 'stats' package. 2012-05-04 warnes * [r1532] DESCRIPTION: Update for next release * [r1531] NAMESPACE, R/ls.funs.R, man/ls.funs.Rd: Add ls.funs() to show functions defined in the specified environment. * [r1530] man/is.what.Rd: Fix enumerate syntax. 2012-04-03 warnes * [r1522] R/startsWith.R: Add startsWith() function. 2011-10-05 warnes * [r1516] man/read.xls.Rd: Fix typo 2011-09-30 warnes * [r1515] inst/NEWS: Update DESCRIPTION and README for 2.9.0 release. * [r1514] DESCRIPTION: Update DESCRIPTION and README for 2.9.0 release. 2011-09-20 warnes * [r1508] man/read.xls.Rd: Improve xls2csv() man page * [r1507] NAMESPACE: Add case() function, a vector equivalent of the switch() function * [r1506] R/case.R, man/case.Rd: Add case() function, a vector equivalent of the switch() function 2011-09-02 warnes * [r1500] NAMESPACE: Add 'centerText' function to center text strings for a specified width. * [r1499] R/centerText.R, man/centerText.Rd: Add 'centerText' function to center text strings for a specified width. 2011-04-16 warnes * [r1469] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update for release 2.8.2 2011-04-15 warnes * [r1468] R/dQuote.ascii.R, R/installXLSXsupport.R, R/read.xls.R, R/sheetCount.R, R/xls2sep.R: Fix errors on windows when R or Perl install path includes spaces by properly quoting the path. * [r1467] R/xlsFormats.R: Fix error in xlsFormat() on windows when R or Perl install path includes spaces by quoting the path. 2011-01-15 ggorjan * [r1465] NAMESPACE, R/nPairs.R, inst/NEWS, inst/unitTests/runit.nPairs.R, man/nPairs.Rd: Adding summary method for nPairs 2010-11-12 warnes * [r1462] inst/NEWS: Update NEWS for gdata 2.8.1 * [r1461] DESCRIPTION: Update DEScription file for 2.8.1 release * [r1460] tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save, tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: Update test output to match latest code * [r1459] R/write.fwf.R, man/write.fwf.Rd, tests/test.write.fwf.eol.R: Modify write.fwf() to capture and pass on additional arguments for write.table(). This resolves a bug reported by Jan Wijffels. 2010-11-01 arnima * [r1453] man/Args.Rd: Minor improvement in Args.Rd help page 2010-10-19 warnes * [r1452] R/onAttach.R, R/xls2sep.R: Avoid use of file.access() which is unreliable on Windows network shares. 2010-07-08 ggrothendieck2 * [r1448] R/xls2sep.R: findPerl call added to xls2sep 2010-07-07 ggrothendieck2 * [r1447] man/read.xls.Rd: small improvements to read.xls.Rd 2010-05-03 warnes * [r1439] NAMESPACE, R/installXLSXModules.R, R/installXLSXsupport.R, R/onAttach.R, inst/NEWS, man/installXLSXsupport.Rd, man/xlsFormats.Rd: Rename installXLSXModules() to installXLSXsupport() and provide documentation for it. * [r1438] inst/NEWS: Update news for gdata 2.8.0 * [r1437] DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/installXLSXModules.R, R/onAttach.R, inst/perl/install_modules.pl, inst/perl/module_tools.pl, tests/test.read.xls.R: Add .onAttach function to check & inform user if perl is available, to check whether XLS and XLSX formats are avaiable, and to run the (new) installXLSXModules() functon to attempt to install the necessar libraries if not. Added installXLSXModules() function. 2010-05-02 warnes * [r1436] man/xlsFormats.Rd: Correct error in xlsFormat example * [r1435] DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/dQuote.ascii.R, R/findPerl.R, R/read.xls.R, R/xlsFormats.R, inst/doc/gregmisc.tex, inst/perl/install_modules.pl, inst/perl/module_tools.pl, inst/perl/sheetCount.pl, inst/perl/supportedFormats.pl, inst/perl/xls2csv.pl, man/ConvertMedUnits.Rd, man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/combine.Rd, man/interleave.Rd, man/matchcols.Rd, man/nobs.Rd, man/read.xls.Rd, man/rename.vars.Rd, man/reorder.Rd, man/resample.Rd, man/sheetCount.Rd, man/trim.Rd, man/unmatrix.Rd, man/upperTriangle.Rd, man/xlsFormats.Rd, src, tests/test.read.xls.R, tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save, tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: Update perl code to work (but generate warnings) when Zlib or SpreadSheet::XLXS is not instaled. Also update Greg's email address 2010-02-21 ggrothendieck2 * [r1423] R/read.xls.R, man/read.xls.Rd: isOpen problems fixed (isOpen must have changed in R since this worked in earlier versions). Also nba.xls link in read.xls.Rd disappeared. Replaced with similar link. 2010-02-20 ggrothendieck2 * [r1422] INSTALL: improved INSTALL file 2010-02-19 ggrothendieck2 * [r1421] INSTALL, R/dQuote.ascii.R, R/read.xls.R, R/sheetCount.R, inst/NEWS: added findPerl to locate ActiveState Perl on Windows if perl= not specified and Rtools perl would have otherwise been used. Also added INSTALL file. 2010-01-28 warnes * [r1419] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update for release 2.7.1 * [r1418] R/xls2sep.R: xls2sep(): Show output of perl call when verbose=T * [r1417] src/build.bat: More Win32 fixes * [r1416] src/Makefile, src/Makefile.win, src/build.bat: More work on Win32 building * [r1415] src/Makefile, src/Makefile.win, src/build.bat: Support building Compress::Raw::Zlib perl package under windows. 