Kernel-based Machine Learning Lab

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Documentation for package ‘kernlab’ version 0.9-19

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-- A --

alpha Class "vm"
alpha-method Class "gausspr"
alpha-method Class "kfa"
alpha-method Class "kqr"
alpha-method Class "ksvm"
alpha-method Class "lssvm"
alpha-method Class "onlearn"
alpha-method Class "rvm"
alpha-method Class "vm"
alphaindex Class "ksvm"
alphaindex-method Class "gausspr"
alphaindex-method Class "kfa"
alphaindex-method Class "kqr"
alphaindex-method Class "ksvm"
alphaindex-method Class "lssvm"
anovadot Kernel Functions
anovakernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
as.kernelMatrix Assing kernelMatrix class to matrix objects
as.kernelMatrix-method Assing kernelMatrix class to matrix objects
as.kernelMatrix-methods Assing kernelMatrix class to matrix objects
Asymbound Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
Asymbound-method Class "kqr"
AsympH0 Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
AsympH0-method Class "kqr"

-- B --

b Class "ksvm"
b-method Class "kqr"
b-method Class "ksvm"
b-method Class "lssvm"
b-method Class "onlearn"
besseldot Kernel Functions
besselkernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
buffer Class "onlearn"
buffer-method Class "onlearn"

-- C --

centers Class "specc"
centers-method Class "specc"
coef-method Gaussian processes for regression and classification
coef-method Kernel Feature Analysis
coef-method Kernel Quantile Regression.
coef-method Class "ksvm"
coef-method Support Vector Machines
coef-method Least Squares Support Vector Machine
coef-method Relevance Vector Machine
convergence Class "ranking"
convergence-method Class "ranking"
couple Probabilities Coupling function
cross Class "vm"
cross-method Class "gausspr"
cross-method Class "kqr"
cross-method Class "ksvm"
cross-method Class "lssvm"
cross-method Class "rvm"
cross-method Class "vm"
csi Cholesky decomposition with Side Information
csi-class Class "csi"
csi-method Cholesky decomposition with Side Information
csi-methods Cholesky decomposition with Side Information

-- D --

diagresidues Class "inchol"
diagresidues-method Class "csi"
diagresidues-method Class "inchol"
dots Kernel Functions
dual Class "ipop"
dual-method Class "ipop"

-- E --

edgegraph Class "ranking"
edgegraph-method Class "ranking"
eig Class "prc"
eig-method Class "kha"
eig-method Class "kpca"
eig-method Class "prc"
error Class "vm"
error-method Class "gausspr"
error-method Class "kqr"
error-method Class "ksvm"
error-method Class "lssvm"
error-method Class "rvm"
error-method Class "vm"
eskm-method Class "kha"

-- F --

fit-method Class "onlearn"
fitted-method Class "ksvm"
fitted-method Class "vm"
fourierdot Kernel Functions
fourierkernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"

-- G --

gausspr Gaussian processes for regression and classification
gausspr-class Class "gausspr"
gausspr-method Gaussian processes for regression and classification

-- H --

H0 Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
H0-method Class "kqr"
how Class "ipop"
how-method Class "ipop"

-- I --

inchol Incomplete Cholesky decomposition
inchol-class Class "inchol"
inchol-method Incomplete Cholesky decomposition
income Income Data
inlearn Onlearn object initialization
inlearn-method Onlearn object initialization
ipop Quadratic Programming Solver
ipop-class Class "ipop"
ipop-method Quadratic Programming Solver

