CalculateSampleCovariance <- function(x, y, verbose = TRUE) { # Computes the sample covariance between two vectors. # # Args: # x: One of two vectors whose sample covariance is to be calculated. # y: The other vector. x and y must have the same length, greater than one, # with no missing values. # verbose: If TRUE, prints sample covariance; if not, not. Default is TRUE. # # Returns: # The sample covariance between x and y. n <- length(x) # Error handling if (n <= 1 || n != length(y)) { stop("Arguments x and y have invalid lengths: ", length(x), " and ", length(y), ".") } if (TRUE %in% || TRUE %in% { stop(" Arguments x and y must not have missing values.") } covariance <- var(x, y) if (verbose) cat("Covariance = ", round(covariance, 4), ".\n", sep = "") return(covariance) } str_match_perl <- function(string,pattern){ parsed <- regexpr(pattern,string,perl=TRUE) names <- attr(parsed,"capture.names") captured.text <- substr(string,parsed,parsed+attr(parsed,"match.length")-1) captured.text[captured.text==""] <- NA captured.groups <-,lapply(seq_along(string),function(i){ if([i]) || parsed[i]==-1)return(rep(NA,length(names))) st <- attr(parsed,"capture.start")[i,] substring(string[i],st,st+attr(parsed,"capture.length")[i,]-1) })) result <- cbind(captured.text,captured.groups) colnames(result) <- c("",names) result } str_match_all_perl <- function(string,pattern){ parsed <- gregexpr(pattern,string,perl=TRUE) lapply(seq_along(parsed),function(i){ r <- parsed[[i]] starts <- attr(r,"capture.start") if(r[1]==-1)return(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=1+ncol(starts))) names <- attr(r,"capture.names") lengths <- attr(r,"capture.length") full <- substring(string[i],r,r+attr(r,"match.length")-1) subs <- substring(string[i],starts,starts+lengths-1) m <- matrix(c(full,subs),ncol=length(names)+1) colnames(m) <- c("",names) m }) } google <- function(src,...){ # Extract docs from google header comments. # # Args: # src: lines of code of the function source. # # Returns: # An inner Documentation List. pre <- "\\W*#\\W+" lines.pat <- paste("(?:",pre,".*?\n)+",sep="") google.doc.pattern <- paste("(?",lines.pat,")", pre,"Args:\\W*\n", "(?",lines.pat,")", pre,"Returns:\\W*\n", "(?",lines.pat,")", sep="") lines <- paste(src,collapse="\n") parsed <- str_match_perl(lines,google.doc.pattern) if([1]))return(list()) docs <- list(description=gsub(pre,"",parsed[,"description"]), value=gsub(pre,"",parsed[,"value"])) arg.pat <- paste(pre,"(?[a-z]+): ", "(?.*?\n", "(?:",pre,"[^:]*?\n)*)", sep="") m <- str_match_all_perl(parsed[,"args"],arg.pat)[[1]] argsList <- as.list(gsub(paste("\n",pre,sep=""),"\n",m[,"content"])) names(argsList) <- sprintf("item{%s}",m[,"name"]) lapply(c(docs,argsList),function(x)gsub("\n$","",x)) } .parsers <- list(google=forfun(google)) ##src <- getSource(CalculateSampleCovariance) ## src <- getSource(google) ## src <- getSource(str_match_all_perl) ## google(src) .dontcheck <- TRUE .result <- list(google=list(description="Extract docs from google header comments.", `item{src}`="lines of code of the function source.", value="An inner Documentation List."), str_match_all_perl=list(), str_match_perl=list(), CalculateSampleCovariance=list( description="Computes the sample covariance between two vectors.", `item{x}`="One of two vectors whose sample covariance is to be calculated.", `item{y}`="The other vector. x and y must have the same length, greater than one,\nwith no missing values.", `item{verbose}`="If TRUE, prints sample covariance; if not, not. Default is TRUE.", value="The sample covariance between x and y."))