2010-01-26 warnes * [r1413] inst/NEWS: Fix typos * [r1412] R/sheetCount.R: Show more details in sheetCount() when verbose=TRUE 2010-01-24 warnes * [r1411] R/xls2sep.R: Replace two calls to 'dQuote', to 'dQuote.ascii' * [r1408] inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf: Remove auto-generated pdf files from svn * [r1407] src/Makefile: create 'distclean' to remove perl binary dir, currently mac-only * [r1406] R/read.xls.R, R/xls2sep.R: Make read.xls() and xls2sep() quieter when verbose=FALSE * [r1405] tests/test.read.xls.R, tests/test.read.xls.Rout.save: Add tests for read.xls, sheetCount, and sheetNames * [r1404] src/Makefile: Modify makefile to 1) clean up after build, 2) make tar non-verbose * [r1403] R/read.xls.R, R/sheetCount.R: Close connections when done. * [r1402] man/read.xls.Rd: Fix typo * [r1401] man/read.xls.Rd, man/sheetNames.Rd: Fix R CMD CHECK errors * [r1400] src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024.tar.gz, src/Makefile: Use the original gz file for Compress::Raw::Zlib to avoid issues with 'non-platform-independent' filename error in R CMD CHECK * [r1399] inst/perl/Archive/README-Archive-Zip, inst/perl/Archive/README-Archive::Zip: Rename files to remove R CMD check error * [r1398] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS, inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf: Update for 2.7.0 release * [r1397] NAMESPACE: Add new functions to NAMESPACE * [r1396] src, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/Changes, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/MANIFEST, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/META.yml, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/Makefile.PL, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/README, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/Zlib.xs, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/config.in, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/examples, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/examples/filtdef, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/examples/filtinf, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/fallback, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/fallback/constants.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/fallback/constants.xs, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/lib, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/lib/Compress, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/lib/Compress/Raw, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/lib/Compress/Raw/Zlib.pm, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/pod, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/pod/FAQ.pod, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/ppport.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/private, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/private/MakeUtil.pm, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/000prereq.t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/01version.t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/02zlib.t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/07bufsize.t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/09limitoutput.t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/18lvalue.t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/99pod.t, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/Test, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/Test/Builder.pm, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/Test/More.pm, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/Test/Simple.pm, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/compress, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/t/compress/CompTestUtils.pm, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/typemap, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/adler32.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/compress.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/crc32.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/crc32.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/deflate.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/deflate.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/infback.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/inffast.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/inffast.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/inffixed.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/inflate.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/inflate.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/inftrees.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/inftrees.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/trees.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/trees.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/uncompr.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/zconf.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/zlib.h, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/zutil.c, src/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024/zlib-src/zutil.h, src/Makefile: Add Compress::Raw::Zlib code * [r1395] man/read.xls.Rd, man/sheetCount.Rd: Add/Update documentation * [r1394] R/xls2sep.R: Minor formatting change * [r1393] inst/xls/ExampleExcelFile.xls, inst/xls/ExampleExcelFile.xlsx: Add additional example files * [r1392] inst/perl/sheetCount.pl, inst/perl/sheetNames.pl, inst/perl/xls2csv.pl: Combine sheetCount.pl and sheetNames.pl and modify to support Excel 2007 'xlsx' format * [r1391] inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX/Fmt2007.pm, inst/perl/xls2csv.pl: Complete changes to handle Excel 2007 'xlsx' files * [r1390] inst/perl/Archive, inst/perl/Archive/README-Archive::Zip, inst/perl/Archive/Zip, inst/perl/Archive/Zip.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/BufferedFileHandle.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/DirectoryMember.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/FAQ.pod, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/FileMember.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/Member.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/MemberRead.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/MockFileHandle.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/NewFileMember.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/StringMember.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/Tree.pm, inst/perl/Archive/Zip/ZipFileMember.pm, inst/perl/OLE/README-OLE-Storage_Lite, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/README-ParseExcel, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/README-XLS, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX/Fmt2007.