-- K --

kcall Class "vm"
kcall-method Class "gausspr"
kcall-method Class "kfa"
kcall-method Class "kha"
kcall-method Class "kpca"
kcall-method Class "kqr"
kcall-method Class "ksvm"
kcall-method Class "lssvm"
kcall-method Class "prc"
kcall-method Class "rvm"
kcall-method Class "vm"
kcca Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
kcca-class Class "kcca"
kcca-method Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
kcor Class "kcca"
kcor-method Class "kcca"
kernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
kernelf Class "vm"
kernelf-method Class "gausspr"
kernelf-method Class "kfa"
kernelf-method Class "kha"
kernelf-method Class "kqr"
kernelf-method Class "kpca"
kernelf-method Class "kqr"
kernelf-method Class "ksvm"
kernelf-method Class "lssvm"
kernelf-method Class "onlearn"
kernelf-method Class "prc"
kernelf-method Class "rvm"
kernelf-method Class "specc"
kernelf-method Class "vm"
kernelFast Kernel Matrix functions
kernelFast-method Kernel Matrix functions
kernelMatrix Kernel Matrix functions
kernelMatrix-class Assing kernelMatrix class to matrix objects
kernelMatrix-method Kernel Matrix functions
kernelMult Kernel Matrix functions
kernelMult-method Kernel Matrix functions
kernelPol Kernel Matrix functions
kernelPol-method Kernel Matrix functions
kernels Kernel Functions
kfa Kernel Feature Analysis
kfa-class Class "kfa"
kfa-method Kernel Feature Analysis
kfunction Kernel Functions
kfunction-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
kha Kernel Principal Components Analysis
kha-class Class "kha"
kha-method Kernel Principal Components Analysis
kkmeans Kernel k-means
kkmeans-method Kernel k-means
kmmd Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
kmmd-class Class "kqr"
kmmd-method Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
kpar Kernel Functions
kpar-method Class "gausspr"
kpar-method Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
kpar-method Class "kqr"
kpar-method Class "ksvm"
kpar-method Class "lssvm"
kpar-method Class "onlearn"
kpar-method Class "rvm"
kpar-method Class "vm"
kpca Kernel Principal Components Analysis
kpca-class Class "kpca"
kpca-method Kernel Principal Components Analysis
kqr Kernel Quantile Regression.
kqr-class Class "kqr"
kqr-method Kernel Quantile Regression.
ksvm Support Vector Machines
ksvm-class Class "ksvm"
ksvm-method Support Vector Machines

-- L --

laplacedot Kernel Functions
laplacekernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
lev Class "vm"
lev-method Class "gausspr"
lev-method Class "ksvm"
lev-method Class "lssvm"
lev-method Class "rvm"
lev-method Class "vm"
lssvm Least Squares Support Vector Machine
lssvm-class Class "lssvm"
lssvm-method Least Squares Support Vector Machine
lssvm-methods Least Squares Support Vector Machine

-- M --

maxresiduals Class "inchol"
maxresiduals-method Class "csi"
maxresiduals-method Class "inchol"
mlike Class "rvm"
mlike-method Class "rvm"
mmdstats Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
mmdstats-method Class "kqr"
musk Musk data set

-- N --

nSV Class "ksvm"
nSV-method Class "ksvm"
nSV-method Class "lssvm"
nvar Class "rvm"
nvar-method Class "rvm"

-- O --

obj Class "ksvm"
obj-method Class "ksvm"
onlearn Kernel Online Learning algorithms
onlearn-class Class "onlearn"
onlearn-method Kernel Online Learning algorithms

-- P --

param Class "ksvm"
param-method Class "kqr"
param-method Class "ksvm"
param-method Class "lssvm"
pcv Class "prc"
pcv-method Class "kha"
pcv-method Class "kpca"
pcv-method Class "prc"
pivots Class "inchol"
pivots-method Class "csi"
pivots-method Class "inchol"
plot-method plot method for support vector object
plot.ksvm plot method for support vector object
polydot Kernel Functions
polykernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
prc-class Class "prc"
predgain Class "csi"
predgain-method Class "csi"
predict-method Class "kfa"
predict-method Kernel Principal Components Analysis
predict-method Kernel Principal Components Analysis
predict-method Least Squares Support Vector Machine
predict-method Class "onlearn"
predict-method predict method for Gaussian Processes object
predict-method Predict method for kernel Quantile Regression object
predict-method predict method for support vector object
predict-method Relevance Vector Machine
predict.gausspr predict method for Gaussian Processes object
predict.kqr Predict method for kernel Quantile Regression object
predict.ksvm predict method for support vector object
primal Class "ipop"
primal-method Class "ipop"
prior Class "ksvm"
prior-method Class "ksvm"
prob.model Class "ksvm"
prob.model-method Class "ksvm"
promotergene E. coli promoter gene sequences (DNA)

