A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U W X misc
gdata-package | Various R programming tools for data manipulation |
aggregate.table | Defunct Functions in Package 'gdata' |
ans | Value of Last Evaluated Expression |
Args | Describe Function Arguments |
as.levelsMap | Mapping levels |
as.listLevelsMap | Mapping levels |
as.object_size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
bindData | Bind two data frames into a multivariate data frame |
c.levelsMap | Mapping levels |
c.listLevelsMap | Mapping levels |
c.object_size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
case | Map elements of a vector according to the provided 'cases' |
cbindX | Column-bind objects with different number of rows |
centerText | Center Text Strings |
combine | Combine R Objects With a Column Labeling the Source |
ConvertMedUnits | Convert medical measurements between International Standard (SI) and US 'Conventional' Units. |
drop.levels | Drop unused factor levels |
duplicated2 | Determine Duplicate Elements |
elem | Display Information about Elements in a Given Object |
env | Describe All Loaded Environments |
frameApply | Subset analysis on data frames |
gdata | Various R programming tools for data manipulation |
getDateTimeParts | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getDay | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getDay.Date | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getDay.default | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getDay.POSIXct | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getDay.POSIXlt | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getHour | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getHour.default | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getMin | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getMin.default | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getMonth | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getMonth.Date | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getMonth.default | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getMonth.POSIXct | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getMonth.POSIXlt | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getSec | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getSec.default | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getYear | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getYear.Date | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getYear.default | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getYear.POSIXct | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
getYear.POSIXlt | Get date/time parts from date and time objects |
humanReadable | Print byte size in human readable format |
installXLSXsupport | Install perl modules needed for read.xls to support Excel 2007+ XLSX format |
interleave | Interleave Rows of Data Frames or Matrices |
is.levelsMap | Mapping levels |
is.listLevelsMap | Mapping levels |
is.object_size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
is.what | Run Multiple is.* Tests on a Given Object |
isUnknown | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
isUnknown.data.frame | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
isUnknown.default | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
isUnknown.list | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
isUnknown.matrix | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
isUnknown.POSIXlt | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
keep | Remove All Objects, Except Those Specified |
ll | Describe Objects or Elements |
lowerTriangle | Extract or replace the upper/lower triangular portion of a matrix |
lowerTriangle<- | Extract or replace the upper/lower triangular portion of a matrix |
ls.funs | List function objects |
mapLevels | Mapping levels |
mapLevels.character | Mapping levels |
mapLevels.data.frame | Mapping levels |
mapLevels.default | Mapping levels |
mapLevels.factor | Mapping levels |
mapLevels.list | Mapping levels |
mapLevels<- | Mapping levels |
mapLevels<-.character | Mapping levels |
mapLevels<-.data.frame | Mapping levels |
mapLevels<-.default | Mapping levels |
mapLevels<-.factor | Mapping levels |
mapLevels<-.list | Mapping levels |
matchcols | Select columns names matching certain critera |
MedUnits | Table of conversions between Intertional Standard (SI) and US 'Conventional' Units for common medical measurements. |
NAToUnknown | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
NAToUnknown.data.frame | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
NAToUnknown.default | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
NAToUnknown.factor | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
NAToUnknown.list | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
nobs | Compute the Number of Non-missing Observations |
nobs.data.frame | Compute the Number of Non-missing Observations |
nobs.default | Compute the Number of Non-missing Observations |
nobs.lm | Compute the Number of Non-missing Observations |
nPairs | Number of variable pairs |
object.size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
print.levelsMap | Mapping levels |
print.listLevelsMap | Mapping levels |
print.object_size | Report the Space Allocated for an Object |
read.xls | Read Excel files |
remove.vars | Remove or rename variables in a dataframe |
rename.vars | Remove or rename variables in a dataframe |
reorder.factor | Reorder the Levels of a Factor |
resample | Consistent Random Samples and Permutations |
sheetCount | Count or list sheet names in Excel spreadsheet files. |
sheetNames | Count or list sheet names in Excel spreadsheet files. |
sort.levelsMap | Mapping levels |
startsWith | Determine if a character string "starts with" with the specified characters. |
trim | Remove leading and trailing spaces from character strings |
trimSum | Trim a vector such that the last/first value represents the sum of trimmed values |
unique.levelsMap | Mapping levels |
unknownToNA | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
unknownToNA.data.frame | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
unknownToNA.default | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
unknownToNA.factor | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
unknownToNA.list | Change unknown values to NA and vice versa |
unmatrix | Convert a matrix into a vector, with appropriate names |
upperTriangle | Extract or replace the upper/lower triangular portion of a matrix |
upperTriangle<- | Extract or replace the upper/lower triangular portion of a matrix |
wideByFactor | Create multivariate data by a given factor |
write.fwf | Write object in fixed width format |
xls2csv | Read Excel files |
xls2sep | Read Excel files |
xls2tab | Read Excel files |
xls2tsv | Read Excel files |
xlsFormats | Check which file formats are supported by read.xls |
"[.levelsMap" | Mapping levels |
"[.listLevelsMap" | Mapping levels |
.checkLevelsMap | Mapping levels |
.checkListLevelsMap | Mapping levels |