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX/Utility2007.pm, inst/perl/VERSIONS: Add additional Perl modules to support Excel 2007 'xlsx' files 2010-01-24 ggrothendieck2 * [r1389] NAMESPACE, man/sheetNames.Rd: added sheetNames.Rd (documenting sheetNames/sheetCount) and updated NAMESPACE file. * [r1388] inst/NEWS: fixed spacing problem in NEWS 2010-01-23 warnes * [r1387] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl: Check if parsing the xls file succeeds... Current code doesn't handle new XML-based format * [r1386] inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX: Remove perl 'Spreadsheet:XLSX' module since it depends on Compress-Raw-Zlib, which probably won't be available on most machines, and I don't have time to figure out how to get R to build it properly when gdata is installed. * [r1385] inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX/Fmt2007.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/XLSX/Utility2007.pm: Add perl 'Spreadsheet:XLSX' module to support new Excel XML format files * [r1384] R/xls2sep.R: Add xls2tsv() convenience wrapper to xls2sep() * [r1383] R/read.xls.R, R/xls2sep.R: Update to match new xls2csv.pl code, allow specification of sheets by name, support CSV and TAB delimited files using the same code, other minor changes. * [r1382] R/sheetCount.R: Add sheetNames() function to extract the names from XLS files * [r1381] inst/bin/xls2csv.bat: Fix xls2csv.bat * [r1380] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl: If only one sheet is present in the file, don't insert the sheet name into the filename * [r1379] inst/xls/ExampleExcelFile.xls, inst/xls/ExampleExcelFile.xlsx: Add additional test/example Excel files * [r1378] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl, inst/perl/xls2tab.pl, inst/perl/xls2tsv.pl: Modify xls2csv.pl script to: - Use tab-delimiter and .tsv or .tab extension if called with the name xls2tsv.pl or xls2tab.pl, respectively. This allows a single source file and two symlinks to be used intstead of maintaining several almost-identical files. - Allow selection of sheets by name - Provide better error checking - Other code improvements * [r1377] inst/perl/sheetCount.pl, inst/perl/sheetNames.pl: Add perl scripts to extract worksheet names and sheet count from Excel files 2010-01-22 warnes * [r1376] inst/perl/OLE/Storage_Lite.pm: Upgrade Perl OLE::StorageLight module to version 0.19 * [r1375] inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Cell.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Dump.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtDefault.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtJapan.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtJapan2.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtUnicode.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Font.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Format.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser/Workbook.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser/Worksheet.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Utility.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Workbook.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Worksheet.pm: Upgrade perl Spreadsheet::ParseExcel to version 0.56 * [r1374] DESCRIPTION: Add complete list of contributors 2010-01-22 arnima * [r1373] man/keep.Rd: Minor improvement in help page * [r1371] R/Args.R, R/env.R, R/is.what.R, R/keep.R, R/ll.R, man/Args.Rd, man/env.Rd, man/is.what.Rd, man/keep.Rd, man/ll.Rd: Many small improvements to documentation of Arni's five functions 2010-01-22 warnes * [r1370] R/dQuote.ascii.R, R/read.xls.R, R/sheetCount.R, R/xls2sep.R: - Move xls2csv(), xls2tab(), xls2sep() to a separate file - Move qQuote.ascii to a separate file - Bug Fix: xls2csv(), xls2tab() failed to pass the provided 'perl' parameter to xls2sep() - New Feature: xls2sep() (and hence xls2csv, xls2tab, and read.xls) now supports ftp URLs. 2009-12-06 arnima * [r1369] R/Args.R, man/Args.Rd: Minor improvements of Args(). * [r1368] R/ll.R, man/ll.Rd: Improved ll() so user can limit output to specified classes 2009-11-16 arnima * [r1366] R/ll.R: ll(.GlobalEnv) does not crash anymore 2009-08-20 warnes * [r1357] man/cbindX.Rd, man/getDateTimePart.Rd, man/mapLevels.Rd, man/nPairs.Rd, man/trim.Rd, man/trimSum.Rd, man/unknown.Rd, man/write.fwf.Rd: Replace \ldots with \dots to make the new R CMD CHECK happy. 2009-08-19 warnes * [r1355] DESCRIPTION: Update for 2.6.1 release * [r1354] inst/unitTests/runit.getDateTimeParts.R: Modify unit tests to avoid issues related to zime zones. 2009-08-05 warnes * [r1353] inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf: Update vignettes for 2.6.0 release * [r1352] man/frameApply.Rd: Fix formatting warning in frameApply man page 2009-07-16 ggorjan * [r1350] man/write.fwf.Rd: Reverting recent change and clarifying the meaning. 2009-07-16 warnes * [r1349] inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf, man/resample.Rd: Add contents of \value section for resample() man page * [r1348] tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: Update test output to remove R CMD check warning * [r1347] inst/NEWS: Update ChangeLog and NEWS for gdata 2.6.0 release * [r1346] DESCRIPTION: Update DESCRIPTION file for gdata 2.6.0 * [r1345] inst/doc/gregmisc.tex, inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf, man/ConvertMedUnits.Rd, man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/combine.Rd, man/interleave.Rd, man/matchcols.Rd, man/nobs.Rd, man/rename.vars.Rd, man/reorder.Rd, man/trim.Rd, man/unmatrix.Rd, man/upperTriangle.Rd: Correct Greg's email address * [r1344] man/write.fwf.Rd: Correct minor typos in write.fwf() man page * [r1343] man/resample.Rd: Correct page for resample() * [r1342] NAMESPACE, R/read.xls.R, inst/perl/xls2tab.pl, man/read.xls.Rd: Add support for using tab for field separator during translation from xls format in read.xls 2009-04-19 arnima * [r1314] R/env.R, R/ll.R: Changed object.size(object) to unclass(object.size(object)). 