package Archive::Zip::MockFileHandle; # Output file handle that calls a custom write routine # Ned Konz, March 2000 # This is provided to help with writing zip files # when you have to process them a chunk at a time. use strict; use vars qw{$VERSION}; BEGIN { $VERSION = '1.30'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; } sub new { my $class = shift || __PACKAGE__; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $self = bless( { 'position' => 0, 'size' => 0 }, $class ); return $self; } sub eof { my $self = shift; return $self->{'position'} >= $self->{'size'}; } # Copy given buffer to me sub print { my $self = shift; my $bytes = join( '', @_ ); my $bytesWritten = $self->writeHook($bytes); if ( $self->{'position'} + $bytesWritten > $self->{'size'} ) { $self->{'size'} = $self->{'position'} + $bytesWritten; } $self->{'position'} += $bytesWritten; return $bytesWritten; } # Called on each write. # Override in subclasses. # Return number of bytes written (0 on error). sub writeHook { my $self = shift; my $bytes = shift; return length($bytes); } sub binmode { 1 } sub close { 1 } sub clearerr { 1 } # I'm write-only! sub read { 0 } sub tell { return shift->{'position'} } sub opened { 1 } 1;