-- Q --

Q Class "csi"
Q-method Class "csi"

-- R --

R Class "csi"
R-method Class "csi"
Radbound Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
Radbound-method Class "kqr"
ranking Ranking
ranking-class Class "ranking"
ranking-method Ranking
rbfdot Kernel Functions
rbfkernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
reuters Reuters Text Data
rho Class "onlearn"
rho-method Class "onlearn"
rlabels Reuters Text Data
rotated Class "kpca"
rotated-method Class "kpca"
RVindex Class "rvm"
RVindex-method Class "rvm"
rvm Relevance Vector Machine
rvm-class Class "rvm"
rvm-method Relevance Vector Machine
rvm-methods Relevance Vector Machine

-- S --

scaling Class "ksvm"
scaling-method Class "gausspr"
scaling-method Class "kqr"
scaling-method Class "ksvm"
scaling-method Class "lssvm"
show Class "ksvm"
show-method Kernel Functions
show-method Gaussian processes for regression and classification
show-method Kernel Feature Analysis
show-method Kernel Maximum Mean Discrepancy.
show-method Kernel Quantile Regression.
show-method Support Vector Machines
show-method Least Squares Support Vector Machine
show-method Class "onlearn"
show-method Class "ranking"
show-method Relevance Vector Machine
show-method Spectral Clustering
sigest Hyperparameter estimation for the Gaussian Radial Basis kernel
sigest-method Hyperparameter estimation for the Gaussian Radial Basis kernel
size Class "specc"
size-method Class "specc"
spam Spam E-mail Database
specc Spectral Clustering
specc-class Class "specc"
specc-method Spectral Clustering
spirals Spirals Dataset
splinedot Kernel Functions
splinekernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
stringdot String Kernel Functions
stringkernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
SVindex Class "ksvm"
SVindex-method Class "ksvm"

-- T --

tanhdot Kernel Functions
tanhkernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
ticdata The Insurance Company Data
truegain Class "csi"
truegain-method Class "csi"
type Class "vm"
type-method Class "gausspr"
type-method Class "ksvm"
type-method Class "lssvm"
type-method Class "onlearn"
type-method Class "rvm"
type-method Class "vm"

-- V --

vanilladot Kernel Functions
vanillakernel-class Class "kernel" "rbfkernel" "polykernel", "tanhkernel", "vanillakernel"
vm-class Class "vm"

-- W --

withinss Class "specc"
withinss-method Class "specc"

-- X --

xcoef Class "kcca"
xcoef-method Class "kcca"
xmatrix Class "vm"
xmatrix-method Class "gausspr"
xmatrix-method Class "kfa"
xmatrix-method Class "kha"
xmatrix-method Class "kpca"
xmatrix-method Class "kqr"
xmatrix-method Class "ksvm"
xmatrix-method Class "lssvm"
xmatrix-method Class "onlearn"
xmatrix-method Class "prc"
xmatrix-method Class "rvm"
xmatrix-method Class "vm"
xvar-method Class "kcca"

-- Y --

ycoef Class "kcca"
ycoef-method Class "kcca"
ymatrix Class "vm"
ymatrix-method Class "gausspr"
ymatrix-method Class "kqr"
ymatrix-method Class "ksvm"
ymatrix-method Class "lssvm"
ymatrix-method Class "rvm"
ymatrix-method Class "vm"
yvar-method Class "kcca"