2008-12-31 ggorjan * [r1312] NAMESPACE, inst/NEWS: Documenting changes and exporting the functions. * [r1311] R/object.size.R, man/humanReadable.Rd, man/object.size.Rd: Enhanced function object.size that returns the size of multiple objects. There is also a handy print method that can print size of an object in "human readable" format when options(humanReadable=TRUE) or print(object.size(x), humanReadable=TRUE). * [r1310] R/wideByFactor.R, inst/unitTests/runit.wideByFactor.R, man/wideByFactor.Rd: New function wideByFactor that reshapes given dataset by a given factor - it creates a "multivariate" data.frame. * [r1309] R/nPairs.R, inst/unitTests/runit.nPairs.R, man/nPairs.Rd: New function nPairs that gives the number of variable pairs in a data.frame or a matrix. * [r1308] R/getDateTimeParts.R, inst/unitTests/runit.getDateTimeParts.R, man/getDateTimePart.Rd: New functions getYear, getMonth, getDay, getHour, getMin, and getSec for extracting the date/time parts from objects of a date/time class. * [r1307] R/bindData.R, inst/unitTests/runit.bindData.R, man/bindData.Rd: New function bindData that binds two data frames into a multivariate data frame in a different way than merge. * [r1306] R/runRUnitTests.R, inst/unitTests/Makefile, inst/unitTests/runRUnitTests.R, man/gdata-package.Rd, man/runRUnitTests.Rd, tests/doRUnit.R: New function .runRUnitTestsGdata that enables run of all RUnit tests during the R CMD check as well as directly from within R. 2008-12-20 ggorjan * [r1305] NAMESPACE, R/trimSum.R, inst/NEWS, inst/unitTests/runit.trimSum.R, man/trimSum.Rd: * [r1304] tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: To remove some output in the R CMD check 2008-08-05 ggorjan * [r1300] DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/cbindX.R, R/write.fwf.R, inst/NEWS, inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf, inst/unitTests/runit.cbindX.R, inst/unitTests/runit.write.fwf.R, man/cbindX.Rd, man/write.fwf.Rd, tests/tests.write.fwf.R, tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: - Increased version to 2.5.0 - New function cbindX that can bind objects with different number of rows. - write.fwf gains width argument. Unknown values can increase or decrease the width of the columns. Additional tests and documentation fixes. 2008-06-30 arnima * [r1299] R/env.R, R/ll.R, man/env.Rd, man/ll.Rd: Simplified default 'unit' argument from c("KB","MB","bytes") to "KB". 2008-05-13 warnes * [r1270] inst/NEWS, inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf: Update NEWS file for 2.4.2 * [r1269] R/read.xls.R: Use path.expand() to give proper full path to xls file to be translated by read.xls() * [r1268] R/read.xls.R: Modifed read.xls() failed to return the converted data... fixed. * [r1267] inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Utility.pm: Correct broken patch for open-office support * [r1266] DESCRIPTION, R/read.xls.R: For read.xls() and xls2csv(): - Implement more informative log messages when verbose=TRUE - Quote temporary file name to avoid errors when calling perl to do the work. - Add better error messages, particularly when perl fails to generate an output .csv file. Update version number in DESCRIPTION. 2008-05-12 warnes * [r1265] inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Utility.pm: Patch to correct issue with OpenOffice-created XLS files. Thanks to Robert Burns for pointing out the patch at http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=7206 2008-03-25 warnes * [r1250] DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS, inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.pdf: Update for version 2.4.1 * [r1249] inst/xls/iris.xls: Example iris.xls file didn't complete & properly formatted iris data set. Fixed. * [r1248] inst/perl/IO/AtomicFile.pm, inst/perl/IO/InnerFile.pm, inst/perl/IO/Lines.pm, inst/perl/IO/Scalar.pm, inst/perl/IO/ScalarArray.pm, inst/perl/IO/Stringy.pm, inst/perl/IO/Wrap.pm, inst/perl/IO/WrapTie.pm, inst/perl/OLE/Storage_Lite.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Dump.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtDefault.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtJapan.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtJapan2.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtUnicode.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Utility.pm: Update perl modules to latest versions 2008-03-24 warnes * [r1247] man/read.xls.Rd: Fix typo in win32 example for read.xls() 2008-03-11 warnes * [r1246] NAMESPACE: Add xls2csv to exported function list 2008-01-30 warnes * [r1241] ChangeLog, DESCRIPTION, inst/NEWS: Update DESCRIPTION and NEWS for release 2.4.0 2008-01-29 arnima * [r1240] man/keep.Rd: Added argument 'all'. * [r1239] R/keep.R: Added argument 'all'. 2007-10-22 warnes * [r1196] DESCRIPTION: Clarify GPL version 2007-09-10 ggorjan * [r1169] man/upperTriangle.Rd: removed unmatched brace * [r1168] man/gdata-package.Rd: adding alias 2007-09-06 ggorjan * [r1162] man/gdata-package.Rd: keyword 2007-08-21 ggorjan * [r1154] man/gdata-package.Rd: package help page * [r1153] NEWS, inst/NEWS: move * [r1152] NEWS: move 2007-08-20 ggorjan * [r1151] inst/doc/mapLevels.tex: clean * [r1150] inst/doc/mapLevels.Rnw, inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/mapLevels.tex: a real vignette * [r1149] inst/doc/unknown.Rnw, inst/doc/unknown.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.tex: a real vignette * [r1148] man/unknown.Rd: additional keyword for searchig 2007-08-17 ggorjan * [r1147] man/unknown.Rd: keyword 2007-07-22 arnima * [r1103] R/Args.R, R/keep.R: Reverted back to as.character(substitute(x)), so user can run keep(x), keep("x"), Args(x), and Args("x"). 