ColorRamps                                   Color Ramps on Perceptually Linear Scales
NHANES                                       NHANES Data : National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
erode.hexbin                                 Erosion of a Hexagon Count Image
getHMedian                                   Get coordiantes of the median cell after the erode operation
gplot.hexbin                                 Plotting Hexagon Cells with a Legend
grid.hexagons                                Add Hexagon Cells to Plot
grid.hexlegend                               Add a Legend to a Hexbin Plot
hboxplot                                     2-D Generalization of Boxplot
hcell2xy                                     Compute X and Y Coordinates for Hexagon Cells
hcell2xyInt                                  Change cell ids to 2d integer coordinate system
hdiffplot                                    Plot of Domain and Median Differences of Two "hexbin" Objects
hexGraphPaper                                Create a Hexgon Grid
hexList                                      Conditional Bivariate Binning into Hexagon Cells
hexMA.loess                                  Add Loess Fit to Hexplot
hexTapply                                    Apply function to data from each hexagon bin.
hexVP-class                                  Formal class "hexVP" of a Hexagon Viewport
hexVP.abline                                 Add a Straight Line to a HexPlot
hexViewport                                  Compute a Grid Viewport for Hexagon / Hexbin Graphics
hexbin                                       Bivariate Binning into Hexagon Cells
hexbinplot                                   Trellis Hexbin Displays
hexplom                                      Hexbin Plot Matrices
hexpolygon                                   Hexagon Coordinates and Polygon Drawing
hsmooth-methods                              Hexagon Bin Smoothing: Generic hsmooth() and Methods
inout.hex                                    Check points for inclusion
list2hexList                                 Convert list to hexList
optShape                                     Optimal Shape Parameter for Hexbin Viewport
panel.hexboxplot                             Boxplot for hexbin lattice plot
panel.hexgrid                                Hexagonal grid for a lattice plot
panel.hexloess                               Loess line for hexbin lattice plot
plotMAhex                                    MA-plot using hexagon bins
pushHexport                                  Push a Hexagon Viewport ("hexVP")
smooth.hexbin                                Hexagon Bin Smoothing
unit-class                                   Class "unit" and "viewport" as S4 classes