2007-07-21 arnima * [r1102] R/keep.R: Changed as.character(substitute()) to deparse(substitute()), following help(substitute) recommendation. * [r1101] R/Args.R: Changed as.character(substitute()) to deparse(substitute()), following help(substitute) recommendation. 2007-07-10 warnes * [r1099] R/read.xls.R, man/read.xls.Rd: Update read.xls() code and docs with enhacements by Gabor Grothendieck 2007-06-06 ggorjan * [r1097] inst/doc/unknown.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.tex: last edits from newsletter * [r1096] R/drop.levels.R, man/drop.levels.Rd: drop levels as suggested by Brian Ripley * [r1095] inst/unitTests/Makefile, tests/doRUnit.R: better integration of unit tests * [r1094] R/mapLevels.R, R/unknown.R: making codetools happy 2007-01-28 arnima * [r1042] R/keep.R: Throw warnings rather than errors 2007-01-27 arnima * [r1041] R/keep.R: Meaningful error message is given when requested object does not exist * [r1040] R/is.what.R: is.* tests that return NA are not reported is.what recursion is avoided 2006-11-30 ggorjan * [r1035] R/unknown.R: minor commet to the code * [r1034] inst/doc/mapLevels.pdf, inst/doc/mapLevels.tex: description of mapLevels methods * [r1033] inst/doc/unknown.pdf, inst/doc/unknown.tex: description of unknown methods 2006-11-16 ggorjan * [r1013] R/c.factor.R, man/c.factor.Rd: seems that c.factor was not a good idea and there were better examples posted on r-devel list 2006-11-14 ggorjan * [r1012] man/combine.Rd, man/frameApply.Rd: Removed executable property 2006-11-10 ggorjan * [r1004] NAMESPACE, NEWS: just formatting 2006-11-02 ggorjan * [r1002] man/mapLevels.Rd, man/unknown.Rd: typos 2006-10-30 ggorjan * [r1001] man/write.fwf.Rd: some more examples for use of read.fwf after write.fwf * [r1000] inst/unitTests: ignore for report files * [r999] tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: Id tag from source * [r998] NAMESPACE: removing unused import * [r997] R/write.fwf.R, inst/unitTests/runit.write.fwf.R, man/write.fwf.Rd, tests/tests.write.fwf.R: Id tag * [r996] NAMESPACE, NEWS, R/write.fwf.R, inst/unitTests/runit.write.fwf.R, man/write.fwf.Rd, tests/tests.write.fwf.R, tests/tests.write.fwf.Rout.save: write.fwf * [r995] inst/unitTests/runit.reorder.factor.R: Id tag * [r994] inst/unitTests/runit.reorder.factor.R: added unit tests for reorder.factor * [r993] R/c.factor.R, R/mapLevels.R, R/unknown.R, inst/unitTests/runit.drop.levels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.mapLevels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.trim.R, inst/unitTests/runit.unknown.R, man/c.factor.Rd, man/unknown.Rd, tests/doRUnit.R: mapply keeps names in R 2.4; POSIX unit tests solved; $ should work now 2006-10-29 ggorjan * [r992] NEWS, R/unknown.R, inst/unitTests/runit.unknown.R, man/unknown.Rd: fixed problem in tests; added unknown methods and tests for matrices * [r991] R/drop.levels.R, R/mapLevels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.mapLevels.R, man/mapLevels.Rd, tests/doRUnit.R: sort is generic now; mapply keeps names in R 2.4.0; some codetools suggestions fixed * [r990] DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE: sort is generic from R 2.4.0 * [r989] DESCRIPTION, NEWS, R/trim.R, man/trim.Rd: trim() gains ... argument; version bump * [r988] NEWS, R/reorder.R, man/reorder.Rd: Fixed collision bug with stats version of reorder.factor 2006-10-27 warnes * [r987] R/c.factor.R, man/c.factor.Rd: Add c() method for factor objects, submitted by Gregor Gorjanc 2006-09-19 warnes * [r986] NEWS: Update NEWS file for 2.3.0 release * [r985] inst/unitTests/runit.trim.R: Explicitly set the local in runit.trim.R to one where leading spaces affect sort order so that the unit test works properly. 2006-09-18 warnes * [r984] inst/doc/Rnews.sty: Update Rnews.sty to the latest version * [r983] R/trim.R, inst/unitTests/Makefile, inst/unitTests/runit.trim.R, man/trim.Rd, tests/doRUnit.R: Integrate fixes for trim() from Gregor and myself. * [r982] inst/unitTests/report.html, inst/unitTests/report.txt: Remove unneeded files. 2006-09-13 warnes * [r981] R/unknown.R, inst/unitTests, inst/unitTests/Makefile, inst/unitTests/report.html, inst/unitTests/report.txt, inst/unitTests/runit.drop.levels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.mapLevels.R, inst/unitTests/runit.trim.R, inst/unitTests/runit.unknown.R, man/unknown.Rd, tests, tests/doRUnit.R: Add unknown() and unit test files * [r980] NAMESPACE, R/drop.levels.R, R/mapLevels.R, R/trim.R: More fixes from Gregor Gorjanc * [r979] DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/combineLevels.R, R/mapFactor.R, R/mapLevels.R, man/combineLevels.Rd, man/mapFactor.Rd, man/mapLevels.Rd: Add mapLevels functions from Gregor Gorjanc, along with associated unit tests. 2006-08-03 warnes * [r978] DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/combineLevels.R, R/mapFactor.R, man/combineLevels.Rd, man/mapFactor.Rd: Add Gregor Gorjanc's mapFactor() and combineLevels() functions. 2006-08-02 warnes * [r977] inst/doc/gregmisc.tex, man/ConvertMedUnits.Rd, man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/combine.Rd, man/interleave.Rd, man/matchcols.Rd, man/nobs.Rd, man/read.xls.Rd, man/rename.vars.Rd, man/reorder.Rd, man/trim.Rd, man/unmatrix.Rd, man/upperTriangle.Rd: Update my email address * [r976] data/MedUnits.rda: Remove MedUnits.rda to convert to binary format * [r975] data/MedUnits.rda: Remove MedUnits.rda to convert to binary format * [r974] DESCRIPTION: Update version number * [r973] NAMESPACE, R/drop.levels.R, R/trim.R, man/drop.levels.Rd, man/trim.Rd: Integrate changes suggested by Gregor Gorjanc 2006-03-14 nj7w * [r940] NAMESPACE, R/trim.R, man/resample.Rd: Fixed R CMD check errors and added trim.default to NAMESPACE 2006-03-13 nj7w * [r939] R/trim.R: Added trim.character and trim.factor as per Gregor's suggestions 2006-01-03 warnes * [r839] NAMESPACE, R/resample.R, man/resample.Rd: Add resample() function, which generates a random sample or permutation from the elements of the supplied vector, even if the vector has length 1. This avoide the problems caused by base::sample()'s special case for vectors of length 1, where it attempts to sample from 1:x. 2005-12-13 nj7w * [r806] ChangeLog, NEWS: Updated news and removed changelog 2005-12-12 nj7w * [r798] DESCRIPTION, man/interleave.Rd: Updated version number for CRAN release 2005-12-08 warnes * [r789] R/interleave.R: Andrew Burgess reported that interleave() converts 1-column matrixes to vectors and provided a patch. A slight modification of his patch has been applied. There is now a 'drop' argument, which controls whether 'unnecessary' dimensions are dropped. The default is FALSE. 2005-12-04 warnes * [r779] man/interleave.Rd: Andrew Burgess reported that interleave() converts 1-column matrixes to vectors and provided a patch. A slight modification of his patch has been applied. There is now a 'drop' argument, which controls whether 'unnecessary' dimensions are dropped. The default is FALSE. 2005-12-01 nj7w * [r775] man/combine.Rd, man/reorder.Rd: Updated Greg's email address * [r774] man/drop.levels.Rd, man/frameApply.Rd, man/ll.Rd, man/read.xls.Rd: Updated Jim's email address 2005-11-21 arnima * [r744] R/ll.R: Suppressed warning message in attach() call. 2005-10-27 warnes * [r716] DESCRIPTION: Bump version number again to show that I fixed a bug. * [r715] DESCRIPTION, R/upperTriangle.R: Update version number * [r714] man/frameApply.Rd, man/reorder.Rd: Remove explicit loading of gtools in examples, so that failure to import functions from gtools gets properly caught by running the examples. * [r713] man/upperTriangle.Rd: Add missing close-bracket * [r712] NAMESPACE: Add upperTriangle and friends * [r711] R/upperTriangle.R, man/upperTriangle.Rd: Add functions for extracting, modifying upper and lower trianglular components of matrices. 2005-10-19 arnima * [r695] R/is.what.R: Replaced the "not.using" vector with a more robust try(get(test)) to find out whether a particular is.* function returns a logical of length one. 2005-09-12 nj7w * [r671] man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/interleave.Rd, man/matchcols.Rd, man/nobs.Rd, man/read.xls.Rd, man/rename.vars.Rd, man/trim.Rd, man/unmatrix.Rd: Updated Greg's email 2005-09-06 nj7w * [r661] man/reorder.Rd: Added library(gtools) in the example * [r660] NAMESPACE: Removed gtools dependency from NAMESPACE, as it was being used only in an example, and was giving warning * [r659] DESCRIPTION: Added Suggests field 2005-09-02 nj7w * [r658] man/frameApply.Rd: Updated the example in frameApply * [r656] NEWS: Added NEWS * [r654] ChangeLog: ChangeLog 2005-08-31 nj7w * [r644] DESCRIPTION: Added DESCRIPTION file * [r643] DESCRIPTION.in: removed DESCRIPTION.in 2005-07-20 nj7w * [r631] man/ll.Rd: updated documentation * [r630] R/Args.R: ## Args() was using a different search path from args(), e.g. rep <- function(local) return(NULL) args() Args() ## Fixed * [r629] R/is.what.R: ## is.what() was giving needless warnings for functions, e.g. is.what(plot) ## Fixed * [r628] R/ll.R: ## ll() was crashing if argument was a list of length zero, e.g. x <- list() ll(x) ## Fixed, and added sort.elements (see new help page) 2005-06-09 nj7w * [r625] R/Args.R, R/aggregate.table.R, R/combine.R, R/elem.R, R/env.R, R/frameApply.R, R/interleave.R, R/is.what.R, R/keep.R, R/ll.R, R/matchcols.R, R/nobs.R, R/read.xls.R, R/rename.vars.R, R/reorder.R, R/trim.R, R/unmatrix.R, inst/perl/IO/AtomicFile.pm, inst/perl/IO/InnerFile.pm, inst/perl/IO/Lines.pm, inst/perl/IO/Scalar.pm, inst/perl/IO/Scalar.pm.html, inst/perl/IO/ScalarArray.pm, inst/perl/IO/Stringy.pm, inst/perl/IO/Wrap.pm, inst/perl/IO/WrapTie.pm, man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/combine.Rd, man/drop.levels.Rd, man/interleave.Rd, man/nobs.Rd, man/rename.vars.Rd, man/reorder.Rd: Updating the version number, and various help files to synchronize splitting of gregmisc bundle in 4 individual components. 2005-06-07 nj7w * [r622] R/drop.levels.R: Reverting to the previous version of drop.levels.R by replacing sapply(...) with as.data.frame(lapply(...)) because sapply has the undesirable effect of converting the object to a matrix, which in turn coerces the factors to numeric. 2005-05-13 nj7w * [r621] R/read.xls.R: 1) Using dQuote.ascii function in read.xls as the new version of dQuote doesn't work proprly with UTF-8 locale. 2) Modified CrossTable.Rd usage in gmodels 3) Modified heatmap.2 usage in gplots. 2005-04-02 warnes * [r600] NAMESPACE, R/drop.levels.R, man/drop.levels.Rd: Move drop.levels() from gtools to gdata. * [r598] NAMESPACE, R/frameApply.R, man/frameApply.Rd: Move frameApply() to gdata package. 2005-03-31 warnes * [r586] man/elem.Rd: Comment out example to avoid R CMD check warnings 2005-03-22 warnes * [r578] NAMESPACE, R/ConvertMedUnits.R, data/MedUnits.Rda, data/MedUnits.rda, man/ConvertMedUnits.Rd, man/MedUnits.Rd: Fixes to pass `R CMD check'. * [r577] R/Args.R, R/env.R, R/ll.R, man/Args.Rd: Integrated fixes from Arni. * [r576] man/read.xls.Rd: Improve documentation of 'perl' argument and give examples. 2005-03-09 warnes * [r573] R/ConvertMedUnits.R, man/ConvertMedUnits.Rd, man/MedUnits.Rd: - Add ConvertMedUnits() plus documentation - Add documentation for MedUnits data set. * [r572] data/MedUnits.Rda: Update MedUnits data file. * [r571] data/MedUnits.tab: Don't need both .Rda and .tab forms of the data. * [r570] data, data/MedUnits.Rda, data/MedUnits.tab: Add MedUnits data set, which provides conversions between American 'Conventional' and Standard Intertional (SI) medical units. 2005-03-01 warnes * [r566] man/elem.Rd, man/ll.Rd: - Remove 'elem' call from ll example. - Add note to 'elem' man page that it is depreciated and 'll' should be used instead. 2005-02-26 nj7w * [r565] NAMESPACE, man/elem.Rd, man/env.Rd, man/ll.Rd, man/read.xls.Rd: *** empty log message *** 2005-02-25 warnes * [r564] NAMESPACE: Remove ll methods since the base function now handles lists and data frames. * [r563] R/elem.R, R/env.R, R/ll.R, man/Args.Rd, man/env.Rd, man/ll.Rd: Integrate changes submitted by Arni Magnusson 2005-01-31 warnes * [r529] R/read.xls.R, man/read.xls.Rd: Add ability to specify the perl executable and path. 2005-01-28 warnes * [r526] DESCRIPTION.in, NAMESPACE: Add dependency on stats. 2005-01-12 warnes * [r515] DESCRIPTION.in: Add dependency on R 1.9.0+ to prevent poeple from installing on old versions of R which don't support namespaces. 2004-12-27 warnes * [r509] man/unmatrix.Rd: Update usage to match code. * [r508] R/unmatrix.R: Replace 'F' with 'FALSE'. 2004-10-12 warneg * [r465] R/unmatrix.R, man/unmatrix.Rd: Add unmatrix() function 2004-09-27 warneg * [r461] DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION.in, NAMESPACE, man/.Rhistory: Updated to pass R CMD check. 2004-09-03 warneg * [r455] inst/xls, inst/xls/iris.xls: added to cvs. * [r454] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl: Checkin xls2csv.pl. Should have been in long ago, must have been an oversight * [r451] R/read.xls.R: Need to look for files using the new package name. * [r449] man/read.xls.Rd: Need to use the new package name when looking for iris.xls. * [r448] man/ll.Rd: Add ll.list to the to the list of functions described * [r447] NAMESPACE: Add ll and friends to the namespace * [r446] DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION.in, NAMESPACE, R/Args.R, R/aggregate.table.R, R/combine.R, R/elem.R, R/env.R, R/interleave.R, R/is.what.R, R/keep.R, R/ll.R, R/matchcols.R, R/nobs.R, R/read.xls.R, R/rename.vars.R, R/reorder.R, R/trim.R, man/reorder.Rd: initial bundle checkin 2004-09-02 warneg * [r442] DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION.in, NAMESPACE, man/.Rhistory: Initial revision 2004-08-27 warnes * [r441] R/reorder.R, man/reorder.Rd: Fixed bug in mixedsort, and modified reorder.factor to use mixedsort. 2004-07-29 warnes * [r427] inst/perl, inst/perl/IO, inst/perl/IO/AtomicFile.pm, inst/perl/IO/InnerFile.pm, inst/perl/IO/Lines.pm, inst/perl/IO/Scalar.pm, inst/perl/IO/Scalar.pm.html, inst/perl/IO/ScalarArray.pm, inst/perl/IO/Stringy.pm, inst/perl/IO/Wrap.pm, inst/perl/IO/WrapTie.pm, inst/perl/OLE, inst/perl/OLE/Storage_Lite.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Dump.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtDefault.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtJapan.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtJapan2.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/FmtUnicode.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/SaveParser.pm, inst/perl/Spreadsheet/ParseExcel/Utility.pm: Add perl modules to CVS. 2004-07-27 warnes * [r425] man/read.xls.Rd: Fix typos/spelling. * [r424] man/read.xls.Rd: Add note that Perl is required for read.xls to work properly. 2004-07-16 warnes * [r420] R/read.xls.R: Remove the temporary csv file if reading it in fails. 2004-06-22 warnes * [r377] R/ll.R, man/ll.Rd: Add S3 methods for data frames and lists. 2004-06-08 warnes * [r371] inst/bin, inst/bin/xls2csv, inst/bin/xls2csv.bat: Moved from gregmisc/src/. * [r370] inst/tools: Remove the files in src, instead provide "pre-installed" perl packages in inst/perl. 2004-06-05 warnes * [r365] inst/tools/Makefile: Fix typo. * [r364] inst/tools/Makefile: Fix Unix makefile so that it works when invoked directly. * [r363] inst/tools/Makefile: Fixes for Windows * [r362] man/read.xls.Rd: Minor enhancment to read.xls example. * [r361] inst/tools/Makefile, inst/xls: - Merge Makefile.win into Makefile. Makefile.win now just redirects to Makefile. - Update xls2csv.bat and xls2csv shell script to correctly obtain thier installion path and infer the location of the perl code and libraries. - The xls2csv.pl script now assumes that the libraries it needs are installed into the same directory where it is. 2004-06-04 warnes * [r360] inst/tools/Makefile: More changes, indended to improve installation reliabilty and to make Makefile and Makefile.win as similar as possible. 2004-05-27 warnes * [r358] inst/tools/Makefile: Clean should remove scripts from source directory. * [r357] inst/perl: Moved to xls2csv.pl.in. * [r354] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl, inst/tools/Makefile: More fixes. * [r353] man/elem.Rd: Fix missing brace. * [r352] man/elem.Rd: Add explicit package name to see also links. * [r351] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl, inst/tools/Makefile: More xls2csv perl module support changes. * [r350] inst/tools/Makefile: More changes to fix local installation of perl modules. 2004-05-26 warnes * [r345] man/read.xls.Rd: Escape underscores in email addresses so Latex is happy. 2004-05-25 warnes * [r339] inst/perl/xls2csv.pl, inst/tools/Makefile: More changes to xls2csv code. * [r337] R/Args.R, man/Args.Rd: Add Args() function contributed by Arni Magnusson . * [r335] R/read.xls.R: - Change to call perl directly rather than depending on the installed shell script. This should make the code more portable to MS-Windows systes. - Add additional commants.. * [r332] inst/tools/Makefile: Makefile now modifies xls2csv.bat xls2csv.pl and xls2csv to contain an explicit path to the perl script/libraries. * [r330] inst/tools/Makefile: R CMD build calls the clean target to purge build files from the source tree when packaging. To get use this behavior correctly, I've renamed the clean target to cleanup and distclean target to clean. * [r329] R/read.xls.R, man/read.xls.Rd: Add read.xls(), a function to read Microsoft Excel files by translating them to csv files via the xls2csv.pl script. * [r326] inst/tools/Makefile: More fixes. Seems to work now. 2004-05-24 warnes * [r325] inst/perl, inst/perl/xls2csv.pl, inst/tools, inst/tools/Makefile, inst/xls, inst/xls/iris.xls: Add files to enable inclusion and installation of xls2csv.pl as part of the package. 2004-04-01 warnes * [r312] R/rename.vars.R, man/rename.vars.Rd: Add function remove.vars(). 2004-03-26 warnes * [r307] man/reorder.Rd: Contents of package 'mva' moveed to 'stats'. * [r298] R/is.what.R: - Fix is.what() for use under R 1.9.0 - is.what() now uses is.* functions found in any attached frame 2004-01-21 warnes * [r282] R/reorder.R, man/reorder.Rd: - Add ... argument to match generic provided in mva. 2004-01-19 warnes * [r275] R/elem.R, R/env.R, R/ll.R, man/keep.Rd, man/ll.Rd: - Integrated (partial) patch submitted by Arni Magnusson to clarify help text. - Modifed code to use match.arg(). 2003-12-15 warnes * [r271] R/env.R: - Applied patch from Arni that fixed a bug that caused env() to crash if any environment was completely empty 2003-12-03 warnes * [r253] man/elem.Rd, man/ll.Rd: - match function argument defaults with 'usage' 2003-12-02 warnes * [r249] man/ll.Rd: Add one argument, to match code. 2003-12-01 warnes * [r244] R/elem.R, R/env.R, R/is.what.R, R/keep.R, R/ll.R: - Apply changes submitted by Arni Magnusson 2003-11-19 warnes * [r229] man/env.Rd, man/is.what.Rd, man/keep.Rd, man/ll.Rd: Changes to pass R CMD check. 2003-11-18 warnes * [r224] R/elem.R, R/env.R, R/is.what.R, R/keep.R, R/ll.R: - Convert from MS-Dos to Unix line endings. - Reformat to 80 columns. 2003-11-17 warnes * [r223] man/elem.Rd: Replace 'T' with 'TRUE' to remove R CMD check error. * [r222] man/aggregate.table.Rd: Fix syntax error. 2003-11-10 warnes * [r220] R/elem.R, R/env.R, R/is.what.R, R/keep.R, R/ll.R, man/elem.Rd, man/env.Rd, man/is.what.Rd, man/keep.Rd, man/ll.Rd: - Add files contributed by Arni Magnusson . As well as some of my own. 2003-06-07 warnes * [r198] man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/interleave.Rd: - Fixed error in examples. Had sqrt(var(x)/(n-1)) for the standard error of the mean instead of sqrt(var(x)/n). 2003-05-23 warnes * [r197] R/matchcols.R, man/matchcols.Rd: - Fixed typos * [r196] R/matchcols.R, man/matchcols.Rd: - library() backported from 1.7-devel. This version of the function adds the "pos=" argument to specify where in the search path the library should be placed. - updated .First.lib to use library(...pos=3) for MASS to avoid the 'genotype' data set in MASS from masking the genotype funciton in genetics when it loads gregmisc - Added logit() inv.logit() matchcols() function and corresponding docs 2003-05-20 warnes * [r195] R/interleave.R: - Omit NULL variables. * [r194] R/trim.R, man/trim.Rd: - Added function trim() and assocated docs. 2003-04-22 warnes * [r188] R/reorder.R, man/reorder.Rd: - The mva package (which is part of recommended) now provides a generic 'reorder' function. Consequently, the 'reorder' function here has been renamed to 'reorder.factor'. - Removed check of whether the argument is a factor object. 2003-03-03 warnes * [r165] man/reorder.Rd: - Updated to match reorder.Rd which was exetended to handle factor label names in addition to numeric indices. * [r164] R/reorder.R: - Added handling of factor level names in addition to numeric indexes. 2002-09-23 warnes * [r118] inst, inst/doc, inst/doc/Rnews.dtx, inst/doc/Rnews.sty, inst/doc/gregmisc.pdf, inst/doc/gregmisc.tex: Added inst/doc directory and contents to CVS. * [r117] R/aggregate.table.R, R/combine.R, R/interleave.R, R/nobs.R, man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/combine.Rd, man/interleave.Rd, man/nobs.Rd, man/rename.vars.Rd, man/reorder.Rd: - Modified all files to include CVS Id and Log tags. 2002-08-01 warnes * [r112] R/reorder.R: Added reorder() function to reorder the levels of a factor. 2002-04-09 warneg * [r109] R/rename.vars.R, man/aggregate.table.Rd, man/interleave.Rd, man/reorder.Rd: Checkin for version 0.5.3 * [r108] R/interleave.R: - Properly handle case when some or all arguments are vectors. 2002-03-26 warneg * [r104] man/reorder.Rd: - Changed methods to include '...' to match the generic. - Updated for version 0.5.1 * [r102] R/nobs.R: Added ... to methods. * [r101] man/nobs.Rd: Updated to add ... parameter to function calls. * [r98] man/reorder.Rd: Initial checkin. * [r95] R/nobs.R: - Added CVS tags 2002-02-21 warneg * [r87] R/aggregate.table.R: - Fixed bug where row and column labels didn't always correspond to the contents. This only occured when a factor was used for by1 or by2 and the factors levels weren't in the default sort order. 2002-02-20 warneg * [r86] R/aggregate.table.R: New function. * [r85] man/aggregate.table.Rd: Initial checkin. * [r84] R/interleave.R, man/interleave.Rd: Initial checkin. * [r83] man/nobs.Rd: Noted that specialized methods exist. * [r82] man/nobs.Rd: Incorrectly had contents of nobs.R here instead of help text. Corrected. * [r81] man/rename.vars.Rd: Minor changes, typo and formatting fixes. * [r79] R/nobs.R, man/nobs.Rd: - initial checkin. 2001-12-12 warneg * [r53] man/rename.vars.Rd: Added omitted documentaton for 'info' parameter. Changed example code not to use 'Orthodont' data set so that the nlme package is not required. 2001-12-08 warneg * [r47] R/rename.vars.R: Changed 'T' to 'TRUE' in parameter list. 2001-12-07 warneg * [r45] man/rename.vars.Rd: - Fixed see also link. Mis-typed 'data.frame' as 'dataframe'. * [r44] R/rename.vars.R: Added attribution. * [r43] man/rename.vars.Rd: Added proper attribution to Don MacQueen. * [r39] man/rename.vars.Rd: Initial checkin. Unfortunately, I've lost the email of the person who sent this to me. I'll credit him/her when I find out who it was! * [r38] R/rename.vars.R: Initial checkin 2001-12-05 warneg * [r34] R, R/combine.R: - Renamed 'concat' function to 'combine' to avoid name conflict with an existing S-Plus function. * [r32] ., man, man/combine.Rd: - Changed function name 'concat' to 'combine' and renamed concat.Rd to combine.Rd